Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1623: Killing Magic Show (1)

【Police Detective in the Detective World】 【】

The word faith is illusory. In this materialistic society, it seems that this word is just the highlight of a character in a TV series.

But in this world, there are still people who possess such an illusory quality as faith that actually affects a person's life.

Maybe it's people who are engaged in noble careers like doctors and criminals, or maybe it's something that people like Yusuke Kuchiki who are not recognized by others insist on.

But without exception, they are serious people.

But once faith is questioned and defeated, no one can predict what people will do.

Because for them, it is not only something they have always insisted on, but also the spiritual pillar for them to walk in this world.

You don’t have to understand, but you must learn to respect other people’s way of life.

After all, that's how they decided to live their lives.

Unfortunately, Kuchiki Yusuke didn't seem to have that firm belief. After being questioned by someone who was considered to be a traveler, his mentality collapsed and he killed the other party in the same way he hurt him.

This made Tang Ze feel a little bit sad, but the other party deserved his punishment, and Tang Ze didn't have any sympathy for him.

Is it unusual for any case to occur outside of that time?

"That's bad." Hearing this, Kuchiki threw the car keys to Koshimizu Kazuki: "This will trouble him to drive and lead the way."

It was clearly Chiba who took over the case that time, but it felt like a branch line. Why didn't Conan show up? I thought it was because I delayed in intercepting the case, and solved the case after the other party showed up.

"Bad guy, you just eat like crazy when no one treats you, right?" Xia Gu said after hearing this.

And for people like me who often use their brains to be in a daze and empty their brains, it is also a very wrong way to rest.

Thinking of that, Xia Gu's heart started to move.

The travel planning started before it was over.

Of course, all that is based on the fact that the [Night Crow] bullet has not been copied yet. If so, Kuchiki will still save the savings in his hand for use.

On the side, Koshizui Itsuki showed a hint of pride when he saw this, but he didn't take advantage of the victory and continued to output, causing him to overshoot. He stepped on the accelerator and drove in a roundabout direction towards the dessert shop.

Ayako smiled, picked up the phone and dialed the other party's number.

Koshizui Itsuki's words awakened Kuchiki who was lost in his thoughts. I opened my eyes and looked at the parked car, opened the door and got in: "Just retreat now."

After all, as a person who has "firepower is a phobia" engraved in his DNA, I feel like there is an empty space in my heart if there are not enough bullets. Only not enough ammunition can make people feel stable.

"How is it possible? Are you tired of going back after just finishing your brain work?" Tang Ze said with a smile: "Let's go have a cup of black tea."

After thinking about it for a while, Kuchiki found that except when he was traveling, he was quite free. He just made plans and planned to spend every moment as he pleased.

Ayako has been very busy recently and hasn't exercised much, so she naturally wants to make up for it today.

And judging from the punishment evaluation this time, it took me a full month to resolve the case.

After a meal of tea, Kuchiki asked Kazuki Koshimizu to drive him home, and then he got back into the driver's seat and headed back home.

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【Police Detective in the Detective World】 【】

Judging from the evaluation, it seems that the case was not encountered by Conan until a month before Chiba's investigation, and it was successfully solved before.

But before contacting Ayako to ask about the company's recent situation, Kuchiki collapsed under the sofa in frustration.

Naturally, Ayako also attaches great importance to it. After all, if this cooperation can be achieved, we will be one step closer to internationalization, and the money we earn will skyrocket.

"Okay, leave it to you."

Before talking to the other party in unfamiliar English, Kuchiki heard the surprise words coming from the other side of the phone, and even I was dragged into chatting with the big fan.

Oh, that’s right. The only thing is that Chiba seems to be losing weight in a certain way recently and it’s not working.

Driving back home, Yonehara Sakurako hadn't finished preparing the dishes yet, and Kuchiki didn't go over to intervene. Instead, she lay down under the sofa and continued to pass the time in a leisurely daze.

Seventh, seventh...

Ayako Yuna smiled and said: "I am a huge fan of his books. Did you also think that the president of England Internet Company would come in person for that interview?"

After all, a case has just been solved, and the previous case will happen again in a while.

The two of them retreated into the cafe and enjoyed the rich black tea and carefully crafted desserts.

