Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 844 Please enter the urn (four thousand)

The morning of the school is also full of youth and vitality.

Early in the morning, students can also be seen exercising on the playground, or going to the cafeteria together to fight.

From time to time, men and women walked by holding hands, adding a layer of sweet atmosphere to the campus in the early morning.

Looking at the familiar scenes on campus day after day, Hiroaki Buda would never have this kind of novelty at first, but today he rarely regained the freshness when he joined the job, and even felt that he was a little younger point.

After getting out of the car, Butian Hongming stretched subconsciously, moved his body after driving for a long time, and walked towards the teaching building with his bag.

He only had one class today, and he planned to return home after the lecture, brew a cup of black tea and enjoy this pleasant day.

Saying hello to the students who greeted him along the way, Hiroaki Hiroaki headed to his office with a smile on his face.

The next moment he saw the man standing at the door, the smile on the corner of Buta Hiroaki's mouth became serious in an instant.

"Good morning, Professor." Takagi greeted Hiroaki Buda with a good-natured smile, but the embarrassment in his eyes couldn't be concealed.

"Did Iketo say something?"

Seeing the appearance of Takagi bowing in greeting, Hiroaki Hiroaki felt a little impatient, but he still let out a sigh of relief, suppressing the irritability in his heart and asking.

"Ah, not yet." Takagi shook his head and said, "He just admitted that he likes Ms. Iimori Saki, but he didn't admit that he killed him."

"Is love born of hatred?" Butian Hongming slightly shook his head when he heard the words and sighed, "If you can't get it, you will destroy it. Young people nowadays really don't understand..."

"Well, let's not mention this in advance. I have another small matter that I want to ask the professor. Please help me."

Takagi rubbed his hands in embarrassment, and asked sincerely: "That guy, Akio Iketo, has become neurotic since he caught him, and he gets very emotional when he asks a question.

We are going to take him to the scene to check now, but we have a headache about his condition, so we think it might be better to find a relevant expert.

Professor, you are not only an expert in psychology, but also the teacher of Akio Iketo who is familiar with him. I think you will be of great help to me.

So... can I ask you to help me with this? "

"Why didn't you see Criminal Tang Ze come with you?" Hiroaki Buta didn't answer Takagi's invitation,

Instead, he looked at Takagi and asked about Tang Ze's whereabouts.

"This..." Takagi's expression became even more embarrassing when he heard this, he rubbed his hands together and said, "Tang Ze's sleep can make you feel uncomfortable today, I'm asking for leave..."

"That's right, what a pity, I wanted to have another cup of black tea with Tang Ze."

Hearing Takagi's words, Hiroaki Buta shook his head with a smile on his face, as if he still regretted not being able to meet him.

But in fact, after hearing Takagi's words, he was quite proud in his heart.

He already knew from his students that that difficult criminal was a famous "famous criminal".

Thinking that the person who searched him was actually such an opponent, this made him break out in a cold sweat, but at the same time he couldn't help feeling relieved and proud.

An Xin is naturally because he has met such a difficult opponent, and he has not been arrested, which is enough to prove that he has completed the "perfect crime".

From now on, I don't have to worry about killing people at all, the laws of the world can no longer judge him!

And it's natural to be proud.

People are not willing to admit defeat, especially elites like them, naturally they don't want to succumb to others.

And in the confrontation between the two, it was obvious that he was the better one.

This transcendence of "wisdom" made him very proud, especially after hearing Takagi's words.

After all, the excuse of the other party, no matter how you look at it, is more like an excuse that the other party is reluctantly making to avoid himself.

"Okay, since you came to invite me on purpose, and the other party is also my student, I have to do my part." Hiroaki Butian looked at Takagi and said, "I agree."

"Really?" Takagi was overjoyed when he heard this, "Then I'll take the professor with me in the car!"

"Don't worry, I still have to go to class." Hiroaki Buda looked at the eager Takagi and waved his hand: "Just let me finish my business."

"Then I'll wait for the professor." Gao Mu said and followed behind the other party, as if planning to follow the class, as if he was afraid that the other party would go back on his word.

