Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 840 Locking the suspect (four thousand)

Since the other party was going to teach the students, there was no need for Tang Ze and the others to stay.

So the two of them followed each other and left each other's office together.

Looking at the back of Butian Hongming going away, the sharpness in Tang Ze's deep eyes was fleeting.

"Criminal Tang Ze, do you suspect that Professor Buta is the murderer?"

When Buta Hiroaki disappeared from the corridor, Takagi asked the words he had held back before.

"That's right, that's true." Tang Ze nodded and said: "If he expressed the opinion that "Miss Iimori committed suicide" at the beginning, I only doubted him 50%.

But with the constant testing during the conversation, I am now 80% sure. "

"Eh? Did Criminal Tang Ze find something wrong?"

Hearing that Takagi questioned, he was also a little puzzled: "But I don't think there is anything wrong."

"No, so far, Hiroaki Buta's performance is indeed as you said, and there is nothing doubtful about it."

Tang Ze smiled slightly, looked at the puzzled Takagi and said in a casual tone: "If you have to say something, it's just your intuition. This thing doesn't make sense."


Hearing Tang Ze's unreliable words, Takagi couldn't help but cry: "Forget it, since it is Tang Ze's criminal intuition, then I think there must be some reason."

"Well, that's right." Tang Ze nodded irresistibly.

To say that Hiroaki Buta's biggest anomaly is his attitude that Saki Iimori committed suicide.

That's right, Tang Ze was suspicious at the very beginning because of this attitude.

For ordinary people, hearing Hiroaki Buta say a lot of seemingly authoritative words, combined with his status as a "professor of psychology", is actually very convincing.

And combined with the situation at the scene of the crime, I am afraid that there is no doubt.

But Tang Ze was different. For him, the behavior of the other party was too abnormal, completely inconsistent with the psychology of ordinary people.


Hiroaki Buda used psychology to analyze Saki Iimori, but he didn't expect that Tang Ze next to him was analyzing him.

The other party is proficient in psychology, but when the assistant who gets along with him every day dies, the other party does not have the mentality to pursue it, which is really abnormal.

Even if he took the attitude of believing in his own knowledge, it was the same, and Tang Ze felt that it was too deliberate.

Put yourself in your shoes and think about it, if an assistant or student who has no conflicts with you every day commits suicide, the basic case will be qualitative.

But at this time, two criminals came to the door on their own initiative, saying that the other party might not have committed suicide.

Under such circumstances, who would express their attitude, wouldn't it be over if they actively cooperated?

Most people tend to act on the "good" side when they have no stake in it. After all, everyone wants to get a good image.

Anyway, it wasn't me who was investigating, and I didn't have any interest in it. In addition, I had a good relationship with the deceased, most of them were naturally happy to see the police continue to investigate.

But Hiroaki Butian seemed a little too deliberate.

If it is said that at the very beginning, the other party had the idea of ​​"suicide", it may also be based on his own knowledge and theoretical knowledge.

So when Tang Ze and Takagi took out the clues of Iimori Saki's bookkeeping and analyzed that the other party might have a shameful "unscrupulous relationship", the attitude of the other party was very interesting.

Generally speaking, under such circumstances, everyone will definitely suspect the guy who had an "unlucky relationship" with Iimori Saki. As for suicide, it may not be impossible, but in comparison, the "love killing" may be more likely Doubt it.

One of human nature is to be suspicious, but Hiroaki Buta went the other way and insisted on affirming his own point of view.

Even at this time it is still the case.

It is reasonable to say that it is not good to directly hand over to the criminal for investigation. You emphasize your point of view again and again, which makes people feel very deliberate.

Of course, Hiroaki Buta, a professor of psychology, is very clever. At least Takagi didn't realize that he was being led by the other party.

But Tang Ze was different. In other words, after he agreed to take over the case, he didn't feel that there was a possibility of suicide in this case.

So when the other party was in the rhythm, he clearly felt that the other party was a "rhythm master", and Kijima Mitsu was nothing compared to him.

