Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,606 The Truth

【Police Detective in the Detective World】 【】

After Harukami Kuriko was taken back to the Metropolitan Police Department, the interrogation work was handed over to Takagi and others.

Of course, this doesn't mean the two have nothing to do.

On the contrary, they still have the final finishing work to do. After all, although the prisoner has been caught, this case has not yet been completely concluded.

So, after the two handed over the prisoner, they found Hoshino Ryosuke again.

"You said the prisoner was arrested!?"

Facing Karasawa again, Hoshino Ryosuke originally didn't want to say anything more to him.

But when he heard the news from the other party that the prisoner had been caught, Hoshino Ryosuke's expression changed instantly.


Hoshino Ryosuke's expression became unnatural again, and he became guilty looking at the expressions of the two of them.

"The prisoner is Yukie Nagai's former boss."

Karasawa did not lie any more and directly told Hoshino Ryosuke the facts, "Seven years ago, Nagai Yuki found out that his boss had made false accounts and embezzled company funds, so he wanted to blackmail him, but he was eventually killed by the other party who couldn't bear the harassment."

"That's right!"

After hearing Karasawa's words, Hoshino Ryosuke let out a long sigh of relief, and his original nervous look disappeared.

"Can you tell me now?"

Karasawa looked at Hoshino Ryosuke and said, "Everything you will remember."

Hearing this, Hoshino Ryosuke looked at Karasawa with a little embarrassment on his face: "Sorry..."

But Karasawa didn't care about Hoshino Ryosuke's concealment, and just shook his head to show that he didn't care.

When Hoshino Ryosuke saw this, he calmed down a bit, and immediately organized his words and started talking about everything he recalled.

On the night of the incident, the two of them were having dinner together at home, and Natsumi suddenly received a call from Nagai Yukie.

He learned from the conversation between the two that Natsumi was going to the park, and followed him because he cared a little.

But since he didn't know where they had arranged to meet in the park, he started looking around the park.

Who knows, Natsumi was not found, but Yukie Nagai’s body was seen.

Thinking of what had happened before, he suddenly felt that the person who killed Nagai Yukie was probably his fiancée Natsumi.

But just as he stood on the edge of the stairs and looked around, he was suddenly pushed down.

He didn't see the face, but he saw the clothes on the man who pushed him down.

It’s the popular dress that was popular seven years ago.

He didn't know who the person who pushed him down was, but because the clothes were different from Natsumi's clothes when she left, he felt that the person who pushed him down was not Natsumi.

However, he felt that the high probability of killing Nagai Yukie was Natsumi, so he concealed everything and even gave up pursuing the person who pushed him.

"Haven't you ever thought that the woman who pushed you down was the real murderer?" Koshimizuchi couldn't help but ask after hearing Hoshino Ryosuke's words.

"Of course I have thought about it, but I don't dare to gamble."

Hoshino Ryosuke laughed at himself when he heard this: "What if Natsumi is the murderer who killed Nagai Yukie?

What if the person who pushed me down was her accomplice?

I didn't dare to gamble, so I chose to hide the truth. "

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【Police Detective in the Detective World】 【】

"Actually, Miss Natsumi is just like you." Karasawa looked at Hoshino Ryosuke and said.


Hearing Karasawa's words, Hoshino Ryosuke was stunned for a moment, and then realized: "You mean Natsumi..."

"Yes, she also made a false confession." Karasawa nodded: "She said she couldn't bear Yuki's threats, so she killed Natsumi."

After the words fell, Natsumi Shibamoto opened the door from outside and stepped in.


Hoshino Ryosuke looked at Natsumi Shibamoto, his tone so choked that he couldn't speak.

"I thought you killed Yukie..."

Natsumi Shibamoto choked up and said: "You know I was threatened by her, and then you killed her...

I was afraid of knowing the truth, so I never dared to come see you..."

"That night, Miss Natsumi was indeed called to the park by Nagai Yukie." Karasawa said: "But Yukie did not arrive at the agreed meeting place."

"Then during the search process, Miss Natsumi found you in a coma and the dead Yukie."

Koshisui Qi slowly said: "She found the blood-stained murder weapon stone next to you, thought you killed Yukie, and decided that you were the murderer, Mr. Hoshino.

