Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 866: Good News and Bad News

It seems that Yamashita no longer has any scruples, and he doesn't want to be suspected by the two criminals in front of him.

So after a brief tangle, he confessed everything "brokenly".

Generally speaking, Koyanagizu Kiriko's transgressive behavior was regarded by everyone as a kind of meddling.

And this is why the other party is hated.

In the workplace, this kind of misfit is always out of the group, especially if the other party has some rights, most people keep them at a respectful distance.

However, when asked if anyone would hate the person who would hate Kiriko Koyanagi, the other party smiled wryly and said that there are too many people who would hate each other in the company.

However, under the questioning of Naoki Uaijing, the other party still revealed a piece of news.

That is, the head of the inspection section, Toyama Onda, was at odds with the other party. This was almost the company's public news.

After the two bid farewell to each other, they went to the design department to find Toyama Onda from the inspection department for questioning.

"Really, the last one brought trouble to the company."

After Tang Ze expressed his intention to come, the other party's attitude was still very rude, and he also showed unabashed disgust when he mentioned Koyanagi Tsu Tongzi.

Even in front of their criminal faces, there is no feeling of guilt.

"But it wasn't Ms. Xiaoyanagijin who caused the fire. We think someone set it on fire." After hearing the other party's sarcasm, Tang Ze defended Tongzi Xiaoyanagitsu.

"If that's the case, it's even more unforgivable." Toyama Onda snorted coldly: "It's nothing to watch the fire rise while you're at the scene."

"Indeed, this is what we don't understand." Tang Ze nodded and agreed, "And we are also investigating the reason behind it."

"However, Section Chief Toyama, a colleague from the same company was killed, your attitude..." Naoki Uesai looked scrutinizing, and his words were not polite.

"Huh?" Hearing this, Toyama Onda showed displeasure on his face: "What are you talking about?"

"Do you hate her?" Naoki Uesai continued to ask as if he didn't see the darker and darker face of the other party.

"I don't.

"Toyama Onda spat out three words with a cold face.

"But I heard that you were the head of design until last year, right?" Naoki Uesi did not hesitate to turn against the other party, so he pointed out everything so straightforwardly.

And as if to satirize this point, at a desk across a corridor, an employee called the new "Minister of Design" with a document, asking him to help check the document.

Naoki Uesi did not let go of this sudden and great assist, and said in a playful tone, "I heard that you were demoted from "Minister of Design" to "Head of Section" because of Ms. Koyanagitsu, right?"

Hearing Naoki Uei's words, Onda Toyama's lips curled up, but he suppressed his unhappiness and took out a leaflet from the shelf beside him.

"This is my design, the design when I was still the Minister of Design."

Toyama Onda put a brochure in front of the two of them, "The machine I am referring to can clean the laundry tank while washing clothes after pressing this button."

Tang Ze and the two looked at the graphic introduction, and found that it was a washing machine that focuses on "bacteria blocking".

"So that's it, it's quite convenient." Tang Ze nodded, and understood the characteristics of the other party's product design.

Because the washing machine is composed of a stainless steel inner cylinder and an outer cylinder, and the interlayer of the inner and outer cylinders is the so-called washing machine tank.

The washing water flows between the washing machine tank and the inner cylinder. If it is not cleaned in time, dirt and germs will flow back into the washing water when washing clothes, causing secondary pollution to the clothes.

If the human body wears secondary polluted clothing, it is easy to be infected by the bacteria carried.

Therefore, it is necessary to regularly clean the laundry tank to accumulate a layer of black and sticky dirt and dirt.

But regular cleaning is also a troublesome thing, so this is why Tang Ze said that this washing machine is more convenient.

"But because of this design, I was demoted to be the head of the inspection section." Toyama Onda's words caught Tang Ze and the two of them in awe, and they all looked at the man.

"I know that once the machine uses the timer function, the cleaning function will not work."

Toyama Onda said: "But after I knew the defect, I replaced the substrate before the machine went on the market.

But the woman refused to let me go, and made a big fuss about this matter, saying that all products should be re-examined. "

According to Toyama Onda, the two had a big fight in front of the chairman and the executive, and he naturally refused the general inspection.

But the woman took it for granted that this should be done, because a defect has been found so far, and it cannot be ruled out that there are other defects in the product.

If such a product appears on the market, it will be a devastating blow to the company.

And if you do a general check here, you can avoid this worst-case scenario.

If the mid-term inspection can be carried out, there are many disadvantages. First, the assembly line of the factory will be stopped, and the sales and promotions done before the release date will also be "skipped".

It can be said that once it is staggered, there will be a loss in the unit of 100 million.

The final result is that the president staggered the release date and conducted an overall inspection.

"It's really a wise president." Naoki Uejing said with some emotion: "There is such a big courage to bear the loss, but also to keep the company's brand reputation."


After hearing Naoki Uesi's emotion, Toyama Onda sneered and said: "Do you think the president can bear such a big loss?

It was the woman who wanted to tell the industry newspaper about my design loopholes, and other companies had to agree.

This is why so many people hate her, as if she is the only "just" person in this world. "

When he said this, the wrinkles on Toyama Onda's face deepened, and it was obvious that he could see the depression in his heart.

"It turns out that even such a small design flaw can cause huge damage to the company's image, so you became a victim of this incident."

Tang Ze nodded and said calmly: "Mr. Toyama, although it is inappropriate to say that, but now you seem to be more suspicious."

"I didn't kill her, and there's no need for that."

Toyama Onda shook his head: "To be honest, I'm about to retire, even if I didn't have this matter, I would give way to young people."

"But in this way, the pension..." Uejing Naoki pointed out a sensitive issue.

"I am a veteran who follows the president. When the president negotiated with me to give way to young people, he promised me that there would be no change to my pension. This has not changed even after the incident."

