Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 890: Perfect Level Reward

When everyone arrived at the room where Paulo Borenko was, what they saw was Yoshiharu Kuramoto, who was slumped on the ground, and Borenko, who was glaring angrily at him.

And on her fair neck, you can clearly see the traces of the rope, and even the texture of the rope is clearly visible on her skin, so she can naturally guess how she was treated just now.

As for Tang Ze, who was standing on the side and talking on the phone with someone, although the conversation seemed to have come to an end, considering the scene at the scene and the familiar male voice on the phone, it was obvious who the other party was talking to.

Obviously, the other party had already contacted Cao Yamamura, a local criminal, to pick him up when they just came up.

"Lunzi, are you okay?" Makino Jun was stunned when he saw the scene in front of him, and hurried over to check the situation of his companions.

"Hmph, you'd better ask that guy what he did!"

Bao Bo Lunzi's eyes were full of anger, and he pointed at Yoji Kuramoto and roared: "That guy almost killed me!!"

"Yoji!?" Tian Xiang's face was incredulous when he heard Bao Bo Lunzi's words, but seeing that the other party still maintained a silent attitude, he knew that this might be the case.

"Tang Ze criminal, what happened?"

Although she almost understood the situation by looking at the situation in front of her, Xiaolan still asked aloud.

She and others are eager to know the details of what happened, not an outline.

They were preparing something for barbecue in the backyard just now, but Tang Ze opened the window from upstairs and called them up, saying that there was something urgent to tell them.

Then as soon as they got up, they saw the scene in front of them.

Judging from the scene, only Tang Ze was an outsider, and after listening to the conversation of the other two, it was judged that this case was also blocked by Tang Ze, so it was the most reasonable judgment to understand from the other party's mouth.

After hearing Xiaolan's words, Makino Jun and Tian Xiang also looked at Tang Ze, waiting for the other party's explanation.

"Well, it's almost like Mr. Kuramoto wanted to kill Miss Baobo, and then I happened to be passing by the door and heard the movement, and broke down to save Miss Baobo."

Tang Ze roughly explained, and then pointed to the bookcase on the side: "In addition, I also found a secret passage here. I am afraid that Mr. Kuramoto originally planned to escape from this room as a means of creating a secret room?"

"How did you know there would be a secret passage here?"

Yōji Kuramoto, who was beside him, heard Tang Ze's words.

There was obvious surprise on the gray face: "Even I just discovered there by accident, you just came here today..."

"From the time you said this legend, I have already guessed it."

Tang Ze smiled and said, "That legend is very interesting, but unfortunately I am a "firm atheist", so after listening to your legend, I ruled out unscientific elements such as monsters.

After excluding these, in fact, this legend is a real case that is very thoughtful and terrifying.

First of all, why did my brother say that he saw a demon, if it wasn't for his mental problems, then it was probably forged by him for some purpose.

Then why was his wife in the back garden and saw that the door that had been sealed was opened, and there was even an eye behind it?

Abandoning the fog such as monsters, there is only one possibility, the other party sees people. "

"In other words, was that brother disguised as a monster and killed his wife?" Yingyou Bentang understood what Tang Ze meant when he heard what he said: "And the one who did all this was taking care of himself?"

"Yes, since it is said that the wife committed suicide, it means that there should be enough evidence to show that the room where the wife was at the time was a secret room, otherwise there would be some suspicion of homicide."

Tang Ze smiled and said: "And the real secret room does not exist, there must be a place to cross the door, so I thought of the secret way after listening to the story.

Of course, it was just a guess in my mind at that time, but after stopping the murder, I thought that Mr. Kuramoto would have some way to clear the suspicion, so I searched the room.

As it happens, I am a person with a developed sense of smell, and I quickly smelled a slightly different smell from the room due to the air flow from the bookcase. "

"It's really amazing. From what I said about the monster legend, it was inferred that there is a secret passage here. I can find out that this secret passage is just an accident..."

Yōji Kuramoto smiled bitterly, looked at his companion and said, "As for why I want to kill her, you should know."

