Detectives of Detective World

Eight hundred and fourteenth chapter Kesou research out (four thousand)

When Tang Ze almost started to put the processed ingredients into the pot, Ayako also walked into the kitchen and started to help.

"Is everything settled?"

Tang Ze asked while putting the chicken wings into the oven.

"Well, Dad also said that we should wait and see for a while."

Ayako replied with a smile: "He also praised you for being calm and have the "style of a general", and you are not blinded by the momentary interests in front of you."

"I accept this compliment."

Tang Ze accepted the old man's praise with a smile, "Also, make more preparations. If the bubble is really burst, it will also be an opportunity."

Anyway, it's the lighthouse country on the other side of the ocean, Tang Ze doesn't mind eating a piece of fat at the end.

He and the Suzuki family were able to reap a fortune in the end under preparation.

Of course, these Tang Zes are not responsible for the specific operations, as long as the arrangements are made and the subordinates watch over and strictly implement them.

As for those who encouraged Ayako to continue to invest, they should have received a dismissal notice from Ayako's secretary.

Tang Ze didn't show any mercy to this, he didn't listen to orders and urged the boss to change his decision, no matter how good Tang Ze was, Tang Ze didn't need such a person.

Naturally, there is no need to say much about the dinner. With the improvement of Tang Ze's cooking skills, not only the taste but also the presentation of the dishes has also improved, making it more and more like a restaurant.

Of course, these are just short breaks in the search.

Early the next morning, Tang Ze got up early to take a shower.

After finishing his breakfast, Tang Ze called Police Officer Megure, and then drove towards Youji and his husband's apartment.

After arriving at the other party's house, Tang Ze waited for about ten minutes before Takagi drove the car to meet Tang Ze.

"Sorry, I'm late." Seeing that Tang Ze might have been waiting here for a while, Takagi scratched his head and smiled embarrassedly.

"It's okay, I just arrived a little earlier, and it didn't take long." Tang Ze got out of the car and followed Takagi to the apartment building: "Do you know where the other party lives?"

"I know, I made an appointment on the phone yesterday." After Gao Mu finished speaking, he took Tang Ze up to the second floor, and then stopped in front of Room 202.

After knocking on the door, a man's voice came from the room: "Who is it?"

"Mr. Matayoshi, I'm Takagi from the Metropolitan Police Department, I had a call yesterday."

Takagi yelled, and then heard footsteps approaching, and then the door opened, and a man in a suit who appeared to be in his thirties appeared in front of the two of them.

"Let's go out and talk." Youji Hefu turned around and closed the door while talking: "Sorry, I will entertain you when there is an interview later, let's make a long story short."

"It doesn't matter, we are happy to see you go straight to the point." Seeing this, Tang Ze smiled and nodded understandingly.

After all, the other party is currently unemployed, so naturally the most important thing right now is to find a job.

"It's best if you two can understand. When I went back yesterday, my mother in my hometown knew about my unemployment and wanted me to go home and work."

While talking, Youji Hefu took out a cigarette, lit it, and took a deep breath, "But I still want to try again. Although going home is safe, it's not the life I want after all."

"Then let's make a quick decision and try not to waste your time, Mr. Youji."

Seeing that the other party had a tendency to feel that life was off topic, Tang Ze quickly opened his mouth to bring the topic back to the topic: "I'm sorry for offending me.

But I heard that you, Mr. Youji, were dismissed from the company because you contradicted Mr. Youji. I would like to ask about the specific situation. "

"That guy is really a scumbag. He is so domineering because he is sent by the bank. It is really unbearable."

Youji Hefu took a deep breath of the cigarette and let it out slowly: "But everyone is afraid of his rights, no one dares to jump out and criticize him, so they can only suffer in silence.

After all, he was sent from outside the bank to raise funds. If he contradicts him, he will not get financing from the bank. This is a major event that will affect the survival of the company. "

"But you contradicted Mr. Takegawa.

Tang Ze asked curiously: "You should know the consequences, but why...?" "

"As I said, that guy is a complete scumbag."

Youji and Hefu showed disgust on his face: "That guy has no shame at all, and he sexually harassed female employees in the company without any cover."

