Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 803 Pay the ransom (four thousand)

After Xiaolan and Tamanosuke Ito learned of Conan's guess, they left Kataoka's house and seemed to go to the place where Tamanosuke Ito guessed.

Seeing Conan leaving with the two of them, Tang Ze didn't pay too much attention to it. Rather, he was happy to see it.

He proceeded to the next step according to "Ke Xue's law", but it does not mean that this judgment is correct.

He told Conan before that the two sides have reached a tacit understanding. When this happens, everyone will act in their own ways to make up for the weak links in their respective actions.

But in fact, Conan didn't know that this strategy of splitting up was actually more important to Tang Ze than he imagined.

Although according to the "Ke Xue's law" and reasoning, Tang Ze's actions will indeed arrest the criminals more accurately and quickly, but if he makes a mistake, he will directly draw water from the bamboo basket to nothing.

Simply put, the higher the returns, the higher the risks.

Conan, on the other hand, relies entirely on reasoning. Although it may delay the timing, it is steady and steady. Once clues are obtained, there is no possibility of misjudgment.

If these two situations are only carried out alone, then each has its own advantages and disadvantages, but how the two cooperate will complement each other.

Of course, only Tang Ze has a clear understanding of this situation.

Although Conan also thinks the method is good, but because he doesn't know the reasons for Tang Ze's situation, he only thinks it is a good method, which can complement each other in some links.

But in fact, he served as a "fuse" for Tang Ze's actions to escort Tang Ze's actions.

The continuous rotation of the second hand advances the hour and minute hands.

As time passed, it was time to send the ransom, and at this moment everything was ready.

"Then I'm ready to go, President."

Zippering up the satchel containing 150 million yuan, Okinu Zongyi said respectfully to Kataoka Hanshiro.

"Well, I'll leave everything to you." Kataoka Hanshiro nodded without saying too much.


Okinawa Soichi nodded to Kataoka Hanshiro, then opened the car door and sat on the driver.

After getting in the car, Daguan Zongyi started the car. He didn't know if it was an illusion, but he even smelled a scent from the satchel next to him.

Glancing at the overstuffed satchel on the passenger seat, a strange smile flickered on the corner of Soichi Okinawa's mouth, and soon returned to normal.

Soon Daguan Zongyi regained his worried expression, then fastened his seat belt and started the car, driving towards the place designated by the kidnappers in the mail to pay the ransom.

And behind it, seeing Soichi Okinawa's car driving out, Takagi led Tang Ze and the others followed closely behind.


When Tang Ze and others rushed towards the nearby place, the three of Conan on the other side had already arrived at their destination.

After sharing their speculation with Ran and Tamanosuke Ito, the two were surprised to learn that Kataoka Renka was probably pretending to be kidnapped.

However, it also benefited from the change of thinking, relying on the understanding of Kataoka Renhua and the information that Conan judged that the kidnapping location was a warehouse, Tamanosuke Ito guessed the other party's location.

At this time, the three of them arrived in front of the warehouse where Kataoka Renhua might be hiding.

"It seems that this is the right place." Conan confirmed by looking at the surrounding environment.

"Don't you need to tell Dad and them?" Xiaolan hesitated a little.

"However, it looks like there is no one here." Conan suggested after hearing Xiaolan's words: "Let's open the door and take a look."

"Alright." Tamanosuke Ito nodded, and then pushed the door of the warehouse to one side, revealing the dark room inside.

The entire warehouse seemed very large, and there were a lot of miscellaneous things piled up in it. Tamanosuke Ito walked into it first, and began to call Lianhua's name.

Soon Conan found the scene in the video in a bright light on one side,

Hastily stepped and trotted over.


When he picked up the rope scattered on the ground, Conan had already confirmed his guess in his heart.

Ran and Tamanosuke Ito, who saw Conan's movements, also ran over quickly.

But the next moment, Xiaolan showed a look of panic, "Look!"

Conan and Tamanosuke Ito looked in the direction of Xiaolan's finger, and found that there were dots of dried blood that had turned black all over the floor, which looked terrifying.

At this moment, the blood on the ground told the three of them a cruel reality.

The fake show is no longer a fake show, Kataoka Renhua may have been kidnapped for real.

