Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 859 Killing Bureau

The reason why the killing is a killing is because the situation has reached a desperate situation, and there is no possibility of reversal.

At the moment when Chianti restrained Akai Shuichi at the cost of his own injury, and at the same time the surprise of the arrival of the reinforcements gave everyone a moment of relaxation, Tang Ze made a move.

Like a hunter lurking in the dark waiting patiently for the moment when the prey finally relaxes, Tang Ze seizes the fleeting moment of relaxation!

Eliminate all distracting thoughts, concentrate on a single shot!

Although Tang Ze's rubber bullet is not as terrifyingly lethal as a real bullet, its powerful kinetic energy turns it into a terrifying blunt weapon.

If you are shot in the head, the powerful kinetic energy will make you unconscious in an instant!

Although Akai Shuichi felt that Tang Ze's layout was just to test out more power of the black organization and expose more members to the bright side, like him, he did not intend to keep Gin.

But he didn't know that Tang Ze's plan to kill this time was really to keep the gin!

Of course, there was no unanimity in wanting to keep everyone behind, but Tang Ze made up his mind to get rid of Gin!

In the eyes of others, the absence of gin would at best only cause pain to the black organization, and would not bring about any change at all.

But for Tang Ze, getting the gin wine is tantamount to securing the victory in advance!

It is a bit exaggerated to say so, but at least it can increase the winning rate by 30%.

And that's just the odds of "killing" Gin and doing nothing.

If a series of precise layout and other actions are carried out later, it can be said that breaking the black organization is just around the corner!

There is no way, although there is only Gin Jiu alone, the difference between the black organization with the opponent and the black organization without the opponent is too great.

Otherwise, in Tang Ze's hometown in the previous life, there would not be the joke of "Gin Jiu tried his best, this battle can't be fought".

But on the other hand, it is precisely because the other party is difficult and troublesome enough that it is possible to support a "winery" that is about to leak to the house and is about to be mixed with water.

So if he can be arrested here and let him withdraw from the subsequent main plot, it is no less than changing the difficulty of "hell level" to "difficult" level in the game.

So Tang Ze wanted to keep it from the bottom of his heart.

And he also carefully arranged this killing round.


The killing blow failed.

Seeing that the bullet was about to hit Gin Jiu's head, but the next moment Vodka blocked Gin Jiu's body one step earlier and blocked the shot for him!

Even though Tang Ze's shot had already been calculated, how could it compare to Vodka's action, which was intended to be a human shield from the beginning.

Others didn't realize they were being attacked until they heard the gunshot, but vodka acted as a meat shield the moment the two walked towards the car.

Maybe he wanted to guard against Akai Shuichi's shot in the distance, but he accidentally blocked Tang Ze's fatal shot.


The bullet with a powerful impact hit Vodka's back of the head like a heavy hammer, and blood flowed down the back of his neck. Vodka lost consciousness instantly because of the huge impact after uttering two words with difficulty.

Seeing this scene, Gin looked ferocious. He grabbed the vodka behind him who was unconscious and was about to fall, and let it stand in front of him.

The next moment, Vodka's shoulder was pierced by a bullet, and blood dripped on Gin Yinjiu's face.

It turned out that after seeing this scene, Akai Shuichi seized the opportunity of a short pause between the two of them again

"It's really ruthless to cruel and calm." Seeing the scene in front of him, Tang Ze became even more afraid of gin.

The gin at this moment is like an emotionless machine, making the most reasonable judgment with absolute reason.

But just as Tang Ze feared, the other party was indeed ruthless enough.

After all, for ordinary people, who would not hesitate to use the person who just rescued him to block the gun as a shield to block the sniper in the next moment.

But Gin did just that, without hesitation.

But I have to say that the other party's ruthlessness saved him and saved Vodka's life.

He noticed that this secret enemy was shooting a rubber bullet, and he made the most rational and ruthless action in an instant.

He predicted that Shuichi Akai would not let go of this great opportunity, so he used vodka as a meat shield in front of him.

