Looking back, Karasawa looked at Tamanosuke and said with a smile: "The performance will take many days, right? I have to work hard later."

"Of course, we will strive to bring the best experience to the audience!" Tamanosuke stopped his movements and vowed.

"By the way, Ito-kun, how long will your performance last?" Ayako asked curiously.

"Well, it will last for half a month." Tamanosuke replied with a smile: "After all, there are audiences from all over the country coming back to watch, so the wrinkles will also take longer."

"It's a pity that we can't stay longer." Yuanzi said regretfully, "We are about to go back."

"There's nothing we can do about it. After all, we still have school." Xiao Lan smiled and said, "Tang Ze Criminal and the others also have to go to work."

Tamanosuke nodded, then looked at Tang Ze and said, "Are you leaving?"

"Well, after all, tomorrow is Monday." Tang Ze said with a smile: "We came here to say goodbye."

"So anxious?" Tamanosuke was stunned for a moment and then said, "At least stay for lunch."

"Yes, you must stay for lunch." After hearing what everyone said, Qingbu also came over: "Give me a chance to express my gratitude."

Everyone didn't have any strange reaction after hearing what Karube Rumi said. In their opinion, since Karasawa taught the "weirdo" a lesson, it was understandable for Karube Rumi, the victim, to say so.

Of course, several insiders present knew what the other party meant.

"You don't have to be so polite, Miss Karubu. Let's talk about it next time when we have a chance. Otherwise, we won't be able to catch up with the departure time."

Although Mouri Kogoro usually likes to drink, he has already bought the return train, so he reluctantly declined the other party's invitation to treat him to dinner.

"That's it, we have booked the tickets." Tang Ze said with a smile: "Let's talk about it next time when we have a chance. Thank you for your hospitality these two days."

"No, it's my turn to say thank you!" Tamanosuke shook his head quickly and said, "If it weren't for Karaze Criminal, I don't know what I would have done."

"It's okay, it should be." Karasawa patted Tamanosuke on the shoulder: "After all, you invited us here, this little trouble is nothing."

Tamanosuke felt that there was always something else in Karasawa's words. As an actor, he was very sensitive to people's words.

But soon, he dismissed the idea as an illusion.

After all, no matter how you interpret the other party's words, they are just polite. Most likely, you are overthinking.

However, Tangze's words really had another meaning, but he could never understand it.

Tamanosuke said that he was very helpful, but in fact the cause of everything was Conan, the "god of death". If Tamanosuke hadn't invited him, the case would probably have been eliminated.

So to a certain extent, it was right for them to help with the aftermath. After all, the other party kindly invited them to come to Shikoku to play and watch period dramas, but they and their group brought "bad luck" here. Even if they couldn't tell the truth, they couldn't stand still. Have a sense of superiority from the perspective of a helper.

After hearing what Karasawa said, although Tamanosuke felt a little regretful, he had no choice but to say goodbye to Karasawa and others.

Amid everyone's thanks, the group arrived at the train station carrying the specialties they bought from the shops near Kanamaruza, and quickly got on the train.

This is why Mouri Kogoro, a guy with little control, was the first to refuse.

After all, if they agree, their tickets will have to be changed, and their daughter will definitely kill herself.

If it weren't for the trouble, Mouri Kogoro wouldn't have reached this point.

After getting on the train, Karasawa and the others took their seats and waited for a while before the train sped towards Tokyo.

This time it is not the slow speed of the old-fashioned train that I specially chose when I came here. Although the Shinkansen is not as fast as Karasawa's hometown, it is still not slow.

The distance between Tokyo and Shikoku sounds far, but the entire Neon is only the size of a province in my previous life, so naturally it's not that far away.

At noon, after everyone ate the bento on the train, they closed their eyes and rested in their seats waiting for the train to arrive.

By the way, Neon's bento still tastes good, which is better than the one made by Karasawa's hometown in his previous life.

Of course, this may also be due to the fact that Neon has many cold dishes, such as sushi, rice balls and other hot and cold dishes. The taste is not much different.