This situation made Conan's heart sink suddenly.

The current situation is worse than he imagined. If there was no danger in the fake show before, then the current Kataoka Renhua is probably more dangerous than ordinary kidnapping.

Because the other party was betrayed by an acquaintance.

In common sense in kidnapping cases, if the unknown gangster didn't see his face, he might still be released.

But once they are seen, in order to prevent the hostages from revealing their appearance to the police and to ensure that they are not arrested, the chances of the gangsters killing the hostages will increase.

As for Kataoka Lianhua's situation, it was almost a doomsday situation!

After all, the accomplice who cooperated with her in the fake kidnapping was now really greedy because of money.

If he really wants to get the money, he needs to silence Kataoka Renhua who knows all the truth!

In other words, Kataoka Renhua is very dangerous at the moment!

But what made Conan feel a little relieved was that they didn't find Kataoka Renhua's body in the warehouse, which was already a blessing in misfortune.

Therefore, Kataoka Renhua is still safe with a high probability. I am afraid that because the two are acquaintances, the prisoner did not dare to do it directly, and wanted to kill Kataoka Renhua in other ways...

But no matter what, they have to hurry up! !

Thinking of this, Conan quickly took out his mobile phone and called Tang Ze.


Time moves forward twenty minutes.

On Tang Ze's side, he followed Daguan Zongyi all the way and soon arrived at the parking lot designated by the prisoner.

After Daguan Zongyi entered the parking lot, Takagi did not follow into it, but stopped after driving a certain distance, watching the movement in the parking lot.

At the gate of the parking lot, Zongichi Okinawa, who parked the car, communicated with the toll collector at the gate, and got an envelope from the other party.

"It said that I should switch to the car he specified..."

Soon, the content of the letter from Daguan Zongyi came from everyone's headsets, "I'm going to change to a vehicle, the license plate number is 13-61..."

After reporting the situation to the police, Soichi Okinawa parked the car next to the transfer vehicle, got out of the car and opened the door of the blue car with a satchel containing a huge amount of money.

As soon as the door was opened, the phone rang from inside the car.

Da Guanzong was stunned for a moment, and then whispered into the headset: "Mr. Criminal, there is a mobile phone in the car, I will answer it now..."

Putting the satchel on the co-pilot, Soichi Oguru picked up the flip phone and switched it on.

"Moshi moshi? Yes... yes... I see..."

"The prisoner asked me to take the high mountain road, and then drive in the north direction..." After hanging up the phone, Da Guanzong said: "I will do what he said now..."

After reporting on his next actions, Soichi Okinawa started the car and drove towards the second destination.

Watching the blue car gradually go away, Takagi also started the car after opening the distance, hanging far behind.

Looking at the vehicle lying in front of him, he couldn't help but sneered in his heart.

It's still too clumsy, and the performance is a bit too urgent. How can a normal person not be in a hurry to pay the ransom? Every step he takes, he has to ask the police for advice, and then continue to act.

But the other party was fine. He was calm and composed from the beginning to the end. Not only did he not ask any questions, but he didn't hesitate at all about the prisoner's request.

Just like that, the two cars drove one after the other and stopped in front of the right turn lane at a traffic light intersection.

Of course, in order to avoid the detection of the nearby prisoners, they did not follow closely behind, and there were still a few cars between the two cars.

While waiting quietly for the red light, Da Guan Zongyi's hesitant voice suddenly came from everyone's headsets. It seemed that the gangster had contacted him again.

"No...but this..."

"Yes... yes... I see..."

Before everyone could react from the other party's words, the red light ahead suddenly turned green, and Da Guan Zongyi, who was originally in the right-turning lane, turned left quickly at this moment.

The vehicles that were originally on the straight road had already started and started to move forward, but in the face of the sudden car that did not follow the traffic rules and turned left, countless vehicles were still forced to stop.

It's okay, it's just in its infancy now, otherwise it may lead to serious traffic accidents.

This sudden change also surprised Tang Ze and the others in the car behind, but they, who were experienced, immediately realized that this was the gangster's request.

As for its purpose, it goes without saying, to get rid of the tail that may exist in the future.

