Detectives of Detective World

Eight hundred and fortieth seventh chapter undercurrent surging (four thousand)

The sharp bullets spun rapidly and cut through the air, and then penetrated into the man's head in an instant.

The next moment, on the podium, the middle-aged man who was talking fluently suddenly had blood on his forehead, and he fell to the ground.

A moment later, the bodyguards in black suits pulled out their guns, followed by screams from the crowd, and the crowd began to flee frantically in all directions.

Seeing the beginning of chaos, the next moment accompanied by the mechanical sound of "click", all the pictures disappeared in an instant, revealing the surrounding cold walls.

It turned out that this vivid scene was just a false environment created by high-end technological means.

And the purpose of such a place is naturally to hone people's sniper skills.

Of course, high-tech equipment like this is not something that ordinary organizations can have.

Generally speaking, only state agencies can own such high-tech training facilities.

Of course, there are no exceptions.

For example, the mysterious black organization that seems to be pursuing immortality.

"Five hundred yards, pass."

On the high platform, Chianti, who had a butterfly pattern on his left eye, raised his sniper rifle with a happy expression, then looked at the man wearing a peaked cap on the high platform and said with a smile: "It's up to you next."

Cohen didn't respond, but silently picked up the sniper rifle.

The next moment, the huge and light-controlled training ground mechanical sound sounded again, and the environment changed again in the next moment.

The high platform where Cohen was standing rose, and the cold wall in front of him turned into a lake filled with white mist in an instant, looking like a fairyland from a distance.

And above this beautiful lake, a small boat is quietly parked in the center of the lake.

In the scope, the middle-aged man Kevin, who had died before, reappeared at this moment, sitting alone on the boat and fishing.

And under the scope, the green value "500yd", which represents the distance, is constantly flashing.

Obviously, this distance is farther than the previous Chianti.

Even though it was only fifty yards, for snipers of their level, this distance was extremely important.

It determines the level of a sniper, and it also represents the distance between life and death.

Imagine if two snipers were fighting each other, one could only hit 500 yards, while the other was able to hit 550 yards.

Excluding casual marksmanship and extraordinary performance between the two, it is natural that the latter with a longer range has a greater chance of survival.

There was hardly any movement after the trigger was pulled, and the bullet penetrated into Kevin's head in the next moment, and the remaining momentum drove the body into the lake.

The picture disappeared, and Chianti put down the binoculars in his hand and said with a smile: "It's really you."

At this moment, the sound of leather shoes stepping on the cold ground gradually became clearer.

Because the upper exit was diagonally opposite the two, the two naturally saw the gin walking with vodka, and quietly looked at the two who were practicing.

But the other party didn't speak, and Chianti didn't speak first. She picked up the sniper rifle that was on the ground and set it up.

The nearby machine picked up Chianti's attitude and started working again.

The next moment, the picture turned into a night view of the city again.

There is a breeze blowing on the high platform, which is the machine simulating the wind speed at high altitude, so as to influence the judgment of the sniper.

But this time the target is sitting on the train, looking at the scene in front of him, he intends to stop at the platform in front of him.

The afterimages of the train passing through the scope gradually became clearer, and finally arrived at the platform.

And Kevin, who was reading a book in his seat, appeared on the scope again, and this time the distance displayed under the scope was 600 yards.

The next moment, the car window in front of Kevin was like a dense cobweb, and this unlucky man was killed again.

"Six hundred yards, pass the level." Chianti smiled triumphantly and looked at Cohen: "It is said that Kevin Brown died three times."

"Not bad." Vodka praised Chianti as he easily hit the 600-yard target.

On the other hand, Gin Jiu didn't agree, but just quietly looked down.

"Four times." After Chianti finished speaking, Cohen raised the sniper rifle, and the projection device below resurfaced.

But this time, it was the venue of the rugby game. As for Kevin who reappeared, it was in the VIP room of the rugby stadium.

Cohen held his breath and focused his attention to the highest level.

The next moment the trigger was pulled, the bullet pierced the air and shattered the glass of the VIP room away from Kevin's head, eventually opening a hole in the chair on his left.

