Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 921: Determined Plan

You can understand the consequences of giving a marigold, which means "punishing evil", to apologize to a criminal suspect without even explaining it.

At the end of this apology, it was destined to end on bad terms.

Of course, on the surface this is still an "apology", even if it is destined to make the other party unhappy.

This is also to give an explanation to the above. Although Saitama is helping to handle the matter, the appearance still needs to be done.

It's just that this apology was turned into a "provocation" by Tang Ze, which both of them knew very well.

As an expert in medicine, how could Haruko Hokami not be able to read the language of flowers? However, when he first met the other party, he recognized belladonna, an exotic plant that most people didn't know, so naturally he also knew something about plants.

So Haruko Beigami naturally knew that the other party did it on purpose and used this to express her attitude.

And the final outcome of this bouquet of flowers naturally cannot avoid the fate of being thrown into the trash can after Tang Ze and the other two left.

Of course, these have nothing to do with Tangze.

At this moment, he and Naoki Uye are sorting out the information about Haruko Hokami they investigated today.

Among them, the other party's family background is the focus of their investigation.

The first is Haruko Hogami's mother, who passed away when she was in high school. The cause of death was subarachnoid hemorrhage.

According to nearby neighbors who have a good relationship with the Beishen family, their family of three seems to be very harmonious, and the husband also loves his wife very much.

According to neighbors, as long as Haruko Hogami's mother was alive, she would go out to eat every year on her wife's birthday, just the couple.

After Tangze wrote this information on the whiteboard, he underlined and highlighted it.

"Eh? Is there anything special about this message?"

Seeing Karasawa marking it, Uye Naoki on the side couldn't help but asked curiously.

"Don't forget, when we went to Beishen's house, there was no picture of mother in the photos in the room. If he really loves his wife so much, why is there no photo of his wife?" Tangze reminded.

"Ah, it is true... If there is no photo of my beloved wife, everyone would find it strange." Naoki Uye said suddenly: "It would be too strange to not have this photo."

"So what did you think of?" Tang Ze asked with a smile.

"The relationship between husband and wife is actually not harmonious..."

Uye Naoki's eyes lit up as he recalled the information about the case: "There is another possibility that Haruko Kitagami put away her mother's photos.

There may be some conflict between the two..."

"It's not wrong to say it's a conflict." Tang Ze said with a slightly complicated face, "Because they are competing for a man."


Naoki Kamei was stunned after hearing Karasawa's words: "Mother and daughter are fighting for a man...

You mean Haruko Hokami's father? So Haruko Hokami is probably... Electra? "

"Judging from the age of the men she dated, this is probably true."

Tang Ze nodded and said, "I kind of understand why the other party killed people."

"Karasawa Criminal Justice, are you talking about the motive for the murder?" Naoki Uyei asked.

"That's right."

Karasawa nodded and said: "If my guess is correct, the reason why Haruko Beishen dated men who were about the same age as his father was because he regarded them as substitutes.

Remember the appearance of Haruko Kitagami’s father we saw in the photo?

He was tall, dark-skinned, and looked very energetic. This was very similar to the appearance of the three dating partners that Haruko Hokami killed.

And what you once said to Haruko Beigami reminded me. "

"Eh? Did I say that?" Uye Naoki pointed at himself and said.

"Well, that's what you said after we exposed the relationship between Haruko Hokami and Manager Manabe," Karasawa said.

"Is it the sentence "If your father finds out, he will cry"?" Naoki Uyei recalled: "But what does this have to do with the motive?"

"I think that's probably why she killed someone."

Karasawa explained: "If Haruko Kitagami really has an "Electric Father Complex," then the three people she dated should all be substitutes for her father.

Substitutes are just substitutes after all. On the one hand, she needs to satisfy her "Electric Father" emotions, but on the other hand, she feels like betraying her father.

So in order not to make her father sad, she killed those substitutes, as if that could turn the white paper blackened by ink back to white again.

Let her become her father's good daughter again. "

This is a very twisted psychology, but it is also easy to understand.

