Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 918 The most poisonous woman’s heart

Three months ago, Sagawa Hikoyama also died of atropine poisoning. The way of death was the same as Manabe Iyama today.

It's just that the other party was discovered too late and had been making a fuss in the hotel room he booked before discovering the other party's body.

And if that's the case alone, it can only be regarded as a coincidence. This commonality is not even indirect evidence.

But with the results of the poison test coming out, everything changed.

Manabe Iyama did die from the poison of atropine, but the key lies not in this, but in the nutritional supplements that the opponent carried with him.

According to the test results, it was found that these three drugs are vitamins C, B, and E respectively.

And Sagawa Hikoyama, who was born three months ago, also has the same medicine box with the same contents.

In this way, the actual situation of the case becomes very obvious.

The prisoner, Haruko Beigami, probably killed these middle-aged old people using the same method.

And the method is not difficult to guess.

Since the two of them are lovers, they will naturally not be defensive. Then the other party prepares nutritional supplements for the other party on the grounds of taking care of the body, and the other party will only accept it happily.

After all, vitamins are not any other medicine, so the other party will definitely not have any doubts. Plus, as the other party is a medical graduate student, I am afraid he will happily accept the nutritional supplements prepared by his little girlfriend.

But as everyone knows, this box of nutritional supplements contains a deadly poison.

Because one of the vitamins in the medicine box is in capsule form, it is naturally not difficult to guess which vitamin is in the poison.

But even if it was known that Haruko Hokami had poisoned the vitamin C capsules, it would have no effect, and there would be almost no clues.

Because the only poisonous capsule had been eaten by the deceased, and the rest were vitamins, no evidence could be found at all.

And realizing the other party's method, everyone felt even more troublesome.

Just like Karasawa said when he met Haruko Hogami before, the poisoning was done because it was difficult to convict him with an alibi at the moment of killing, let alone a "Buddhist" murderer like the other party.

Generally speaking, criminals always choose a time to kill, but this suspect didn't seem to care at all when the other person died, it all depended on luck.

Isn't it just luck? Let the deceased eat one of the dozens of capsules. Whether he gets poisoned or not depends on God's will.

If those men knew that they were playing "Russian Roulette" every day, I don't know how they would feel.

It's a pity that Tang Ze and others are destined to be unable to ask.

Because the two sides don't usually interact, and by the time they do, they may have turned into a corpse.

Naturally, it was impossible for them to know where the poison came from from the other party's mouth.

What's even more incredible is that, according to Naoki Kamei's investigation over the past two days, Haruko Hogami fell in love and even had relationships with these men.

On the one hand, he is in love with him, but on the other hand, he prepares poison for him and waits for his death.

What kind of twisted psychology is this, so that you can have fun dating those men and put them to death at the same time.

Just thinking about it gives me chills in my heart.

Pity these three middle-aged men. They thought they were being embraced by a beautiful woman, but they didn't expect that what they found in their arms was a murderous "beautiful snake".

As for why there were three people, it was naturally because Tang Ze and others suspected that the professor was the original victim and was killed by the other party using the same method.

Karasawa told everyone all the information, including the information from Buta Hiroaki.

"I didn't expect that there would be such twists and turns behind a case."

Miwako Sato heard this with a solemn expression: "Since Hiroaki Buta dares to use the other party's information to trouble Karasawa's criminal case, it means that in the eyes of Hiroaki Buta, a psychology professor, the other party is also a troublesome guy."

"What should we do now? Do we want to join the case?"

Uye Naoki on the side asked: "Judging from the current situation, that guy Haruko Hokami is completely a serial killer who specializes in hunting middle-aged and elderly men!"

"No, let's investigate it alone for now."

Tang Ze shook his head and said: "Judging from the current clues, we have no evidence to add to the case, everything is just our speculation.

In this case, it is better to investigate separately, so that there will be no loss or bias. You only need to pay attention to relevant clues. "

"That's what I think too." Miwako Sato nodded after hearing this: "Everything about the situation is still uncertain, so let's continue the investigation.