There are only a few big countries, and this is the first time for partners from countries like England to meet.

Except for that big episode, there is nothing else worth noting.

What if we launch new products and then take them off the shelves? You will be at a huge loss. "

"If you have something to do, come with him." Kuchiki smiled and said, "How about playing tennis today?"

Thinking that the other party on the phone was so cold, Kuchiki brought a brand new set of autographs from his study and threw them into the trunk of the car, intending to use them as a meeting gift.

"Junior, you are here."

"He is, this guest named Robert wants to invite you to a magic show?" Kuchiki asked before hearing Ayako's words.

I had just solved a case, and I didn't want to move too much. I just wanted to quietly reminisce about the leisurely time brought by the morning tea.

It can only be said that it is the country where "Sherlock Holmes" has the most profound influence. People in that country have no resistance at all to reasoning or the famous detective in reality.

"Hmm~ The taste of that dessert is really wrong." Ayako squinted her eyes in anguish, savoring the sweet but greasy cake taste in her mouth: "Yue Shui is really good at picking places."

So as soon as the bullet was damaged, Kuchiki planned to drive the Tunrat back to the end.

"Now that you've eaten that piece of cake, you have to exercise less in the evening to burn off that little bit of cold energy." Ayako said without any distress.

Taking the key thrown by Kuchiki, Koshizuki had a suppressed smile on his face: "You must have a good time today~"

Because that case was the first time a murder had occurred, Kuchiki glanced at the panel before clicking on it, and subconsciously planned to close it.

"Hey, are you living your life?" Kuchiki looked at Koshizui in surprise when he heard this and said, "If you eat so little sweets, you will gain weight, right?"

At that time, due to the layout of the Internet, the Haili market had not yet been exposed. Ayako had to receive partners from abroad, so naturally she had no choice but to leave.

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【Police Detective in the Detective World】 【】

Natsumi Nai sighed and finished thinking that if I had some free time recently, there wouldn't be much for me to spend my leisurely daily life with.

"Are you still going back to work?" Koshimi Nanatsuki looked at Karasawa and asked.

Before the two of them finished their meal, they shared the dessert that Kuchiki brought back.

Then everything seemed to be really calm, and nothing happened during the search of the first class.

As long as 40% of the work is handed over to my superiors, I am basically not a free person. Going to and from get off work seems to affect the operation of the entire scientific research. I only need to make decisions on some key points. That's it.

As time passed, Ayako returned home and Yonehara Sakurako, who had cooked badly, also said goodbye to the two of them.

So on the seventh day, I directly chose to skip work and take a nap at home. Then I studied some delicious food and made a simple lunch for Ayako.

Just like that, time passed by very slowly until it was the eighth day of the seventh week.

Seventh, Kuchiki is off work as usual, and now I feel quite relaxed.

And that 500 life points can't be the best life point I've received recently. It's usually 300 points, so that time it was very generous.

After dealing with the disappearances, the two chatted for a while about Ming's interview, and then Xia Guna returned to the bedroom with Lingzi in his arms.

Whether it was too expensive or not, the ingredients and taste of the cake were indeed not worth the money. Xia Gu was quite satisfied with it and had not yet planned to take Ayako to enjoy morning tea last time.

But at the last moment, less information than usual was bouncing on the panel, attracting Kuchiki's attention in a roundabout way.

Hearing Xia Gu's unfamiliar English, Robert on the opposite side seemed to be even more distressed, and words like "I look forward to meeting him Ming" were constantly heard on the phone.

Having caught the blind spot, Kuchiki became excited and even stopped planning his outing.

Talk all night.

"Good idea, I agree~"

And if Ayako goes with me, there is no need for me to go out and play by myself.

After all, it is necessary to digest food before meals. The two of them rested for half an hour before going out to exercise.

"Since he doesn't mind, you can reply to me later. You can predict Xia Guchan's cheerful look on the phone every time."

While the other party was driving, Xia Gu also took advantage of his free time to open the system panel and check the system usage.

Of course, the price was very impressive, so it was no wonder that Ichitsuki Koshimi asked Kuchiki for a treat, so he dared to order desserts outside that store.

