Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 924: Skill breakthrough, S level!

Faced with his daughter's twisted feelings, Kitagami Keisuke, as a father, naturally would not allow it.

But in the face of his daughter's footsteps approaching him, Kitagami Keisuke had no better way.

After all, it was his daughter.

But keeping doing this was not an option, so he thought of a way.

Continue string.

After the death of his wife, he originally had no intention of remarrying, but now his daughter's condition has given rise to the idea of ​​remarrying.

And in this way, the daughter can stop thinking about it. Later, as long as he takes his wife on a business trip and lets her calm down alone, over time, she may be able to stop the twisted thoughts.

After all, in his opinion, his daughter was still young and had just gone astray in a single thought.

However, he underestimated Haruko Beigami's twisted emotions and her obsession.

When Haruko Beigami learned that her father was going to renew their relationship, she completely collapsed.

That day, she sat blankly on her bed with only one thought in her mind.

My father is going to be taken away from me.

My father is abandoning himself.

Go abroad with that who-knows-what kind of woman and leave yourself to live alone in the country.

She shuddered inexplicably when she thought that her beloved father would marry another woman, or even have children.

And what caused all this was because of her love.

After sitting in the house for a whole day, she finally had only one thought left in her mind - she must not let her father be snatched away by an unknown woman.

That was her favorite father, and she would never allow anyone to take it away from her!

After being unable to get her father, her possessiveness exploded as she watched her father reveal his tendency to remarry in order to avoid her.

She is jealous and unwilling.

How come an unknown woman can easily get her father, but she cannot love him and is even treated indifferently.

She would never give up her father to anyone else.

The twisted emotions dominated her brain, prompting her to have a terrifying thought.

Eventually, she gave her father conine.

It's Gelsemium, the poison that Haruko Hokami took to commit suicide last time and put Karasawa and the two in a passive situation.

This poison causes death to be slow and painless.

At that time, she had only one thought in her mind - her father belonged to her alone, and she would never give him up to anyone.

That rainy night, she drove her poisoned father to the old house of the Beishen family and watched him die.

This was her motive for killing her father, in order not to lose him.

"Then you killed the person you were dating because you felt that you belonged to your father, so did you kill the man who occupied you?" Tangze asked.

"I can only say that you got one-third of your answers correct." The smile on Haruko Beigami's face showed no emotion at all: "Because they are all fakes, and all I want is my father."

Mentioning her father, Kitamori Haruko showed a warm smile on her face, but in Tang Ze's eyes, this was even more chilling than the previous smile without warmth.


Hiroshi Saito waved to Karasawa in a low voice, and when he came closer, handed him a wallet: "This was found on the deceased."

Tang Ze took the wallet and opened it, and then saw a shabby photo in the photo area of ​​the wallet.

That was a photo of their family of three. Haruko Beishen was still a child at that time. All three of them had happy smiles on their faces. Everything looked so harmonious and beautiful.


Tangze looked at the photo and sighed with a complicated expression. He turned around and handed the photo to Haruko Kitamori, who was looking straight ahead.

Looking at the photo that was handed over to her, Haruko Beigami took it, her pupils became focused again, and a tear flowed down from her eye socket.

The beauty before seems to still be yesterday, but everything today has become a tragedy.

When the bones were collected, Haruko Beishen was also taken away.

Regarding the other three cases, although Karasawa and the others still found no evidence, the case of Keisuke Kitakami alone was enough to arrest Haruko Kitakami.

And judging from Beigami Haruko's current mental state, she would not deny the other three incidents.

Because the most critical case was solved by Tang Ze, everything else no longer mattered.

Indeed, it is difficult to convict Haruko North God of all the crimes she has committed, but she is not without weaknesses.

And as long as this weakness is defeated, the opponent will be "defeated like a mountain" without parrying.

Let Naoki Kamei be responsible for the follow-up matters, Karasawa did not go back to the Metropolitan Police Department together, but drove to the prison by car.

