Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 926: A blunt slap in the face

"It's so rude, they are the guests I invited."

Just when a few little ones were glaring at each other and not knowing how to refute, Mariko, who was wearing a red dress, heard the words and walked over.

She put her hands on her hips and looked at the four annoying brats unhappily and said, "These children are the guests I invited!"

Although he usually calls the little Sonoko "annoying little devils" or something like that, he is still very protective of the little ones.

Hearing a few high-ranking officials' children mocking a few little ones, he immediately stood up.

"Ah, isn't this the daughter of the Suzuki Consortium?" The boy in a blue suit looked at Sonoko and said hello like a little adult, stroking his chest slightly and bowing.

But apart from saying hello to the other party, the other children simply chose to ignore Yuanzi and still mocked the little ones.

"Did you know? A person's life is already decided when he is born." The kid in red suit holding the football looked sarcastic.

The fat boy in a pink suit on the side looked at the little ones with disdain, straightened the bows and said, "Yes, just like a beautiful painting will choose its owner."

"Those who are not selected can just watch from the side with their fingers in their mouths." The ponytail boy's face had an arrogance and disdain that was inappropriate for his age, which just made people feel uncomfortable.

"Dad, please talk about them too." Xiaolan, who was sitting in a plate, looked at Mouri Kogoro who was still drinking and urged him, hoping that as an adult, he could educate him.


Mouri Kogoro gave the wine glass to the waiter's tray, walked towards the children and said righteously: "Life is not just smooth sailing. You never know when setbacks will appear in a seemingly smooth life.

When you grow up, you will understand that there will be many unexpected sufferings in this world. "

"For example, my wife ran away or something?" The boy in a red suit holding a football in his hand looked at Mouri Kogoro with a playful look and said: "I know everything about uncle~

The sleeping Kogoro got this nickname because he let his wife run away while he was sleeping, right? "


What this naughty kid said was not without venom. Seeing several naughty kids laughing loudly and unscrupulously, the angry Mouri Kogoro couldn't help but feel ashamed and angry.

He wanted to catch a few naughty children and teach them a lesson, but he was worried about the current situation and their parents, so he could only be helpless and furious for a while.

Xiaolan on the side was also filled with indignation when she heard this. She stood beside her father and retorted righteously: "It's not the time to fall asleep! Mom left the house when dad went to the toilet!"

As soon as these words came out, Mouri Kogoro became more and more embarrassed, and his previous anger was extinguished at this moment, and he could only sigh dejectedly.

Obviously, the stabbing stabbed in the back by his own daughter was a bit harsh...

When the few annoying brats on the side saw this scene, they laughed smugly again. They looked at their companions through the boy in the red suit and said: "Let's go, don't have anything to do with these losers, let's play a mini football match." Bar!"

Then the four of them began to play football in the crowded banquet as if no one else was watching.

"When I think that these children will inherit their father's business and become the future leaders of Neon when they grow up, I can't help but feel that the future is really hopeless."

Conan on the side looked at the second-generation naughty kids running away, and couldn't help but sigh.

"I feel the same way." Haiyuan on the side agreed.

"In that case, it will eventually fail."

Tang Ze smiled when he heard what the two said: "At most, they will only have more chances of failure. If they don't live up to their expectations, they will have to live on the legacy of their fathers.

They will be unable to achieve more than their parents in their lifetime, and they will slowly die out in the next generation.

There is no permanent dynasty in this world. "

"What you are talking about is too long ago." Conan put his head in his hands and said speechlessly: "Although judging from the trajectory of history, it will indeed be like this in the end."

"Let's not talk about that anymore. I'll go over and stop these guys first."

While the two were talking, several naughty kids had already lifted the ball over the heads of the guests, and the food on the table was also hit by the football.

Looking at the four people who had caused a commotion in the crowd, Tang Ze and Conan said hello and walked towards the side.

Although the protagonist of today's press conference is the Sindora Company, the Suzuki family is still indispensable for holding this banquet. After all, they are also considered to be major financial backers, so they naturally have reasons to stop a few naughty children from causing trouble.

