Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 842 The perfect crime? (four thousand)

Night is the time to come home.

After a busy day, the family is a warm haven to soothe people's tired soul after a tiring day.

Hiroaki Buta was no exception, driving home from school after a busy day.

"I'm back."

After opening the door, Hiroaki Buda greeted his wife at home as usual.

But after a while, there was no response from his wife in the room, nor did he see the figure of the other party coming to greet him at the entrance.

Although Hiroaki Buta was a little strange, he changed his shoes and walked into the house.

But the next moment, looking at the two pairs of shoes placed at the entrance, Hiroaki Buta's complexion instantly became ugly.

Of course, this is not because of any weird plot, but simply thinking of two people.

Sure enough, a moment later, the smiling wife came out of the living room with the two men.

"Sorry, sorry, I was entertaining guests just now."

The wife smiled and apologized to Hiroaki Buta, and took the bag from the other party with a smile.

"you are back."

"excuse me."

Tang Ze and Takagi bowed slightly to Hiroaki Buda, and greeted each other one after another.

"I've been bothering you for a long time without knowing it, so let's take my leave first." Tang Ze bowed slightly to Mrs. Butian: "Sorry for bothering you."

"Ah, let's go now?" Mrs. Butian seemed to be having a good chat with the two of them, and she was a little bit reluctant, but she opened the door without stopping.

After Tang Ze and Takagi put on their shoes, they bowed slightly to Hiroaki Buda, who looked a bit unsightly, and then smiled and said goodbye to Mrs. Buta and left.

After the two left, the smile on Mrs. Buta's face gradually dissipated and became stern. After closing the door, she walked straight into the house, ignoring Hiroaki Buta at the entrance.

Hiroaki Butian's face was extremely gloomy, but after he changed his shoes and walked into the living room, he still suppressed his anger and walked towards his wife who was packing the tea set, and asked calmly, "What did they both ask?"

"Iimori's early affairs.


Mrs. Buta kept moving her hands, but her eyes were extremely cold and stern. It was obvious that after talking with Tang Ze, she knew something and she was furious at the moment.

"Then what did you say?" Hiroaki Butian couldn't help asking after hearing the words.

"A lot." Mrs. Butian brought the tea set to the kitchen, and said while washing it with boiling water, "I also asked if you came home late on Tuesday and Thursday."


"I'm telling the truth, you came back late on Tuesday and Thursday because of the seminar."

Mrs. Butian interrupted Butian Hongming's words with a cold face. She took a deep breath and looked at her husband and asked, "Can't you?"

"Why can't it work?" Butian Hongming looked at his wife who went over to tidy up the tea set, his brows and eyes were full of gloom, but his tone was extremely calm: "It's the truth."

"Ah, is it?" Mrs. Butian said coldly while cleaning the coffee table: "That's good."

"It's just two guys who guessed randomly without any basis, so people everywhere understand?" Hiroaki Butian comforted his wife while helping his wife tidy up the tea set.

"Can I trust you..." Mrs. Buta looked forward with a grievance on her face.

"Of course." Seeing this, Butian Hongming quickly took his wife into his arms and comforted him in a wide voice.

It's just that where his wife can't see, his face is hideous and distorted.


Early the next morning, Hiroshi Buda drove to the school. When he walked to the gate of the teaching building with his bag, the situation in front of him made him slow down.

"Professor Hiroaki Buta's evening study seminar? Never heard of it."

The two young students shook their heads, then bid farewell to Tang Ze and they walked towards the teaching building.

"Tang Ze is criminal, as expected, everyone doesn't know about it." After asking, Takagi looked at Tang Ze with a somewhat excited expression, as if he was happy to have found a flaw in the other party.

"That's a matter of course, because there is no study session at all."

The next moment, the familiar male voice from behind stopped Takagi's words in an instant, and he couldn't help showing an embarrassed expression on his face.

When the two turned their heads after hearing the sound, it turned out that Hiroaki Buda was standing behind the two of them. Takagi smiled with a guilty conscience as if he had been caught speaking ill of someone, "Professor Buta..."

