Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 915 Goodbye Hiroaki Buta

After making an appointment with Naoki Kamei at the meeting place, Karasawa hung up the phone.

He picked up the bookmark on the table and put the page where the reasoning was interrupted in his hand for subsequent reading.

Then he picked up the black tea cup at hand and drank the brewed Darjeeling black tea in one gulp.

The red color is slightly bitter in the mouth, but after a while, there is a fresh aroma and a little sweetness. This familiar taste still makes people feel comfortable no matter how long it lasts.

But at this moment, he tasted the familiar taste, but felt that he tasted something different.

He naturally knew that it was a psychological effect, because he thought of that troublesome man.

He cleaned the cup and put it away, then walked out of the office and drove to the Metropolitan Police Department to pick up Naoki Uye at the door, and the two of them walked towards the prison.

Arriving at this prison in Tokyo again, Karasawa found that the prison guards around him looked at him with much respect.

"Senior, it seems that your reputation has spread here." Naoki Uyei smiled and said: "I didn't expect that even a relatively closed place like a prison would have the legend of your senior spread."

"You are wrong." The young prison guard leading the way laughed: "Although our area is relatively closed, news about Tang Ze's crime spread quickly in the prison.

After all, there will be a prisoner caught by Tang Ze Criminal and thrown in during the interval. The information of Tang Ze Criminal will be updated, although at most it will only update the information on the number of prisoners arrested by Tang Ze. "

"Then how did you learn about the news that happened in Gunma County so quickly?" Naoki Uyei asked curiously.

"As you said, we are not prisoners." The young prison guard smiled and said, "We are all part of the same system."

"Look at my brain." Uekai Naoki patted his forehead and forgot about it.

The chat between the two basically ended in nonsense, and during this chat the three of them had already arrived at the meeting hall.

After that, the two of them came to the glass window, and the young prison guard walked towards the prison. After a while, he took Hiroaki Buta to the other side of the glass window and sat down.

"We meet again." Hiroaki Buta looked at Tangze opposite and smiled: "It's really not easy to meet a busy man like you."

"Now that you know it, stop talking nonsense."

Tang Ze said with a cold face: "If you have anything to say, tell me quickly. If you called me here just for a small talk, then this will be the last time we meet."

"Of course not." Hiroaki Buta chuckled, and said the irritating words with a calm face: "I'm here to cause trouble for you."

On the side, Naoki Kamei immediately felt angry when he heard this, but because Tang Ze had told him in advance that he could not speak no matter what the other party said, he could only look at the other party and glare.

"Stop showing off boring tricks."

But compared to Uye Naoki, Karasawa's face remained calm and showed no signs of disturbance. He knew that if he was angered by the other party's provocation, he would play into the opponent's hands.

"Since you asked me to come over, you and I both know who has the initiative. Let's get to the point." Tang Ze replied in a non-compassionate manner, but it hit his weak spot.

After all, it was the other party who called me here on his own initiative, and now he still has to put on a show of pretense. Isn't it just like "his concubine sets up a memorial arch"?

"To the point, that's what I'm talking about."

Hiroaki Buta seemed not to understand the meaning of Karasawa's words and said, "I have a difficult case here that I want you to handle. Isn't it just to cause trouble for you?"

"Case?" Tang Ze raised his eyebrows: "What did you talk about last time?"

"That's right, Haruko Beigami, this is the person I want you to arrest." Hiroaki Buta looked at Tang Ze and said, "Her crime is murder.

If it were you, there should be a possibility of catching her. "

"You mean this woman killed someone?" Naoki Ueijing couldn't help but asked.

"Yes, she was a student at my university. That case was also a mysterious case that happened at Yoneka Aomori University." Hiroaki Buta said: "It was a professor who was killed, a poisoning case."

"You said the prisoner was this woman?" Naoki Uyei couldn't help but ask, "But you also said this was a sect mystery case, right?"

"Yes, so there is no evidence." Hiroaki Buta looked at Tang Ze and smiled: "That's why I said it was to cause trouble for you."

