Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,629 Investigation

"I thought the murderer's voice was recorded, so the deceased kept holding it."

After hearing the two people's answers, Officer Memu looked regretful.

But except for him, the expressions of the people next to him didn't show any emotion at all.

After all, it is impossible for a pair of scissors to have such a convenient function. Only the "electrical idiot" Officer Megure would think it would have such a convenient function.

"There seemed to be some blood on the shards of glass."

Tang Ze looked at the fragments on the ground and said, "If this is the blood of the murderer, things would be simple."

"Not really."

Takagi sighed and said: "I just went to see the first reporter, who was bandaging the injured foot.

Obviously, the other party was accidentally injured when he found the body. "

"It turns out it wasn't the bodyguard who called the police." Tang Ze was stunned for a moment and said, "Then what is the relationship between the first discoverer and the deceased?"

"Please wait a moment."

"As you can see, the entire exit window was barred with iron bars, and the small door was the only exit from that room."

Hearing this, Takagi shook his head and said, "But before asking the bodyguard, you changed your mind. He should be the murderer."

And because I was attacked by someone I invited, the only thing outside the room that could be used as a weapon seemed to be this mop. "

So he went back to the door and told the bodyguard guarding the door what happened. "

"Isn't it possible that the prisoner used something that was not outside the house as a murder weapon to kill?" Oki Yaang on the side heard this and put forward a hypothesis.

"Ah, by the way, tell uncle something."

"Yes, yes, yes, you must have made a mistake!" Xianbo Hede scratched his head guiltily when he heard that: "The small door should have been open at that time, your attention was attracted by this The corpse attracted.

Before Conan checked the wound due to the smell, he continued to ask: "Judging from the bodyguard's words, Mr. Senba was not dead after he was searched and retreated into the room?"

This complicated weapon doesn't even have any functions. I'm sure if my uncle does something next to the corpse, the functions of this part will be activated directly.

"What, what is something!?" Xianbo and De's expressions became more serious before hearing Xia Qian's words.

"That's it." Akai Hide nodded, but didn't insist.

"I just stopped the bleeding hastily. Before you came over, the male policeman was helping me debridement and bandaging outside the main room." Takagi explained.

Senba and De said that he came to the door of the bathroom: "Then I looked over there and found Mr. Hiyama lying on the ground."

"As soon as it's over, you will be inspected by our two bodyguards at the entrance to the house."

"There is no smell of blood under this mop, but there is no smell of honey on the corpse wound, and there is no layer of honey-like paste. Remember to remind the forensic examiner to extract the sample later."

"Who is he and why do you ask so much of you?"

"In that case, there must be a conflict of interest between them?" Dr. Ali asked after hearing this: "Could he be the murderer?"

"Ah lie"

Conan looked at Senba Kazoku and continued to ask: "What kind of retreat did Mr. Hiyama take before he saw Mr. Hiyama bleeding to the ground?"

Ogi looked at the two bodyguards next to him and said: "We have been guarding the small door. It is said that everyone who wants to retreat into that room must go through a sloppy body search for exit inspection.

But you waited there for a long time, and no one came out, so you walked back and shouted a few more times.

"What the hell? Does he believe you are the murderer?"

"Yes, yes?"

"He said he joined the FBI because of that case?" Takagi couldn't help being surprised: "Mr. Akai, did he have nothing to do with that case after 17 years?"

Conan looked at Senba Kazutoku and asked, "Because there are some aspects of that case that concern you very much."

"And if the murderer must have closed the door, the glass fragments should be closer to the door." Conan nodded and agreed.

I saw the bathroom door outside was open before. "

There is no blunt weapon under your body that can be used as a murder weapon. That is enough to prove that you are the murderer!

"Where is the first discoverer now?" Conan asked.

"Before you saw me falling to the ground, you ran over on your own initiative." Xianbo Wade said.

"You know it." Xianbo and De looked a little weak when they were told that, but the arrow was still flying under the string, and they came to the entrance door.

Xianbo Hede is a horse-faced woman with a big beard and a slight buttocks. At this moment, I was looking at the criminals at the scene patiently and said: "Your wounds haven't been bandaged yet, and they are here too." .

"Yes, I am not an FBI agent."

Hearing Okiya's question, Senba Kazoku explained without any panic: "When you looked outside, only a gap was opened.

Seeing that Takagi's tactics of exerting psychological pressure on Senba and De were successful, Conan was naturally able to tell him the truth and rejected him with a smile: "In short, please try to restore what he did before he found the body as completely as possible."

After the search was completed, Xianbo and Della opened the small door of the entrance hall: "Then you opened the small door and retreated into the room, saying hello and waiting.

"That's what I thought at the beginning."

If you must carry a murder weapon, if it will be discovered, we don't even carry a metal detector. There is no way the murder weapon can be secretly taken away. "

After all, it's a bathroom. If the other person is washing up or something, it would be rude for you to step back.

Before hearing Conan's words, Senba and De explained: "Your left foot was broken in a car accident next month, and it's still broken now.

"But if that's the case, isn't it weird?"

But if I tell it to an older child, even if I get angry, I might leave in shame.

"It should be like that."

But as everyone knows, my repeated behavior of revising my testimony was not noticed by the Conan people present.

"This doesn't mean that Mr. Akai's father was also an FBI agent?" Takagi said in surprise.

"It's your right foot that was injured today."

Some people say that the "prison star" above my head is no longer shining.

Xianbo and Deyou thought that they had to take off their clothes so many times, so they made a perfunctory remark with guilty conscience, and then changed the subject in a stern tone: "Anyway, anyway!

"President Hiyama seems to have such a bad reputation as a land developer."

After hearing Conan's words, Akai Shuichi's lenses reflected a ray of cold white light. Seeing my reaction, Takagi on the side quickly went down and pulled my sleeves.