"Would you like some more?" Karasawa was eating sushi and looked at Ayako who had put down her chopsticks and asked.

"I'm not very hungry, and I have to diet to manage my figure." Ayako smiled slightly: "So eating this much is enough."

"It's okay, I won't get fat." Tang Ze joked with a smile: "You are still afraid that I will dislike you."

"Go." Ayako rolled her eyes at Karasawa angrily, "I did it for myself to have a good figure, not because of you."

"Just be tough." Tang Ze teased, once again arousing the other party's jealousy.

“It’s a pity that I didn’t try the hot food on the train.”

Karasawa said with some regret: "I heard from Takagi and the others that sometimes when traveling in sleeper rooms on business trips, the dining car will also provide dishes such as curry udon and pork cutlet rice, which taste very good."

"Really? I've eaten it a few times, but I didn't feel anything." Ayako said strangely.

"It depends on the region." Karasawa said uncertainly: "I heard them say that the cuisine on some routes is local specialties, but not on some routes.

I read online that some travelers will deliberately take specific flights when traveling so that they can taste the unique food on the train.

When it comes to journey and food, it starts from the moment you step on the train. "

"It sounds great." Ayako smiled and said, "And this is my first time talking about travel.

Every time we arrive at the destination, it feels like a trip. The rush process rarely gives us the real feeling of "travel". "

"Perhaps it's because I'm trapped in a small seat, and the people around me are either close friends or strangers with whom I have no connection."

Karasawa thought for a while and smiled: "If you can meet interesting people in the seat next to you, you will definitely feel like "the journey has already begun."

"That seems to be the case."

Ayako thought for a while and nodded: "People who don't like each other naturally care about each other, but if they are close people, because the two people have the same purpose, and the relationship is already very good, they feel more like companions. ?”

"Absolutely. After all, the highlight of travel is the "freshness"."

Tangze smiled and said, "And food is also an important part of travel."

Food is the most important thing for people. Just a small amount of delicious food can bring a different feeling to people during the journey.

Each different Shinkansen line hides the special cuisine of each region, giving people a "blind box"-like expectation during the journey.

Of course, Karasawa and others obviously didn't have that luck this time. They took the ordinary Shinkansen today.

Fortunately, it was only lunch, and Karasawa and others returned to Tokyo around three o'clock in the afternoon.

"Then we'll separate here." Yuanzi waved to his best friend: "We'll see you at school."

"Yeah, bye, see you at school." Xiaolan waved to Karasawa and others, and then walked to the subway with Conan and Mouri Kogoro.

And because the Suzuki family didn't have a convenient route, Karasawa and the other three directly chose to take a taxi.

After returning to the Suzuki family's mansion, the Suzukis and his wife were not at home. The three of them put the souvenirs they bought on the table and returned to the room to rest and recover from the fatigue from the journey.

Karasawa and Ayako returned to the room, washed up, and then lay down on the bed to rest.

Choosing a variety show that was not so boring, the two of them watched the show and chatted about other topics from time to time.

It was almost evening when there was a knock on Yuanzi's door.

"Sister, sister, are you still sleeping?"

"What's wrong?" Ayako got out of bed, straightened her pajamas, and then opened the door and asked.

"It's like this. Mom just called and said that there is a dinner party tonight that Dad and I will attend together and asked if we can go."

Yuanzi said: "The chef at home has also asked for leave. If we don't attend the banquet, we will have to prepare dinner ourselves."

Speaking of this, Yuanzi sighed and said: "I thought I could just relax for a while when I got home, but I didn't expect to have to worry about eating."

Apparently after returning home, the previous enthusiasm for traveling had been replaced by the fatigue of travel. Yuanzi had completely become a salted fish and didn't even want to bother with eating.

She was already waiting for the meal to start, but when she went to order from the chef, she found out that he had asked for leave today, which made her a little depressed.

After returning home, she would feel relaxed and want to eat something delicious, but she was unwilling to just make do with dinner.

"Then what are you going to do?" Ayako looked at her sister and asked.

