Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,627 The Amazing Point of Destiny

【Police Detective in the Detective World】 【】

Chapter 1627 of the Detective World: The Amazing Point of Destiny The Maldives is one of the world's famous resorts and is famous for its magnificent natural scenery. People from all over the world come here at any time to enjoy a wonderful vacation.

Today, the island welcomed a young couple.

They didn't carry any luggage, and everything was taken care of after they got off the plane. Even after getting off the plane, they were still full of energy and were not affected by the long journey at all.

This is of course, after all, everything is available on the private jet of the two of them, so sleeping in a big bed will naturally not make you feel tired.

After the two got off the plane, they took a car to the coast. Of course, they didn't plan to go directly to the beach to play after getting off the car, but planned to go to their accommodation.

That's right, the place where the two of them lived this time was on the sea. It was a water villa built in shallow waters.

These sea villas are all independent, and the clear water can even overlook the beautiful coral reefs. Jump directly from the balcony to the best swimming pool.

The villa even has an underground floor, and you can even live in the underwater world and enjoy the underwater scenery immersed in it.

"This place is really nice." Tang Ze looked at the surrounding environment and couldn't help but take a deep breath and stretch his body.

"How about we take a rest first and then go to eat?" Ayako suggested.

"Okay." Tangze nodded and went to the refrigerator in the living room to get two bottles of juice. The two lay on the open balcony and felt the gentle breeze.

The sunset slowly sets in the sky, and the red sunset ripples on the transparent blue sea, dyeing the clear sea surface into a magnificent red.

Neither of them spoke, they just quietly blew the cool sea breeze and felt the tranquility and beauty for a moment.

"It's almost evening now, let's go have dinner."

After an unknown amount of time, seeing the sea level about to engulf the sun, Karasawa stood up and looked at Ayako and suggested.

"Okay." Ayako nodded, and the two of them went downstairs from the balcony and got on the boat, heading towards the shore.

The sea villa is not too far from the shore, and the boat's engine has reached its destination before it even warms up.

Karasawa jumped off the boat and parked the boat, then reached out and held Ayako's hand to help her get off the boat.

The two of them walked on the snow-white beach facing the slightly warm sea breeze. The sand compressed gently under their feet, making a soft creaking sound. The afterglow of the setting sun projected their figures on the beach, gradually becoming hazy and hazy. romantic.


Karasawa took out his mobile phone and took a picture of the two of them cuddling together, and then took a photo with Ayako at the beach, and then walked towards the restaurant on the island.

As the saying goes, when you are in town, do as the Romans do. Naturally, what you eat when you come to the Maldives will also be the local specialties.

However, as a pirate, the food in the Maldives is mostly based on seafood. However, due to the different climate, the cuisine here is different from the light taste in Neon. The cuisine is also characterized by rich seasonings. Coupled with the developed tourism industry, it has Cuisine from various countries to satisfy the tastes of tourists from all over the world.

Naturally, the first meal for the two of them when they came here was grilled fish, which is a classic dish of the Maldives.

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【Police Detective in the Detective World】 【】

Because the Maldives is surrounded by rich fishing grounds, all kinds of fish are people’s daily food. Paired with local spices and seasonings, delicious and juicy fish is naturally indispensable.

Then there is the butter steamed crab. The fresh sea crab meat is delicious and tender. It is paired with bergamot and lime as seasonings. The fresh sourness adds flavor to the two seafood dishes.

Because the two of them had eaten on the plane not long ago, they just wanted to eat on time to adjust to the time difference, so they wanted to eat something simple.

After the meal, the two strolled through the streets of the island. Ayako was wearing a light white dress, and her long hair was let down by Ayako and fluttering in the air in the direction of the breeze.

Although the two of them walked side by side without speaking, the smiles on their lips were full of happiness and tranquility.

Ayako hugged Karasawa's arm, and the two of them walked on the beach, and finally got on the boat back to their residence.

When the sun sank below the horizon and darkness fell in the deserted villa, Tang Ze lowered his head and kissed her secretly.

