Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 904 Confrontation

Around the dim stone monument, everything was still quiet as usual, with only a few insects chirping constantly in the surroundings, confirming that everything at this moment was not static.

After Tangze's words fell, there was still only silence near the stone monument, as if Tangze had just talked to himself in front of a cold stone.

"Don't you want to come out?"

Tang Ze laughed a little when he saw this scene: "I knew you were hiding behind the stone monument. Although you didn't make a sound, your sudden change of rapid breathing fell in my ears, but it was clearly audible.

Although my current strength is not as good as that of a guy who has never lost a game except giving up the game, when it comes to the sensitivity of my five senses, I am confident that I will not lose to him.

Miss Karube, I told you that Nabeshima guy has been warned by me and will not trouble you again. Are you still unwilling to come out?

Or are you really going to the point of no return like killing someone? "

In the silence, footsteps suddenly sounded, and a woman wearing a mask and holding a dagger slowly walked out from behind the dim stone monument.

If ordinary people saw this scene, they would definitely turn around and run away without hesitation. After all, the scene in front of them is too weird and terrifying no matter how you look at it.

Especially in such a dark atmosphere.

This is also a little thought of Karube Rumi. She did not take off her mask and come out directly. Instead, she walked out wearing weird clothes and a terrifying weirdo mask, holding a murder weapon.

This inevitably meant that she wanted to scare him away. Although she also knew that it was impossible to scare away a famous criminal, she still did it.

Because she was resistant to Tangze's previous words.

The certainty that everything was under control made her very uncomfortable, so coming out like this was also a psychological manifestation of her silent resistance.

She originally thought that even if the other party was not running away, he should distance himself from her and be wary.

But I knew that after the other party saw her, his face was calm without any disturbance, and he just looked at her quietly.

Under the gaze of those calm but sharp eyes, Karube Rumi couldn't help but feel a sense of frustration in her heart.

"Miss Karube, can you take off your mask?"

The silent confrontation was quickly broken by Karasawa. He looked at Karube Rumi and said, "If you still have trouble, please put away the dagger in your hand. We are here to talk. Which of your murder weapons is outside? It is always inappropriate to be seen." OK."

Because from the previous words, I heard that the other party seemed to have good skills, so Karube Rumi did not hesitate, quickly put away the dagger and took off the mask.


After the mask was taken off, the beautiful face revealed by Karube Rumi was full of complex expressions at the moment: "What else is there to say? I was caught red-handed. Since you have warned that guy Nabeshima, it proves everything. You know everything, right?"

"Well, that's about right."

Tangze shrugged and said, "After all, I could hear clearly the conversation between the two of you on the ceiling.

Of course, that includes the murderous face you see when you turn around. "

"So you are sure that I am going to kill someone?"

After hearing Karasawa's words, Karube Rumi showed no fear on her face. Instead, she sighed. Then she looked at Karasawa and stretched out her hands and said, "Then arrest me."

"No, the matter between you and Nabeshima is all about one foot stepping into the line of "crime", while the other foot is in a place of innocence. You can move forward at any time and be undone, or you can take a step back and escape unscathed."

Karasawa looked at Karube Rumi's slightly surprised expression and smiled and said: "Don't look at me like that, this is the truth and the purpose of my coming here.

And even if you pretend to be a weirdo and hold a murder weapon, as long as nothing happens, I don't have any reason to arrest you.

And you can also say that you just wanted to intimidate Nabeshima. This reason can also be defended in court.

Therefore, before something happens, all your actions are without evidence. "

"So you came to me just to stop me from committing a crime?" Rumi Karbete looked at Tangze with a complex expression, but her expression was also somewhat relieved: "Then you succeeded."

At this moment, she really felt that the shackles on her body disappeared.

Everything before was like an invisible black hand, constantly pushing her to fall towards the abyss. She didn't want to do this, but hatred and everything that happened left her with no choice.

But when Tang Ze appeared and explained everything, she found that her heart felt lighter than ever before.

