Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 937: Super olfactory meritorious deeds!

"What are you doing, making so much noise!"

Just when Mouri Kogoro accepted Shigeno Takami's commission, a man's impatient scolding suddenly came from the Funato family's mansion: "Today we are helping Kanese keep a vigil!"

"Ah, sir, I'm so sorry!"

After Takami Shigeno arrived home, he introduced Tatsuhito Funamoto who was sitting in a wheelchair in the house: "This is Mr. Mori, the famous detective."

When Mouri Kogoro heard this, he smiled politely at Funamoto Tatsuhito.

"Mouri..." Funamoto Tatsuhito was a little surprised after hearing Shigeno Takami's introduction, "Oh... you are the famous detective...\

,""Hi...I am the famous Mouri Kogoro..." Moori Kogoro boasted without any humility, putting his hand on his chest.

"But why are you here?" Funamoto Tatsuhito asked with some confusion.

"Ah...he said it was just happened so naturally..." Mouri Kogoro scratched his head.

"Sir, Detective Mori just agreed to help us investigate this case!" Shigeno Takami happily reported the good news to Funamoto Tatsuhito.

"Anyway, sir, now that I'm here, you can rest assured, I think the criminal will be caught and brought to justice!"

Mouri Kogoro first whispered to Shigeno Takami about the remuneration for the case entrustment, and then walked towards Funamoto Tatsuhito and confidently assured the funder.

At this moment, a little boy in a black suit suddenly rushed out of the courtyard of the mansion: "Uncle Detective, I know who killed my mother!"

"Hey, Touji!" Funamoto Tatsuhito scolded: "Don't be rude!"

"The person who killed my mother was a foreign woman wearing black clothes!" Touji Funamoto was not stopped by his father's scolding, but looked at Mouri Kogoro and said anxiously.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense!" Funamoto Tatsuhito scolded in a serious tone.

"Why dad!?" Touji Funamoto looked at his father angrily and said, "Why don't you just want to believe what I say!"

"Okay, young master, let's go inside." Seeing that the father and son were about to quarrel, Shigeno Takami on the side quickly stepped forward and grabbed Funato Touji to take him into the house.

"No, let me go!!"

Touji Funamoto kept struggling, but Takami Shigeno was probably afraid of hurting him, so he accidentally broke away from him.

Touji Funamoto clutched Mouri Kogoro's clothes tightly, and said urgently like a drowning man grasping the last straw: "Uncle, you must believe what I say!!

That suspicious foreign woman in black clothes was definitely the murderer of my mother! "

While Funamoto Touji kept making noisy pleas, Hondo Eiyu came to the other side and leaned over and asked: "Kid, why do you think that foreign woman wearing black clothes is suspicious?"

"Because she keeps asking some weird questions!"

When Touji Funamoto heard that someone was finally willing to explore what he said, he quickly explained: "It's about the car accident!

He asked me if I really saw the car accident? Have you seen what the person in the car accident looked like?

Also, should you tell your parents about this? "

"Car accident?"

The moment they heard this word, Karasawa and Conan glanced at each other, obviously thinking of the same thing.

"So? How did you answer?" Yingyou continued to ask.

"I told my mother a little bit, but the woman started to smile maliciously." Touji Funamoto clenched his fists: "So it must be that guy!

It must have been that woman who killed my mother! "

Tang Ze walked to the side calmly, and Conan also came to him tacitly. Tang Ze looked ahead without changing his expression, and whispered:

"Could this kid be the one who caused that car accident?"

"Ah, yes...that's the little boy who caused the car accident."

Conan stared at the back of Hondo Yingyu with a solemn expression: "This guy...his actions...

Did he already know about the car accident? "

"It seems there is no escape."

Tangze smiled and said: "In short, regardless of whether the prisoner is Belmod or not, let's suppress this matter first.

After all, some things still cannot be known. The child had already begun to describe the details of the car accident. "

"Then leave it to me." Conan nodded and ran towards Mouri and Kogoro who were asking about the details of the car accident.