As for whether he would know the fathers of these naughty children, Tang Ze was really not afraid.

With the resources controlled by the Suzuki family and Tang Ling Group, most people would not offend them because of a few naughty kids. After all, it was these naughty kids who were rude first.

And those who play politics are nothing to the Suzuki family.

Politicians in Neon, who control the economic lifeline of the entire Neon, are nothing more than tools pushed to the table by top conglomerates.

What's more, in this world, those with money and power are considered a loser, and detectives are the strongest profession.

After all, detectives are the ones who solve crimes, but those with money and power may become corpses or prisoners in the case.

Because of the entanglement of interests, it is easy for rich and powerful people to become enemies with others.

But this world is different from other worlds. People in Ke Xue's world seem to have a "confident and confident spirit", and it seems that the law will not let them have any scruples at all.

For the same thing, 190% of the time people in the previous life would choose to swallow their anger, but people in this world would choose to kill instead.

When he was unhappy, he planned a murder plan to kill his enemy.

And while they "do it if you don't accept it," they also seem to believe that their criminal plans cannot be seen by others, and that they can kill their enemies with impunity in a perfect crime.

Of course, these prisoners are also unlucky. If their methods were better, ordinary criminals might not be able to solve the case.

However, they will always meet Conan and Hattori Heiji for various reasons, and they will become part of their achievements.

Even in the era when they were not born, there were many reasoning masters such as their fathers and Shuichi Akai who were the "pushmen"...

Of course, the most important thing is that this is a key node in the case.

Several children passed the ball to each other, causing a commotion all around, and the range of the four naughty children's passes became wider and wider.

But these were nothing to Karasawa. He watched the ball fly towards Kenmura Zhongbin, and then the opponent grabbed the football in his hand.

"what are you doing!?"

"give me back!"

"You will disturb other guests." Kenmura Zhongbin looked down at the four naughty children and lectured them with a straight face: "If you want to play, go outside and play."

"Who are you, uncle?" The boy in the red suit who had mocked Mouri Kogoro and ran away looked at Tadaki Kenmura and said unhappily.

"I am the person in charge of research and development of "Cocoon", Jiancun." Jiancun Zhongbin said as he returned the football to the opponent.

"It's because my grandfather's bank provided funding that you were able to complete the game, right?"

The pink suit reminded the fat naughty kid and said, "Stop lecturing me here."

"Didn't your parents teach you what public morality is?" Jiancun Zhongbin faced his threat, but he said unceremoniously: "And the way to speak to elders."

"It's amazing." The boy with the ponytail said unhappily.

"I won't lend you any more money!" the naughty boy in the pink suit said angrily.

"That's such a big tone. Then I'll try to suppress your bank for fun."

At this moment, Tang Ze walked over with a smile: "I know you, the grandson of Jiang Shou's family, right? If something happens in the family later and I ask the reason, you can say that it was caused by my enmity with Tang Ze."

"Who are you!" After hearing what Tang Ze said, the boy named Jiang Shou said unhappily: "Who do you think you are!"

But Tang Ze ignored the other party and sent a text message. He immediately looked down at the other party and said, "Just now, I united with several shareholders of your family to launch an impeachment against your Jiang Shou family. Your elders will be here soon."

As soon as he finished speaking, a middle-aged man with a bald head and glasses rushed over: "Akira! What the hell did you bastard do!! Apologize to Mr. Karasawa quickly!!"

The other party held Jiang Shouhuang's head and bowed his head to Tang Ze and said, "Sorry, I'm so rude! Quan Zi didn't know what to do and bumped into Mr. Tang Ze!"

"Teach them a lesson." Tang Ze took a sip of wine, looked at the two people in front of him and said expressionlessly, "It's not good to travel too much."

"Hi...Hi..." The man nodded repeatedly, then grabbed Jiang Shouhuang's collar and took him away with an angry look.

"Who are you?" The boy in a red suit looked like the leader of this group of children. Seeing that Tangze's text message had made his companions embarrassed, he had a look of fear on his face.