I will also investigate whether the deceased has any connection with Haruko Beigami. We were still confused at first, but now that the goal is clear, I think the rest is only a matter of time. "

"Senior, what should we do here?" Naoki Ueijing asked.

"Go and see Haruko Beigami." Karasawa smiled.

"Eh? But weren't the seniors still afraid of arousing the enemy?" Naoki Kamei said a little puzzled after hearing Tangze's words.

"But now, we have a legitimate reason." Tang Ze smiled and said: "My lover has passed away, so I have to ask questions both emotionally and rationally, right?"

"That's the case." Naoki Ueijing scratched his head. Seeing Karasawa walking out, he quickly said goodbye to Takagi and followed him.

The two went to school first, but learned from the other's classmates that the other had gone home after class, so they had no choice but to call the Metropolitan Police Department to ask someone to check the other's residential address, and then drove to the other's home again. at home.

"This villa looks really grand. She is indeed a woman from a wealthy family."

The car stopped at the entrance of the courtyard. Naoki Kamei looked at the villa in front of him and sighed: "Her family should have no worries about food and drink. Why would she do such a thing?"

"Some things cannot be solved by money." Tang Ze said meaningfully, then opened the door and walked out of the car.

Naoki Kamei got off the car and went straight to ring the doorbell to express his intention. After a while, he saw Haruko Hokami walking out of the house.

"you are..."

Arriving at the gate of the courtyard, Haruko Beishen had a look of confusion on her face after seeing Karasawa.

"Is it you?" Tang Ze also made a suitably surprised look after seeing the other party: "I didn't expect us to meet again."

"I didn't expect you, sir, to be a criminal." Haruko Beishen was also surprised: "You said you were a writer before."

"Miss Beishen misunderstood. I am indeed a writer, and I did collect materials before, but that was just my deputy job."

Seeing Haruko Beishen's questioning expression, Karasawa smiled and explained, "But my visit today is just for official business, but I never expected that by such a coincidence, I would run into Miss Beishin again."

Hokami Haruko said this, but her expression was full of doubts, but Karasawa didn't care, as long as the appearance was passable.

"Then, what do you want from me?" Haruko Beishen had a puzzled expression on her face and denied the relationship between the two.

"Really don't know him?" Naoki Ueijing asked again.

"Yes, I don't know him."

Seeing Haruko Beigami nodding in denial, Naoki Uyei couldn't help but show a smile instead of being angry, and immediately took out two photos from his arms: "Then how do you explain this?

This is Mr. Manabe, and this is you, right? "

Seeing the photo in Naoki Ue's hand, Haruko Hogami's pupils shrank, and she ignored Naoki Ue's question, staring at Karasawa with a cold look in her beautiful eyes.

One of these two photos was a photo of her and Manabe Iyama when they were shopping, and the other was a photo of them eating, but the only thing that was the same was the intimate gesture.

After seeing the photo, Haruko Beishen didn't know that Karasawa had been eyeing her for a long time. The previous meeting was just a test for the other party to hide his identity.

Otherwise, there would be no secret photos of him and Manabe Iyama dating.


Haruko Beishen burst into laughter, "I'm really convinced that you guys could secretly take such a photo."

"So are you still planning to hide it?" Naoki Ueijing asked.

"At this point, there's no use hiding anymore."

North God Haruko smiled and said: "Before, it was just to avoid causing trouble to him. After all, we had such a relationship before, and it was easy for others to gossip, right?"

"That's right..." Naoki Kamei wanted to ask something else, but was interrupted by Haruko Hogami: "So if you two are here to find out about Mr. Manabe, then I have no comment."

"No, we came to you because there is something important."

Tang Zedang even told the other party about Mr. Manabe's death.

"Really, Mr. Manabe passed away..." Haruko Hogami lowered her head and could not see any waves on her face, she just murmured.

"If you two don't mind, how about we sit down at home?" Haruko Hokami saw that the two of them were still planning to continue asking, so she took the lead in looking at the invitation and asked.