"There was a man riding a motorcycle who suddenly fell from the sky. His helmet fell off. I saw his face..."

"Ah!! I know! I know!"

When Conan on the side heard this, he was afraid that Touji Funamoto would say that the person he saw was the female anchor at the Japanese radio station before, which would trigger a series of questions, and he quickly shouted.

"You should be talking about the plot of the Masked Superman last time!"

Conan's words made Mouri Kogoro confused: "Masked Superman?"

"Well, there is such a scene in Masked Superman!"

Conan explained seriously, "In one episode, he was blown into the air by JOKER, including people and cars, causing the mask on his face to fall off.

He almost exposed the Masked Superman's true identity. "

"No way!!" Thinking of the possibility, Funamoto Touji roared angrily when he heard this: "I really have..."

Halfway through his words, Touji Funamoto looked at Conan but was suddenly stunned, "Have I seen you somewhere?"

"Eh?" Conan waved his hands in panic when he heard this: "Probably not."

"Then the car accident this child mentioned..." Mouri Kogoro hesitated.

"I'm afraid that's it."

Officer Megure on the side nodded, looked at Touji Funamoto who was arguing with Conan and sighed:

"It seems likely that the death of his mother was such a shock to him that he mixed up the fictional stories on TV with real-life memories."

"And there are some unreasonable things."

After Tang Ze heard the conversation between the two, he came over and echoed: "Actually, this child is the real witness.

If he is silenced, there is no reason why this child will be spared. "

"Well, indeed." Officer Memu nodded and said: "And besides that, there are some contradictions.

In addition to taking out the trash four times a week, Ms. Kanesai also has the habit of jogging every morning.

If the other party tried to shoot and kill her, they would probably take advantage of these opportunities. Why would they risk going to the second floor, hiding in the hostess's room, waiting for her to come back, and then kill her? "

“And it can also be understood in other words.”

Tang Ze continued with the rhythm: "Since the prisoner took such a big risk to sneak into the house, if it is really to silence him, he must want both mother and son to silence him."


Mouri Kogoro touched his chin and nodded: "So the possibility of silence is really low. This situation is more like a burglary. The hostess suddenly comes back, and the gangster who has no way to escape directly chooses to silence..."

"Standing here won't help. Why don't we go to the room where the crime occurred and take a look."

Seeing that the two of them had been successfully misled by Conan and Tang Ze's "fictional reasoning", Tang Zhe changed the topic at the right time.

As for whether it was possible that Kaze Funamoto was actually killed by Ermo, Karasawa thought it was unlikely.

He indeed forgot about the case involving Bentang Yingyou, but that premise was based on the fact that nothing major happened in this case.

If Belmod really silenced the mother of a little boy, then why didn’t Belmod kill the little boy who was the witness.

This is not in line with the style of the black organization, and don't think that Belmode can't bear to take action.

Judy's whole family was destroyed. If she hadn't gone out to buy a drink for her father and narrowly escaped death, she would have been buried in the flames.

But if he was really silenced, Tang Ze would not have any memory at all. Even if he only killed the other party's mother, Tang Ze would not be able to forget such crucial information.

So although the process was tortuous and distorted what Touji Funamoto said, the result was actually the same.

Because the truth doesn't change.

Moreover, Karasawa and Conan did this for the good of Touji Funamoto and his family.

If the police really believe her words and trigger a police investigation, then the originally groundless silence may become a fact.

What's more, the black organization is now frantically looking for Reina Mizuna, and they will not let go of any information, not to mention the boy who witnessed Reina Mizuna's car accident with his own eyes.

If they really knew this information, they would definitely not let Touji Funamoto go.

Even if there is no way to directly find Reina Mizuna, being able to know the enemy's face is still useful information.

As for the fate of the Funamoto family who were tortured, it is naturally self-evident.

So even if they knew that what the boy said was true, Conan and Karasawa could only use "fictional reasoning" to portray it as the boy's hallucination.

