Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,639 The Abandoned Dead

Since the crime scene was discovered, the case has made great progress.

In order to further solve the case, the researchers at Kesouyan had no choice but to sacrifice their own hair and stay up late to pretend to identify the case.

As their boss, Tang Ze went home to rest directly after closing the team.

After all, it is their job to identify physical evidence, and Tangze is responsible for solving the case.

However, Tangze still brought condolences to his subordinates early the next morning, and then gave those who worked overtime yesterday a day off to let them have a good rest, and then came to the Search Class 1 with the report.

"The fingerprints detected on the drawer identified Mrs. Sawatari Yasue and Origuchi Kenshin. The contents inside should be where Mrs. Sawatari kept valuables."

Koshizui Nanatsuki distributed the evidence appraisal report and said at the same time: "The blood stain on the foot of the cabinet is from a fold, and the shape of the wound is also consistent.

There was blood dripping from the living room to the entrance hall, and after inspection, they were all broken. "

"Not only that, but the footprints from the living room to the entrance are also folded in the same pattern as the other person's shoes."

Takagi looked at the appraisal report and said, "And around the broken glass door, the fingerprints of Mrs. Sawatari and Origuchi were also found."

"So, does he come to see you and find out what exactly happened..." Koshizui Kazuki heard this.

"The patient had no symptoms of a consistent pulse rate, but he was stimulated before, which caused myocardial infarction."

Mrs. Sawatari also suffered a heart attack due to the stimulation and is still in a coma. "

Koshizui glanced at Origuchi after hearing this, knowing that the other person said that out of compassion.

"Indeed, judging from the clues that have been found, it is the most reasonable."

However, Origuchi didn't, so before seeing whether the system punishment was settled, Origuchi knew whether the case had come up like this.

Kazuki Koshizui took out a large tool bag from his bag, took out the large tweezers and the evidence bag, took out the little thing from the gap between the opponent's nails, and then put it into the evidence bag.

"Sorry for causing trouble to them..."

After hearing the conversation between Zhang Jin and Zhang Jin, Mrs. Tang Ze looked at the two of them and said, "Although I'm very grateful to both of you, I don't think it's necessary yet."

I had no idea that those two things might become a breakthrough in what seemed to be a controversial case.

Before listening to Aso Minoru's words, Origuchi heard the words and said: "You know the bad thing, then get over it."

Looking at the unconscious and awake Zedu Anjiang lying under the hospital bed, Mrs. Tang Ze's face was full of guilt.

Even if some cases will be delayed for a period of time due to the aftermath of the previous cases, these are all evidence, and the prisoners confessed when they went there, so the mechanism has basically been used.

How should I break the situation?

But what is surprising is that before Mrs. Karasawa heard Origuchi's words, she shook her head and looked at the two of them and said, "Yes, if the prisoner is not that child.

Origuchi took Koshizui Itsuki and slowly returned to Kesouyan from Search Class 1. When he came to Aso Minoru's office next to the anatomy room, he saw Mrs. Karasawa sitting here.

While waiting, Zhang Jin asked Koshizui Kazuki to get the evidence appraisal report, and after a while, the evidence test results came out from under Mrs. Sawatari's fingers.

"Mrs. Karasawa, you may be disappointed in your son, but it is your responsibility to investigate the case."

"Junior, look at that." Yueshui glanced at it intently and reached out to take Mrs. Sawatari's hand: "There doesn't seem to be anything else between your fingers."

And by the way, at most it can make the other party feel a little worse.

After hearing the doctor's words, the eight people were naturally reluctant to stay and left the ward.

The chances of me committing a burglary are slim. "

Koshizui Itsuki looked at the appraisal report behind him and said.

Origuchi said: "You will think that after you say that person is good, you will be sure that other good things are also done by that person.

But the other person is unconscious and has not yet escaped from safety, so he can pin his hopes on you.

But the two of them were in that kind of situation the most, so they quickly dissuaded each other.

The symptoms of brain injury gradually worsened on the road, and he finally collapsed far away from the factory.

Because we were police officers, we were naturally on the list of those who refused to receive visitors. The eight people in Origuchi slowly retreated into the ward.

"Brother Origuchi, what does he think?" Officer Megure turned to look at Origuchi, wanting to hear my opinion again.

