Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 855: Rena Mizumusi

The thrilling temptation started suddenly, and ended in an instant, like thunder that exploded suddenly on a rainy day, resounding through the sky without warning, but disappeared in an instant.

But this moment of confrontation and temptation is shocking and frightening step by step.

The turbulent undercurrent showed its fangs at that moment, like the sharp claws of a lion king when he was hunting, and he would mercilessly kill the prey when he relaxed for a moment.

However, Rena Mizumu's response was perfect. Having experienced too much in the organization, her psychological quality is definitely among the top batch. Even in the face of Belmode's sudden "difficulty", she still silently resolved it.

Under the watchful eyes of Gin Jiu and other members, Reina Mizumu disappeared into the darkness, as if the scene just now had never happened.

As for what everyone thinks in their hearts, I am afraid that only I can know clearly in my heart.

The engine roared again, Belmode turned the car around and bid farewell to everyone: "Then, I'll be leaving first, and if something unexpected happens, don't forget to support me."

Speaking of this, Belmode's tone was a little heavy: "Today's assassination scene, I don't know why I always have a bad feeling."

"Just leave it to us."

After hearing Belmode's words, Chianti had a smile on his face as if he was comforting his companion, but the words on his mouth were unabashedly malicious: "If the situation is not good and you accidentally fall into the other party's hands, I will not hesitate. Give you a shot with mercy, and give you a happy one."

"No problem." As if he didn't hear the other party's sarcasm, Belmode nodded his helmet with his thumb: "When the time comes, can you aim at my face and shoot?"

As if he didn't hear the other party's provocation, Belmode followed the other party's words and explained: "If the public knows that I am related to the assassination, the organization will be very troublesome."

Chianti on the side showed displeasure when she heard the words, but before she wanted to sarcasm, Gin on the side spoke.

"Bermod, do you feel that something is wrong?"

After hearing Belmode's words, a slight coldness flickered in Gin's eyes.

Although he was not used to some of Belmode's behaviors, and he didn't like that woman's "mystery", but it was undeniable that she was someone he trusted in the organization besides vodka.

Because of that adult, but also because of the other party's own ability.

So the other party had a bad premonition, and Qin Jiu had to pay attention to see if there was anything he had overlooked.

Of course, that kind of trust is only compared with other members of the organization. Except for that adult, he actually doesn't trust anyone.

Even if Vodka who was by his side made any suspicious moves, he would turn his gun without hesitation.

"No, I just have that hunch, it's a woman's intuition."

But in the face of Gin's question, Belmode categorically denied this: "Don't worry about it."

After speaking, Belmode turned the handle, and the motorcycle roared and started heading towards the exit of the warehouse.

Only Gin quietly looked at Belmode's retreating back, with a trace of disgust flashing in his cold eyes.

He felt that Belmode might have noticed something, but the other party might not be sure, so he started that annoying "mystery" again.

But he didn't say much, he just said "Let's go" to the rest of the people, and then sat on the co-pilot of his beloved car.

On the other side, on the road.

Harley galloped all the way with a roar, and the blond hair behind Belmod danced in the violent wind, just like Belmod's mood at the moment, full of joy.

Yes, Belmode is very happy at the moment.

For Belmode, what she said before was not so much a hunch as it was just an excuse for her to say the answer.

In fact, Belmode determined that this assassination plan would be complicated.

Because the boy was in the big drama.

She saw Conan and FBI's Judy in Kubado Park, and she didn't believe that the appearance of the two was a coincidence. Maybe the previous plan failed, and two people were involved in it.

So what, even if the plan failed, Belmode didn't feel any distress or unwillingness.

On the contrary, at this moment, her heart is full of anticipation.

Although she didn't know how much information Conan's child had, she was looking forward to what the other party would do next, and whether they could successfully stop their actions.

This is a kind of testimony, and she has been looking forward to it since she was almost cornered last time.

Looking forward to this boy who has special meaning to her, turning into the "silver bullet" in her heart.

In the confrontation again and again, the opponent's performance made her full of expectations.

Looking forward to the day when the other party penetrates her heart.

But now is not the time.

She put away her mobile phone, and with anticipation of the upcoming drama, Belmode twisted the accelerator, and the steel beast galloped out in an instant with a roar.


On the other side, hearing the information from the bug, Conan fell into deep thought again.

Apart from the key intelligence about the assassination plan, the most worthy of his attention is undoubtedly Belmode's last temptation.

Listening to the sound and combining the situation of the other party riding on the motorcycle at that time, it is self-evident what was hit.

And that's why it's all the more noteworthy.

Because the meaning represented by Belmode's action in the end is actually very intriguing.

Also, it's a lot of information.

Because knocking is written as "knock" in English, and "k" is useless, Belmode took the three letters "noc".

Because of the abbreviation of "", the translation roughly means "unofficial undercover agent".

This meaning refers to secret intelligence personnel who disguise themselves as ordinary people to sneak into other countries to carry out activities, and intelligence personnel without the cover of diplomatic identity, which is often referred to as illegal (illegal) in espionage terms.

So when Belmode tapped the dashboard, the meaning was only her own actions, and it had nothing to do with where she tapped.

And her meaning is also very obvious, that is, she is questioning whether Rena Mizumu is a "noc".

Obviously, after the first operation failed and seeing Conan and FBI's Judy in Kubato Park, Belmode began to suspect that Mizumurena was coming.

And thinking of Miss Rena Mizumusa's previous actions, Conan's previous suspicion and the slight strangeness in his heart seemed to be further confirmed.