"What you are saying is just a refutation." Hearing this, Uye Naoki thought it was ridiculous: "Since you also said it was a sect mystery case, it means that the police at the time did not find out the truth.

If that's the case, how did you know she was the prisoner? "

"Of course I know."

Hiroaki Buta smiled very strangely: "Because she has the same smell as me.

No, she had the same smell as me now. "

What Buta Hiroaki said was awkward, but Karasawa understood it.

In the past, Hiroaki Buta was only in a "semi-transformed" state at most, but the woman named Haruko Kitami he met at that time already exuded the same smell as the "murderer" he now became.

Once a "human" met a "murderer", and now he has become the same kind of person as the other person.

This is almost what Hiroaki Buta wants to express.

"You want to say that she also smells like murder?" After Tang Ze heard the other party's "metaphysical" words, he was not angry at being teased, and continued to ask with a calm expression.

"That's right." Hiroaki Buta looked with a maniacal smile: "That is the scent of a murderer, a dirty smell that penetrates into the bones and will not disappear."

"What about other than that?" Tang Ze continued to ask: "Since you are from the same university, there must be something substantial, right?"

"Of course, there are no suspects after a case occurs."

Hiroaki Buta said with a sarcastic look on his face: "As a friend and psychology professor of the deceased, I naturally also talked to Haruko Hogami, so I can't help but think it was her.

I even questioned her, and although she was able to talk her off with her words, her expression admitted all of this, and it was absolutely unmistakable! "

"But, this is all just your imagination, right?" Uekai Naoki questioned: "There is still no substantial evidence."

"She came to sit in on my trial."

Hiroaki Buta seemed to recall the previous scene, and the smile on his face became more and more crazy: "I saw her, she smiled and said something to me in spoken language - "You have become the same person as me. "."

After Hiroaki Buta finished speaking, he looked at the two people and said, "That's the situation. This is the only substantive clue.

Of course, it’s up to you to believe it or not. "

"I understand, I will investigate." Tangze nodded and said, "Although you did not provide the information out of good intentions, I still express my gratitude."

"Then my reward is not high, just let me know when the results come out."

Looking at Karasawa who stood up to leave, Hiroaki Buta leaned on the glass and shouted, but in the end he only saw the back of Karasawa leaving and did not get a definite reply.

"Get up, No. 1004!"

Seeing Karasawa Criminal leave, Hiroaki Buta was urged by the young criminal to stand up and return to his cell.

"So Mr. Detective, how will the showdown between you and that woman end?"

Hiroaki Buta held his hands on the steel cage with a playful smile on his face, as if he was looking forward to the good show.

On the other side, after the two got into the car, Naoki Uyei asked while fastening his seat belt: "Senior, do you really believe what Hiroaki Buta said?"

"Whether you believe it or not, just check it out, but there is a high probability that it is true."

As Karasawa drove back to the Metropolitan Police Department, he said: "He is not such a boring guy, and the kind of pranks that can be revealed immediately have no meaning to him.

Didn't you hear what Hiroaki Buta said? What he wants is to cause trouble for me. "

Tang Ze smiled and said: "In that case, what could be more troublesome for me than a troublesome "murderer".

What's more, it is still an unsolved case that has been unresolved for a long time. "

"Hmm..." Naoki Kamei nodded suddenly after hearing this, but then he thought worriedly: "But if it is true, doesn't it mean that the woman named Haruko Kitami is very troublesome?"

"I'm afraid this is also the purpose of Hiroaki Buta."

Tangze stepped on the accelerator and accelerated, but his tone remained calm: "He was caught himself but released his nature, always wanting to have some fun.

And that woman became his source of fun, and I was his other source of fun.

Especially since the two of us are inherently opposed to each other, he naturally doesn't want to miss this big show.

And no matter which side of us wins, it won't be bad for him, right? "

If he couldn't catch the culprit, Hiroaki Buta would be happy to see him defeated, and if he caught Haruko Hokami, the guy who might be the murderer, he wouldn't lose.