After all, if you want to inquire about the other party's condition, you would have to call the doctor in charge of Mrs. Sawatari directly. The Metropolitan Police Department has not contacted the hospital.

Looking at the test results, Origuchi was puzzled.

But that time it was the same, that time the case came suddenly, the search went smoothly, and all the evidence pointed to Zhang Jin Qianxin.

"Junior, he asked you to find Tang Ze's work clothes."


In particular, it is unusual to see whether there is any punishment for big thefts, but since there are murder cases, there will always be some punishment after the case is closed.

But because the situation was relatively critical at the time, in order to avoid attracting the police, he took the stolen money and ran away.

"So, the case can be considered as having started at that point." Omu scratched his head and said.

“Thank you so much!”

"Did it stay outside the fingertips during the scuffle..." Orikou looked at the little green outside the opponent's fingertips: "It looks like green pigment, something stuck to it."

Looking at the happy Tang Ze Tiantian, Zhang Jin sighed slightly and said, "You guys are going to visit me, and once you ask about the doctor's condition, he will go with you."

Because that one item was relatively complicated to test, the two of them planned to leave, but planned to wait there for a while.

I'm not dead now, and there's no way I can atone for my sins. "

Origuchi drove the two of them to the hospital.

That means there may be something hidden in that case.

“After identifying the hair, we found that there were hairs belonging to Mrs. Sawatari and Origuchi in the living room, and four people’s hairs in the entrance hall.”

However, the prisoner had a way to confess his crime personally, and Mrs. Sawatari was still lying in the hospital in a coma.

"Are you two still investigating?"

Relying on the punishment settlement mechanism, Zhang Jin cannot judge whether the case is over or not.

Origuchi couldn't help but smile when he heard Officer Megure's words, but in his heart he felt that there was no hidden secret in the case.

Just as Origuchi was deep in thought, he suddenly received a call from Aso Minoru.

But when he was comforting him, Koshikoshi's eyes glanced at Sawatari Yasu's hand held by Mrs. Karasawa, and his eyes suddenly turned back again.

As the two sides struggled, Zhang Jin pushed Mrs. Zedu down, but he also slipped and lost his balance and fell under the sharp corner of the cabinet.

"It's not like Karasawa was working at Himart while observing other people in the distance, and then he discovered Mrs. Sawatari who was living alone."

Faced with Origuchi's kindness, Mrs. Karasawa didn't know it, so you bowed and thanked her.

I originally thought I had knocked my head, but I didn't expect the injury to be so minor.

At that moment, the doctor on the side looked at the eight people and urged us to leave.

"Mrs. Karasawa, it has not been officially confirmed yet that this is not a crime committed by your son."

Whether or not the patient can be revived depends on the patient's own desire to survive. "

"Anyway, let's investigate first." Origuchi said, "I hope we won't get the same results."

"I haven't found anything yet." Zhang Jin shook his head and said, "But it's not a feeling. It seems that everything went too smoothly..."

But he is worried. Even if Qianxin and I die now, as my mother, you will definitely take the responsibility and take good care of him. "

Even the fingerprints of Mrs. Sawatari and Karasawa were extracted from the cash outside the pocket of Karasawa's work clothes.

"How could that happen..."

"Anyway, let's take it out first."

"Mrs. Karasawa..."

Normally, cases are solved on the spot and punishments are delivered very slowly.

Mrs. Tangze bowed to the two of them and said, "Please, even if you are still awake, you still want to apologize!"

And I do feel that way. After all, if the other party is really a criminal, then the punishment should come now.

For example, every time before participating in a case, there should be a penalty for retreat and settlement, but it did not appear that time.

Miwako Sato said before reading the appraisal report: "And it's just evidence.

Before leaving the hospital, Origuchi and his wife said goodbye to Mrs. Karasawa, drove back to the Department of Science and Technology, and submitted the evidence we collected to the laboratory department.

You won't accept the result until the investigation evidence eliminates all possibilities. "


When I was in a big country like yours, I would break into houses and steal things from my neighbors.

On the phone, Aso said truthfully that Mrs. Karasawa found you and hoped to go to the hospital to visit Mrs. Sawatari, but you were stopped by the nurse when you went to visit voluntarily.

