Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 870 The prisoner is looking for Maori to do proof questions again!

Seeing the client who came to look for Kogoro Mouri, Eiyu Hondo was more active than the master of Kogoro Mouri.

It's a pity that the attributes of a confused person still exist. With an excited wave of his fists, his body came into close contact with the back of Conan's head again because of too much force, causing him to hold his nose and lose his balance.

Fortunately, Tang Ze was present and grabbed the opponent in time, so that he did not fall into the broken paper shells stacked behind him.

After that, Kogoro Mouri came forward to receive him. After the two sides made a simple self-introduction, Kogoro Moori invited the man named Triangle Ben to take a seat.

The other party's entrustment is also very simple, that is, her girlfriend is missing, and I hope Kogoro Mouri can help find his girlfriend.

"Can you tell me the specific situation?" Kogoro Mori asked the other party's details aloud, wanting to know more about the situation.

"The two of us lived together, but when we woke up this morning, the other party was gone."

Triangle Du said that his expression was a little low, and he sighed: "I think the reason why she ran away from home is probably because the two of us had a big fight last night."

"If it's convenient, I wonder if you can let me know the content of the quarrel between the two of you?" Kogoro Mouri raised his eyes and asked the other party with a serious look.

"Okay..." Triangle Atsushi glanced behind Mouri Kogoro, then looked a little stunned.

And Kogoro Mouri couldn't help but look back when he saw that the other party looked a little wrong, and then found that his daughter and Sonoko, including Conan, were standing behind him, looking like they were waiting to "eat melon".

"Hey! Go over there for me!" Kogoro Mori waved his hand impatiently, but he didn't mean to drive away Tang Ze next to him.

After all, the other party is a criminal, and he may have to rely on the other party for help in finding someone, so Kogoro Mouri has no opinion on Tang Ze's entrustment.

"It's alright. Actually, there's nothing to say. Anyway, it's just a common quarrel."

Triangle Ben has a good temper and didn't care about other people's onlookers, and then according to what the other party said, everyone also understood the general situation of the matter.

This quarrel is indeed quite common, and it can only be said that it is too common.

Triangle Du has not had much time to accompany his girlfriend recently because of his busy work.

And this became the fuse between the two.

But just when he thought that the quarrel between the two would be the same as usual, and when he calmed down and reconciled, who knew that his girlfriend was very angry and said that he had changed.

At that time, he was angry and said, "I can't go back, it's impossible to go back to the time I just met."

And after hearing what he said, he ran to sleep without saying a word.

When he woke up in the morning, he found that his girlfriend had disappeared without even a person and a car.

"This is really a common thing." Yuanzi on the side rested his chin on the sofa chair, and said speechlessly: "It's just running away from home..."

"The possibility of an incident is almost zero..." Hondo Yingyou also touched his chin and expressed his opinion.

"Wait two or three days, and she will definitely come back." Xiao Lan suggested.

"But I can't wait that long!" Triangle Du said urgently: "Because in that car, there is a plan that I must give to the company tomorrow!

No matter what, I have to find her today! "


After the other party's excited speech, everyone looked at Triangle Ben with a bewildered expression, and fell into an awkward silence for a while.

"Dang, of course... I'm also very worried about her safety..." After realizing something was wrong, Triangle Du hurriedly added another sentence.

But unfortunately, everyone knows that this is just the other party's remedial words.

After listening to the speeches of "Steel Straight Man", San Diego, Tang Ze shook his head helplessly, calling out that he was helpless.

How should I put it, the reason for the quarrel between the two is really too "classic".

When a man and a woman quarrel, the woman's classic speech is "you have changed, you don't love me anymore" and so on, criticizing the man, trying to gain the upper hand in the quarrel.

At this time, the man's answer is very important. If you have a higher EQ, you know that the other party needs to be coaxed at this time.

But if you are a bit more straight, you will only expand the contradiction more and more.

And the reason for the follow-up is also the same, is he more concerned about the company's business plan than his girlfriend?

This is really an old social animal, can't such a ruthless "social animal question" satisfy your soul! ?

I really see the company as my home...

"But it's better if it's just like that..." Tang Ze's eyes looking at San Diego Du couldn't help but sharpen.