But as everyone knows, all this is an illusion faked by the real murderer. "

"So, you just thought about disposing of the murder weapon and the body yourself." Tangze said regretfully: "With a single thought, you committed a crime when you could have stayed out of the matter."

"Natsumi, what will happen to Natsumi next!?" After hearing Karasawa's words, Hoshino Ryosuke asked anxiously.

"He will next be interrogated as a suspect for abandoning the body." Yueshuiqi replied.

"Natsumi..." Hoshino Ryosuke looked at his sweetheart in front of him and said, "Come over to my side..."

But Natsumi Shibamoto kept shaking her head with red eyes, not daring to look at Ryosuke Hoshino: "Tell you the reason why I'm afraid of Yukie.

When I was a teenager, I lived a very bad life and was taught many times about theft and intimidation.

And it’s not just that, there are some facts that I can’t tell you…”

"I've heard it all."

Hoshino Ryosuke suddenly interrupted Shibamoto Natsumi's words and spoke calmly.

The other party's words made Natsumi Shibamoto turn her head unconsciously, and looked at Ryosuke Hoshino with a look of astonishment on his face, as if he didn't expect that the other party already knew everything.

"The day before the incident, Yukie told me everything after he called me out." Hoshino Ryosuke said calmly.


"Does this make it clear to you?"

In the coffee shop, Yukie Nagai, holding a cigarette, looked at Ryosuke Hoshino with a joking face: "What kind of woman is the person you want to marry?"

Nagai Yukie took a puff of cigarette, reflecting the man's eyes full of teasing.

She seemed to be expecting an angry reaction from the gentle man in front of her.

"Is that all you have to say?"

But Hoshino Ryosuke's reaction disappointed her. He just smiled flatly, and then said under her doubtful gaze: "I'll excuse you now, I have to go see the wedding scene later."


Looking at Hoshino Ryosuke's leaving figure, Nagai Yukie called out to him: "I will not forgive you...if you make Natsumi unfortunate."

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【Police Detective in the Detective World】 【】


"Yukie actually did such a thing..."

After listening to Ryosuke Hoshino's story, Natsumi Shibamoto's face was filled with astonishment.

She didn't know whether she was shocked by Yukie's actions or the other party's final reaction.

Hoshino Ryosuke just nodded silently and did not answer Shibamoto Natsumi's words. Instead, he lowered his head and looked at the other person's left hand: "The ring... you are still wearing it..."

Natsumi Shibamoto subconsciously covered her hands, not daring to look at Hoshino Ryosuke.

"I gained weight during the time I was in coma, and I can no longer remove it." Hoshino Ryosuke said with a smile.

Natsumi Shibamoto's eyes were instantly filled with tears when she heard what the other party said, but when she looked at Ryosuke Hoshino, a smile appeared on her face again.

Seeing this scene, the two of them unconsciously put a smile on their lips, and then walked towards the door of the room.

In such an atmosphere at this moment, it is better to leave the two of them alone to get along with each other. They are not suitable to stay here as light bulbs.

Leaving the door ajar, the two of them leaned against the wall of the corridor after leaving the ward.

"I didn't expect this ending." Yueshuiqi said with emotion, "I really didn't expect it."

"Do you believe in love again?" Tang Ze on the side joked with a smile.

"Although it's not perfect, the relationship between them is undoubtedly sincere." Yueshuiqi said with a smile: "When I see them, I will naturally believe in love."

"That's true." Tang Ze nodded in agreement: "Although they have gone through hardships, I believe they will always be able to overcome difficulties and achieve happiness in the future."

"But there's one thing I still haven't figured out yet."

When Koshizuchi said this, he looked at Karasawa and asked: "Senior, you are a master of psychology. You said that Nagai Yukie reached the end, why did you react like that?"

"Are you saying that she viciously wanted to destroy Miss Natsumi's happiness at first, but in the end she gave her blessings?"

Karasawa thought for a while and said: "No one can know exactly what Yukie Nagai thinks, so I will just tell you my guess.

It can be known from the investigation that Yukie Nagai is a very jealous person.

Seeing that his friend was living a happy life after leaving him, he couldn't help but feel jealous, and even used it as a threat to borrow money.

However, Yukie Nagai's last move seemed like revenge and a test.

And this test is aimed at Hoshino Ryosuke.

As an emotionally confused person, she may have seen too many unreliable men.

So she told Ryosuke Hoshino everything about Natsumi Shibamoto's past.

