Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 910 Murder case appears

Generally speaking, the "Death Team" has assigned tasks. Xiaolan and Yuanzi are usually the first discoverers of cases, so Tangze pays close attention to their every move.

The reason why Er Tangze didn't hesitate to directly support Yuanzi when he repeatedly said that he wanted to go up the mountain was not only because he was his sister-in-law and had tolerance for him.

At the same time, he was returning to the mountain from the garden, and with his "Ke Xue" thinking, he read the unusual information behind this action.

When Yuanzi said he wanted to go up the mountain, he thought of the man waiting for the netizen on the mountain, and then he had a bad feeling in his heart.

Could this guy be killed as soon as he saw a netizen?

After this thought flashed through Tang Ze's mind, his bad premonition became even stronger.

That's why he supported Yuanzi's choice, but he couldn't let others see his impatience, so on the surface he still urged Yuanzi to finish his meal before setting off to go up the mountain again.

Karasawa didn't comment much on Sonoko's idea of ​​writing his name on the red handkerchief. As the leader, he turned on his super sense of smell and walked all the way. As he approached the section with the big rocks in the movie, he smelled the familiar smell.

That's the smell of blood.

This discovery made Tang Ze's face darken, and he was prepared for the worst.

The case this time came really unexpectedly.

There was no sign of a case at the time, and the deceased even asked his group to leave a message for him. It could be said that there was no reason to stay in the mountains and follow him.

I went down the mountain because of the rule that I couldn't be exposed, but when I went back up the mountain, the other party was in trouble?

This is because God will not give you a way to survive...

Karasawa sighed as he quickened his pace, and soon followed the smell of blood to find the source of the first smell.

It was a notebook. Tang Ze put on his white gloves and carefully picked it up, and then found that it was covered in blood.

And this notebook was the one the man he met this morning took out when he was writing his name.

"This is…"

Seeing Tangze's actions, Sonoko and the others who followed behind him took a curious look.

"It's the notebook of that man this morning."

Because the sun was already setting, and there were mountains and forests nearby, the light was a little dim, so Yuanzi didn't notice the abnormality on the notebook. She still said in the same tone as usual: "Did it fall here?"

"You just stop here and don't come any closer."

Tang Ze held the blood-stainless part and showed everyone the blood stains on the notebook. "Something is wrong. Let me go and take a look."

"is blood?"

Seeing clearly that the notebook in Tang Ze's hand was stained with blood, everyone's expressions suddenly changed.

"How, how could this happen..." Yuanzi said in a panic: "How could there be blood..."

"This is Mr. AD's notebook!"

Xiaolan's tone was also a little urgent: "How can there be blood here..."

"There is a stronger smell of blood ahead than this." Tang Ze looked at the crowd and said, "Stand here and don't move. I'll come as soon as I go. If you need anything, just shout."

While talking, Karasawa also took out the anesthetic needle launcher invented by Dr. Agasa from his trouser pocket and handed it to Ayako: "I told you how to use this thing, use it according to the situation."

As he spoke, he glanced at Conan, who nodded calmly, indicating that he would protect the safety of the three of them.

Although Ayako was given something to guard against on the surface, Conan was actually behind it.

In addition to the anesthesia watch, the other party also carried an extra anesthesia transmitter like Ayako's because of Karasawa's influence.

And if someone really despises Conan because he is a child, then "capsulating in the gutter" is the only outcome for that person.

Although Tangze also felt that it was unlikely that the prisoner would still stay around after killing the person, the situation was unclear now. He didn't even know why the other person was killed, so he had better be careful.

While walking towards the source of the bloody smell in front of him, Tangze flipped through his notebook and found a bloody fingerprint on one of the pages.

‘Death message? ’

Tang Ze glanced at it, then quickly withdrew his attention and continued on his way. Now was not the time to check for clues, so he should wait until the situation was settled.

Tang Ze quickened his pace and walked forward. Due to the guidance of his sense of smell, he quickly found the source of the smell.


