Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 862 Undecided Harvest

Since Tang Ze started the topic this time, it is natural that what he talked about was what he planned.

He informed Conan of some follow-up plans and strategies, such as sending Rena Mizumura back to the organization safely, and continuing to act as an undercover agent to pass on information to them.

And this also includes some of his arrangements and plans.

"Are you really going to do that?"

After listening to Tang Ze's plan, Conan looked at him solemnly: "But if something goes wrong, then all your previous plans will come to naught!"

"It's the only way to do this, otherwise, sooner or later it will be exposed."

Tang Ze said calmly: "If you want this organization to continue to confuse the enemy, then you need to do this.

Don't you think our opponents are so easily deceived? "

"But are you sure it's okay to do this?" Conan couldn't help asking: "Don't you always suspect that there are spies among the FBI?

If exposed, your safety..."

Conan didn't expect the other party to have such a plan, but he had to admit that what the other party said was true.

It is also because of this that he is so dignified.

This is a decision that does not allow for the slightest mistake, but if there is a slight mistake, it will be smashed to pieces!

"I do have doubts in this regard, so the objects of cooperation must be carefully selected."

Hearing Conan's worry, Tang Ze smiled meaningfully: "So we have to find a way that is adequate and proper enough for him to get involved without the FBI."

"Don't you already have an idea?"

Hearing Tang Ze's words, Conan couldn't help asking.

"How is it possible? It's just a rough plan."

Tang Ze rolled his eyes angrily: "First set the strategic goals, and then formulate detailed plans according to the actual situation.

Now Rena Mizumu hasn't woken up yet, everything is just talk on paper. "


I was in a hurry. "

Conan scratched his head, heaved a sigh of relief, looked at Tang Ze and said seriously: "I will take advantage of this short time to get in touch with the other party as much as possible, and try to reduce the risk as much as possible."

"Then please."

Tang Ze parked the car downstairs of the Maori Detective Agency, and said goodbye to the other party with a smile: "That's it for now, let's go."

"Well, be careful on the road." Conan opened the car door and looked at Tang Ze seriously before getting out of the car: "Thank you, Criminal Tang Ze."

Although he was not used to thanking him so solemnly, at least what the other party had done made Conan feel the need to do so.

"Thank you, I'll accept it." Tang Ze saw Conan thanking him so earnestly, and it was rare that he didn't tease him, but just nodded to indicate that he accepted the other party's thanks.

The other party nodded, and then closed the car door to say goodbye to Tang Ze.

After Conan left, Tang Ze checked the time, bought a pizza and fried chicken and returned home.

After all, he had just experienced a big battle, and he also needed to relieve his tense spirit.

Although everything went well, he was actually tense like walking a tightrope, for fear that any link would go wrong and lead to a crisis.

On the other hand, it was the failure of this plan that caused him to be salty.

Although he is indeed mentally prepared for failure and is not upset, he always needs a little "salted fish" to release his depression in the face of failure.

Thinking of the message that popped up when he clicked on the system panel yesterday, Tang Ze opened the fried chicken and took a bite, saying his grief was his appetite.

Because, this wave of myself has nothing to gain!

When Tang Ze opened the system panel again, those two lonely information panels appeared in front of him again.

[It was detected that in this confrontation with Black, the trajectory of fate has not changed decisively. 】

[The impact of this host's action will be fermented later, and the reward settlement will be settled according to the fate trajectory next time. 】

Looking at these two isolated messages on the system panel, Tang Ze couldn't help but sigh.

This was the first time he saw such a "perfunctory" message on the system panel.

There was no reward at all, and he was sent away with two sentences.

But this is probably because of the main thread, otherwise the reminder might not even be given.

But it's not incomprehensible to him, after all, in terms of the result this time, it really didn't change much from the original plot in memory.

As for the second piece of information...

Because it was not the same as last time, it directly said that the rewards would be settled together next time, so Tang Ze also had some bad speculations.

This time, I'm afraid he offended Qin Jiu and others to death.