Speaking of this, Toyama Onda looked at the young man communicating with the members and said with a smile: "After all, he is the president's son, and he is indeed very talented."

Speaking of this, Onda Toyama took out a small portable box and said with a smile: "He designed the first wire-free electric stove on the market, and I am also willing to give up this position.

Of course, this doesn't mean that I like Xiao Yanajin, but at least there is no motive to kill her, right? "

"So that's how it is." Tang Ze and Umi Naoki were also stunned.

If it is to "retire and make way" for the future heir, then it is normal to promise to make way for him, not to mention that the benefits are enough.

Moreover, he was getting older, so for a migrant worker like him, he felt more relaxed.

So in everyone's opinion, Toyama Onda is unlucky, but for him, it is more comfortable to work leisurely with the same salary.

But when Tang Ze saw this electric stove, the seriousness on his face disappeared for a moment, and then turned into calm again.

"Isn't this wireless?" Tang Ze approached the electric stove and sized it up, pointing to the back: "But it's wired at the back."

"As long as it's charged, unplug the cord."

Toyama Onda said and showed the two of them: "This is a very popular product now, and it has won many awards. Sometimes I have to obey my old age."

"I see, thank you for your cooperation."

Tang Ze thanked the other party and left the club with Naoki Uaijing.

After going downstairs, Umi Naoki sighed and said, "It seems... nothing to gain..."

"No, it's just that you are not careful enough." Tang Ze smiled and said: "Let's go, go back, I have a little discovery."


The night is charming, and people at night will reveal their true and lively side only after they remove their false faces at work.

But people seem to have forgotten that the nature of the night is actually dangerous.

On a realistic level, night is indeed a suitable time to do "shady things".

After all, after get off work, people always gather in places with food and drinks, or else they go home, and the companies that gather people and squeeze them during the day are empty.

And when the vast majority of people return home late at night, the streets are empty.

Some evils are born.

The dim orange light beams were placed in the dark corridor, and the little black man only showed his eyes and a grin.

He quietly sneaked into the empty floor, pried open the door and invaded into this dark and empty space.

In the dim light, the little black man quickly found his target item.


In winter, people always lose body temperature because of sitting for a long time. At this time, it is much more comfortable to have a heater by your side.

But this common thing has become the ignition device for the little black man.

With a crazy smile, the little black man took a blank piece of paper and stuffed it into the stove.

The high temperature quickly exceeded the burning point of the white paper, and the little flames were like newborn fire snakes, clamoring to devour everything around them that could be turned into nutrients.

Seeing the flames rising slowly in the darkness and gradually lighting up the dark room, the little black man looked at the rising fires, and a strange pleasure rose in his heart.

He longed for this ancient and primitive light source to grow stronger, until the artificial lights in this room could not resist its red beauty, everything would be destroyed as he expected.


But the next moment, there was a crisp sound in the darkness, which everyone was familiar with, the sound of a light switch.

Accompanied by this sound came a dazzling light.

The lights on the ceiling turned on simultaneously at this moment, instantly suppressing the bits of light born in the darkness.

And the little black man with the hat also revealed his true colors in an instant.

At the moment, there was still some hideous expression on his somewhat fat and ugly face, but there was more horror left.

He wanted to escape in a panic, but in the next moment, several strong men with fierce faces appeared in various exits, looking at the perpetrator in front of him with malicious expressions.

Amidst the roars of all the strong men, the unlucky arsonist was submerged in the ocean of "muscles" before he could resist.

Early the next morning, when Tang Ze woke up, he saw a text message from Police Officer Mumu, who was half happy and half worried.

The reason for saying this is because the serial arsonist was caught, and as Tang Ze judged, it was indeed the failed candidates who failed to get into the job who set the fire in retaliation.

The arsonist is named Tomoshi Kurosawa. He graduated from a first-class university and holds a first-class certificate in bookkeeping, but his job hunting experience has been repeated successes.

Finally, he couldn't bear it anymore, because of the distortion in his heart, he developed a pathological revenge mentality.

He started sneaking into the companies that let him down, setting them on fire as revenge for their ignorance.

A typical underappreciated criminal who goes to extremes.

Being able to catch the opponent was also because of Tang Ze's reminder.

After screening four consecutive arson cases, the Yumachi Police Department found the only Tomoshi Kurosawa who was unsuccessful in both companies in two of the cases.

Although there was not much confidence at the time, the Yummaga Police Department joined with Officer Megure in the police department and deployed staff in the three companies that the other party failed to apply for.

Unexpectedly, I was lucky last night and caught this current criminal directly!

What is worrying is that this serial arsonist is not as "savage" as imagined.

The other party only admitted that he burned down two of the arson sites, that is, the two companies that failed his job application.

However, the other two arson sites, including the case of Koyanagizu Kiriko's death, did not admit that they did it by themselves.

The other party even produced evidence, saying that he spent the night in an Internet cafe on the night of the crime.

According to the monitoring of the Internet cafe, a group of criminals confirmed the alibi of the other party, and at the same time realized a reality.

This arson case is not over yet, it seems that another prisoner is committing crimes, and he has already killed one person.

And the action made under anxiety was to hold a search meeting again.

Of course, they didn't fully believe what Kurosawa said. After all, he might not have done the murder case, but he couldn't prove his innocence in the other two arson cases.

So everyone just enjoyed the joy of catching the arson case, and the tone that was relaxed before was forced to raise it again.

But this time, they encountered a more chaotic situation.

But Tang Ze is different. After confirming what Kurosawa Tomoshi said, he took Naoki Uaijing and started to act again.

The previous speculation has been confirmed, and he needs to find more evidence and clues to continue the investigation.

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