Looking at the man in front of him who was leaning against a tree, with a knife inserted into his chest and already lifeless, Tang Ze couldn't help but sigh.

Sure enough, the worst situation happened. Sure enough, it is not that easy to prevent the case if you don't remember the plot content.

They didn’t even know whether the person they met was a victim or a criminal, not to mention that this person asked them to run errands and cut off his own escape...

Tangze sighed, put aside his regretful emotions, and began to check the condition of his body.

He first took off his gloves to test the temperature of the body and found that there was still residual warmth. He estimated that the time of death was about thirty to forty minutes.

Then I checked the other person's fingers and found that there was dirt between the nails.

After checking and finding that there was nothing noteworthy in other places, Tangze called the police.

There is no way, because this is part of Gunma County, so you still have to contact the local county police to come over and take over the situation.

Of course, speaking of Gunma...

Then I have to mention that man who is like a "god".

Brother Fuck, Fuck Yamamura.

Gunma County's "Crime Solver, King of Winners", when a group of criminals led by the other party went up the mountain with flashlights to smear crimes, the other party's eyes lit up when they saw Tang Ze.

"We meet again! Karasawa Criminal!"

Yamamura Cao looked at Tangze with an excited expression and said, "Is this the fate of a "famous criminal"?

Every time I see Karaze Criminal, it’s always at the crime scene! "

‘Although I know that what the other person said is not what he meant, why do I always feel like I am being called the “god of death”. ’

Tangze glanced at Conan next to him, and after blaming him for everything, he said with a normal expression: "We just happened to meet each other when we were out for fun. Let's talk about it later. Let's focus on the case in front of us."

"That's right, business matters."

Yamamura Cao nodded repeatedly, and then asked: "I wonder if any of you knew the deceased?"

"I don't know him." Xiaolan shook her head and said, "Today is the first time we met, and then the other party asked us to leave a message for him at the Red Tree Hotel in front of the station when we went down the mountain."

"After the result, when we came back here, my brother-in-law discovered the notebook, and he didn't let us get close to it anymore." Sonoko continued to compensate.

"Message? What kind of message is it?" Yamamura Cao continued to ask after hearing what the two said.

"The deceased said he was the ad for the "Winter Maple Red" movie..."

"Ah! I know about the red maples in winter!"

Before Karasawa finished speaking, Cao Yamamura excitedly interrupted him: "The TV series version has been replayed on our Gunma TV station!

In order not to delay, I even brought a small mobile TV with me, planning to secretly start watching it as soon as I have free time!

In fact, I have also made an appointment for recording, but I just can’t wait..."

All right...

Looking at Yamamura Cao who was so excited when he mentioned "red maples in winter", the corners of Karasawa's mouth couldn't help but twitch.

Xiaolan on the side was even more confused, while Yuanzi was speechless, secretly muttering about the unreliability of the other party.

He originally thought that Sonoko's second movie version would be an exaggeration. Unexpectedly, Yamamura Cao was even more exaggerated than Sonoko. When he heard the name, he went off topic...

Tang Ze coughed lightly and reminded: "We are at work, Mountain Village Criminal, you still have to pay attention..."

"Ah! That's right!!"

At this moment, Yamamura Cao remembered that Karasawa in front of him looked young, but he was already a police officer. Although he was not a criminal in Gunma County, the status of the other party was obviously higher in the headquarters, so there was no problem in saying that he was his superior.

Thinking that he had just blown up a "fishing plan", he felt guilty for a while, and quickly returned to the topic: "Then I wonder what the specific content of the message asked by the deceased is?"

"He said that a fan wanted to know the correct location of the maple tree tied with the red handkerchief at the Foreign Ministry site. He had already found the tree, so he asked us to go to the hotel and leave a message."

Tangze didn't hold on to the other person, but instead gave an overview of the situation.

"So troublesome? Can't he just go over and tell him himself?" Yamamura Cao showed a puzzled look.

"He said that he had lost his fan's phone number and had no way to contact him. It also took a lot of energy to find the right maple tree. If he went down the mountain and brought the fan up again, it would be too physical."

