Detectives of Detective World

Eight hundred and thirtieth chapters unexpected news (four thousand)

"I never thought that after listening to you for a long time, I only heard such a farce."

Mujima looked at Tang Ze angrily and said, "This is simply impossible!"

"Oh? Why is it impossible?"

Tang Ze looked at Miji Kijima playfully and said, "You mean to say that you, Mr. Ishikawa and Ms. Nakamura saw the corpse in the room together?"

Hearing Tang Ze's words, Mizuki Kijima's angry face suddenly became ugly. He didn't expect that what he wanted to say would be proposed by the other party.

And what this represents is naturally self-evident.

"But we entered the room together. Miss Umeda's body was in the room at that time."

Hearing Tang Ze's words, Ishikawa Jiro, who didn't understand the joints, questioned: "In that case, how could Kijima move the corpse?"

"Are you really sure that what you see is the truth?" Tang Ze looked at the two and asked meaningfully.

"What do you mean by that?" Yoko Nakamura was a little confused.

"What I mean is that what you see is not a corpse, but a doll that is the same size as Ms. Umeda and made up as a clown."

Tang Ze also ignored Mijima Mujima, who was looking increasingly ugly, but changed his voice: "After all, who proposed to hold the engagement celebration party for the two of you tonight as a masquerade party?"

"It was suggested by the editor-in-chief." Jiro Ishikawa replied truthfully.

"Then may I ask you two, did the director negotiate with you personally?"

Tang Ze looked at the two of them and said, "After all, you are the protagonists of this party. I think even if Editor Umeda is usually overbearing, it is impossible not to ask for your opinions on this kind of matter, right?"

"This..." Ishikawa also sensed something was wrong when he heard this, he hesitated and said, "Mr. Kijima informed our editor-in-chief of this decision..."

"It's meaningless for you to say these things now." Kijima Mimi's face was full of impatience, "The editor-in-chief Umeda is dead, and there is no way to verify the authenticity of what you said!"

"That's true. After all, as a suspect, I won't believe no matter what you say."

Tang Ze scolded Mitsuki Kijima,

Immediately looking at the other party, he asked, "Speaking of which, Mr. Mengmeng, do you know that the gas stove in the kitchen in this room is equipped with an earthquake sensor?"

"Earthquake... sensor??" After hearing Tang Ze's words, Kijima's eyes were confused and uneasy for a moment.

That was his instinctive reaction when things went beyond his expectations.

"It seems that you really don't know." Tang Ze looked at Takagi while talking, the other party nodded, and quickly brought out the ingredients from the gas stove from the kitchen.

"Criminal Sato, you are more proficient in cooking, please describe the situation in the pot."

After hearing Tang Ze's words, Sato Miwaji opened the lid of the pot to show others the domestic situation: "Miss Umeda should be planning to cook beef stew.

But judging from the situation of this pot, not to mention the difficult-to-cook beef, even some of the side dishes were not cooked.

In this situation, it is simply impossible to catch up with the five o'clock party. "

"That's about it."

Tang Ze took out his mobile phone and pulled out a photo, "This is the pointer of the gas stove switch, and it shows "small fire", right?

This also proved that Ms. Umeda prepared dinner in accordance with the time when the party started.

I figured she was going to simmer on low heat, but the fire was automatically turned off because the sensor was activated by the earthquake at three o'clock.

But the strange thing is, Ms. Umeda did not restart the ignition.

In other words, there was no way to light the fire again, because at that time she had been killed by Mr. Kijima! "

When Kijima heard Tang Ze's words, he was very shocked and furious, "It's really stupid, I want to go back!!"

But before he could take a step forward, the chubby body of Police Officer Mu Mu stood in front of him like an iron wall, "Sorry, Brother Tang Ze hasn't finished speaking yet, I don't think you can leave yet!"

Mitsuki Kijima's eyes trembled, looking at the police officer Megure who was putting a lot of pressure on him, he didn't dare to leave in the end.

"Mr. Kijima, I think you came to Ms. Umeda's house and killed her from behind before you met Ishikawa-san?"

Looking at the angry Kijima, Tang Ze smiled casually: "In order to make us think that Miss Umeda was killed shortly before you arrived in the room, you put the body on the cold balcony, so that This is to delay the freezing time of the corpse.