Although Ayako was a little panicked when she was suddenly attacked by Karasawa, her hands soon rested on the broad shoulders, and time seemed to stand still for an instant, with only the lapping of the waves and the gentle moan of the wind accompanying them.

There was no talking all night. After a long journey and night exercise, the two slept until noon before lazily getting up and washing up.

Tang Ze habitually opened the system panel, but the silent panel showed that the cases solved two days ago were still not settled.

This also proves that Dongzhou Qi, who is still in the hospital, is still not out of danger.

And the longer time passes, the more dangerous Dongzhou Qi will become.

Thinking of this, Tang Ze couldn't help but sigh, feeling that his props were about to be wasted.

But he quickly closed the panel and adjusted his mentality.

No matter what, he did everything he had to do with a clear conscience. From now on, he only needs to enjoy the vacation and not worry about the gains and losses because of what happened before.

After the two got up and tidied up a little, they drove the boat to the shore, planning to have breakfast and lunch.

The island was more lively during the day than at night, and various snacks also attracted their attention.

Soon the two of them bought a rice dumpling as a pre-meal snack.

Of course, this is not the kind of food in Karasawa's hometown, but a way of saying it. The locals call it "kavaabu", which is a traditional snack in the Maldives. It is usually made of fish, coconut and spices, and then fried. Small pieces.

However, this thing seemed to be a bit unpalatable to Ayako, and in the end, Karasawa solved it all.

After arriving at the restaurant, the two ordered a curry and ate it with cheese bread.

Cheese bread is not a dessert bread, but a pancake-like pasta, mostly used for breakfast or as a staple food with curry.

Paired with after-dinner fruits, the two of them became idle again after finishing their meal.

Unlike traveling all over the world to visit various attractions, the biggest advantage of vacationing on an island is that you don’t have to travel long distances, and there are attractions everywhere.

And looking at the beautiful scenery and relaxing your mind is not a leisurely vacation.

Of course, if you have enough rest, the island also has various entertainment options, such as sailing on the sea, fishing, or riding a jet ski on the wide sea for an exciting car ride.

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【Police Detective in the Detective World】 【】

If you are tired from playing, just lie on the beach chair with a glass of freshly squeezed juice, quietly watch the sunset cast on the sea, and feel the tranquility and romance.

At night, when the two return to the villa, they can either choose the highest floor to fall asleep and look at the clear night sky full of stars, or they can stay on the first floor and use the dim light to see the underwater world at night.

Four days passed in a flash, and Tangze finally waited for the settlement of the system, and used a three-day "leave request" the next day to continue his leisurely vacation routine.

Of course, the rewards brought by the system settlement also made his mood on the subsequent vacation a little better again.

【Magician in Hellfire】

Completion: perfect

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining magic]

[Congratulations to the host for gaining an additional 1,500 destiny points]

Evaluation: For this outsider, there was no time or room for proper intervention in this case, but you still relied on your keen sense of smell to detect the approaching danger and decisively launched a rescue operation.

It is precisely because of your timely rescue and emergency treatment that the victims who should have died in the coffin due to the flames and lack of oxygen can have a chance of life.

Somehow, you have won the favor of fate!

After reading the reward settlement for this case, Tangze felt as if he had drank an ice-cold soda.

Otherwise, the main reason is that the reward for this case is too generous!

Needless to say, this time the skill reward was fully maxed out, instantly bringing his magic to level B [1120].

And that’s just the regular side dishes, what’s more important is the extra bonus!

1500 destiny points!

When Tang Ze saw this reward for the first time, he even felt that he was dazzled.

Because there are so many, this is even the largest amount of destiny points he has ever received at once!

But after the surprise, Tang Ze took it for granted.

First of all, this case is a branch line. Under normal circumstances, only skill rewards will be given. At most, if the case is difficult, a few extra destiny points will be given.

But this time it's different.

When he visited the lounge this time, he accidentally saw three people arguing.

Although I couldn't take action due to timing and time issues, I had some caution because of this incident.

It is precisely because of this that when the prisoner's murderous plan was implemented, he was able to fight for time with death and use the [Powerful First Aid Needle] produced by the system to finally grab a glimmer of life.