According to Youji Kazuo's description, the other party was harassing female employees in the company at that time, and he couldn't stand it any longer, so he stepped forward to stop the other party.

The situation at the time was ugly, and Toshio Takegawa couldn't get off the stage, and the other party got very angry.

But since he chose to stand up, Youji Hefu really didn't think about keeping the job.

Now that the pot was broken, he naturally had no scruples. He mercilessly told about the sexual harassment of the female employees and asked him to apologize to the two female employees who were harassed.

This greatly embarrassed Toshio Takegawa, and made him very annoyed and refused to apologize.

And this is also Youji Hefu's purpose, since he knew that he was going to lose his job, he should make a noise to make the other party feel apprehensive, otherwise he would have to endure the other party's command to intensify.

Yoshikazu lost all scruples and kept chasing Takegawa Toshio to ask him to apologize, but the other party naturally refused, and the two were torn together like this.

In the end, it was the two female employees who were afraid that Youji and Fu would hit each other, so they persuaded him by making things worse.

Of course, the final result was that Takegawa Toshio was ashamed and humiliated, and Yoshikazu was fired by the company.

"I don't know who the two women who were harassed at that time were?" After listening to Youji and Fu's words, Tang Ze subconsciously flashed the faces of the two women he had seen before.

"Ryoko Izumi and Chieko Miyama."

While talking, Youji Hefu walked to a black car and opened the door: "Are there any questions? It's almost time for me to go to the interview."

"Where were you the night before yesterday?" Takagi asked quickly when he heard that the other party was leaving.

"At home, all by myself."

Youji Hefu took a puff of a cigarette that was about to burn out, then threw it on the ground and stomped on it: "Of course I didn't kill that guy Zhuchuan, when I stood up, I already had the consciousness of losing my job.

And it's not worth it to lose your own future for that kind of scum, isn't it? "

"You are very calm." Tang Ze smiled and said, "Thank you for your cooperation. If you think of anything, please call us again."

"I see." Youji Hefu nodded, threw the handbag on the passenger seat, then bid farewell to the two and drove away.

"Criminal Tang Ze, do you think it's him? Or those two women who were harassed?" Takagi couldn't help asking while looking at the car where Yoshikazu and Fu left.

"It's hard to say now, what do you think?" Tang Ze asked while looking down at the ground.

"I think it might not be him." Takagi scratched his head and said: "I think he is very calm, although he hates Takegawa, but I think he is a sensible person.

Such a person should not do such impulsive things as killing people. "

"It's hard to say, no matter how calm people are, there are times when they are impulsive, not to mention that it has been so long since the murder, it is enough for people to calm down."

Tang Ze put on his white gloves while talking, knelt down and picked up the cigarette butt from the ground and put it into the evidence bag: "But it's not without gain, is it?"

"Cigarette butts... It seems that Tang Ze is suspicious of Matayoshi Kazuo?" Seeing Tang Ze's actions, Takagi couldn't help laughing.

"Everything still depends on the evidence." Tang Ze smiled and said, "Send this back for testing first."

"What about you, Tang Ze?" Takagi asked curiously.

"I'm going to go to the company again."

Tang Ze smiled and said, "I already understood the method of killing people yesterday. What is needed now is a field test."

"Eh, yesterday?" Takagi was surprised when he heard the words, and then he was a little puzzled: "Then why did it take until today..."

"Because we need to prepare the equipment for the experiment, yesterday and tomorrow are too late."

Tang Ze smiled and explained: "Early this morning, I called Police Officer Megure and asked him to lead the team to take charge there, and I took advantage of the preparation time to come over and ask Matayoshi Kazuo."

"Is there a suspected murderer?" Takagi cheered up after hearing the words: "Now Kazuo Kazuo and the two female employees should be suspected, right?

Criminal Tang Ze, which side do you prefer? "

"Both sides are possible."

Tang Ze shook his head and said, "This technique can be done on both sides. I hope this experiment can have additional gains besides confirming the murder."

"Then I'll send the item to "Kesouyan" for testing first, and if there is any result, I will call you immediately."

Takagi nodded when he heard the words, "If you need to do anything at that time, Criminal Tang Ze, please give me instructions on the phone."