The other party was very anxious after hearing that Xiaolan asked him to wait for a few days. Is it really as he said, because of the plan handed over to the company, or worried about the safety of his girlfriend?

No, judging from the experience of Tang Zeke's Law of Learning, this is probably just an excuse. The other party's real purpose is to let Maori Kogoro act as a witness.

Yingyou Bentang judged that it could not be an incident, but Tang Ze heard this sentence as a wave of poisonous milk.

After all, his own appearance was the clearest signal that a murder would happen.

And according to "Ke Xue's Law", the only candidates in the current case are the client and the other party's girlfriend.

So what else is there to say, since this guy is alive now, his girlfriend is 80% gone, and the culprit is himself.

As for why this person came to ask Mouri Kogoro to entrust...

To be honest, Tang Ze really didn't know what these criminals were thinking. He always wanted to use Kogoro Maori as a witness, to create an alibi to try to exonerate himself.

As a result, they dug a hole and jumped into it. No one escaped the crime. All of them lived in the same room, put on the same clothes and lived the same life.

It's a perfect example of "you won't die if you don't die".

"It turns out that I already know the general situation."

Mouri Kogoro, who was on the side, held a cigarette and hugged his arms: "But to be honest, there are really too few useful clues at present."

"I don't know if your girlfriend knows that you put the company's important business plan in the car?"

After listening to the other party's words, Tang Ze on the side asked the other party aloud, and after getting the other party's affirmative answer, Tang Ze nodded and said, "Then I think your girlfriend may just want you to find her. ."

"It's not without reason."

Mouri Kogoro touched his chin and looked at the client: "Mr. Triangle, think about it carefully, where is your girlfriend most likely to go?"

"This... I can't think of it for a while... Company, friend's house..." Triangle Du scratched his head and said, "All I can think of are these places..."

"Combining with what Mr. Triangle just said, I think the other party has a higher chance of going to the place where the two of you met."

Tang Ze thought for a while and said, "After all, Mr. Triangle once said, "I can't go back anymore." According to the situation, it's not surprising that the other party goes to the place where the two of you meet each other, right?

After all, for you, it is the place where it first started, and it is very memorable. "

"Indeed, that's really a place to get revenge, and then wait for the other party to come over." Sonoko rubbed his chin and agreed.

"Then Mr. Triangle, where did the two meet for the first time?" The reasoning has nothing to do with Mouri Kogoro, but when the result comes out, it is Mouri Kogoro who is in charge.

To put it simply, it is to lie flat and be carried by someone.

"It's in a ski resort in Gunma Prefecture," said Triangle Benedict.

"A group of horses..."

Mouri Kogoro rubbed his chin and said, "If you take the North Kanto Expressway, you'll be there in about two hours..."

After all, Gunma is not too far from Tokyo, more than 100 kilometers away.

It was obvious that Kogoro Mouri had already planned to take over the task of finding someone.

The commission fee is a very normal charging model. The basic commission fee is paid first, and if someone is found, there is another commission fee that can be taken.

Triangle Atsushi agreed very readily, and Mouri Kogoro discussed with the other party going to the ski resort where the two met in Gunma Prefecture.

"Sonoko, just go back, don't join in the fun at such a long distance." On the other hand, after learning that Mouri Kogoro was planning to go to Gunma, Tang Ze looked at Sonoko and persuaded her not to suffer in the past.

After all, tossing for so long, just to see a corpse, how unthinkable it is.

"Yes, then I'll go home, it's snowing in Gunma at this time~"

Yuanzi also listened to his brother-in-law's words very much. After hearing Tang Ze's words, he giggled and waved his hands to say goodbye to everyone. Before leaving, he wanted to take Yingyou Bentang along with him, but he was directly rejected by the other party.

"This is a great opportunity, I must follow Detective Maori!" Yingyou Hondo had a firm look on his face, causing Sonoko to instantly droop into the eyes of a dead fish.

In her opinion, what's the point of following Kogoro Mouri to find someone, going to Gunma to suffer in a cold weather, and going back and forth is not enough to toss people.

At that time, wouldn't it be good to stay in a warm home, I have to suffer.