Takagi on the side walked over with a smile and said: "Isn't there a pair of scissors next to the corpse?

Right, Dr. Agasa. "

I heard that when I ran over to check the situation, my foot was pricked by a broken cup on the ground.

"Did you even see the glass shards that were obviously scattered under the floor?" Oki Yaang, who was silent on the side, suddenly asked.

Hearing what Senba Kazoku said, Takagi, as the eldest child on the side, directly chose to question, and that was also the advantage of my identity.

"That's true." Conan, who knew what the other party was verifying, nodded animatedly and said, "It wasn't like this when you came."


"He should have noticed it too." Akai Shuichi said loudly: "That is very similar to the murder case of Haneda Koji 17 years later.

If Conan and us villains question it, the other party will definitely take the opportunity to get angry and directly choose to cooperate and leave.

Just as the two of them were retreating to the side and whispering, Conan and others next to them also met the first discoverer of the case.

Because the picture is too unimpactful, you ignore the debris under the ground and rush over directly. "

Omo waved his hands and smiled mischievously and said: "You don't have any questions that you need to ask him for. Please ask him to cooperate with you again."

This is not a case that forces you to join the FBI! "

Watching Xianbo and De take off their suit jackets, Xia Qian looked at the shirt under the other person's body and pretended to be strange: "Tell me about the buttons on the top of his shirt. It seems like they were buttoned in the wrong place."

Those guys, you cooperated with them when you should have cooperated, and they actually regarded you as the murderer!

It's really annoying. You have no obligation to cooperate with them. Now you're gone! "

"You mean something bad, Mr. Senba, did his left foot step on the glass today?"

When Xianbo and De heard what was possible, they quickly raised their heads and found that the button near the navel was buttoned in the wrong position.

"That, that was just a coincidence today"

As the only participant in the case so far, Conan finally thought that it was a "choose one of eight classics", but a proof question.

Seemingly because there was no response before, I walked outside and saw the open bathroom door.

On the side, Takagi Youna smiled bitterly, feeling that his identity might have been seen through by the other party.

When Akai Shuichi said that, he didn't seem to want to mention less topics that had nothing to do with his father. He smiled and looked at Takagi with a trace of inquiry in his eyes: "I have to talk about my father, but you also want to hear it. It has nothing to do with my brother’s true identity.”

When I got closer, I saw Hiyama lying on the ground with a head injury.

Hearing Akai Shuichi's intention to exchange information, Takagi smiled and declined politely: "Forget it, let's wait until everything is resolved."

"About that, you can still tell him for the time being."

But no matter how much you shout, no one responds, so just walk out.

After all, you will still be in the hospital next week because of the fracture. "

Omu nodded and said: "When Mr. Xianbo retreated, the bodyguard also heard me shouting a few times outside.

"Eh?" Dr. Ali asked in surprise: "Why?"

That's why he came to the door this morning to seek death theory. "

"Mr. Akai, did he find nothing?" Takagi asked loudly as they walked to the corner.

So, that's why you didn't see the broken glass at the door.

At that time, Takagi on the side raised an objection: "If the door must be almost closed, when the uncle is about to open the door and retreat, the fragments of the cup should be pushed by the door, right?

"Yes, the person who had the direct connection was actually your father." Akai Shuichi explained.

"That's Conan Criminal, please do as I say!" Officer Megure immediately stood up and said before hearing Senba Kazutoku's words.

Looking at the young Conan, Senba and De Shihuang retorted happily.

"What about now?"

You can't leave now, can you? "

"Well, I'm sorry if I'm mistaken, but the faucet in the locker room at the crime scene was always on or not?" Shuichi Akai asked.

When Xianbo and De were questioned by the older child, he looked happy and said: "He looked vague to you, but you are clean underneath!

"That one is the inventor of scissors." Conan looked at Senba and De and introduced him: "You also invited me over to assist in the investigation."

Conan saw that Takagi was not too overwhelmed, so he walked down to grab the topic and divert Senba Kazutoku's attention. At the same time, he asked questions: "Because when he just walked, he was always protecting his left foot."

As Xianbo and De were talking, they took off their clothes, raised their hands and asked the bodyguards to search me in a suit: "I'm not like that anymore."

"Since it's a criminal matter, it's bad." Although Xianbo and De heard this, they looked willing, but because it was a criminal request, they could only cooperate.

Takagi said: "The reason why he came to visit is because President Hiyama went beyond him and negotiated the land sale with his son and wife without authorization.

"Hey, hey, what are they planning to do?"

Although Takagi next to him had good reasoning skills, his investigative skills were at full capacity. After hearing Okiya's words, he explained: "Because my methods are dirty and my attitude is relatively good, it seems that I have offended many people.

"If you definitely mind, can't you trouble him to recreate the situation before Ichigami discovered the body?"

If you beat someone to death with something, the lower parts of your body will be splattered with blood. Can you see that there is no blood anywhere on your lower body? "

In that case, all the debris should be swept to the other side of the door. "

"That's right, the 100 in front of him has not been tucked out of his suit pants, and he doesn't look a bit panicked." Conan said, looking at the back of Senba and De.

"Yes." Although Dr. Ali on the side understood Takagi's intention, he also knew that he had to cooperate with Takagi, so he nodded in agreement with my words.

However, because the scene he saw was too shocking, when he ran towards the corpse, he accidentally stepped on the debris. "

"Obviously the tie is so formal, but compared to it, the rest of me doesn't look a little sloppy." Okiya Ang agreed, following closely behind.

Now the other party has repeatedly jumped under the testimony, which has not deepened my suspicion.

"He is a man who runs a traditional grocery store around here. His name is Kazantoku Senba."

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