"Then why did the professor say that?"

Compared to Takagi's guilty conscience, Tang Ze was much calmer. He looked at the other party calmly and asked, "Can you explain?"

"I lied, in order to deceive my wife."

When Hiroaki Buda mentioned this, he looked at the two of them and waved his hands: "But this doesn't mean that Iimori and I have an "inappropriate relationship", I just wanted to have a little time for myself before making such a bad move.

It’s ashamed to say that middle-aged people are like machines, they don’t have any private time at all, and they have to face their wives’ nagging when they go home.

Although I do love my wife very much, I also want to have my own time to read books, think about some problems, listen to music to relax, and occasionally go for a drive.

This is my precious private time as a middle-aged man, and it is an indispensable precious time for me. "

Speaking of this, Butian Hongming looked at the two of them and said: "If you two don't understand anything, you can ask me directly, these rumors are always spread very quickly in the university, which will bring me a lot of discomfort. necessary trouble."

"Sorry, we were too reckless." Tang Ze and the two bowed slightly and apologized.

"Also, please don't come to my house, my wife is very sensitive."

Hiroaki Buda said coldly: "I understand that you are eager to investigate the case, but what you two are doing is a bit contrary to common sense."

After finishing speaking, Butian Hiroaki ignored the reaction of the two, and walked towards the teaching building again.

"Professor, please wait a moment!"

Tang Ze stepped up to the other party and asked politely: "May I ask what you did last night, during that precious time that is only indispensable for middle-aged men?

I remember that yesterday seemed to be Thursday, you unexpectedly went home quite early. "

Hearing Tang Ze's words, Butian Hongming frowned and looked at Tang Ze and said, "I know you two are actually suspicious of me..."

"No, no, how come..."

When Takagi heard the other party's straightforward words, he quickly waved his hands to deny it, but was interrupted by Hiroaki Buta straight away: "Don't be too polite, don't forget that I am a psychologist."

"That's right, we are indeed suspicious of you, Professor."

Hearing Hiroaki Buta's words, Tang Ze smiled calmly and said, "After all, according to our current investigation, only Professor Buta and Ms. Iimori have a close relationship."

"But she drank the poison herself. She clearly knew that it was highly poisonous. What do you mean it's not suicide?" After Butian Hongming finished speaking, he walked straight to the teaching building in front, obviously not wanting to talk about this anymore topic.

Obviously, adding the unauthorized visit to the other party's home last night, as well as the investigation of the other party's behavior in the morning, and completely tearing the faces of both parties.

And this also made Tang Ze have no scruples. He followed Butian Hongming and smiled as if inviting him to an afternoon tea party: "I think if the professor comes back to the Metropolitan Police Department with us, I think it should be can solve some problems.

"I refuse, I don't have time to drink tea with you." Hiroaki Buda said coldly: "Criminal Tang Ze, let's stop the reasoning game here.

If you really suspect that I am the murderer, then please show the evidence. Didn't you also say in the lecture that there is no "perfect crime", there must be a flaw in some link.

Then please find that flaw and show it to me!

If I find it, I will go with you whether it is the Metropolitan Police Department or anywhere. "

After Hiroaki Buda finished speaking, he ignored the two of them and left quickly.

But this time Tang Ze and Gao Mu did not catch up again.

What I said just now was unceremonious, and it also meant that the "face" maintained between the two parties was completely torn apart.

It would be a bit unreasonable to go forward and pester endlessly now.

Of course, Tang Ze wasn't too worried about the two parties' "torn faces".

It was still in the investigation and temptation before, so it is natural to maintain a good relationship, but now

It is no longer necessary.

The confrontation between the two sides is entirely on words and psychology.

At the very beginning, Tang Ze had the upper hand and detected the other party's suspicion.

But with Tang Ze's continuous probing, when the other party sees that there is no way to hide it, don't directly choose to "tear face".

In the conversation just now, after the other party knew that the two suspected him, he had no intention of continuing to hide it, and told the two very bluntly to let them find the evidence.

This attitude is no different from admitting that he is a murderer, but it is still troublesome.