"But even so, the grave of Haruko Beigami's mother shouldn't have been in disrepair and not taken care of, right?"

Naoki Kamei thought of the overgrown situation when the two went to the cemetery to explore, and said with some confusion: "Even if Haruko Hogami doesn't want to see her mother, her husband should take care of it."

"I have asked people from the Immigration Bureau to check the information about Kitakami Haruko's father, Kitakami Keisuke."

Karasawa handed the printed entry-exit record to the other party: "Keisuke Keisuke's entry-exit record disappeared three years ago.

The last flight was back home from Brazil, and there have been no records since then. "

"Eh? But didn't she say before that her father left his lovely daughter and went on a business trip again?" Uye Naoki asked strangely.

"In addition, Kitakami Keisuke has actually resigned from the university a long time ago. To be precise, it was treated as a resignation."

Karasawa picked up a piece of personal information about Kitakami Keisuke and said, "This is the information I got from initiating contacts and asking the principal of Kitakami Keisuke's school.

Judging from school records, Kitakami Keisuke took a leave of absence and went to Brazil and never came back. "

"This... this is impossible." Naoki Ueijing pointed at the document sent by the Immigration Bureau and said: "Look, it is clearly written on this record."

"But at that time, Haruko Beishen told the school that his father had not returned to China and could not be contacted," Karasawa said.

"How could this be? Isn't this equivalent to disappearing?" Uye Naoki asked alertly. .

"I'm afraid that's it. According to my investigation, Kitakami Keisuke has never appeared in the university since then." Karasawa said: "I asked the principal to ask the colleagues with whom he has a good relationship, and he has never seen him again. .”

"Then when this happened, didn't the school ask for a search?" Uye Naoki asked doubtfully.

After all, Kitagami Keisuke also went to Brazil on a business trip because of school work. He didn't come back for a long time, and he didn't receive any contact from the other party. In this case, the school would definitely have to contact the police.

"Haruko Beigami refused very firmly."

Tangze said: "She told the school that her father was enjoying a private trip and she didn't want him to be disturbed. She could just handle the resignation procedures on her behalf."

"So that's it." Naoki Kamei suddenly said: "If it is the only family member who says this, then it is natural that the school will not continue to pursue the case..."

"Ah... Speaking of which, wasn't that the year Professor Maruyama was killed?" Naoki Uyei said in shock.

"Well, that was the day when the first poisoning occurred." Tang Ze nodded.

"There are traces to follow, there are traces to follow~" Naoki Kamei said excitedly: "If we continue to investigate like this, we will definitely be able to find out the truth!"

It's no wonder that Naoki Kamei is so excited. He has been following Karasawa since he joined the company and entered the internship. It has always been smooth sailing before, and he has never encountered any difficult cases.

As a result, this time he encountered the "big BOSS". Although the other party's methods did not have a great impact on Karasawa, they were destructive to Naoki Kamei.

Naturally, he wanted to catch the opponent even more and "recover the situation."

"The immigration bureau showed that her father had returned to China, but she herself told the school that the information was unknown, and told us that her father had just left on a business trip. This was obviously a lie."

Tang Ze crossed his arms and rested his chin: "I have a hunch that her missing father may be our breakthrough."

"So what do we do now?"

Uye Naoki's excited look turned into a little irritable: "Even if we sort out the incident more clearly now, we still can't do anything to her without evidence..."

And not only that, the reality before them is that they only have this one chance now.

The previous suicide of Haruko Hogami had a great impact on the internal reasons of the upper echelon of the Metropolitan Police Department. If it weren't for Saitama who personally stood up for Karasawa, I am afraid that the two of them would have been interrogated and investigated by the prosecutor.

If Haruko Hokami is unable to be caught later and the other party complains, even Saitama may not be able to protect Karasawa and the others.

After all, this is within the system, and being too indulgent will violate the rules.

But now, as Naoki Uyei said, everything they have is just speculation and lacks evidence. As long as Haruko Kitami refuses to admit it, they may not have enough evidence to arrest her.