And the fact is indeed the case, although Belmode will not expose the news that Conan and the two came to disrupt the situation because of Conan's relationship, but he has no scruples about Mizumu Rena.

If the other party is really a "noc", as long as she catches a few flaws, she will mercilessly "bite and kill" him.

Maybe he can cover up the damage done by his "son" and put all the blame on Mizuruna.

But soon, under Judy's questioning, Conan suppressed the thoughts in his heart, sorted out the information, and began to tell the two people in the car what he had overheard.

"Unfortunately, I still haven't eavesdropped on the specific location."

After listening to the information Conan eavesdropped on, James said with some regret.

"No way, probably because of the distance, the sound has become more and more blurred since just now."

While trying his best to listen to the voice from the bug, Conan responded with a double-edged response: "However, using the secret codes used by the black people to organize their actions, I am afraid that they will not reveal the target's location in the conversation at will."

"The only information I have is that the assassination site is on a certain bridge." Judy frowned and said, "The most important thing now is to unlock the code..."

Before, they judged that the "b" in "vainb" represented the location of "bridge", but the code of "vain" which specifically refers to which bridge has not been solved yet.

"If we can inquire about the next destination from Tumen Kanghui's support club, then everything will be solved."

"No, I called too many times to inquire, and now I'm afraid I've been regarded as a suspicious person." Judy shook her head and denied this possibility.

"The foundation is still insufficient. If it is in our territory, why would we need to be so troublesome." James shook helplessly.

After all, this is Neon, and the FBI is operating secretly here, so many things are inevitably tied up.

If it is placed in Meilijian, even if it does not rely on the authority of the FBI, it can still snoop on the other party's news through contacts, so why is it so troublesome.

"It seems that we can only unlock the "vain" part of the code at the moment. "Judy put away her mobile phone and gave up the useless work of getting the opponent's itinerary from the opponent's support club.

"Is this the only way to reverse the direction of this bad wind in an instant?"

James pondered while driving: ""vain" means "useless, meaningless", and besides that, it also means "to be great". "

"Are there place names with such meanings in this area of ​​Tokyo?" Judy rubbed her chin thinking about possible places.

"No, that's not true, we all got it wrong."

After listening to what James said inadvertently, he had already received a hint from "Wind Direction" and unlocked the password for "vain".

Conan looked at the two of them and explained, "Gin and the others didn't mean 'vain', but 'vane'. "

Conan spelled two words that sounded similar, allowing them to understand the difference.

"You mean the wind vane, or the 'vane' of the windmill wing! ? "

James was taken aback when he heard Conan's words, and immediately reflected and asked repeatedly.

"Yes, and this word also has the meaning of "bow and arrow feathers"."

Conan held the lens with one hand to check the movement of the locator, and explained: "The place name near here that contains the meaning of "bow and arrow feather" is "Toriya Town".

In other words, "vainb" refers to "Toriya Bridge", which is the Toriya Bridge. "

"This is really good news." James said excitedly after hearing Conan's reasoning: "There are still two hours before their assassination, which is enough for us to make full arrangements."

"Yeah, I can finally be one step ahead of them this time." Judy also looked excited. If she can gain the upper hand in the fight against the black organization, it will definitely be rewarding.

This time, it will not be a reverse situation between the hunter and the prey, but waiting for the prey to jump into the trap without knowing it! !

"The enemies are three men and three women, a total of six people. Two of the female members are riding motorcycles, and the other four are riding in these two cars. One of them is a Porsche 365a, and the other should also be a sports car."

Conan informed the two of the eavesdropped member information and the guessed vehicle information, so that the other party could dispatch FBI personnel to deploy their personnel.


James nodded and said: "I will first let the agents I accept drive to the Toriya Bridge, and make sure to master all the roads leading to that bridge."

"Is it going to catch them all this time?" Judy was excited when she heard this, even with her heart, she couldn't hide her excitement when faced with such a good opportunity.

After all, here are all the core members of the organization with code names, as well as absolute core members like Gin and Belmode. If we can catch them all, it will definitely be a big victory! !

However, facing Judy's proposal, James shook his head: "This time I will do it silently from behind, to ensure that everyone can be caught!"

Hearing what James said, Conan in the back seat stared blankly at James in the driver's seat, a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes.

Reminiscent of Tang Ze's instinctive defense, Conan unconsciously became a little wary for a while.

Although he felt that the opponent's step-by-step strategy was nothing strange, but his innate detective instinct made him feel a little strange.

But soon he suppressed this little bit of strangeness, and patiently waited for James' layout.

With time, Mercedes arrived at the Toriya Bridge, and under the surveillance of his subordinates, he quickly locked on the location of Rena Mizumu.

Under James' decision, the female anchor was the first to be arrested.

In the beginning, their actions went very smoothly. They used three vehicles to directly surround and block Rena Mizumu's motorcycle in the middle, and because of the road guardrail next to it, Rena Mizumu had no way of escaping from their encirclement net.

But what is unexpected is that, facing Judy's gun threat, the opponent relied on his superb driving skills to play tricks and parked the motorcycle on top of the car that surrounded him.

When I got here, although I was a little surprised by the other party's countermeasures, everything was still expected.

If there is no accident, it will only be a matter of time before the other party is arrested.

But under this fierce pursuit, a boy who accidentally ran into the road after chasing the football changed the situation of the battle in an instant.

Under the kinetic energy brought by the sudden braking of the car, Rena Mizumu fell forward with the motorcycle.

Originally, with her driving skills, if she could not survive the life and death of the boy in front of her. It is completely out of the trace.

But the other party did not make any resistance in the end, fell off the roof of the car, and fell into a coma.

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