Obviously, Cohen missed this time, and the extra fifty yards blocked him like an invisible sky, making him unable to break through the limit.


Seeing that Cohen missed, Chianti looked very happy. She raised her gun and said with a smile: "As long as I can hit the target, I will win."

Kevin, who was concentrating on watching the game, appeared in the scope. Chianti shook the trigger with confidence, but the next moment the popcorn bucket in the opponent's hand fell directly to the ground.

Seeing this, Chianti gritted her teeth and showed unwillingness, obviously she was very upset that she missed the target.

"It seems that 600 yards is the limit." Vodka commented upon seeing the scene in front of him.

"Let's stop here." After Gin Jiu made a sound, he turned around and walked away.

"Gin! Wait a minute, let's do it again!" Chianti yelled unwillingly.

"It's not that necessary." Gin stopped and didn't look at Chianti's ugly face and said calmly: "The target this time is only two or three hundred yards away."

"Huh? So?" Chianti's face brightened.

"Chianti, Cohen..." Gin turned his head to look at the two, his eyes were full of coldness: "It's time to work."


Because he went to bed very early yesterday, Tang Ze woke up unexpectedly early.

It's just that the bed beside him was already cold, which already showed the fact that the person beside him got up earlier than him.

Tang Ze sighed, and looked at the time, it was only around 6:20, and Ayako had already left for work, obviously the recent workload was a bit heavy.

Naturally, there would be no breakfast waiting for him on the dining table.

After thinking about it, Tang Ze drove to a convenience store to buy two breads for breakfast, and then went straight to the office of "Kesouyan".

Coming to the office of "Kesouyan", Tang Ze put aside two breads that had been heated in the microwave oven, and began to brew black tea.

That's right, they have a microwave oven here. After all, it's normal for them to work overtime in a place like this, so it's better to eat something hot.

In fact, after the planning, the canteen will be established in the follow-up, but unfortunately the current environment does not allow it, so we can only buy a few microwave ovens for everyone to use.

Because a difficult case has just been solved, today can be described as calm.

After making himself a pot of black tea, Tang Ze turned on the TV in the office, and watched TV while eating breakfast to pass the time.

That's right, his office meeting is equipped with a TV. Of course, this is not for the convenience of him working and fishing, but for the convenience of him watching various news.

After all, it is a place like a state agency, and it is also in charge of "Kesouyan". Maybe there will be news related to them.

And although Tang Ze doesn't watch movies and TV dramas very much, he still pays attention to the news from time to time. After all, it is Ke Xue's world, and you don't know which news around you will become an important clue to the case.

Even if it's just entertainment gossip or scandal among celebrities, it may become an important key.

Therefore, Tang Ze still needs to keep up with current events and add miscellaneous news. Otherwise, he may not be able to straighten out the case because of this, and thus miss the opportunity to discover the truth slowly.

And this little time may not be a big deal in other places, but it may be able to prevent a life in this case.

Even to put it lightly, that kid Conan might take the lead.

At that time, the other party will laugh at himself as an old-fashioned person who has not followed the trend of the times.

Tang Ze didn't want to be taught by the other party, he had to keep abreast of current affairs.

He has no doubt that once he can beat him, Conan will definitely not miss this opportunity to ridicule his heart.

The TV turned on and was quickly tuned to the morning news.

But with the voice of the female anchor, the latest news came from the TV one after another.

The impact of the financial crisis is still continuing, and many companies have gone bankrupt and laid off employees, which makes people feel a little heavy.

Tang Ze even saw a series of measures his company has made recently.

The news compares two pieces of news with strong contrasts, which is obviously to instill confidence in the public and let everyone see that not only companies have gone bankrupt, but also companies are taking this opportunity to vigorously develop.

Although it is only a vague guidance, it has to be said that this trick is very useful. People will subconsciously think that those who go bankrupt are unreliable, while high-quality companies will accept a large number of talents, which can be regarded as giving a lot of people a little bit. A false sense of security.