Could it be that the other party is trying their best to track down his whereabouts, so the system cannot determine whether the situation is good or bad in the next confrontation.

So I said this ambiguous thing.

Of course, it is obvious that if he can continue to gain an advantage in the future confrontation, then this action will definitely add to the next reward.

After all, although I couldn't change the ending on a large scale this time, it can't be said that I have no record.

After all, Gin and their two cars were blown up, and the people were miserable, three of the five were injured.

How can this be regarded as a change.

To put it simply, if I continue to have an advantage in the future confrontation, it will be a far-reaching layout. This time the actions are all pre-set "taunts" and provocations, in order to make the enemy be dazzled by anger.

There will naturally be richer rewards when a greater battle result is achieved next time.

And if during the incubation period, he showed some flaws, or was investigated by the guys from the black organization, then the other party would definitely take the initiative to attack him.

And at that time, don't say anything about rewards, you should think about how to escape.

Just thinking about it, I feel that the word "dangerous" is capitalized on the head! !

To put it simply, the reward still exists, it depends on whether he can continue to gain the upper hand in the next confrontation with Qin Jiu and others.

However, the system's prompt this time also illustrates a problem, that is, the follow-up impact caused by this time is a bit big.

Well... the effect is undeniably negative...

This time, Tang Ze only consumed one rubber bomb, one smoke bomb, and one flash bomb, and two clay bombs, which was much smaller than expected.

The main reason is that he didn't expect the reinforcements from the other side to come so fast, so that he directly canceled his plan for a fierce battle and a strong attack, and the bullets were not consumed much.

Although the consumption is less, it does not mean that the results are less.

Not to mention the impact of that shot on the gin and vodka, the two bombs properly blew up their two cars.

Let’s not talk about Chianti, but gin has scored twice, and directly gave the other party’s car a “death without a whole body”.

This really slapped the left cheek and slapped the right cheek, and then stepped on Qin Jiu's face in the mud pit and stepped on it again and again, offending him to death.

There is no doubt that the "Yellow Ape" who blew up his car twice and forced him into a crisis is definitely at the top of the "Gin Killer List".

Of course, only he knows who is the "favorite" in Gin Jiu's heart, he or Akai Shuichi.

After all, one is an "old lover" who loves and kills each other, and the other is a "new lover" whose "love is like an explosion". Only he knows who is the most important in Qin Jiu's heart.

In short, there was nothing to gain this time, which made Tang Ze a little bit heartbroken.

But after he ate fried chicken and pizza, he threw away these worries, and left them to his future self to worry about.

Anyway, this time, I have expected the failure of this plan, and at the same time, I have prepared countermeasures and backup plans for various situations, so there is nothing to worry about.

After all, in the final analysis, they are the ones who have the upper hand this time, and it is the enemy who should be furious, incompetent and furious. They only need to hide themselves well, there is no need to live or die.

Those who don't know thought they lost this time.

Lying comfortably on the sofa, Tang Ze watched the program of Nikkei Radio, but unfortunately Miss Rena Mizumu no longer appeared on TV.

After showing its fangs, the turbulent undercurrent dived into the endless abyss and lurked quietly, waiting for the next more turbulent wave.

Although he stayed at home all day, at night Tang Ze put on a thick casual denim jacket and prepared to drive out.

Although the temperature dropped by the recent cold wave was nothing to Tang Ze, he didn't want to stand alone and attract attention, so he still put on winter clothes.

As for what to do at night, isn't that an obvious question~

Naturally, it was a two-person world date as always.

After driving to Xinghei's restaurant, Tang Ze didn't go to pick up Ayako. After all, the other party was driving to and from get off work, and he would drive over later, so there was no need for him to make a special trip.

After saying hello to the busy couple, they headed to the "special" restaurant on the second floor.

After drinking hot cocoa and waiting for a while, Ayako with light makeup opened the door and walked in.

Unlike Ayako in everyday life, Ayako who just got off work is wearing a professional attire.

