Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 816 Kill him! (four thousand)

That afternoon, after learning about the prank of the two, Youji and Hefu had this murder method with the help of a "fire trigger" in his mind.

The preparation he made was very simple, he just went to the supermarket and bought a small oxygen bottle.

This thing is not difficult to buy. Before the financial crisis in the 1990s, many people would buy this oxygen inhaler. It was considered a fashion at that time.

Although this thing is no longer popular after the crisis, it has not completely disappeared, and big supermarkets will still sell it.

After buying the necessary props, Yoshikazu directly drove to the company's underground parking lot and waited patiently in the car.

As time went by, Kazuo Matata soon spotted Chieko Miyama at the back door of the underground parking lot.

He knew that the prank between the two was about to begin.

Sure enough, not long after, he heard the conversation between Miyama Chieko and Zhuchuan.

Soon, Toshio Takegawa walked in, and the door behind him was automatically closed and locked.

Seeing the success of Chieko Miyama's prank, Matayoshi Kazuo also started his own plan.

He opened the car door while Toshio Takegawa was yelling at the front door.

And the cigarettes were also thrown away at that time.

Takegawa Toshio seemed to be in a panic, and hadn't found him until this time.

It wasn't until he activated the "fire trigger" button and the underground garage started to alarm that Takegawa Toshio didn't notice his existence.

After a brief moment of stupefaction, Takegawa Toshio quickly realized Matayoshi Kazuo's plan.

He frantically ran to Ji Hefu's car to ask for survival, and Ji Hefu also ran to the car.

But just as Matayoshi Kazuo was about to get in the car, Toshio Takegawa rushed forward with his potential.

The two scuffled in the parking lot, but Takegawa Toshio was old after all, so how could he be the opponent of Matayoshi Kazuo, a man in his early thirties.

Soon, Kazuo Matata broke free from Toshio Takegawa's grip on his right arm, but the other party struggled so hard that his arm was accidentally scratched by the other party.

But that was all. Afterwards, Toshio Takegawa didn't bother him any more. He pushed him aside, and he immediately closed the car door and put on the respirator on the oxygen cylinder.

At this time, the fire extinguishing device on the ceiling had already started to spray a large amount of carbon dioxide gas, and Toshio Takegawa screamed in despair, and was silent under the jet of white smoke.

The entire underground parking lot fell into silence. After a while, Yoshikazu got out of the car with an oxygen bottle in hand to look at Zhuchuan's body, then opened the front door with the remote control of the electronic garage door and drove away from the crime scene.

That's right, he has the remote control. After all, he was an employee of this company two days ago, so he naturally has the key to the iron rolling door of the underground parking lot.

Although he left his job, he hadn't had time to return the key to the remote control, which made it easier for him to complete the trick.

When it was discovered, everyone would think that it was because Zhuchuan, who was trapped in the underground parking lot, was too anxious and demented to press the fire alarm, resulting in his death.

At that time, it will become an accident, and he will be able to complete a "complete murder" without guilt.

"If they didn't have so much trouble...everything would be treated as an accident..." Youji Hefu growled hoarsely in his voice, "It's all them..."

"That's enough!" Tang Ze said in a cold tone, "Didn't you ever think of finding the reason from yourself?"

Being scolded by Tang Ze like this, Youji and Fu's expressions kept changing, and finally he could only bow his head and remain silent.

At this point in the matter, there is actually no need to say more. After Youji Hefu explained the whole process of the matter, Tang Ze asked someone to detain him.

Tang Ze was too lazy to say anything to the guy who still refused to repent and complain in the end.

After leaving the interrogation room,

Police officer Mu Mu greeted him: "Thanks for your hard work, this case really helped me a lot, and this time "Kesouyan" can be regarded as its debut."

"I hope there will be better results in the future." Tang Ze said with a smile: "This is also the purpose of the establishment of "Kesouyan", to reform and optimize the search process."