It can be said that this time it was an incomplete attempt to prevent the case from happening!

Although the criminal was finally arrested and the victim almost died, he finally managed to save his life.

According to Tangze’s later phone inquiries, Dongzhou Qi’s brain was somewhat damaged due to lack of oxygen, resulting in his slow reaction and slight twitching of his limbs.

Although he had saved the necklace, and felt that he would recover later and possibly return to a normal level, the magician's career was completely cut off.

This is probably the most painful punishment for an ambitious person like Dongzhou Qi.

But these have nothing to do with Tang Ze. He just wanted to learn more about the situation and analyze the factors that led to the reward in this case more intuitively.

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【Police Detective in the Detective World】 【】

Overall, the [Powerful First Aid Injection] was worth using this time. After deducting the cost of 500 destiny points, I still made a net profit of 1,000 points.

Destiny points soared directly to 5500 points.

This time can really be regarded as a wave of weight gain, it can even be said to be a timely rain!

As for the fact that blocking rewards for branch cases would only give fate points instead of rewards, Tangze not only didn't care but even thought it suited him.

After all, it is no longer the time for a random prop to improve your strength. Unless it is a particularly dark technology, it will not have much impact on the overall battle situation.

But this is obviously impossible, so the random props can only be the icing on the cake now, and there are too many uncertainties, so it can only be regarded as a small surprise.

But the fate points are different. Now this thing is to create a prop selector, and all the props that have been drawn can be purchased in the mall.

This is equivalent to letting Karasawa carry a "treasure box" with him, so that he can get the tools to deal with any situation he encounters.

Not only that, the medical props produced by the system can be said to be the strongest logistical aid. Although they are not used many times, they are definitely the strongest logistical medical aid!

For example, this time, Dongzhou Qi's serious injury, without Tang Ze's [Powerful First Aid Injection], he would have died even if he had been brought back half a minute earlier.

It can be said that with destiny points, you don't have to worry about medical treatment and weapons. This can be said to be a very big strategic advantage.

Moreover, these props needed for battle are all disposable consumables, and Tang Ze can safely distribute them to his teammates.

Micro bombs such as [Remote Control Self-Exploding Toy] will not cause any disturbance even if used by Toru Amuro or Shuichi Akai.

After all, the zoo organization is a powerful organization from their perspective. It is not unacceptable to have some weapons that are leading the market in technology, and it will not arouse much suspicion.

As long as they are not far beyond the modern black technology such as mechanical spiders and hacker cars, props that will cause shock once they are taken out will not cause punishment.

As for medical props, there is no need to worry. Not to mention that these teammates are very skilled and have little chance of getting injured.

Even if you are really injured, the medicine will only affect the human body. Even if you are surprised by the effectiveness of the medicine, you will only think that it is an advanced medicine, let alone how high the technological content is.

After all, if you are an outsider in biotechnology, it is impossible to know how much technology it contains.

Unless props like enhancers are exposed.

In short, destiny points have now become strategic materials. In addition to using them yourself, they can also arm and protect teammates. This can greatly strengthen friendly forces, which is naturally extremely important. Ukanshuwwwwuukanshuet

However, even if his deposits skyrocketed, Tang Ze still had no idea of ​​using it at all.

Although he had used [Powerful First Aid Needle] before, he still had this item in stock, so he didn't need to replenish it in time.

However, during the week he went out to play, the [Dark Crow] bullets also made some progress, and they were one step closer to producing finished bullets.

Only when this huge expense no longer weighs on his head can he safely plan the subsequent use of this huge sum of money.

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【Police Detective in the Detective World】 【】

Of course, he chose to leave these things to his own thinking in the future. Now he is simply enjoying the rest of the vacation with peace of mind under the joy of generous rewards.

That's right, after visiting here, the two decided to only stay here for a week. After all, there are only so many entertainment options on the island, and it would be a bit boring to stay any longer.

As for the other places they haven’t been to, they plan to come back next time they have the opportunity.

At this point, the two people's vacation officially came to an end when the plane landed at Tokyo Airport.

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