If the other party is furious, her revenge will be completed naturally, but if she still makes a firm choice, then she will also give her blessing.

And the reason why I judged that she would have such a mentality is because Nagai Yukie did not have any practical benefit to herself by doing this. "

"I see."

When Koshizuki heard this, he suddenly said: "For Nagai Yukie, constantly taking money from Miss Natsumi is the best and most beneficial revenge for her.

On the contrary, once she tells Mr. Hoshino about Miss Natsumi's past, no matter what the other party's reaction is, she will never get another penny from Miss Natsumi.

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【Police Detective in the Detective World】 【】

Although such revenge can provide temporary pleasure, compared with long-term real interests and constant revenge, the latter is obviously more beneficial. "

"That's right."

Karasawa nodded and said: "So although Yukie Nagai is jealous of Miss Natsumi, she still regards her as a friend in her heart.

It is precisely because of this that there is such a twisted action. "

"If that's the case, it can be explained." Yueshuiqi nodded in agreement, and then couldn't help but sigh: "Humans are really complex creatures."

"That's how it is, isn't it?"

Tang Ze said with a smile: "Good people also have a dark side, and bad people also have a soft and pure land. We will not convict a person based on these, but what he has done."

"That's true."

Yueshui Qi smiled sinisterly when he said this: "Even if I am faced with a boss who refuses to come to work, I sometimes think about how to kill him in a more hidden way without being discovered!"

"Hey, hey, if you say these things in front of me, the rightful owner, be careful of me threatening to sue you!" Tang Ze couldn't help but complain after hearing Yueshuiqi's words.

"Hehe, it's good to know." Yueshuiqi looked like he was not stingy: "Pay more attention to me in the future!"

"Okay, I got it." Tang Ze also knew how excessive his fishing behavior was, so he cooperated with Yuesui Qi to vent his anger.

Just as the two were laughing and bickering, Natsumi Shibamoto walked out.

The two of them calmed down the expressions on their faces and didn't say anything more. They just closed the door to the ward and immediately took each other downstairs.

At this point, the case is officially over.

In the following days, the two of them have been paying attention to the subsequent results of this case.

First of all, Natsumi Shibamoto was charged with abandoning the body. Taking into account the circumstances, he was eventually given a lighter punishment. It was just a suspended sentence and he did not even need to go to jail.

As for Harukami Kuriko, the murderer, he was naturally sentenced to a severe crime.

In addition, she caused Hoshino Ryosuke to be in a coma for seven years, and all the medical expenses incurred during this period were borne by the other party.

In addition, there is a large amount of compensation, which is enough for Hoshino Ryosuke to comfortably adapt to the world again, and Harukami Kuriko is also a boss after all, so naturally there is no need to worry about compensation.

The two are already planning their subsequent marriage.

After all the hardships, the two of them finally got a happy result.

When all the subsequent results came to an end, Tangze clicked on the system panel, and this time a series of messages began to pop up in the panel.

[Old cases brought by vegetative people]

Completion: perfect

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining forensic medicine]

Comment: This case was caused by a vegetative person who had been sleeping for seven years. He temporarily lost his memory and chose to call the police. However, he recalled his memory after the examination and refused to continue to cooperate with the search.

But you were not disturbed by the other party's repeated attitude and the suspect's confession on the surface. Instead, you relied on actual evidence to objectively find out the truth hidden in the dark.

Somehow, you have won the favor of fate!

Seeing the reward this time, Tangze raised his eyebrows. Unexpectedly, the skill given was forensic science.

This skill seems to have no connection with the case. It seems to be completely random. It can be said that you are very lucky to be able to obtain the main professional skill of detective.

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【Police Detective in the Detective World】 【】

And 4 years of forensic science directly improved his skills to 17 years.

This level allows him to be a chief forensic doctor, and it can be said that it further enhances his professional abilities.

As the skill of Forensic Science has been upgraded to A level, his shortcomings have basically been made up for.

All detective professional skills have reached A level, and even the investigation skills have reached S level.

It can be said that even though there is some gap between him and the complete body, it is not far away.

As for S-level breakthrough, it is both talent and opportunity, and Tang Ze will not force it.

With a happy mood, Tangze closed the system panel, leaned back and pretended to take a nap, and began to digest the skills and knowledge he had acquired.

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