Then you use the prepared dolls to switch the package and arrange the scene where the other party seems to be killed.

I think the reason why you didn't turn off the gas stove before you left was so that when Miss Umeda was found, the stewed beef would still be cooked, so as to create the feeling that the other party had just been killed, right?

It's a pity that people are not as good as heaven. There was an earthquake at around 3 o'clock today, and the gas was automatically shut down by the earthquake sensor.

But you didn't know about the earthquake sensor, so you met Mr. Ishikawa and went to the clothing rental store as planned.

And when you were changing clothes, you sent a text message with Ms. Umeda's mobile phone to create the illusion that she was still alive at that time, and then used Ms. Umeda's identity to let everyone's mobile phones be stored in the store.

But what really makes me appreciate you is the psychological tricks after that, which completely fooled the two of Ishikawa and made them think that they really saw the corpse at that time. "

"Psychological...manipulation? Seeing the dead body..." After hearing Tang Ze's words, Ishikawa and his girlfriend looked at each other, as if they thought of something, their expressions became complicated.

Tang Ze looked at the expressions of the two and said with a smile: "I think you two should have noticed by now.

Because Kijima said not to destroy the scene at the time, you didn't get close to the corpse at all.

Joking about the dim light, seeing footprints in the entrance, dolls that fell to the ground, including Shimizu Masao's conversation after he hurried out.

These gave you a preconceived impression, but out of trust in your companions, you obviously did not see the real corpse, but you believed this fact in your mind.

From the moment you enter the room, the two of you have been guided by each other.

Including the action of going out to find the phone, although it seems to be the result of the three people's discussion or even led by you, Mr. Ishikawa, but in fact it is also a kind of necessity.

Based on the situation at the time, I think you would never want to leave Yoko Nakamura alone in a room with a dead body, would you?

So the two of you looking for a phone call are actually part of his plan.

And when you leave the room, he can naturally stay in the room alone, swap the real corpse hidden on the balcony with the doll, and then dispose of the doll.

The oil paint stained on the curtains was probably accidentally stained when moving the corpse. "

"You're talking nonsense, these are just speculations!"

Hearing that Tang Ze had almost restored the truth, Miki Kijima angrily rushed to Tang Ze and denied loudly: "Why do you say that I am a murderer? Do you have any evidence for your statement!?"

It's a pity that reasoning doesn't mean that the louder you are, the more reasonable you are. Since the other party actively asks for the link of "begging to get hammered", Tang Ze will naturally not be stingy to let the other party give up.

Looking at Mijima Mujima with a ferocious expression in front of him, Tang Ze smiled and said, "Of course there is evidence, please go to the balcony and have a look."

After everyone heard Tang Ze's words and came to the balcony, they found Naoki Ueijing standing in front of a white car downstairs.

"Mr. Kijima, this is your car."

Tang Ze looked at Miki Kijima, who was trembling all over, stretched out his hand and gestured downstairs, and then Naoki Umi opened the trunk of the opponent's car, and everyone couldn't help but exclaimed the next moment.

In the other party's trunk, there was a life-size doll dressed exactly like Ms. Umeda lying there quietly.

This absolute ironclad evidence proves that Tang Ze's reasoning is correct, and also proves that Mitsuki Kijima himself is the murderer!

"Damn!! It's all about that woman's fault!!"

Mitsuki Kijima fell to his knees with his hands on the railing, and began the confession session.

Ms. Umeda really has kindness to Miki Kijima, and under her training and promotion, he has indeed become an excellent makeup artist.

But every time he made a girlfriend, Umeda would intervene to destroy the relationship between him and his girlfriend. Not only that, Umeda also threatened him that if he dared to leave the company, he would not be able to gain a foothold in this industry.

Whenever he thought of this, he felt that he was being played like a monkey, a clown who was crying in his heart but could only be forced to hide under the make-up to make fun of the other party.

So he was forced to a desperate situation, and finally chose to embark on such a road of no return.

Tang Ze couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth when he heard Kijima Mitsu's words.

Listening to the other party, it seems that the other party was reverse dived by Umeda's editor?

The corner of Tang Ze's mouth twitched involuntarily when he heard the meaning of the other party's words.