"It must be about the guitar anyway..." Tian Xiang said with a sad expression.

"But, didn't you just say something about that?" Makino Jun asked with a puzzled face.

"But when I came over to let her audition today, I was ridiculed a lot..."

Yoshiharu Kuramoto laughed at himself: "Then as you see it, I moved my hands today!"

"But you didn't mean to kill Ronko, you were just too angry..." Makino Jun couldn't help but wanted to ease the atmosphere between the two.

"Hey, stop joking, it's not an excuse!"

Unfortunately, after hearing the words of Jun Makino, Rinko Paulo was not appreciative, and her annoyed face had fear and resentment on her face: "If it wasn't for this Mr. Criminal, what you would see now is my corpse!

A sentence that is not intentional can be wiped out, what a joke! ! "

"You don't have to excuse me."

As the party involved, Yoshiharu Kuramoto looked at the two companions in front of him like an outsider.

"Actually, I wanted to kill you for a long time." Yōji Kuramoto's calm tone stopped Borenko's anger abruptly, and was replaced by horror and fear.

It's no wonder that after the precautions have been put into action, whoever hears the other party's words will not think it is false.

But Yoshiharu Kuramoto ignored the frightened and angry Bao Borenko and her abuse, but remained calm as if narrating an irrelevant matter: "When I discovered this secret passage, I didn't understand it. Didn't tell anyone.

Because from that time, I was thinking that this secret passage might be used sooner or later.

So I secretly put a rope there for backup.

Of course, I didn't expect to do it today..."

"You bastard!!" The furious Baobo Renzi reached out and slapped Kuramoto Yoji, but the other party just touched his face and didn't get angry.

As for the violent party, after the beating, he was frightened and angry, and he looked like he had lingering fears.

Obviously, Bao Borenzi was still afraid after walking on the line of life and death. After all the dust had settled, Yoshiji Kuramoto on the other side had entered a state of "heart ashes" at this moment.

And after this attempted murder case, Sonoko and others lost their interest in barbecue, and they waited until Yamamura Cao came to take Kuramoto Yoji away, and everyone planned to say goodbye to the three and return to Tokyo.

However, after the three of them tried their best to stay, they finally put on the barbecue and had a hearty barbecue.

It's just that the owners of the villa left after helping to set up the stove. Obviously, this kind of thing happened between the companions. They didn't have the heart to eat, and this was even more the case for Bao Bo Lunzi.

Overall, the BBQ turned out to be a good one, although there were a few hiccups before it started.

At least for Tang Ze and others, this was just an episode where "near misses" prevented the tragedy from happening.

From the perspective of everyone, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is worth celebrating.

Sure enough, the joys and sorrows of people in this world are not the same.

Especially Tang Ze, after serving as a cook for everyone, he took a plate of grilled skewers and sat beside Ayako to check the settlement reward this time.


[Completion: perfect]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the item completion card]

Evaluation: In this case, you are the controller, and everything is within your calculations. At the most critical moment, you broke into it in the simplest way and solved this case.

The poor man who was dazzled by the angry "demon" finally woke up.

Somewhere along the way, you have been favored by fate.

Seeing this, Tang Ze breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that he had made the right bet this time.

Because he still remembered the plot, Tang Ze also considered other ways to prevent it at the beginning, such as discovering secret passages in advance.

In this way, the prisoner sees that his murder method has been seen, and he is likely to have scruples when he commits an impulsive murder.

When the two quarrel later, as long as they bring snacks or fruit to the door, they can interrupt the conflict between the two, and they should be able to resolve the case in front of them quietly.

But Tang Ze didn't forget that Yoshiharu Kuramoto had a long history of resentment against Bao Bo Lunzi. Even if he could stop it for a while this time, what should he do in the future?

This time the opportunity is gone, but as long as the resentment is still there, then there is still the possibility of Kuramoto Yoji killing.

Pursuing the completion degree of "Consummation" will most likely be empty, and because you have temporarily suppressed the hidden danger, there is no way to restore it.