But Sonoko didn't mind, and after saying goodbye to everyone, he left the office and went home.

As for Tang Ze, he went to Gunma together on the pretext that he had nothing to do today, and he could contact the Gunma police for help if he had anything.

Maori Kogoro is naturally very welcome.

A group of five people plus a child did not squeeze into one car. Tang Ze took Xiaolan and Conan, and Santo Ben took Mouri Kogoro and Hondo Eisuke. The two cars were heading towards Gunma in this way. advance in the deep mountains.

According to Triangle Benedict, the reason why the two met in such a remote place was entirely because of an accident.

At that time, it was his girlfriend who drove three friends to ski. As a result, when he reached the shortcut of the mountain, the car unexpectedly turned off. It was a dilemma.

It was his enthusiastic help that time that allowed the two to meet and finally walk together.

When the red sedan led by San Diego stopped, Mouri Kogoro and his party got off the car, and Tang Ze and others also saw the snow-covered vehicle.

After Tang Ze and the others got out of the car, Triangle Ben got out of the car and ran to the side of the snow-covered car.

"Is it finally done?" Mauri Kogoro lit a cigarette after getting out of the car, looked at Tang Ze who was walking by and said, "It's just that I trouble Tang Ze to criminalize you for nothing."

"An Mei! An Mei! An Mei!!"

Before Tang Ze could say anything, the next moment Triangle Du's hurried shout interrupted the conversation between the two.

The two looked at Triangle Ben, and saw that he was frantically hammering the window of the car covered in white snow.

"Go and have a look!" Tang Ze ran to the car window and found a woman with short hair lying quietly on the driver's seat. No matter how much Triangle Ben shouted, there was no response.

If it's just because of this, it's nothing, maybe it's just that the other party is asleep.

The scene inside the car can be seen through the car window, but it is a haze in people's hearts.

In the car, whether it is the door or the window gap, a circle of tape is stuck on it, and what is even worse is that there is a charcoal stove on the passenger seat.

This scene, no matter how you look at it, is like burning charcoal in the car to commit suicide.

Seeing this Maori Kogoro also became anxious, and hurriedly pulled the door, but the door remained motionless as if it were welded.

"Where's the key? Didn't you bring a spare key?" Tang Ze looked at the triangle and asked repeatedly.

"Here, here, I have a belt!"

Hearing Tang Ze's reminder, San Diego stretched out his hand and took out the electronic key from his pocket. Unfortunately, even though the car was unlocked, when Tang Ze and Mouri Kogoro stepped forward to open the door, the door remained motionless.

Apparently, the door was completely sealed with tape on the inside.

"Damn, it seems that the only way to contact the criminals is to force them to open the door with hard tools."

On the other hand, Triangle Benedict heard Mouri Kogoro's words, but hurried to the trunk of the car, and then ran over with a baseball bat.

"Where did you get this baseball?" Kogoro Mouri asked in surprise when he saw the baseball in the opponent's hand.

"This is the bat I use when I play amateur."

Triangle Du explained a sentence casually, and immediately knocked on the front window of the car with a stick. The huge force did not break the window, but dropped a large piece of snow on the window.

"An Mei, wait for me and I'll save you!"

While calling out his girlfriend's name, Triangle Du smashed the car window with a baseball over and over again. Cracks appeared on the window. Triangle Du climbed up to the window and used his elbow to clean up the broken glass.

"Anyway, take off the tape stuck on the window first!"

After climbing into the car from the front window, Triangle Atsushi followed Mouri Kogoro's instructions to tear off the tape, but after trying it, he found that there was no way to tear it off.

Fortunately, this was his own car after all, and he soon remembered that he had a utility knife on the car, and cut a circle of tape to open the door.

But when he opened the car door and took his girlfriend An Mei down, he found that the other party still did not respond at all.

Tang Ze stepped forward and put his finger on the opponent's neck. The touch brought a touch of warmth that was obviously lower than the temperature of the human body, which obviously showed that the person in front of him had become an ice-cold corpse.

It was originally a beautiful place where the two first met, but now it has become the burial place of one of them, and it has to make people feel embarrassed.

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