"Looking forward to your performance." Police officer Mu Mu patted Tang Ze on the shoulder: "Okay, you go ahead, I will deal with the follow-up of the case."

"Then I'll go first." Tang Ze nodded and greeted Takagi, and drove straight to get off work.

Back home, Ayako had already prepared dinner, Tang Ze lazily piled it on the sofa after finishing the meal and clicked on the panel to view the rewards.

[Invisible suffocation murder case]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining physics (3 years)]

Evaluation: The "Kesouyan" created by you has brought more changes to the world. With the advancement of technology, more difficult cases may become easier because of the reforms you brought.

But on the other hand, high-tech crimes may also be more hidden, and this is destined to be a long contest.

Somewhere, you have won the favor of fate!

Seeing this, Tang Ze couldn't help raising his eyebrows, thoughts kept flashing through his mind.

First of all, the rewards this time are not bad. Physics originally helped Tang Ze to judge some phenomena in the case more comprehensively.

And now that he is a consultant of "Kesouyan", it would be nice to have more knowledge in related fields.

After all, for a scientific researcher, even if you are his boss, if you don't understand the relevant field at all, they won't be particularly convinced.

This is also a common mentality of academics. After all, if I tell you that you don't understand, "the lips of the donkey are not right with the mouth of the horse", then there is nothing to say.

At least you have to be able to understand and understand what the other party is saying, then at least you have the basic language.

Moreover, Tang Ze took charge of "Kesouyan" not only to establish this department, but also to integrate "Kesouyan" into the existing search system.

To put it simply, it is to make criminals learn to use scientific and high-tech machine assistance to better solve cases.

The fusion of the two parties naturally requires the two sides to run in with each other, and it will definitely be biased to stand alone on one side.

And Tang Ze happened to know a little bit about both parties, so he was naturally the best candidate to lead the new system into the existing search system.

And this case is obviously a good start.

The "invisible suffocation case", a puzzling case, was solved with the help of "Kesouyan", which can be regarded as the official emergence of this newly established department.

Tang Ze also believes that this case will be regarded as a case and become a must-read material for the top bosses, and it will also let them know what role the power of science can play.

Even if it's just "seeing the leopard in the tube", it can make people see the effect.

In some bizarre death cases, the actual difficulty is "understanding".

And "Kesouyan" is the place to analyze these bizarre cases and find the root cause.

And when the confusing method is clear, it is actually not far from solving the case.

The existence of "Kesouyan" has provided a clear and intuitive understanding of difficult events that were originally invisible and incomprehensible.

Although it is still an exception, this makes people see the possibility of solving difficult cases more easily.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Tang Ze started the next move.

A decision that is simple to implement, but one that can easily pay off.

There is no way, after all, the current "Kesouyan" is still a start-up, and although it has begun to emerge, it is not enough in a single case.

If we can't produce phased results, I'm afraid we won't get stronger support in the future, which is not conducive to the development of the department in the future.

This is also normal. After all, there are still many agencies under the Metropolitan Police Department, and everyone is fighting for funds. If you have more, other agencies will naturally have fewer.

And since Tang Ze is in charge of "Kesouyan", he naturally doesn't want his "cubs" to be short of food.

Moreover, "Kesouyan" is different from ordinary departments, it needs a lot of high-end equipment.

These funds have not been approved before. Obviously, the bigwigs at the top are still waiting and watching, so Tang Ze has to show the results and let them make a decision.

Not to mention that this will allow "Kesouyan" to develop, but at least it will be able to formally establish the department.

The current "Kesouyan" equipment is all old equipment from the original research institute, and many of them are used for research and cannot be used in search.

"If a worker wants to be good at his work, he must first sharpen his tools." If even the most basic tools are not available, there is no talk of future development.

The equipment that Tang Ze wants to purchase with this batch of funds is targeted, and it is biased towards analysis and inspection equipment.

Moreover, Tang Ze still has a sense of urgency, because the financial crisis is likely to erupt.