"Is that okay?" Tang Ze said politely.

"Because I hate being in a place like this and being questioned about my relationship with him."

Hokami Haruko replied with a cold face. She was obviously very worried about Tang Ze's previous instigation of someone to secretly photograph her, and she didn't have the slightest scruple in her words.

However, Tangze naturally would not be angry because of these words. He just smiled and did not answer. Upon seeing this, the other party snorted and immediately opened the gate of the fence and led the two of them into the room.

The villa was decorated in European style. The two of them took a look at the surrounding environment and sat down on the sofa.

"The two of us have been dating for about half a year. To put it simply, it's an affair."

It seemed that when they arrived at home, the other party was very calm when talking about this matter. Before the two of them could ask, he directly admitted the relationship: "Is there anything else you want to ask?"

"I heard that you met at a dance?" Uekai Naoki asked after hearing this.


Kitagami Haruko replied while inviting the two of them to sit down.

"What kind of dance is it?" Uye Naoki asked.

"A social dance, he is a member and I serve as the host of the dance." Haruko Beigami replied: "It's just a part-time job."

"Who is the organizer?" Tang Ze asked.

"It seems to be called the "Seven-Day Meeting."" Haruko Beishen thought for a while and replied.

"That's right..." Tang Ze nodded to show understanding, but his eyes were cast on the photo frames hanging on the wall of the living room.

There, most of them were intimate photos of Haruko Hokami and a middle-aged man, and a few were photos of the other person. Judging from the background, they should be the other person's travel souvenirs.

"Is the man in the photo your father, Miss Beishen?" After Tangze noticed the man in the photo, he asked directly.

"That's right." Speaking of her father, Haruko Beishen's dissatisfaction with Karasawa seemed to have disappeared, and the smile on her face was not false or artificial at all.

"Looking at the photo, it looks like he has traveled all over the world." Tangze smiled and praised: "It's really amazing."

"My father is a botanist."

Hearing Karasawa's praise, Haruko Beigami seemed very happy and in high spirits: "Because of work, I often go abroad, and I just went out again yesterday."

"Really? Then it's hard work." Tang Ze saw that the other party was very interested in talking after mentioning his father, so he continued to talk along with the other party's words.

"Yes, and it usually lasts for three months and a half as soon as I go out."

Speaking of this, Haruko Beishen's expression became a lot darker, revealing the grievances of a little girl: "What kind of father is he who leaves his lovely daughter alone at home?"

"So, you and your father are the only two people living together in this family?" Tang Ze asked without saying anything.

"Because my mother passed away." Haruko Beishen said with a straight face and her tone did not waver at all, she was simply stating a fact.

"So that's it..." Tang Ze nodded without saying anything more.

After all, when encountering such a topic, there is always no way to proceed.

Uye Naoki glanced at Karasawa, saw him nodding slightly, then looked at Haruko Hokami and said as if he was joking: "Then I guess your father doesn't know about you and Mr. Manabe, right?

If he knew you were having an affair, your father would cry! "

"Don't tell him~" Haruko Beishen smiled playfully upon hearing this and begged.

"Then you have to be able to see it." Uekai Naoki heard this and replied with a smile.

"Then, when did he die?" Haruko Hokami seemed not to want to tangle with Uye Naoki on this issue anymore, and directly jumped to the topic.

"About the time when we are close to the house, in the company." Naoki Uyei answered while staring at Haruko Beigami, trying to see something from it.

Unfortunately, the other party just nodded flatly and changed the subject: "Sorry, look at me, I haven't poured you tea yet."

Pouring tea is a must-have for Neon visitors. Even if they are not welcome, they will still be given a cup of tea as a courtesy.

"Ah, you're welcome." Uye Naoki waved his hand to refuse, but Hokami Haruko still got up and went to make tea.

"Rather than drinking tea, I would rather visit the courtyard."

At this moment, Karasawa on the side stopped Haruko Beigami and asked, "I wonder if I can visit?"

"Of course." Haruko Beishen smiled and nodded: "No problem."

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