In the last case, Kijima's rhythm is very obvious. From the discovery of the corpse to the police, he was the leader from the beginning to the end. In the eyes of Tang Ze and Conan, this guy is short of the words "I am the murderer" It's written all over his face.

But Hiroaki Buda is different. From the very beginning, he used rhetoric to express his views as "objective and fair", but in fact, if you think about it carefully, you will find that your buttocks are not sure where it is.

The so-called suspicion is like this, when something goes wrong, the seeds will start to germinate, and Tang Ze is also more direct, and immediately starts to test the other party.

In the end, when he said that he suspected that Iimori had an "unlucky love" in the early days, he succeeded in catching Hiroaki Buta's fleeting flaw with mental calculations and unintentional circumstances.

But I have to say that Hiroaki Buta is a difficult guy, he is proficient in psychology and his mentality is calm enough, and even his techniques are extremely clever.

So far, Tang Ze still hasn't found out how the other party killed Iimori Saki and disguised it as a trick of committing suicide.

That's right, all doubts are personal subjective thoughts, in fact Tang Ze has no clue at all.

The opponent's method is simple but not simple, which is the most troublesome thing.

The road is as simple as it is, and sometimes the case is the same.

The more complicated the case, the more traces it left behind, and the more flaws were exposed.

However, there are not many steps in a simple case, and it is difficult to find a flaw in this case.

"So what do we do now?"

Takagi naturally knew that the current situation was tricky, and Sora suspected that nothing could be done, so he suggested: "Do you want to investigate the relationship between the two? If you can find out the relationship between the two..."

"No, even if you find evidence of the relationship between the other party and Ms. Iimori, it won't explain anything."

Tang Ze shook his head and said, "Even if we get the evidence and confront him face-to-face, he will definitely have a lot of reasons to prevaricate us."

"Then what are we going to do now?" Takagi asked aloud, without any nervousness, after all, based on his understanding of Tang Ze, the other party must have already planned.

"Iimori Saki's refrigerator is pasted with a note that looks like it was torn from a notebook. It was pasted by her to remind herself not to forget to return Akio Iketo's CD."

Tang Ze smiled and said, "The relationship between the two should be good, let's find out about the situation."

"I'll go and inquire now." Takagi was not surprised by Tang Ze's memory, nodded and began to inquire about Tang Ze's whereabouts.

When they found each other, they were having dinner in the restaurant. After Tang Ze and the two expressed their interest in coming, the three of them chose their own dishes, and then directly found a remote corner of the restaurant to talk.

Well, after all, they also arrived at the restaurant, and there was nothing wrong with Tang Ze and the two having lunch in the university cafeteria by the way.

"Iimori's early suicide should have shocked you all." While tasting the school's curry pork chop rice, Tang Ze opened up the topic.

"Well... To be honest, I can't think of why Ms. Iimori committed suicide..."

Speaking of this, Akio Iketo's delicate face was still somewhat confused: "Although Ms. Iimori is only one or two years older than us, everyone in the Graduate School respects her very much.

Ms. Iimori also helped a lot with my research paper..."

"About this, do you have any clues?" Tang Ze took out a crooked piece of paper torn on the left from his pocket: "This is the note that Ms. Iimori posted on the refrigerator."

"That's right, I did lend her my cell phone. I originally planned to give it to her as a thank you gift for helping me revise my thesis..."

Akio Iketo explained in the book that he felt a little uneasy after playing, "What's wrong with this note?"

"Don't be nervous, there's nothing wrong with this note, it's just that it's the same paper as the suicide note, so I want to ask you if you know anything."

Tang Ze naturally saw Akio Iketo's nervousness, but the other party was only a normal reaction when facing criminal suspicion, and after a word of reassurance, he asked follow-up questions.

And Takagi on the side was obviously taken aback when he heard Tang Ze's question. He really didn't realize that the paper of this note was the same style as that of the suicide note.

Thinking of this, Takagi couldn't help but feel emotional. Sure enough, the world Tang Ze saw was different from ordinary people like them.

He thought that what the other party saw was a post-it note, and thought that he could follow the clues to find Iimori Saki's "unscrupulous object", but it turned out that what Tang Ze noticed was that this piece of paper was made of the same material as the suicide note.