If this is the case, then Tang Ze will have to worry about this case all the time, and always protect Bao Bo Lunzi from being killed, until the next time Yōji Kuramoto takes action.

"Two rights, whichever is lesser," Tang Ze finally chose the current blocking method.

From the perspective of systematic evaluation, this choice is undoubtedly correct.

After all, the system evaluates that the other party has been dazzled by the "angry demon", which shows that ordinary methods have no chance of preventing the success of the case.

The degree of completion of the perfect grade also applies to this point, otherwise Tang Ze will at most die the completion degree of [Excellent~Perfect] as last time.

Obviously, Tang Ze's judgment this time is very correct. If the case cannot be solved here, then I am afraid that follow-up tragedies will happen.

Even if Tang Ze will take precautions in advance because there is no reward, it will be troublesome to stop it later.

After all, when everyone meets by chance, the most taboo is to talk about deep friendships. If you don't get it right, you will be misunderstood because you are interested in others.

But fortunately, my judgment was not wrong, and the reward this time is also very good. It can be said that this wave of rewards is very profitable,

[Props Completion Card: You can complete and upgrade a technological prop that you have obtained in reality to obtain better technological props. 】

Note: Of course, it also has a limit. Please don't hold a Gundam model and want to upgrade it to a Gundam that can be opened. At most, it upgrades this figure to a player figure that can move.

As the saying goes, the simpler the introduction, the more powerful the item. This [Item Completion Card] is obviously an item that fits this sentence.

Simply put, if you get a technology item, even if it is an unfinished product, after using this item, you can upgrade it to a finished product.

Of course, the remarks also reminded Tang Ze not to be imaginative, thinking about what kind of sky-defying equipment he could get in one step.

But even so, this wave has made a lot of money. Tang Ze needs to think about it now, where should this prop be used.

All in all, this time it was a good one.

After eating the barbecue, Tang Ze said goodbye to the three people who were in a complicated mood, and returned to Tokyo with Sonoko and others.

After sending Yingyou Hondo, Xiaolan, and Conan back home, Tang Ze and Ayako did not rush home, but drove directly to Suzuki's house with Sonoko.

He hadn't gone to his mother-in-law's house for dinner for a long time. It happened that he was sending Yuanzi home today, so he could sit and have dinner together as a family.

Because Suzuki Jiroji was not there, the five of them were the only ones at the dinner party.

"Speaking of Sonoko, didn't you say you were going to spend the night in the villa?" Tomoko Suzuki asked with a smile, "Why did you come back today?"

"Didn't Dad tell Mom?" Sonoko asked strangely, "I called Dad before."

"I went out for beauty treatments in the afternoon, so I came back ten minutes earlier than you guys." Tomoko Suzuki explained.

"So it is."

Yuanzi nodded and said with a sigh, "Don't mention it, we were already on the mountain at the time, but I didn't expect the suspension bridge to break down because of a landslide."

"Ah, is that so?" Tomoko Suzuki said in surprise, "That's really unfortunate. I'll find someone to build a better bridge later."

"No need." Yuanzi waved his hands again and again when he heard the words: "Just build an ordinary suspension bridge, and sell the villa when the bridge is repaired."

"Sonoko said that the villa is not too lucky." Shiro Suzuki echoed with a smile: "I have already found someone to transfer the villa."

"Unlucky?" Tomoko Suzuki wondered, "What happened to the villa?"

"Not really, let's not talk about what happened, but a villa opposite."

Sonoko said this and told his mother what happened this morning.

"That said, feng shui doesn't seem to be very good."

After listening to Sonoko's words, Suzuki Tomoko couldn't help but nodded: "You have been there twice, and it's not that the incident happened in our villa, or the villa next door almost happened.

If Xianyi hadn't stopped the case every time, the villa would have become a haunted house, so it seems that Feng Shui is indeed not very good. "

After talking about it, the villa in the mountain was like selling second-hand clothes.

The Suzuki family is indeed a representative of the rich and powerful.

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