"There is a problem. It must be that the big request has delayed the cooperation between the two parties. This is the loss."

The two of them decided on the rest of the evening activities in a few words, and then lay down under the sofa to rest.

This can also divert my attention and prevent me from resisting someone who is too cold-hearted.

Koshizui Itsuki's eyes lit up when he heard this: "You know that the cakes in this store are wrong, why don't you go and try them?"

"Anyway, he is a dog owner." Ikatsuri Koshizui said angrily: "It's up to you to swallow it, or to get angry at him for being the shopkeeper who has been dismissed so few times."

Watching Chiba take Kuchiki Yusuke away, Karasawa looked at Koshimizu Nanatsuki and said, "Let's go too."

Eighth walked around the office and ran away before he found anything worth paying attention to.

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【Police Detective in the Detective World】 【】

As time went by, Kuchiki Badai gradually realized that his position was worthless.

【The Rixing Murder Case】

And that time also brought my life score to 4,500, and I was within reach of breaking through the 5,000 level.

Naturally, something happened in the previous continuation. Kuchiki and his wife took a shower before going home and then went to sleep in a roundabout way.

If he can definitely reach level 5000, Kuchiki can no longer consider spending 200 lives to replenish his arsenal.

If you really had to pay for it yourself, I'm afraid that meal would cost you a month's salary.

Koshizui Itsuki turned to Kuchiki and raised an eyebrow: "The desserts in this store are quite expensive. If you are a foodie, you know how long it will take to finish the new desserts of that season.

Evaluation: He delayed the resolution of this case for a month, which allowed the deceased's grievances to be delayed and allowed the criminals to escape justice, which greatly increased the police's search costs and energy.

Kuchiki is very satisfied with the extra gains he can get if he solves the case late.

But Ikatsuki Konkoshi actually said that he wanted to pay for it, which was in line with the other party's usual style.

Kuchiki smiled and said: "Anyway, you've had some time recently and you've got a lot of free time. It's wrong to go to a magic show."

But without my intervention, the case only started on the seventh day of the incident. No wonder that the life insurance was 500, instead of the usual high insurance of 300.

The bad thing was that it was difficult to wait for the other party to calm down. Kuchiki said a few more polite words before hanging up and letting out a sigh of relief.

Of course, everything depends on Kuchiki's decision, and Ayako will not compromise.

After that, my fat belly has not shrunk visibly to the naked eye. Such feedback makes me very motivated to continue to lose weight.

Before Yuji checked the punishment for this case, some doubts in Kuchiki's heart suddenly became clear.

"Bao Hao, let him go." Hearing Yueshui Yitsu bring out Shang Fang's sword, Xia Gu coughed slightly with a guilty conscience, and directly chose to close his eyes and rest his mind before continuing to discuss the topic.

As long as I deal with murder cases, I seem to be quite free, and the people below will also come to evaluate me.

"That's wrong. I heard that there was no famous magician performing at the Dome recently and I was very interested. Moreover, the other party also hopes to see him, so I ask you to invite him to watch the show together."

"Hehe, after all, it's his subordinate who's treating us today~"

[Congratulations to the host for gaining 500 lives]

Later, when we had morning tea in the office, the other party basically drank less tea and was very restrained in eating desserts.

In front of the car seat, there were two desserts that Kuchiki had not packed away, both of which had flavors that Ayako hated.

The noisy white night seemed to be dyed with a hint of enchanting pink.

"That's right." Ayako thought for a while and said with a smile, "Let's play tennis."

Of course, after playing for fun, I was not prepared for the murder to suddenly attack me, so in the past few days, I went to search for a lesson. While visiting old friends, I also asked for information.

Indeed, the case must have been solved a month ago, which means that that period was a "blank period" skipped in the anime, and it was a peaceful and troubled daily life.

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【Police Detective in the Detective World】 【】

I can only stay at home and kill time.

If I think about it in a different direction, it means that I won’t be able to take a leisurely vacation for less than a month.

"You have made a meritorious service that time." Kuchiki heard the words and agreed with a smile.

Therefore, in the face of the excessive request from her partner Robert, Ayako was naturally reluctant to agree.

Recently, due to cooperation, Ayako has met with many partners from abroad in the past half month.

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