Of course, Tang Ze is happy to see this, after all, this wave of publicity is free.

Unknowingly, time passed, and the morning news came to an end. Tang Ze picked up the remote control and tuned it, wanting to see if there were any other different news from other channels.

After all, it was still early, it was only seven o'clock, and some radio stations only started broadcasting news at this time.

But unexpectedly, when the channel was tuned to Rimai Radio, two familiar figures finally appeared on the program, which made him unconsciously pause his movements.

Yoko Okino, who was wearing a white apron on the TV, was busy in front of the stove, while the middle-aged man with two mustaches was eagerly looking forward to it.

The look of staring at Okino Yoko's cooking posture so hard that he couldn't tell whether it was the cooking he cooked in the kitchen smoke business or her own.

There is no accident, I am afraid that the only one who can make such a "pig brother" image on TV is Kogoro Mori.

Although Tang Ze doesn't often watch entertainment variety shows, Okino Yoko is a star in the Ke Xue world after all, and he is also an acquaintance of him, so he is naturally a little more familiar than other stars.

And he also knows that the program he is on now is a morning program "Good Morning Seven" created with the core of entrepreneurship.

This program is quite famous, and Chiba even recorded every episode. When Tang Ze and the others arrested Chiba's friend before, Tang Ze also had an impression of this program.

In a word, it is a morning program like "Yoko Okino's Four Minute Kitchen".

However, today is more special than before, and it is played live in the form of live broadcast.

Although in Karazawa's eyes, Mori Kogoro is completely coveting the other's body, but seeing the way the other is devouring Okino Yoko's special-style ramen, even anyone will feel that the other is coveting this bowl of ramen.

After all, it is a ramen made by a favorite female star, so it is normal to flock to it.

But I have to say that Kogoro Mori's character is really suitable for TV variety shows.

In the impression of the poet, he is a wise and calm "Sleeping Kogoro" when he encounters a case, but in variety shows, the other party often has no airs and will "deliberately" make funny laughs like embarrassment.

This sense of contrast is also one of the reasons why Mori Kogoro is popular.

Of course Tang Ze knew that the other party was just "showing his true feelings".

But that's not the point. What Tang Ze cares about is that Mori Kogoro is on TV again.

For Tang Ze, this is not a good thing.

Because judging according to Ke Xue's law, when Mori Kogoro went to the TV station, there were not a few times when An Ansheng finished recording the program.

Either the host who was recording the show killed someone, or someone in the recording hall was killed, and even his celebrity friend in his youth became a murderer once.

Tang Ze thought for a while and took out his mobile phone and sent a text message to Conan, asking him what he was doing at the moment, to find out the other's whereabouts.

It's not a problem if it's just Mori Kogoro recording the show, after all, the main god of death is Conan.

If he hadn't gone, the show should still be stable.

After all, if a murder really happened, Kogoro Mori, who was just a tool man, would not be of much use without Conan present.


At the same time, in the studio of Nikmai Radio Station.

Ran and Conan are on the sidelines watching Mori Kogoro eating ramen.

"It's so lucky. Today and Sunday happened to happen that Dad received the "Good Morning Seven" camping invitation, so we can see the live broadcast of the situation."

Conan, who was standing next to Xiaolan, nodded when he heard the words, but just as he was about to say something, his stomach suddenly growled, and he couldn't help showing a flustered look.

"I forgot, we haven't had breakfast yet." Xiaolan naturally heard the movement around her and couldn't help but smiled, "What should I eat later?"

"If you don't mind, would you like to go to the restaurant of the TV station to have breakfast with me?" Okino Yoko, who had finished recording the program, came over with a smile after hearing what Xiaolan said, and extended an invitation.

"Okay, okay!" Mori Kogoro nodded and agreed after hearing the words.

"Then please go over and wait for me first. I want to introduce a friend to Mr. Mori." Seeing that the three agreed to come down, Yoko Okino took out his mobile phone and pressed the number on the keyboard.

And the next moment, when he heard the familiar melody on the keyboard, Conan was stunned on the spot.

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