But this cruelty did save the two of them. If Gin didn't use vodka as a human shield, then I'm afraid Gin would also lose his ability to move in Akai Shuichi's follow-up sniping.

And if the comatose vodka hadn't become a human shield, it wouldn't be possible for him to be resisted by the gin, and he would also lose his last chance to survive.

This cruelty and ruthlessness finally succeeded in keeping the two alive.

Of course, Tang Ze also had no doubt that if Akai Shuichi's bullet killed Vodka at that time, the other party would not hesitate to use the corpse as a shield in the car, and then discard it mercilessly.

But at least both of them survived now, and Gin got into the car with vodka in a coma with the help of the blond man.

At the same time, a gust of fragrant wind blew by, and Belmode entered the passenger seat from the other side of the car.

It turned out that when Gin and Jiu were attacked, Belmode took the opportunity to bypass the car and enter the car from the other side.

At this moment, Belmode's ruthlessness was also revealed. He had no intention of helping his companions when they were attacked. Instead, he used the two as bait to create the safest retreat route for himself.

However, this ruthlessness also left a glimmer of life for the two people behind. After all, if she entered the rear seat again, the other two people would not be able to fit it even if they forced it.

But now there are only two people in the rear seat, and Cohen and the others can barely squeeze in.

"Want to catch gin alive? I have a really big appetite, but it's a pity..."

Akai Shuichi, who was in a high-rise building, saw the whole process through the scope of the sniper rifle. Naturally, he also saw clearly the act of being used as a shield by gin after being unconscious by vodka, and he couldn't help feeling a little regretful.

The man who fought against him before was already shrewd enough for the layout this time, but this long-planned kill was unsuccessful in the end, which made Akai Shuichi feel a little regretful.

But no one expected that Vodka was prepared to block the gun from the very beginning, and blocked Tang Ze's gun by accident.

And the meaning of the other party is also very obvious.

The other party thought that Gin Jiu was a tricky guy and wanted to keep him completely.

And this time the opponent's chances are good enough, and it can even be said that it is a must-kill situation. If it succeeds, it will change the situation of the battle in an instant.

Among the five of them, Gin was the only one who could calm down the other four, without him nothing would be messed up.

But if Qin Jiu loses consciousness, the other four will fall apart in an instant.

Especially under the threat of snipers and enemies hidden in the dark, they must make difficult choices.

To save or not to save?

They didn't know that Tang Ze and Akai Shuichi wanted to release the water tacitly, but they didn't think the other party could let them go.

But everyone knows how terrifying "surrounding the dead" is, it's like going to die.

But if you don't save him, it's like watching Qin Jiu die.

No one can be captured alive, this is the iron rule of the organization, even if they fear gin, they dare not disobey the order of "that lord".

Even if the others couldn't do it, Belmode probably wouldn't hesitate.

It's a pity that neither the man's layout nor the shot he followed to seize the opportunity failed to keep him.

And they have no chance.

At this moment, the vehicles behind the convoy arrived one after another, and countless men in black got out of the car with guns in their hands, and shot in the direction Cohen pointed to suppress the "Yellow Ape" in an instant.

Tang Ze had already fired a shot at the ground after the shot, and white smoke instantly filled his surroundings, blocking the enemy's sight and retreating quickly according to the previously planned route.


When retreating, Tang Ze didn't even want to see him shoot again, the bullet exploded in mid-air, and the strong flash made the men in black present to stop shooting.

And taking advantage of this opportunity, Tang Ze retreated to the "Decapitated" alley next to him.

But this is not the result of his panic, but the planned retreat route.

The dead end in front of him couldn't stop his footsteps at all, he simply stared at the wall with his strength, and his hands were clasped on the edge of the wall, and then he easily climbed over without any effort.

Then he quickly took off his jacket to reveal the sports suit inside, and then stuffed the squat into the backpack under the wall.

Afterwards, Tang Ze took advantage of the protective windows of the residents on both sides and the water pipes and other buildings to easily reach another alley, walking along the road as if nothing happened.

Missing a hit, he fled thousands of miles away. Seeing that the opponent's reinforcements came faster than expected, Tang Ze had no intention of continuing to entangle with the opponent.