"I really don't have the energy to go out alone, so I came here to ask you two, sister. If we can be together, I can cheer up a little." Yuanzi laughed.

"Okay, let's go out to eat together." Karasawa stood up and said, "Let's go to Yukihira's place?"

"Okay, it just so happens that I haven't seen Erina for a long time."

Ayako smiled and nodded when she heard this, and immediately looked at her sister: "Then you go and clean up first, and we will drive to eat delicious food later."

"Okay!" Yuanzi cheered up and said with a smile, "If it weren't for the two of you, sister, I would have planned to order takeout to deal with it."

"So, you just want to go to Suiyuan restaurant for dinner." Ayako saw Sonoko's little thoughts and said angrily.

"Ah, have you been spotted?" Sonoko chuckled and said, "I want to eat the dessert made by Sister Erina."

"Then I'll make a call and make an appointment in advance."

Karasawa took out his cell phone and made a call with Yukihira, but after a conversation, he found that the two of them had gone to watch a performance in Shikoku, and basically passed by the group based on the time.

"Eh!?? What should I do..."

Hearing Tangze's words, Yuanzi's face suddenly drooped, and his whole person turned into a decadent "salted fish" again, as if his previous energy had returned to his original state.

"Order takeout."

Karasawa looked at Sonoko's "too tired to sleep" look and said amusedly: "Order something delicious and go to Yukihira's to eat next time."

"It's different!"

Yuanzi sighed: "If you can't eat that food when you want to eat it, then there is no point in eating it again."

It's a pity that she never expected that those two people would be so cool and went directly to Shikoku to watch the show.

This made Yuanzi feel a little sad, "If I had known, I would have dragged them to watch the show together."

"In that case, you won't be able to eat the food when you come back."

Ayako looked at her sister amusedly: "The two of them have such casual personalities that they will never go under the knife after going out to play.

For them, cooking is a very serious matter. If you are lazy, the food you make will be sloppy, and they will not serve such food to their guests. "

"So you can't eat the food no matter what?" Yuanzi looked up to the sky and sighed, pretending to praise: "Is this the so-called "nine times out of ten life will be unsatisfactory"!"

"Okay, let's buy you some other delicious food!"

While Ayako was looking for the card package where the takeout was stored, she comforted her sister and said, "I know a dessert shop that also delivers takeout to regular customers. I'll give you whatever you want."

"Then I want chocolate cake!"

Yuanzi regained his energy a little: "There are also vanilla donuts, meat floss bread..."

"Are you still planning to have dinner?" Tang Ze said amusedly.

"Oh, dessert is for another stomach." Yuanzi said nonchalantly.

"But I will get fat."

Ayako's decisive kill instantly sunk Sonoko, and a moment later she pounced on Ayako with all her teeth and claws: "Sister! Don't say such disgraceful words at this time!!"

During the banter, the three of them decided on the dessert after the meal, and after some struggle, they finally decided to order flower dishes.

Roast duck, Mapo tofu, stir-fried chicken...

I originally thought that the take-out Huazhong cuisine was Neon's localized cuisine, but after the take-out was delivered, I discovered that the chef's skills in this restaurant were unexpectedly authentic.

Especially the duck soup made with the duck rack is particularly delicious.

Remove all the skin from the skeleton, cook it with only the bones in the skeleton and a little meat on it, and serve with sliced ​​white radish.

You don't have to worry about adding anything, just use a little white pepper and salt to make this milk-like duck soup.

This is an unexpected surprise. After all, Tang Ze still likes to drink soup, but the general broth is the kind of transparent soup with a greasy top, so Tang Ze is generally polite and insensitive.

Eating roast duck and drinking duck soup, white rice with spicy mapo tofu, and a few pieces of numbing pepper and salt, this made Karaze, who has a light taste every day, quite addicted.

The familiar taste of my hometown makes people nostalgic and can't stop eating.

As for the Suzuki sisters, their appetites were also whetted by the spicy taste. They would rather drink the drink with their tongues sticking out than put down the chopsticks in their hands.

In the end, there were only bare plates left on the dining table, telling the story of the intensity of the previous "battle".

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