"Karasawa Genichi." Karasawa looked at the three naughty children nonchalantly and smiled: "How does it feel, how does it feel to be crushed by someone's status?"

"Ah, I remembered you." The boy with a ponytail shouted: "I have seen you on TV. What kind of "criminal" are you!"

"Huh, just a criminal."

The boy in a red suit on the side sneered: "Do you know my surname is Zhuxing?"

"I know, Deputy Director of Police."

Tang Ze said nonchalantly: "A criminal status is nothing to me, but for me, I am an enemy of Deputy Chief Saitama, the Suzuki family and the Tang Ling Group. After you complain, your grandfather is If I’m going to hit you, it’s better to target me.”

"You..." Zhuxing Xiushu's face changed after hearing Tang Ze's words, and he said bitterly: "Let's go!"

The other two friends also quickly quickened their pace to follow, and they were also angry and afraid of Tang Ze.

Although Karasawa has never had much control over Tang Ling Group, due to the huge funds and the support of the Suzuki family, coupled with the rapid rise in the previous financial crisis and forward-looking layout, Tang Ling Group has become a behemoth.

On the other hand, those banks had been greatly affected by the financial crisis, and Tang Ling Group took the opportunity to eat away at some of them. This is why Jiang Shoujia did not dare to offend Tang Ze.

After all, the funds he currently controls are too huge. Just a phone call can make shareholders rebel and sell well. If he really wants to become an enemy, he will probably be stabbed in the back by his teammates.

And this was also the reason why Tang Ze stopped talking and Wan Bu spoke, but provoked the brat from the Jiang Shou family when he spoke.

Because of Katsue Mamoru's family, he had already asked Ayako about this before, and pinched him, the softest persimmon, to "kill the chicken to scare the monkey".

This wave of pretending to be slapped in the face was so stiff that it made Tang Ze even feel embarrassed. It felt like he was back in junior high school when Internet literature was just popular in the era of a certain "Long Aotian" pig's feet...

But there is no way, this is also part of the plan, and its purpose is naturally to make the Kenmura Zhongbin in front of him owe him a favor.

And sure enough, Tang Ze rushed to the front of Kencun Zhongbin, making the other party say thank you with some embarrassment.

After all, everyone knows that these brats have a good background, and offending them will naturally cause trouble.

And Tang Ze obviously only had a two-way relationship, but he still stood up to speak for him and brought the hatred to himself, so he naturally wanted to express his gratitude.

"It's nothing. Just a few children can't affect an adult's judgment." Tang Ze smiled and said, "I don't know if Kencun is okay. I have something I want to talk to you about."

"Well... I do have some things to deal with later."

Jiancun Zhongbin pondered for a moment and then said: "Let's do this. Let's talk again after the press conference starts."

"Okay, then go ahead and get busy." Tang Ze smiled and said, "I'll go find President Sindora to open an account."

Tang Ze smiled and said goodbye to the other party, while his left hand fired the eavesdropping locator without understanding the expression.

The tiny mechanical spider hit Kenmura Zhongbin's suit jacket and fixed its claws on the other person's clothing.

With this, Tangze can monitor the other party's movements in real time.

And this movement was extremely small, completed in just a short turn, and no one around him noticed it.

After that, Karasawa went to President Sindora with a glass of red wine.

As the well-deserved protagonist today, Thomas Sindora can be said to be surrounded by a crowd.

This is of course, after all, once the epoch-making game "Cocoon" was born, the entire gaming industry was about to change.

If today's press conference is held successfully, Sindora will soar into the sky and become the undisputed leader in the global gaming industry.

It's a pity...if the original plot develops, it will definitely be cool.

But this is normal. After all, who would want to experience the feeling of not being able to log off and having their life in the hands of others in "Sword Art Online"?

Of course, this does not prevent these people from eager to get a piece of the pie and board this ship that is about to "fly into the sky".

And because Tang Ze was a partner, his meeting with Sindora went very smoothly. The two chatted for a while, and Tang Ze clinked glasses with her and said goodbye.

But this is enough. Everything he is doing now is to make the subsequent prevention of the case more reasonable.

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