There are too many opponents, and I don't have many chances under the suppression of firepower.

Moreover, the distance between the two sides is also close. Even if there are snipers on one's own side, it is not without the risk of being surrounded.

I have "caution (conformity) and caution (heart)" written in my bones, so it is naturally impossible to take such a big risk to "hard fight" with other people's troops.

Walking to the main road, perhaps because of the previous explosion and the faint gunshots, the crowd here is also scattered, and the rest of them are also looking away in a hurry.

Tang Ze put on his hood and hurried away like the passers-by around him.

On the other side of the main battlefield, looking at his teammates who disappeared in an instant after missing a hit, Akai Shuichi also knew that it was time to leave.

Regardless of the "following fate" marksmanship on the opposite side, Akai Shuichi put away the sniper rifle and planned to evacuate.

The opposite side was originally for retreat, and the commotion was too great, the Metropolitan Police Department might have dispatched a large force, so they left without hesitation.

Just like the criminals in TV dramas always arrive on time after everything is over, the police car with the urgent siren sounded only after the three parties had gone clean.

But it's a pity that this is destined to be a fruitless unsolved case. Even if they investigate again, they will not be able to find any one of the three parties.

Based on Tang Ze's understanding of the Metropolitan Police Department's usual practice, after the follow-up investigation found nothing, in order to give an explanation to the public, I am afraid that the almighty "King of the Blame" Jidao can only bear all this.

This is basically the foreseeable future, and Tang Ze is not worried about any changes in this regard.

And those who arrived at the same time as the criminals were Judy, Conan and other FBI and others who came from Toya Bridge.

But when they saw the scene in front of them, they were a little speechless.

Especially Conan, looking at the two cars that were still burning, the corners of his mouth couldn't help twitching, and he couldn't help but feel a little tired.

He realized that he was so naive to believe in Tang Ze criminally.

What to protect your own safety sounds good, but in fact it's all about "fishing law enforcement", use Mori Kogoro as bait!

You just wanted to make a big scene from the very beginning!

This is so dangerous!

If I'm not careful, I'm going to lose my father... Ah bah, it's because I lost my father-in-law, Conan is a little scared.

Thinking of the faint gunshots after arriving nearby, and the familiar car in front of him, Conan felt that Tang Ze was really a ruthless person!

It wasn't enough to blow up Gin's car last time, and here it is again!

This really offended Gin to death.

But I have to say, looking at the wreckage of the Porsche that exploded again, Conan felt a little refreshed in his heart.

I don't know why, seeing Gin being beaten repeatedly in Tang Ze's hands, Conan felt much less afraid of Gin in his heart.

Although he also clearly and calmly knew that he looked down on the other party just because the other party was deflated and caused his state to "float", but he still couldn't help the refreshment that radiated from the inside.

I feel elated~

Of course, Conan just had a good time, and soon calmed down, eager to know what happened here.

But fortunately, not long after the cars of Judy and others parked outside the battlefield, a pair of black Chevrolet Silverados parked next to James' Mercedes-Benz.


Seeing the man in the driver's seat, Judy looked a little excited: "Are you okay?"

"It's okay, I just participated in a hunt." Chi Jingxiuyi smiled and said: "The injured are all prey, but it's a pity that one or two were not left."

Judy wanted to ask something more after hearing this, but Akai Shuichi started the car and asked Judy and his party to leave here first.

Both parties also need to summarize their respective actions and the resulting exchanges to figure out the ultimate impact of this action, and then consider the next step.

Conan was naturally happy to see this scene. After the two parties left to a safe place, they began to listen to Akai Shuichi's talk about the situation at that time.

And after knowing what Akai Shuichi and Karazawa criminals have done, when the hanging heart finally fell to the ground, I can only sigh that this is indeed something that only two fierce men can do.

Among other things, it is impossible to complete this layout without strong strength, let alone induce the other party to think in the direction you want.

In general, although the process has completely exceeded Conan's expectations, everything is finally a happy ending... right...

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