Should it be said that it is the trouble of the handsome guy? To be honest, Ms. Umeda is not ugly, but she not only dislikes it, but even has murderous intentions because of it.

If it is placed in the group of sand sculpture netizens in later generations, knowing that there is such a good thing, they will definitely shout "Sister, I can" or something like that.

Of course, for Kijima Mito, maybe that was really a kind of humiliation, and even made him not hesitate to kill to escape this humiliation.

Under the complicated gaze of the two of Ishikawa, Mitsuki Kijima was finally escorted into the police car by Takagi.

As for Shimizu Masataka, as long as he checks with Kijima Mitsu, the suspicion of murder can basically be eliminated.

But it's not bad for him to bring the other party back first.

After all, the other party also had contact with a murder case, so it is normal to go back and make a record, and the car pick-up and drop-off will also save the other party from running away.

From this point of view, Qianye saved him trouble by bringing him back.

Of course, he probably didn't want this kind of trouble at all. After all, to put it bluntly, he was innocent. He thought he was lucky enough to get a job, but in the end he was almost framed as a criminal.

After this incident, he probably wouldn't dare to take jobs from the internet any more.

After the case was over, Tang Ze returned home with an empty stomach and ate the hamburger that Ayako brought him.

Ayako has also been very busy in the past few days. Although it was only a short period of two or three days, the news that the Tang Ling consortium gained huge benefits before the economic crisis has spread throughout the financial world.

In the situation where countless companies and even consortiums are hurting, the Suzuki consortium with strong strength and sufficient funds and the Tang Ling consortium who are like siblings can be said to be life-saving straws in the eyes of these people.

In addition, Ayako will naturally not let go of this good opportunity for expansion. In the development field planned by Tang Ze, she has selected some high-quality enterprises for acquisition or shareholding.

If we say that in the past, some companies and the like wanted to invest in others

Countless people want to get a lot of money from here to tide over the difficulties, including Ke Xue world's top banks in Neon.

Unlike Tang Ze's hometown, except for the post office savings which are state-owned, all other banks are privately owned.

And because of the special status of the bank in the financial field, Tang Ze would benefit a lot from getting more bank shares.

Under such circumstances, even Ayako didn't have much free time to prepare dinner for Tang Ze.

However, eating hamburgers once in a while is quite fresh, and it is very convenient to carry. Tang Ze and Ayako ate up the hamburgers and fried chicken while watching TV.

It was almost 8 o'clock, and the singing variety show participated by Okino Yoko had ended. Seeing the commercial time, Ayako used the remote control to tune the channel to find other programs, while Tang Ze drank fruit tea and started to empty the computer.

"Huh? Wait a minute."

While staring aimlessly at the constantly changing programs on the TV screen, when I was lying down, I suddenly saw a familiar face flashing past the TV.

He came back to his senses, took the remote control in Ayako's hand and reversed the channel.

"...The performance of the newly created magic trick "The Witch's Resurrection" caused body burns, and is currently being rescued in the emergency room."

Because it was because of switching channels, when Tang Ze switched over, the news anchor had already read the news in half.

But it was only the second half that allowed Tang Ze to understand the whole picture of the matter.

"What's wrong?" Ayako on the side also saw the content of the news, and couldn't help asking, "Acquaintance?"

"Well, it's sort of..." Tang Ze organized his words and told Ayako what happened.

"I didn't expect such a thing to happen. Is this a self-inflicted consequence..." Ayako looked at the short-haired woman on the screen and the injured photos taken after the accident, and couldn't help feeling emotional.

That's right, this person is Jigong Zhanzi who was rescued by Tang Ze after stopping the case.

She was also the only one who made Tang Ze feel a bit complicated after being rescued.

If you want to say that she did something wrong, it is true, and she has a bad personality.

But from a legal perspective, you can't sanction the other party. After all, the tragedy she caused was only an indirect effect of what she did.

The final result is that Jigong Zhanzi fell out with Xinghe Tongwu and others from Master Zhengying's school, cut off the relationship directly, and took away the teacher's under-the-box magic on the grounds of calming down the situation.

He thought that the other party would be happy and happy, but he didn't expect that such a tragedy would happen to the other party not long ago.

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