Seeing this, Hiroaki Buta couldn't help shaking his head amusedly, and secretly said "Idiot".

It is impossible for him not to agree to Takagi's request. After all, the other party is his "substitute for the dead", and he still wants to "guide" the other party.

Even if he couldn't get him to confess, he still had to attract all the attention of the police to the other party.

If the other party asks him to help with this problem, it is really "send the sheep to the tiger's mouth".

With the pleasure of defeating his opponent and teasing the criminal, Hiroaki Buda went to Saki Iimori's house by car after finishing a class.

After that, Takagi called Granny Hetian to open the door, and after the two entered Saki Iimori's room, Hiroaki Buta didn't see anyone.

"What's going on, haven't you come yet?"

Hiroaki Butian seemed to have put himself into a state of innocence, and he was rather dissatisfied: "Is this the way you all ask for help when you are a criminal?"

"This...that..." Takagi smiled awkwardly after hearing what Hiroaki Buda said, took a deep breath and looked at Hiroaki Buda and said, "There will be no other people coming."

"what do you mean?"

Hiroaki Buda was stunned for a moment, and before Takagi could explain, he suddenly laughed, "So that's what happened, do fools behave like fools.

What about on-site verification, just to find an excuse to bring me here?

In professional terms, it is "low-level skills", one of the persuasive techniques. "


Hearing Buda Hiroaki's words, Takagi showed an awkward smile on that good old man's face, "I admit defeat, then I will speak straight..."

Takagi opened the curtains before finding the window, making the room brighter.

Iimori Saki's room is not too big, it's just a one-person apartment, the living room and bedroom are in one space.

Although simple, but under the arrangement of the other party, this small nest looks very warm.

But at this moment, the atmosphere is unprecedentedly serious.

Takagi looked at Hiroaki Buda and said angrily: "Professor Buda, do you really think Iketo killed Saki Iimori?"

"I'm not sure about that either."

Facing Takagi with a serious expression, Hiroaki Buda walked quickly to the recliner beside the living room as if he didn't feel the tension at all, and lay down lazily on it.

"It's impossible, isn't it?" Takagi said firmly, "It's not like he's not a prisoner at all."

"What is your basis for saying that?"

Hiroaki Buda adjusted his lying position to make himself more comfortable because he got up, and at the same time his tone became more casual: "Everyone has his multi-faceted nature, why don't you know that he hates because of love..."

"Iketo has been released!" Takagi looked at Hiroaki Buda on the recliner and said in a deep voice, "I still firmly believe that the man is you!"

Hearing Takagi's words, Hiroaki Buta's previous carelessness disappeared, and his expression became cold and severe.


But after a while, Hiroaki Buda suddenly burst out laughing as if he had heard some funny joke.

"What's so funny!" Takagi looked at Butian Hiroaki's angry face, and pointed to the messy bed next to him: "I brought you here just to let you see this!

Iimori Saki died here! "

Takagi put his hands above the bed to signal Hiroaki Butian's slightly messy bed: "These are the traces of Miss Iimori's painful struggle, and what kind of mood she was in when she died, please take a good look at it!"

But in the face of Takagi's reprimand, Hiroaki Buda cast a casual glance at the bed, then looked away, with a disdainful chuckle on his face.

"Why are you laughing!? You killed her!"

Seeing the other party's arrogant demeanor, Takagi seemed to be irritated, he pointed at Buta Hiroaki and reprimanded: "Killed a woman who loved you deeply and believed in you!!"

Looking at Hiroaki Buda on the recliner, Takagi came to him and patted his chest: "Listen! You also have a conscience!

After a person commits a crime, he cannot continue to live in peace!

I've seen too many criminals end up overwhelmed by conscience, guilt, and fear of not knowing when it will be revealed!

Don't you want to bear such a policy like them and finish your life after you! ?

There is no deadline, it is a burden that comes with your life! Your heart will not stop bearing this pain! "

Takagi looked at Hiroaki Buta whose expression changed from careless to heavy, and said sincerely: "You still have a chance to change all this and get rid of this pain.