"There is no "complete crime" in this world. Since the evidence is insufficient, then attack the heart first!"

The flame lit the cigarette hanging in Tang Ze's mouth. He took a deep breath, and the blue smoke circulated in his lungs, and was eventually exhaled with Tang Ze's breath.

At the same time, Tangze's brain began to work rapidly.

Northern Haruko's family background, character actions, psychological profile...

Pieces of intelligence and information were screened out by Tang Ze to construct strategies, but man and machine were abandoned by Tang Ze.

Looking at Karasawa who kept smoking and lost in thought, Naoki Kamei on the side didn't even dare to breathe loudly.

He could even feel Tangze Criminal's terrifying concentration in this silence.

After a while, only the cigarette butt was left. Tangze put out the cigarette butt, picked up another cigarette and lit it.

The lighter spit out tongues of flame again, and the Xingshen cigarette was lit again.

Tang Ze did not dare to be careless in the slightest about this woman whose psychological distortion was completely different from that of ordinary people.

It is precisely because of this that he needs to analyze the opponent's psychology more carefully, calculate and predict the opponent's reaction to everything, in order to "use all the tricks" and win down this troublesome guy like Haruko Beigami in one fell swoop.

When the second cigarette was burned out, Tang Ze put out the cigarette butt in his hand and stood up: "Let's go."

"Where to go?" Naoki Ueijing asked, a little confused and a little expectant.

"What's the point?" Tang Ze said with a warm smile on his face: "Of course I'm going to Beishen's house."


Beishen family.

Because the family is wealthy and his father is a university professor, the Beishen family's financial situation is very good, and naturally the house is also a high-standard garden villa.

But if a family of three or more people move in, this house can be lively.

But with the death of the mistress, the man was away from home all year round, leaving only a daughter at home all year round.

Because Haruko Hokami is the only one there all year round, the room is empty and less popular.

That night.

After finishing her meal, Haruko Beigami sat alone on the sofa and watched TV boredly.

Perhaps because she had just had her stomach washed a few days ago, she was still a little weak. After drinking the porridge, she became drowsy and half asleep.

But in this daze, she seemed to hear the doorbell ringing.

She wanted to get up and open the door, but she was too sleepy and didn't get up for a while.

The doorbell stopped ringing after a while, and instead there was a rustling sound of opening the door.

"Why did you fall asleep on the sofa?"

Drowsily, Haruko Beigami seemed to hear her father's words. She tried hard to open her eyes, and then she saw her father's familiar attire.

Wearing a white suit and suit hat, my father would always pass this outfit on when he went out to take souvenirs...

Seeing her father coming back, Haruko Beishen was overjoyed, but she didn't know why she was so sleepy that she couldn't move no matter what.

But her father's return was such a surprise to her that she had already lost sleep.

Resisting the sleepiness caused by her body, Haruko Beigami tried her best to open her eyes to wake up.

For some reason, the doorbell ringing in her ears became clearer and clearer, which made her feel a little strange.


Isn't dad back? Why is there still a doorbell ringing?

Is there a guest? still...


As the ringtone became clearer and clearer, an idea suddenly came to mind that suddenly woke up Haruko Beigami from her sleep.


Haruko Beigami stood up suddenly and shouted, but the imaginary response did not come from the room. There was only a long silence and the ringing of the bell.

"Did you dream again..."

Haruko Hokami wiped the sweat from her forehead, and there was a hint of sadness on her beautiful face, like a little girl who was injured and had no one to comfort her. There was no hint of the cruelty of a vicious woman.

As the saying goes, "Think about it every day and dream about it at night." She had dreamed of her father's return countless times, and this time was just one of them.

After gathering her mind, Haruko Beigami heard that the bell outside the door had stopped ringing, and walked straight to the courtyard in her slippers.

But when she saw the two people standing in front of the gate, her expression suddenly turned aside.

That delicate and beautiful face was instantly covered with clouds, and the malice in those eyes made people shudder.

Because she had seen the person who rang her doorbell.

It was the man who forced her to take poison to escape and protect herself! !

How could she welcome such a person?

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