"Okay, let's call."

Tang Ze nodded, and the two got into their cars and drove towards their destinations.


Seeing Kujo Hiroshi again, the other party's face was very ugly.

This is also normal, obviously yesterday, Tang Ze took Ma Sheng to tell the truth that it might have been an accident, and wanted to close the case quickly.

As a result, early this morning, police officer Mu Mu came over with a large group of people.

I'm afraid that others don't know what's going on here. If it weren't for the patrols on the outskirts to take care of the vigilance, there would be many people watching the excitement.

"When will it end?"

Seeing the busy staff in white coats coming and going in front of him, Kujo Hiroshi had a very bad expression on his face: "Yesterday Criminal Tang Ze brought the forensic doctor and said that it was probably an accident. Why did it turn into murder today... "

"Maybe they found something?" Police Officer Mumu looked at the busy people and said in a deep voice, "In short, please cooperate with us, and solving the case earlier will calm down sooner, won't it?"

While the two were chatting, a car drove into the underground parking lot.

After the car door opened, Tang Ze walked up to the two of them.

"Megure police department." Tang Ze greeted Mumu, then looked at the ugly Kujo Hiroshi and said with a smile: "Mr. Kujo, can you call Miss Izumi and Miss Miyama over?

I would like to invite the two ladies to visit this experiment. "

"Are they..." Hearing Tang Ze's words, Kujo Hiroshi's expression changed drastically, making him very ugly.

He naturally understood the meaning contained in the other party's words, so it was normal to have this reaction.

After all, fundamentally speaking, Toshio Takegawa who caused this series of incidents is a stain.

It was precisely because of his misbehavior that there were subsequent conflicts.

If the media finds out, the bank's reputation will certainly be damaged, and their company's reputation will probably be ruined as well.

But unfortunately, even if Kujo Hiroshi is unwilling, everything now will not change around his will.

Asahi came over quickly, and he acted as an errand runner to inform the two that they were ready and could start the experiment at any time.

"Then let's have a look together, it's not a way of killing by poison or trauma." Tang Ze turned to look at Police Officer Mumu and said.

"Speaking of which, this is the first time that "Kesouyan" has shown up." Officer Mumu said with a smile, "Don't mess it up."

"Then let's wait and see." Tang Ze took the intercom from Ma Shengshi's hands, and then led everyone out of the underground parking lot to the temporary monitoring room built outside.

Looking at the two erected screens in front of him, Tang Ze turned on the walkie-talkie and gave the command to start.

On the screen, a man in full armor waved at the crowd, and then turned on the fire alarm button on the wall.

"The carbon dioxide fire extinguishing equipment will be activated in thirty seconds, please evacuate quickly to avoid danger..."

Along with the flashing red warning light, a mechanical female voice resounded throughout the underground parking lot.

The time of twenty seconds was long or short, and soon countless fire extinguishing devices on the ceiling of the underground parking lot began to spray white carbon dioxide.

In the parking lot, staff wearing masks stood safely in the underground parking lot, and even wandered around in the white spray mischievously waving at the camera.

But the scene at this moment did not make everyone in front of the screen laugh. Their serious faces obviously realized something.

"Look at another screen."

Lie down and speak, diverting everyone's attention to another screen.

The picture on this screen does not show the staff still in the house, but a white rectangular instrument.

Amidst the pervasive white smoke, the numbers on a small rectangular screen on the machine were constantly beating.

"This value..." Ma Chengshi looked at the screen with a dignified expression, "It's enough to be fatal."

"Although carbon dioxide is a very common thing, even our own breath produces it, and it can also be used to make carbonated drinks, but it does not mean that he has no danger."

Tang Ze looked at the instrument on the screen and explained, "But if the concentration exceeds 20% in an instant, if you don't make any preparations, you will suffocate to death within a few seconds."

"So the murderer led the deceased to the underground parking lot, and then killed Zhuchuan with the carbon dioxide instantly produced by the fire extinguishing device!?"

Kujo Hiroshi who was on the side screamed when he heard the words, turned his head to look at Ryoko Izumi and Chieko Miyama, and subconsciously took two steps back.

It was as if he had seen something terrifying.

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