Please, summon your own guilt!

Please turn yourself in! "

Seeing Hiroaki Buda's complexion constantly changing, Takagi couldn't help shouting again: "Professor Buda! Don't be obsessed with it!!"


The applause suddenly came to mind in this silent room, and Hiroaki Buta looked at the ugly Takagi with a moved look on his face: "It's really a touching speech, why don't you come to my side to teach. "

Hiroaki Buda looked at the angry young criminal in front of him and said sincerely: "But I'm sorry Takagi-kun, please tell the real prisoner what you just said."

Seeing Hiroaki Butian, who was not in the oil and salt, showed a look of annoyance just now, and he took a deep breath, as if he wanted to get rid of the depression in his heart.

Seeing the angry but helpless look of the young criminal in front of him, Hiroaki Buda smiled and changed the subject as if to adjust the atmosphere: "Ah, by the way, Criminal Takagi, you asked me to help you today, so should I also?" Yes, can you help me, please?"

"What's the matter?" Takagi said coldly.

"Speaking of which, I really like to study the professor who is against the "famous detective". Although he is a fictional character, his psychology is completely different from ordinary people.

For ordinary people, things that would cause guilt and pain are not worth mentioning to him, but I don’t think he is an anti-social personality, so even if he is an illusory character, “it is worth studying.”

Hiroaki Buda said meaningfully: "If you meet such a prisoner in reality, please introduce it to me. I want to conduct research on his psychology and write an academic paper in related fields."


Hearing Buta Hiroaki's words full of deep meaning and pointing, Takagi was instantly furious.

Speaking of the professor who opposes the "famous detective" in reasoning, then Professor Moriarty is a well-deserved super villain.

On the surface, the other party was saying that he wanted to find someone with the same characteristics as "Professor Moriarty", but in fact he was metaphorically referring to himself as "Moriarty", and by the way, he was talking about Takagi's previous speech to reply.

When Hiroaki Buda mentioned "Moriarty" and said that the other party would not feel guilty, he was actually alluding to himself, and he would not feel guilty in his heart as Takagi said.

At the same time, this metaphor also implies that he defeated Tang Ze, a criminal legend that no one can restrain.

It was precisely because Takagi understood the other party's simple metaphor that he was so angry for a moment.

But looking at Takagi's incompetent and furious appearance, the smile on the corner of Hiroaki Buta's mouth became more and more exaggerated.

The two faced each other quietly, and the room fell into a strange silence for a moment.

But Hiroaki Butian didn't care at all, he lay calmly on the recliner, enjoying the sense of accomplishment of being superior and fooling others.

"excuse me."

But at this moment, a female voice suddenly came from the gate, and then a short-haired woman with gray hair came over with a tea set.

"I'm really bothering you two, for the sake of Zao Ji-chan, I ran here early in the morning."

Granny Hetian put the tea set on the small round table next to Butian Hongming while talking: "I kept you two waiting for a long time, and the neon tea at home is finished. I searched for a long time and finally brewed black tea."

"No, no, it's just right." Hearing Granny Hetian's words, Butian Hiroaki said with a smile on his face: "Just now I felt that something was missing, but now I realize that there is no black tea."

Hearing this sentence, Takagi immediately turned his head and glared at Hiroaki Butian, obviously dissatisfied with the proud words.

But the more dissatisfied the enemy is, the more proud Hiroaki Buda is. The pleasure of teasing the opponent is added to his favorite black tea, which is simply double the happiness.

"It would be great if you liked it."

Granny Hetian, who was focused on pouring tea, didn't see the tension between the two. She helped Butian Hongming pour a cup of black tea and handed it to the other party: "Come, please use."

"Then I won't be polite." Butian Hongming took a sip of the black tea with a smile, like a proud knight drinking in his life, his heart was full of joy.

The next moment, the warm black tea entered the mouth, and the slightly bitter and sweet aftertaste came from the tip of the tongue, which made Butian Hongming's eyes light up: "This is good tea."

But he didn't notice that the other two who watched him drink tea had a strange smile on their lips at the same time.

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