Before a mother makes a mistake, the first thing she does is to blame the other person, but she feels that it was not what the other person did. This shows that in my heart, I am quite disappointed with that child.

"Visiting hours have begun, it's time to go."

"Brother Origuchi, he probably doesn't solve too many difficult cases. He suddenly encounters such a murky case. It's not a good fit." Officer Megure joked with a smile.

After Mrs. Tangze came to Zedu Anjiang's hospital bed, she stroked your hand and choked with sobs: "I'm sorry, I'm really was your son and I hurt him.

"New?" Hearing this, Origuchi thought of the appraisal report on the substance found under Mrs. Sawatari's fingers.

Mrs. Karasawa choked up before hearing Origuchi's words: "Thank you for not giving up on Kenshin..."

Koshizui Kazuki said: "That is the uniform I wear when working at Himart. This is the one I actually wear.

Seeing Origuchi and the two of them, Mrs. Karasawa stood up and bowed to them, and then said with a sad expression: "I didn't contact you criminally afterwards, saying that I found the place where Kenshin and I were injured."

"After all, he is also a researcher, so it is unusual to carry some tools needed for work at any time." Koshizui Kazuki said with a smile.

When Yuesui heard what Mrs. Zhang Jin said, he knew what expression to show on his face, and he felt very happy in his heart.

Koshii Itsuki looked at Mrs. Karasawa who was getting more and more agitated, and quickly knelt down to her side to comfort her loudly.

If I had come to Zheikou to see if there was any system, he might have felt like everyone else that the case was closed.

Speaking of this, Nanatsuki Koshizui pondered: "According to the investigation, Mrs. Sawatari's husband and son died a long time ago and they were elderly people living alone.

All the evidence now shows that Tang Zehuan broke into Mrs. Sawatari's house and robbed her. He was injured in the head during the pushing process, and then ran away in a hurry. "

I'm sure if you can wake up safe and sound, then everything will be clear to you.

"You want to visit Mrs. Sawatari."

And the reason why Zhang Jin said that was just to make Mrs. Tang Ze feel bad. After all, if the other party knew that the two of them were specially accompanying you, they would probably bow again and again.

But before Origuchi's review was completed, he reluctantly discovered that there were indeed some omissions in the evidence in that case.

"You are trying to comfort you..."

He left the Metropolitan Police Department absentmindedly, and Origuchi was still thinking about how to find the unbreakable points in the case that seemed to have no sound logic.

"The first victim is actually the perpetrator?" Officer Memu frowned.

"You're very well prepared." Origuchi said with a smile as he looked at Koshizu Itsuki who took out tools from his bag.

Could it be said that we can only place our hope in the unconscious Mrs. Sawatari?

Looking at the haggard mother behind her eyes, Origuchi spoke to comfort her.

Mrs. Karasawa's expression showed whether it was pain or despair. You nodded silently and said, "That child was still hurting others in the first moment after he was born...

Officer Memu nodded: "Based on the actual situation and the evidence that has not been found, it should be considered that the suspect is dead and the relevant case information should be submitted for inspection."

Although I have not used some hidden functions of the system, it does not mean that they exist.

When you think that the other person's current situation is all caused by your own son, you can't help but shed tears.

According to the identification, the lower part was contaminated with a lot of dust, and the buttons under the right sleeve were newly replaced. "

Maybe besides saying thank you, you don't have any other way to express your gratitude at this moment, so you can only express your gratitude to Origuchi and the two in that way.

"Excuse me, doctor, Mrs. Sawatari, how are you doing?" Mrs. Karasawa looked at the doctor following us and asked expectantly.

Even now, my nature has not changed at all. "

The doctor explained: "Now that the condition has worsened again, the possibility of recovery is relatively easy, probably less than one in seven.

But that time, the case came directly to the door. It seems that the prisoner has not yet been identified, but the punishment has not yet been settled.

Officer Memu analyzed: "Then Tangze had evil thoughts and smashed the glass and broke into the house, and Zedu discovered me.

And if there is any movement, it means that there may be something hidden in the case.

"The evidence from scientific research points to me alone."


But now I have brought out all the clues and evidence, and everything points to Zhang Jin Qianxin's break-in and robbery.

Although the hair of two people is missing at the door, it may belong to the courier and the neighbor.

The traces at the scene and the lockers that had not been discounted all pointed to the other party.

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