"Police!" Takagi looked at the vehicle in front of him and said in a panic, "There is no way to keep up."

"Damn it, I was tricked!" Officer Mumu looked at the vehicle in the distance with a heavy expression.

"Don't try to escape!!"

At this moment, Mori Kogoro, who was sitting next to Police Officer Megure and close to the car door, roared as he watched the passing car, and then pushed open the car door and chased after him regardless of whether it was on the driveway.


Don't look at Kogoro Mori who seems to be unreliable at ordinary times, but when it comes to critical moments, Kogoro Mori who is serious can also play a role.

After getting out of the car, he ran directly behind Daguan Zongyi's car. Although manpower was destined to be unable to catch up with the car, at least he could see which direction the other party was turning at the next intersection.

When Ohuki Soichi's car disappeared at the intersection of the street, Kiya stopped not far in front of Mori Kogoro.

"Turn right at the intersection ahead!"

After directly opening the car door and sitting on it, Mori Kogoro immediately showed Takagi the way, but when the car turned right to the intersection, Takagi stepped on the brake involuntarily.

Seeing the scene in front of them, everyone present was shocked.

Because Daguan Zongyi was lying on the ground in a coma, looking at the open car door, it seemed that he was knocked out the moment he got out of the car.

Seeing this and waiting for the vehicle to stop, the three of Takagi immediately opened the door and ran over to check the situation of Soichi Okinawa.

"Mr. Oguan!"

"Are you OK!"

"Hold on!"

Under the shouts of Mori Kogoro and the three of them, Daguan Zongyi, who was lying on the ground, struggled to support his upper body with a painful expression on his face. Just looking at the way he was covering the back of his head, it was obvious that he had been beaten severely.

"Mr. Oguan, what happened!" Looking at Soichi Oguan with a painful expression on his face, Officer Meguro asked repeatedly.

"The prisoner called me and told me to get rid of the police and go this way when I was crossing the road." Da Guanzong covered the back of his head and frowned in pain, "But when I got here, I just got out of the car, the prisoner tutorial Knocked me out from behind, and then took the money in the car..."

"Where's the mobile phone?" Takagi looked at Da Guanzong together: "Is the mobile phone that the three of you gave you before still there?"

"Sorry, the phone was also taken away by the other party..." Daguan Zongyi apologized.

"Recruitment immediately contact the police department and issue a full wanted!!" Police officer Mu Mu was annoyed when he heard this: "We must catch this bastard!"


Hearing this, Takagi took out the walkie-talkie and planned to contact the headquarters to issue an arrest warrant, but before he could turn on the phone, Tang Ze on the side grabbed his wrist.

"What's the matter Tang Ze criminal?" Gao Mu looked at Tang Ze's movement to stop him, a little puzzled.

"It doesn't need to be so troublesome." Tang Ze shook his head and looked at Da Guanzong who was still lying on the ground with a smile: "I already know who the prisoner is."

"What!" Takagi was shocked when he heard this: "You already know the identity of the kidnapper!?"


"Who is the kidnapper!!"

Hearing Takagi's exclamation, Police Officer Megure and Mori Kogoro, who were still looking after Soichi Ohuki's injuries, also attracted their attention.

At the same time, there was something unbelievable in their hearts.

After all, Daguan Zongyi, who paid the ransom here, had just been beaten up and robbed of a huge amount of ransom, and Tang Ze said that he already knew the true identity of the kidnapper.

This is really too incredible!

However, the trust towards Tang Ze in the past finally gained the upper hand. Police officer Mu Mu looked at Tang Ze after recovering his senses and asked repeatedly: "Brother Tang Ze, who is the kidnapper!"

"It's so far away from the horizon." Tang Ze pointed to Da Guanzong, who was lying on the ground with a painful expression on his face, and said with a chuckle, "Mr. Da Guan, do you want to continue pretending?

It's very interesting to play a one-man show by yourself. I feel that I am in control of everything. Can someone turn our police around? "

Hearing Tang Ze's words, Da Guanzong's face changed dramatically the next moment, but soon his gaffe turned into anger: "This criminal, what nonsense are you talking about!!

I'm a victim, don't talk nonsense! ! ! "

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