Others don't know, but he has always attracted people's attention. Two days ago, Ayako also said that Meilijian's stock market has gone up like crazy recently.

In Tang Ze's view, this is a very bad omen, and if it breaks out, this side will definitely be impressed.

Tang Ze doesn't care about other things, if the funds originally planned to be approved for "Kesouyan" are intercepted by the people above, then Tang Ze will really cry blind.

Therefore, it is necessary to produce results as soon as possible to lay the foundation for the development of "Kesouyan".

But Tang Ze thought that the most suitable entry point was to introduce a lie detector.

I believe that many people are familiar with this thing, and they will understand it somewhat.

Although the lie detectors in this era are very simple, they actually have a great effect.

To put it simply, it is to detect and judge whether you are lying or not based on your physiological reactions and other conditions.

And it is easy to see the results by introducing a lie detector.

After all, in the process of fighting wits and courage with the prisoner, "lie" can be said to run through the whole process.

Of course, there must be restrictions. For some people who are just suspicious, I am afraid that they can only ask the other party to cooperate with the test.

Just like the "non-mandatory interrogation" they often do in criminal cases, it is not impossible to take the suspect back to the Metropolitan Police Department without a search warrant, but it requires the other party's consent to cooperate, and the other party has the right to refuse.

Of course, if you have a search warrant, everything is easy to say. It proves that you are under serious suspicion. Whether it is an arrest or a polygraph test, the Metropolitan Police Department has the right to do so.

But in any case, if a lie detector can be introduced, this is definitely a change visible to the naked eye.

As a fan of reasoning in his previous life, Tang Ze knew the power of lie detectors very well.

In general, polygraphs are simple to use.

At the very beginning, 9 cards from one to nine will be prepared, and then the tester will randomly draw one of the nine cards marked with numbers.

Then start from number 1 and ask "Is the card you see is "X"?" Repeatedly.

Using this as a template, bring the question into information that only the murderer knows, such as the color of the deceased's clothes and what kind of similar weapon was used to kill him.

If the subject was really a criminal, he must have known what he had done.

When he gets the correct answer, if he chooses to lie, the physiological reaction will be detected, resulting in fluctuations.

This may seem like magic, but it is actually judged based on a person's blood pressure, pulse, and breathing when the person is lying.

Of course, lie detectors are not a panacea, and there are people who can fool the machine after professional training.

It's just that such people are too rare to see. They only target ordinary criminals, not professional spies.

And Tang Ze's choice of a lie detector is actually a good starting point.

First of all, compared with those expensive machines, the polygraph is a cheap device, and it is easy to operate, and does not require too high-end professional technicians.

And cheap means that it is easy to spread and can be used on a large scale.

More importantly, it is easy to get results, and it is very straightforward.

The polygraph is actually very useful against ordinary guys. Don't look at the "pre-check" before starting the test, but many people can't pass the first level.

When you deny the poker card you saw, the machine directly judges that you are lying. Many suspects will choose to give up resistance at this stage and confess everything.

With this, the effect is obvious.

Not to mention anything else, at least in many cases it can save efficiency.

For example, to deal with those thieves, this thing is definitely a big killer.

Those thieves were all habitual offenders, but the crimes they committed were not serious. After seeing each other for a few years, they went out to continue committing crimes. Many of them are veterans. There is no truth here.

After the theft, the police are the first to investigate these people.

But you can't believe their words, you can only investigate slowly.

But if you have a lie detector, it will be much more convenient. Under the test, you really can't choose to hide.

For habitual thieves, this thing is quite a deterrent, avoiding the possibility of their recidivism.

After all, they have already signed up at the Yamen, and they can still talk to you about whether you are in a hurry or not.

After making up his mind, Tang Ze got up and took out his phone to make a call to Boss Qitama, first to talk about his plan.

And with the support of big brother Saitama, I believe that the upper management can be persuaded to implement this plan soon.

Tang Ze was looking forward to this very much.

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