Perhaps, this is what she hopes for deep down in her heart.

I hope there is someone who can stop me from doing these painful things.

"No, maybe your plan for today has been blocked, but there is still one thing that has not been made clear."

Karasawa looked at the relieved Karube Rumi and smiled: "We also need to talk about your pretending to be a weirdo, right?

After all, fundamentally speaking, the reason why everything almost happened today was because you pretended to be a "weirdo" and was discovered by Nabeshima. "

Karube Rumi's expression changed when she heard this. She never expected that Karasawa was so sharp and firmly grasped the key core of the overall situation.

"I have nothing to say about these things." Rumi Karube avoided the important points and said lightly: "And the matter is over, isn't it? There is no point in pursuing it anymore."

"How could it be? If I don't let you give up, you might still make wrong choices in the future."

Karasawa looked at Karube Rumi and smiled: "You don't want to say it, it's because of Rausu Tatsuhiko."

As soon as these words fell into Rumi Karube's ears, they exploded in her heart like thunder.


Karube Rumi looked at the man in front of her and said in a complicated tone: "Do you know everything?"

"Yes, I heard the conversation between the two of you on the ceiling, and after knowing that you were a "weirdo", I was wondering what prompted you to do this.

After all, I heard from Ito Tamanosuke that after receiving his invitation, you immediately agreed to participate in the performance.

And Tamanosuke is a young child. Although he is said to be a seat leader, in terms of age and knowledge, he is just a high school student, so there is no possibility of enmity.

As for his father who passed away a few years ago, judging from your age, there is no possibility of enmity between the two.

Combined with your attitude towards Rausu Tatsuhiko that day, everything is actually self-evident. "

Karasawa looked at the complicated-looking Karube Rumi and sighed: "After that, I asked someone to inquire about the connection between the Rausu Foundation and you, and finally investigated the cause of all this."

"Yes, my father was also the boss of the company, but under the control of Rausu Tatsuhiko's father, the company went bankrupt and was annexed. After that, both my parents passed away..."

"Yes, it is."

Rumi Karube showed pain: "After my father's company was annexed, his body collapsed and he died of illness. Soon after, my mother also died with him, leaving me alone to focus on acting.

I didn't originally want to take revenge, but I knew this invitation suddenly appeared. "

Karube Rumi looked resentful: "Just take advantage of this time! Just take advantage of this time!

I seemed to hear my parents saying this to me from the underworld, hoping that I would avenge them! "

"That's why you chose to agree to Tamanosuke's invitation and come here to perform, right?" Karasawa looked at the swollen Karube Rumi and told her her motive for coming here: "Everything is for revenge."

"But when I started, I didn't want to kill people!" Rumi Karube said urgently: "I just wanted to ruin this show and damage the reputation of the sponsor Rausu Foundation..."

"So you designed a weirdo to attack you, and then prevented it from happening. You asked Lianhua to temporarily replace you, and you wanted to mess up the show, right?" Tangze said, "But you made a miscalculation."

"That's right, I thought Lianhua couldn't handle the pressure of going on stage. She couldn't replace me. I recorded a weird voice talking to her, trying to create a scary atmosphere and put pressure on her..."

Rumi Karube smiled bitterly when she said this: "But I forgot that Renka is also an actor. She actually turned the pressure into the force to push herself with the encouragement of the "weird".

Then the man from Nabeshima found out and wanted to blackmail me... you know the rest.

I feel like my parents are telling me this time that everything can’t end like this half-heartedly, that’s why tonight happened…”

After saying everything, Karube Rumi slowly exhaled, as if she wanted to spit out the resentment and suffering in her heart.

"I want to thank you." Karube Rumi said as if Karasawa was serious: "After you stopped me, I realized that deep down in my heart I was actually relieved.

That relief told me that maybe deep down I was hoping someone could stop me.

I wouldn't be able to stop on my I want to thank you. "

Speaking of this, Karube Rumi bowed deeply to Karasawa and expressed her gratitude.