After finalizing the topic, Karasawa and his party, led by Officer Megure, walked towards the second floor of the Funato family's mansion.

"Mr. Criminal, can I wait for you here?"

Just as a group of people were going upstairs, Tatsuhito Funamoto, who was sitting in a wheelchair, patted his wheelchair and said, "My legs and feet are a little inconvenient."

"Well, it's okay." Officer Megure nodded.

"Excuse me, has Funamoto-san always been in a wheelchair?" Karasawa glanced at Funamoto Tatsuhito downstairs, then turned to look at Shigeno Takami behind him.

"No, it started a month ago." Shigeno Takami heard this and explained: "Sir, when he went fishing with his colleagues in the company, he accidentally fell down the slide on the hillside and fractured his foot, so he used the wheelchair.

The doctor said that it will take about half a month to recover, and then the plaster can be removed. "

"Is Mr. Funamoto's room on the first floor?" Mouri Kogoro asked after hearing what the two said.

"No, it's in the room next to Mrs. Kaneyo's room on the second floor."

Shigeno Takami said: "If your husband wants to go upstairs, help him go upstairs first, and then move the wheelchair up."

While explaining to everyone what Mr. Funamoto was doing, Shigeno Takami led everyone to Funamoto Kaneyo's room on the second floor.

After opening the door, you can see that the house is very spacious and luxurious.

The red carpet is spread all over the room. On the right side is the bed facing the balcony and the bedside table placed next to it.

On the left hand side is a black wardrobe and a square coffee table, and further inside, near the balcony, is a dressing table.

After Mouri Kogoro looked at the surrounding environment, he took the lead in trying to get the Maimen into it, but Karasawa did stop them.

"Sorry, I'll go first." Tang Ze smiled and said, "If so many people enter the room together, the smell will be confusing."

"Don't find anything." Mouri Kogoro was a little unhappy when he heard this, but he still stopped and watched Karasawa enter the room alone.

On the side, Shigeno Takami looked puzzled, but after explanations from Xiaolan and Hondo Eyou, they also knew Karasawa's identity and couldn't help but get excited.

In her opinion, with these two people present, solving the case of her wife's murder was already within reach.

On the other side, Tangze had activated his super sense of smell and began to detect the smell of the room.

The first thing that entered the nostrils was the faint scent of rouge that had accumulated in the room for a long time. After all, it was the room of a wealthy woman, and the smell of cosmetics and perfume had already infected the entire room.

After Tang Zhe determined that these smells had no effect, he immediately excluded them, followed closely by the smell of blood from the balcony.

But after a moment, the smell of blood was ignored by Tang Ze because he smelled the smell he wanted - the smell of gunpowder smoke.

The smell of gunpowder smoke after the firearm was fired was captured by Tangze. Afterwards, Tangze began to analyze the smell of gunpowder smoke and simulate the source of the smell in his mind.

Soon, Tangze's eyes fell on the glass double doors on the balcony that were like floor-to-ceiling windows, with a hint of amusement in his eyes.

The smell of gunpowder smoke came from here. According to Officer Megure, the deceased was shot in the back of the head while leaning against the wall of the balcony.

This is indeed consistent with the circumstances of the death of the deceased and proves that the scene of the first crime was here.

But what is interesting is that the location where Tangze smelled the smoke was not at 1.8 meters, but under the balcony handle!

This position is too low!

The Forensics Section deduced after studying the trajectory of the bullet in the deceased's head that the prisoner was about 180 centimeters tall, and now he is not even 160 centimeters, let alone 180 centimeters!

It is impossible for a person who is 1.8 meters tall to shoot at this angle. This is definitely an uncomfortable shooting position.

And if the prisoner was not standing, but sitting and shooting, then everything would be reasonable!

After finding out this situation, Karasawa immediately locked in on the suspect who killed the deceased - Funamoto Tatsuhito!

After all, the current trick is really beneficial to Funamoto Tatsuhito. The height of the prisoner inferred from the bullet trajectory has completely become his protective umbrella!

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