"How have you been lately?"

After being led to the reception room by the prison guard, before he could sit down completely, Hiroaki Buta looked at Tangze and asked impatiently: "How are you? Is it a problem?"

"Indeed, but that's all."

Tang Ze nodded expressionlessly, raised his eyes and looked at the other party and said, "I am here to tell you that although it is a bit troublesome, it has been solved."

"Hey~" Hiroaki Buta whistled. Although there was a smile on his face, a hint of gloom flashed in his eyes: "Congratulations to you, do you want to tell me?"

"Thank you for the clue."

Tang Ze stood up and ignored Buta Hiroaki's words, smiled at the other party and said: "If you don't have any other clues about the case, then I will leave.

By the way, this is a good addition to the trouble, and you are welcome to cause trouble again at any time. "

After saying that, Tang Ze ignored Buta Hiroaki's ugly expression and turned around and walked out of the prison.

As a professor of psychology, Hiroaki Buta could naturally see that Karasawa's last words were very sincere.

And the more the other party behaves like this, the more unhappy he becomes.

The so-called blockage is set up to make people unhappy.

But if the goal is not achieved and the other party expresses sincere gratitude instead, this is tantamount to the biggest counterattack.

It was precisely because Karasawa knew this that he expressed his gratitude before leaving.

But this thank you was like a slap on Buta Hiroaki's face, making his self-righteous calculations become a joke.

Although Tangze was indeed unhappy that the other party was causing trouble for him, his gratitude was genuine.

Because after solving this difficult case, the reward he received was very good.

No, it's very good.

After getting in the car, Tang Ze opened the panel again and looked at the system prompts on it, but it still felt a little unreal.

【Twisted Love】

Branch line completion: perfect

[Congratulations to the host for getting micro-expression (3 years)]

Evaluation: In this twisted love, Haruko Beigami has become a slave of love.

After killing her father, she has become a murderer who can never experience love.

While she longs for that warmth, she embraces false feelings in an attempt to fill her empty heart, and at the same time is tortured by the emptiness that cannot be filled, which tortures her to kill the impostor.

You successfully analyzed Beigami Haruko's psychology, found the flaw in her mind and set up a trap to defeat the opponent, gave her a trial and took her away from the fantasy and torture.

Somehow you have been favored by fate.

[In this difficult case, you broke through the limit of reasoning level and successfully arrested the prisoner with your own reasoning and judgment]

[Your investigative science has made a staged breakthrough. 】

[Your investigative skills are directly upgraded from A level to S level! 】

[Congratulations to the host for successfully raising the core skill of Investigation to the highest level. The skill of Investigation will no longer appear in future draws! 】

[You are already the top detective in the world, but there is no end to learning, so keep moving towards a wider world! 】

[Because the host’s professional skills are raised to the highest level for the first time, you will gain more favor from fate. 】

[The effect of your talent "Detective Fate" has been improved! ! 】

That was all he saw when he checked the reward before coming to prison.

This was also the reason why he expressed his sincere thanks to Hiroaki Buta.

Although the other party's essential purpose was to cause trouble for him, and Haruko Kitagami's suicide did put him into a passive situation, in the end when he solved the case, it was a blessing in disguise.

The first is the investigation science, which was actually promoted to S level in one fell swoop. Before, he and Akai Shuichi's racing skills only improved his driving skills to A+.

Originally, he thought that A+ might be the limit, but who knew that after reading the information prompt today, he realized that this was just the transitional stage to S-level.

What's even more surprising is that because of this difficult case, his investigation skills directly broke through the transitional stage of A+ and directly reached S level.

Of course, reaching this level does not mean that he is truly omnipotent, it just means that his level of reasoning and insight has reached the highest level in the world.

And he naturally would not ignore the messages hidden under the seemingly encouraging words that followed.