Knowing that he is under criminal suspicion, but still say so arrogantly, he is either stupid or has the confidence not to be caught.

And Hiroaki Buta is obviously not a fool, he must be fully prepared to deal with the search if he can say such words.

And the fact is true, when Tang Ze and the others returned to the room for the second time to get Iimori Saki's notepad, they checked the room again, but still did not find anything suspicious.

This is also the source of the other party's confidence. He is confident that nothing he does will leave evidence.

This is a difficult opponent, and he even believes that his methods can achieve the perfect crime.

"What should we do now?"

Takagi looked at Hiroaki Buda who was going away with a worried expression: "Obviously the suspect has been locked, but there is no evidence to come up with, and he doesn't even know how the other party poisoned Saki Iimori..."

"Meet a difficult opponent..."

Tang Ze frowned and returned to the car with Takagi, and the two sat quietly in the car and meditated.

The most critical point now is how did Hiroaki Hiroaki poison the poison without external intrusion?

But the bottle of poison on the bedside table was already marked with the word "venomous poison". How did Hiroaki Buta make Saki Iimori willing to take the poison?

Tang Ze faintly felt that he seemed to have overlooked something, and that was the key to unraveling this technique...

Without any further hesitation, Tang Ze took out a [Rejuvenating Cigarette] and lit it.

When the smoke entered the lungs and circulated and then spit it out, Tang Ze's brain, which was already running at high speed, started to speed up again.

Memories began to emerge one by one in the brain, and every conversation between the two parties after meeting was like a movie, playing back in Tang Ze's memory palace.

And the scene quickly changed to the part where he and police officer Takagi went to the classroom and listened to Butian Hongming's lecture.

"This observation learning is the "physical sense expression method"..."

"Children will imitate the old-fashioned words of adults..."

When these two sentences seemed useless and the content of the lecture flashed through Tang Ze's mind, he suddenly realized something.

"I see...Is it an imitation..."

Tang Ze muttered in a low voice on the car.

"Eh? What?" Hearing Tang Ze's murmured words in a low voice, Takagi couldn't help asking in confusion: "Did you say something, Criminal Tang Ze?"

"I already know how Hiroaki Buta poisoned him."

Tang Ze took another puff of cigarette, and his brain continued to function.

Following this "leakage", Tang Ze's brain began to run at high speed, and he quickly deduced the whole picture of the case.

On the surface, it seems that Iimori Saki died after drinking the poison on the bedside table, but in fact he probably didn't drink the poison at all, it was just a cover-up to deceive the search.

Hiroaki Buta used another method to make Iimori take the poison!

And this method is "imitation".

In class, Hiroaki Hiroaki said that children would imitate.

After listening to their parents, they often say some old-fashioned words that do not match their age.

Even if adults do not have such unconscious imitation behavior, it does not mean that they have lost this instinct.

When you meet a real person or someone you admire, you will subconsciously imitate the other person and want to get closer to the other person.

For example, if your favorite star likes to wear white, then you will prefer white clothes when choosing clothes.

For example, if your star likes to drink a glass of milk after dinner, you may also develop this habit.

This is imitation. When you look forward to a person, you will unconsciously imitate his hobbies or living habits.

Hiroaki Buda said that he has been poisoned by black tea. He drinks Darjeeling every morning and Assam with milk at night. If he doesn’t drink it, he can’t even fall asleep.

Because of this, Iimori Saki probably developed the same habit as Hiroaki Buta, drinking a cup of black tea every night before going to bed.

If Iimori's early imitation of his habit was used to poison, then everything would be much simpler.

Tang Ze speculated that Hiroaki Buda probably told Saki Iimori first that night that he was going to divorce his wife and marry her.

Then, using some excuses like a little fun, he used the small bottle containing the poison as a sleeping pill or other health care medicine, and handed it to Iimori Saki together with the other party's apology note, which is the "suicide note".

Iimori Saki, who had been in joy for a long time, probably never thought that his sweetheart would kill her, so he took the bottle containing the poison and the note of apology without any doubt.

Then he fell into the opponent's death trap step by step!

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