Hearing this, Tang Ze explained: "I guess this is partly the reason why he came up to talk to us."

"Have you met that fan?" Yamamura asked.

"No, Yuanzi just left a message on the guestbook of that hotel." After Xiaolan finished speaking, Yuanzi repeated the content of the message he wrote and told Yamamura Cao.

"But why is it Katakana?" After listening to Sonoko's description, Yamamura asked with confusion. "ホシミ"

"Maybe it's because he's used to writing katakana."

Karasawa raised the notebook in his hand, "I smelled the smell of blood on the way here. The first thing I found as I followed was the deceased's notebook. There was also a name written in katakana on the cover.

As for the place where it fell, it was about 100 meters away from the crime scene. After I saw blood stains on the notebook, I followed the smell and found the body of the deceased. "

"Oh oh oh, you really deserve to be called Karasawa Criminal. The "murderer of hell" really deserves his reputation!!"

After hearing what Karasawa said, Yamamura Cao's eyes lit up, and he immediately said with some annoyance: "Damn it, I didn't see this legendary scene. It's such a pity!!"

Hearing Yamamura Cao's words, Karasawa couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth, while Ayako on the side covered her mouth and snickered. It was obvious what she was laughing about.

After Yamamura regretted it, he changed the topic to the main topic as if there was no one else: "Did you find anything unusual in the notebook?"

"I checked it before you came. The record on April 1st in the notebook was smeared with blood by the deceased," Tangze said.

"April 1st?" Yamamura said, touching his chin, ""When it comes to April 1st, it is undoubtedly April Fool's Day...

Is this a "death message"? But how should we interpret it..."

Yamamura Soo took the notebook and almost put it on it, but he just didn't understand. No matter how close he got to the notebook, he couldn't figure out what it meant.

"Mr. Yamamura, the time of death of the victim has been revealed. He died around five o'clock this evening."

Just as Shancun was scratching his head, the criminal on the side said: "After checking the body, it was found that the victim was stabbed once in the abdomen, and then stabbed a second time directly in the chest.

Apart from that, we didn't find anything on the victim. It seemed that he had been plundered by the criminals. We have no way to confirm his identity now. "

"You don't have to worry about this. Just call the production company of "Winter Maple Red" and look for this ad called "ホシミ", and you should be able to verify the identity of the deceased immediately. "

Yamamura Cao was not too worried about verifying the information. After all, the information provided by Karasawa and the others was already very pointed, and he only needed to verify it next.

"Also, we found an unoccupied tent ahead." The young criminal reported another incident, which immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"Tent? Isn't that rather suspicious?"

Yamamura touched his chin and immediately ordered: "Then continue searching for relevant clues about the unmanned tent!"

"Excuse me, did those criminals give any other clues?" Tang Ze asked after hearing the conversation between the two: "It seems that there are many suspicious people hanging around."

"I didn't see anyone around. All they found were tents." The young criminal replied.

"Why do you have to sleep in that kind of tent? Wouldn't it be more comfortable to stay at the Red Tree Hotel? The mountain isn't that high." Sonoko looked incomprehensible when he heard this.

"Maybe it's because this is the location where the last scene of "Red Maple in Winter" was filmed." Xiaolan guessed.

If no case had occurred, Tangze would understand why he wanted to live here. After all, it was quite common in later generations to check in on popular film and television dramas.

But the current situation does require more attention.

"Eh? This is the filming location for red maples in winter!" Yamamura Cao looked around in surprise after hearing this.

"Yes, in the end the officer was waiting for Qian Jin behind that stone..."

"No, no! Don't tell me this!"

After hearing Sonoko's spoiler, Yamamura Cao waved her hands in a hurry: "I haven't seen that scene yet, please don't spoil it for me now!!"

Seeing Yamamura's unattractive appearance, Karasawa and Conan looked at each other, and then sighed in unison.

If the peace of Gunma County is left in the hands of this guy, does it really have a future? ?

Karasawa and Conan expressed concern about this.

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