"Just wake up."

Karasawa calmly accepted Karube Rumi's thanks, and then educated him: "But I still want to tell you that what you did before was wrong. No matter what the reasons were, what you did was determined not to be punished. Allowed.”

"I understand. I will explain the situation to Mr. Tamanosuke and apologize later." Karube Rumi nodded and accepted Karasawa's teaching.

"Then go back."

Karasawa patted Rumi Kabute on the shoulder: "Stop torturing yourself in hatred. In fact, you should also know that "the mall is like a battlefield". Everything the other party did is legal and reasonable. As for everything that will happen afterwards. , although there is a relationship, I can't blame others.

And your parents probably don’t want you to repay them, but to live a good life.

After all, you are the only one who remembers them now, right? "

After hearing Karasawa's last words, Karube Rumi could no longer hold back her tears, and her cries became more and more sad, as if she wanted to vent all the grievances in her heart.

Tang Ze just watched all this silently, letting her vent all her negative emotions.

Although he said that there are some things that cannot be blamed, in fact, judging from the results, the death of Karube Rumi's father did have a huge impact.

In short, in this situation, from the perspective of both parties, each has its own reasons, and Tang Ze does not want to get too entangled.

But he did sympathize with Karube Rumi's plight.

But it was precisely because of this that he wanted to prevent all of this from happening.

Because after that, it will just be a complete tragedy, and it will only get worse.

But now, at least everything has been suppressed by Tangze, and the original death situation is also at this moment

Seeing that Rumi Karube was done venting, Karasawa didn't say anything more, just turned around and walked towards his residence, while Rumi Karube didn't make a sound and just followed silently.

Kanamaruza is a theater, so it naturally has a convenient place for the staff and actors to live. After all, whether it is the actors rehearsing or the staff, they have to start preparing for the performance.

And the residence of Karube Rumi is naturally also Kanemaruza.

After the two returned to their residence one after another, they went straight to Tamanosuke's room.

Not long after Karasawa knocked on the door, Tamanosuke opened the door and walked out.

"Karasawa Criminal, and Miss Karubu?"

Seeing this combination of the two, Tamanosuke was a little confused: "What are you two here for?"

"We have already learned something about the "Kimpila Theater Weird"." Tangze raised his chin: "It's not convenient to talk outside the door. I wonder if we can go in and talk?"

"Ah? There are already results?" Ito Tamanosuke was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and then he was overjoyed: "Come in quickly, please come in!"

Tamanosuke was extremely happy to be able to catch the "Kimbira Theater Weird" who almost ruined today's special performance.

After all, tomorrow is the official performance. If the other party comes to cause trouble again that day, there is no guarantee that they will be as lucky as today, and the audience will mistakenly think that the performer has messed up the show's effect.

"So, what's the situation? Who is pretending to be the weirdo at Jinbiluo Theater?"

After Ito Tamanosuke calmed down, he quickly looked at Karasawa and asked, completely unaware of Karube Rumi's strange expression.

Obviously, he thought that Karube Rumi was also called here by Karasawa. After all, the other party's mouthwash was changed today and he was unable to speak. It was normal for him to be called here as a victim.

But the next moment, he was stunned.

He saw Karube Rumi walking directly in front of him and bowing at 90 degrees: "I'm sorry, Chief, I did all this!"

"Miss Karube?" Tamanosuke looked at Rumi Karube in shock, and then said in a panic: "Stop joking, how could the "weird" be Miss Karube?"

Whether it's almost getting hit by a lantern stand or having to change your mouthwash..."

Having said this, Ito Tamanosuke was stunned, and looked at Karube Rumi, who was still bowing, with a complicated look on his face.

He suddenly realized that Rumi Karube, whose mouthwash had been replaced by "weirdo", was originally unable to speak, but at this moment her voice did not appear to be damaged at all.

In other words, she was not affected by the mouthwash at all.

Then her behavior of deliberately not speaking out on stage seems to have explained the problem...

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