Even if a skill reaches S level, it does not prove that it is truly "omniscient and omnipotent".

Other skills of the detective profession are also an important part of reasoning.

At most, he has only reached the peak in one part. If he wants to continue to broaden his reasoning level, he still needs to continue to absorb more knowledge.

The matter called "reasoning" is like a building, and investigation is the most important foundation.

Once the foundation is laid, if you want to build the building higher and bigger, you need other skills to support it.

The skills that belong to the detective profession are the main framework on which this building is built.

As for other categories of skills, they are more detailed parts of the building.

Of course, "reasoning" is the process of deducing a new judgment (conclusion) from one or several known judgments (premises).

In this process, a variety of knowledge is naturally needed to help with thinking and judgment.

Naturally, the more knowledge you know, the stronger your reasoning ability will be.

Theoretically speaking, "reasoning" has no limit at all. Its lower limit is very low, and everyone can use it in life.

This is actually closer to "speculation" than "reasoning", and the upper limit is very high. In addition to professional skills that help solve crimes, other subject knowledge can also provide help.

Not to mention professional knowledge in subjects such as physics and biology, many of which can be connected with cases.

Language, art, life skills, etc. may also be helpful in the case.

It can be said that from now on, Tang Ze is no longer chasing the footsteps of his predecessors, he is now on the same level as those top detectives.

As for how he can develop in the future, it depends on how many skills he has mastered.

Just like in the realm of martial arts, everyone is innate, and it depends on who has mastered the "martial arts" more advancedly.

In reasoning, this "martial skill" is all kinds of knowledge.

Of course, there are some small surprises behind this big surprise.

In the process of solving this case, in addition to Tang Ze's breakthrough in investigative science, his profiling also improved for a year, reaching (C level) [6/20].

And psychology has been improved for two years and directly reached (b level) [14/20], almost reaching the level of a level.

Originally, he thought that if his strategy was successful, these skills would be improved.

But who knew that the big surprise would come so suddenly, and looking at these expected improvements, it would not cause the slightest fluctuation in his heart.

Well, to put it simply, it is inflated, and some small improvements are not noticed~

Of course, there is surprise, surprise, and the "joy" aspect, and the "surprise" aspect...

It's really hard to describe...

His talent has improved, which would have been a good thing...

But it’s a pity that the improvement is indeed the cheating talent of “Detective Fate”.

Compared to "Super Smell" and "Dexterity", two skills that require constant training and development by Karasawa, the talent of "Detective Fate" seems a bit metaphysical.

However, after getting this talent, what comforted him was that this talent could not be improved like the other two talents, which was good news.

But I once thought that this thing actually didn't follow the routine and was directly upgraded...

[Detective destiny: The detective's destiny follows you like a shadow. Cases will appear anytime, anywhere and in any situation. In addition, your safety protection for those around you is also stronger. 】

It can be seen that this improvement in talent is half good and half bad. The good thing is that the shelter effect for those close to you is stronger, but the bad thing is that the chance of encountering a case is naturally further increased.

This made Tang Ze feel a little tired.

I think before he got this talent, although he solved cases every day, after solving a case, the rest period was quite long.

As soon as he got this talent, the frequency of encountering cases immediately increased, and many of them were branch cases. He couldn't use "Ke Xue" to observe the signs before the crime occurred.

I finally got used to these frequent cases, and now you actually give me an upgrade?

Tangze was really tired.

Thinking about how he would die wherever he went like Conan and Hattori Heiji in the future, Karasawa couldn't help but feel tired.

From now on, no one will take the blame for me...

Of course, the tiredness was only temporary. Overall, Tang Ze still made money. Although this case was very difficult, it did allow him to obtain rich rewards.

This is why he sincerely thanked Hiroaki Buta before leaving.

Although the other party is uneasy and well-intentioned, the result is good, so you still have to be grateful~

As for whether the other person is angry or not, that’s none of his business~

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