With a dark blue slim-fit long trench coat and coiled hair, compared with Ayako who looks like Yamato Nadeko at home, she looks a little more heroic at the moment.

Obviously, although Tangling Consortium is busy with various affairs, Lingzi has gained various experiences in it, allowing her to quickly grow from a rich lady to an independent female president.

"Sorry for being late."

Ayako smiled apologetically after entering the room. Although the image of the heroic woman before had not changed, her temperament instantly changed back to a gentle little woman.

"It's okay, is it cold?"

The hand that pulled Ayako was placed in the palm of his hand, feeling the coldness like nephrite jade, he stretched out his hand and pulled Ayako's other hand over to warm her hand with the temperature of both hands.

The two sat side by side in a row chatting, and after a while, they saw Erina knocking on the door and walking in with hot cocoa and small desserts before dinner.

"Ah, I didn't bother you." Erina looked at the two who had just met each other, and looked at her best friend with a teasing expression.

"It's just talking between husband and wife, don't bother me." Ayako stroked a strand of hair scattered on her forehead behind her ear, calmly responding to her best friend's teasing.

Erina at the side saw Ayako's plain expression, put down the tray of food in her hand, smiled regretfully and said, "Really, then I won't bother you, I'll go to work first~"

Apparently, seeing Ayako who would no longer blush and be ashamed because of teasing, Erina sighed in her heart that her best friend had grown up, and she was no longer the young girl who was so thin-skinned that she wanted to dig into a hole when she teased her.

It's just that Tang Ze was keenly aware that Ayako's crystal earlobes had turned a faint pink color at this moment.

"Okay, let's go." Tang Ze patted Ayako, and gave her a funny look.

And Ayako's tense body let out a sigh of relief as the door closed, obviously she was still not as calm as she had shown before.

"It's a good thing I kept it secret, otherwise I would have been teased by Erina for a long time." Ayako patted her chest.

"You are just too thin-skinned."

Tang Ze laughed and said, "We're old couples. If you're being teased, just admit it openly. The more shy you are, the more motivated you will be."

Well, although the two are not married yet, they have already been engaged. Such a claim is also in line with the facts.

"I know the truth, but I just can't do it." Ayako smiled helplessly when she heard the words: "I don't know what the reason is."

"Forget it, let's not talk about this, let's eat something first."

Tang Ze waved his hand and skipped the topic, and handed the hot cocoa to Ayako: "How is the company doing recently? Are you still busy?"

"It has gradually stabilized."

Feeling the warm cocoa entering her lungs, Ayako breathed out comfortably: "Now this is according to your previous plan, to enter some industries you are optimistic about.

In addition, overseas is also progressing smoothly, and it will be possible to let the people below do it after a while. "

"Thank you for your hard work." Tang Ze smiled and said, "After this period of time passes, the weather will warm up, so let's take a good vacation."

"Then I will help make up for the exhaustion during this period."

Ayako leaned her head on Tang Ze's shoulder, closed her eyes and said, "Let me charge the battery first~"

The room fell into silence for a while, until the knock on the door sounded again, and Ayako sat up.

The culinary skills of Xinghei and Erina are as good as ever, but today their dishes tend to be Italian-style, especially the seafood pasta, which is really irresistible.

Of course, Karazawa and Ayako thanked Xinghei for the special free gift at the end, and even the checkout speed was a few minutes faster, almost running away.

Just kidding, as soon as Tang Ze opened the lid and smelled the smell, his face changed color. He really couldn't believe what would happen if he ate it.

Running all the way to the nearby public parking lot, Tang Ze and Ayako looked at each other and laughed.

At some point, a snowflake in the sky fell on Ayako's forehead, and the coldness quickly melted and dried up.

"It's snowing."

The two looked up at the sky. Under the warm orange light, little snowflakes were floating and falling in the air, as if to put a layer of silver makeup on the city.

The two cars drove into the courtyard one after the other, and Tang Ze took Ayako's hand to open the door and returned to the warm home.

It's snowing outside, but it's warm inside.

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