Feeling and thinking are not on the same channel.

However, Takagi was used to it, and after only feeling for a moment, he cast an expectant look at the young man opposite him.

"This is the notebook issued by our university, everyone has it." Akio Iketo replied after looking at the note.

"Is that so, thank you very much." Tang Ze also nodded when he heard the words, and then during the meal time, he asked the other party about Iimori's early records.

Lunch ended soon, and Tang Ze and Takagi returned to the apartment where Iimori Saki lived.

And this time, after searching purposefully, the two quickly found the notepad in Iimori Saki's house.

"Now we can basically confirm that Ms. Iimori did not die by suicide." Looking at the traces on this notepad, Tang Ze said firmly.

"But it's very difficult to file a case based on this alone." Takagi said still not optimistic: "It's all circumstantial evidence."

"That's right, so we have to go back again." A gleam flashed in Tang Ze's eyes: "Go to Butian Hongming!"


"Observational learning is the so-called "physical sense expression method", which is what we commonly call imitation."

"Some children in kindergarten often speak mature words that do not match their age. This is their imitation of their parents...

Of course, the same is true for adults... they will subconsciously imitate those who respect and admire them..."

On the podium, Hiroaki Buda was talking eloquently, but the next moment his words were interrupted for a moment, and even his expression was a little ugly.

The reason lies in the two people who are quietly walking towards the nearest seat at the door of the classroom.

But soon Hiroaki Buda ignored the two of them and continued to talk about the previous lesson.

After Tang Ze sat down, he also listened carefully, and found that what the other party said was really good, and he learned a little bit by reviewing the past and knowing the new story.

"Then today's class is over here, and the rest of the time is still early."

Hiroaki Buda looked at Tang Ze and the two on the side, smiled and said, "Well, let's treat it as a special lecture, and let's talk about a special category of psychology—criminal psychology.

I think everyone is also very interested in this subject. I believe that many students are attracted by the handsome criminal psychology in film and television works, and finally apply for our major when they are in college. "

Hearing Hiroaki Buta's words, the students present couldn't help laughing. Obviously, this is also a common situation in this major.

But when Hiroaki Buda said that he wanted to talk about criminal psychology, the students still showed interest.

"It seems that everyone is looking forward to it."

Hiroaki Buda smiled mysteriously after hearing the students' agreement, "Then, next, we will invite our special lecturer for today, Criminal Tang Ze from the Metropolitan Police Department, to talk about why people commit crimes."

Following the direction of Buta Hongming's finger, hundreds of students in the large classroom all set their eyes on Tang Ze and the two sitting in the direction of the front door.

When encountering this situation, Takagi on the side was already at a loss under the gaze of hundreds of pairs of eyes.

Tang Ze looked at Butian Hongming who was applauding on the stage, pretending to be "calculated" by the other party and pointing at the other party, as if he was having a headache because of the other party's "prank".

But he clearly knew in his heart that this was the other party's "lower power" and it was purely to cause trouble for Tang Ze and the others.

Didn't say hello and ask for consent, just play this one, isn't it just to make people feel disheartened and ashamed.

Unfortunately, he really miscalculated.

Although Tang Ze is just a criminal, he is not just a criminal.

I have seen too many storms and waves on various occasions, not to mention other TV interviews are bigger than this scene.

So he didn't hesitate too much, stood up calmly, smiled and waved to the students, and then walked onto the podium.

Under the watchful eyes of hundreds of students, Tang Ze's identity was also recognized, and soon some students started whispering and discussing.

With Tang Ze's dynamic vision, he could even see the excited expressions of some students.

However, Tang Ze didn't intend to publicize his identity too much. After shaking hands with Hiroaki Buda and taking over the podium, he just briefly introduced his surname and started the lecture.

It took two minutes for Tang Ze to popularize the science to the students from the most basic concepts of criminal psychology from deep to deep.

Afterwards, Tang Ze hid his personal information and told the students the case committed by Mitsuki Kijima a few days ago as a case.

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