After all, when he comes in, the other person is still outside enjoying the beautiful world. How can this make people happy?

I don't want to see good things in others and want to drag them down.

Such evil thoughts can happen anywhere, and they are even more vividly displayed in Hiroaki Buta.

The other party didn't hide his thoughts, but this time Tang Ze really wanted to act according to the other party's plan.

This is a conspiracy, aimed at him, so that he will make the same choice even if he knows the opponent's intentions this round.

But Karasawa didn't care, because the information he provided was indeed useful.

All the way back to the Metropolitan Police Department, the two began to investigate the case information that Buta Hiroaki mentioned.

The first is the deceased. After investigating the case about Yoneka Aomori University, they found the case that happened two years ago.

The deceased's name was Maruyama Yuji, a professor at the Traditional Chinese Medicine Science Laboratory, and his cause of death was consistent with what Hiroaki Buta said.

At the same time, the "murderous" lady the other party mentioned also obtained information through her driver's license.

The other party was studying at Yoneka Aomori University and is currently a graduate student.

The two also obtained the file of this case, which recorded the details of the incident and the investigation process.

The first discoverer at that time was Yuji Maruyama’s assistant.

When the other party came to Maruyama Yuji's office early in the morning, he found Maruyama Yuji lying on the table.

Originally, he just thought that Professor Maruyama was asleep, so he went to call him, but no matter how he called, there was no sound, so he realized that something was wrong and quickly checked the other person's physical signs.

Unfortunately, Maruyama Yuuji has long since disappeared.

There was no safe place in the house, and the body showed no signs of injury. After the initial autopsy, no abnormalities were found.

However, because he was in a working environment where he could come into contact with drugs at any time and at any time, the police conducted a drug test on the body for the sake of safety.

After examination, it was found that poison remained in the other party's body. The poison was composed of atropine, which is mainly a toxin contained in the Solanaceae family.

This is a poison that is easily obtained from the University Hospital College and can be said to be very common.

The investigation is also conducted from two aspects: suicide and homicide.

But in terms of suicide, the police at the time did not find any special reason for suicide, and no suicide note was found.

So the police began investigating the murder.

Based on Professor Maruyama Yuji's habits, they speculated that the prisoner might have taken advantage of the professor's frequent nutritional supplements and perhaps put poison into the capsules.

The reason for this speculation is that they did not find the injection needle in the issue, nor did they check the ingredients of sleeping pills on his body.

This shows that Professor Maruyama took the poison himself, rather than being forcibly injected or knocked unconscious and forced to take the poison.

And this is the only way to put deadly poison into the opponent's body.

That's why this case will be investigated as a poisoning case.

However, although the police at the time investigated people related to the professor, they did not find any valuable clues.

At that time, almost everyone could doubt it.

Moreover, it is not troublesome to make poisonous capsules, and it is not very difficult to secretly put them into Professor Maruyama's medicine cabinet.

We also investigated whether anyone had any personal grudges against Professor Maruyama, but we did not get any conclusive information, and in the end the case was left unsolved.

"That's the general situation." After finishing the ins and outs of the case with Karasawa, Uye Naoki couldn't help but said with a headache: "This guy really gave us a difficult problem!"

"If it wasn't a difficult problem, he wouldn't have said it." Tang Ze recorded the information in the back of his mind and replied while putting the file away.

"Then we should notify Officer Megure and let's search together?" Naoki Uyei suggested: "After all, there is strength in numbers."

"If there is no case, that's no problem. Let's go to the office and explain the situation to everyone."

Tangze is not a rigid person. Even if the evidence is insufficient and unconvincing, as long as he explains the situation, it will be no problem to draw attention to it and re-investigate.

With so many people helping him, he wouldn't be stupid enough to fight alone.

But when the two returned to the office, they found that the room was empty.

After asking the colleagues in the clerical department next to me, I found out that the police were indeed out.

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