Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 940: 10 consecutive draws!

It has to be said that Funamoto Tatsuhito's plan is very clever, and even most people will be misled by his methods.

Even if someone like Mouri Kogoro happened to guess that Funamoto Tatsuhito was the prisoner, his suspicion would be dispelled by a series of tricks such as bullet trajectories.

The work he was entrusted also showed his thoughtfulness.

He knew that his commission was very strange and might arouse curiosity or even investigation from those who accepted the work, so he announced this strange job in advance before doing it.

For the previous commissions, no matter how much the member who took over the job investigated, there was no problem, because he did nothing but just give away more money.

After killing the person, he only needs to ask the client to put the garbage bag containing the pearls into the car, and then end the commissioned work.

In this way, the garbage bag with the pearls was placed on the prepared vehicle without anyone noticing, and no one could find it.

Then when his legs and feet were healed and the limelight passed, he went to the car to find the garbage bag and took out the pearls.

After that, all he had to do was to piece together the scattered pearls, then disguise himself as a 180-centimeter person, and take the jewelry to a pawn shop to pawn it, and the ruse was completely completed.

Because Mrs. Funato’s name is engraved on the jewelry, if the pawnshop owner reports the case to the police, people will mistakenly think that the culprits pawned the stolen pearl bracelets and pearl necklaces.

When the time comes, combined with the testimony of witnesses at the pawn shop, the police will naturally target the 180-centimetre-tall person he invented.

In this way, he successfully diverted the attention of the police and allowed them to search for a target that he had invented.

And the perfect crime was completed like this.

This technique has a very low error tolerance. If Shigeno Takami had been more careful, Funamoto Tatsuhito might have been arrested long ago.

But once it was completed, the technique was very subtle. Without Takami Shigeno's knowledge, he used her hands to destroy the evidence and take it out.

Of course, the world of "Ke Xue" is very strange. Although the criminals who come up with all kinds of fancy tricks are destined to be defeated by the famous detectives, they are very lucky when they commit the crime.

The kind that requires luck, although from a probability perspective, success depends on the odds.

But in the actual process of committing a crime, those parts of gambling on luck can be completed smoothly.

It's a pity that they are just people who set up the "stage". If they meet people they shouldn't meet, they are destined to be "killed and killed".

So from another perspective, "little black people" are actually quite high-risk occupations?

"Mr. Criminal, although you have said so much, where is the evidence?"

Although Tatsuhito Funamoto was panicked at first when the trick was revealed, he has calmed down now: "The pearls in the vacuum cleaner can't mean anything, and it can't mean that I did it, right?

There is also Shigeno Takami in this room! "

"Fingerprints are enough to lock you." Tang Ze said with a slight smile.

"What kind of evidence is this?" Funamoto Tatsuhito heard this and sneered: "Even if there are my fingerprints on the pearl, it's normal, right?

After all, she is my wife, and I gave her this set of pearl jewelry, with my fingerprints on it..."

"When did I say it was the fingerprints on it?"

Karasawa interrupted Funamoto Tatsuhito's words, looked at the other party's panic face and smiled and said: "People like you must be very carefully prepared, and I think you must be fully prepared.

In order to prevent gun smoke reaction from being detected on your body or clothing, you should prepare props to isolate the gun smoke reaction effect.

It was only after I found the green onions on the wheels of your wheelchair that I realized what you were using. "

"Onion?" Officer Memu heard this and asked in confusion: "Why is there such a thing..."

"The fact that this kind of thing is stained on the surface of the wheels of the wheelchair shows that it was originally supposed to stick to the fingers, but Mr. Funamoto was too careless and did not notice this at all."

Karasawa watched the ashen-faced Tatsuhito Funamoto playing with the taste: "Among the props locked within the kitchen, there are not many things that will be stained with green onions.

And something that can be stained with green onions and has an isolating effect on the smoke reaction is very obvious - rubber gloves for washing dishes.

I think you took advantage of the morning after you killed your wife and secretly put it back when Shigeno Takami went upstairs to see why Ms. Kanese hadn't gotten up yet.

I asked Ms. Shigeno, did you eat tofu mixed with green onions on the day of the incident?

I think the green onions on your tires got on them at that time. "

Karasawa looked at Funamoto Tatsuhito, who was gritting his teeth, and sneered at the corner of his mouth: "According to your plan, the incriminating evidence remaining on the rubber gloves, the most critical evidence, should be destroyed at noon the next day.

But the only thing that surprised you was that after Mrs. Kanesai passed away, Ms. Shigeno didn't cook at all because she was uneasy.

That’s why you said you wanted to eat the food cooked by Ms. Shigeno when she ordered takeout again.

And the reason why you do this is naturally obvious. The gunpowder smoke on the surface of the gloves will naturally be washed away once it touches the water.

The fingerprints inside the rubber gloves will also be worn away when washing dishes. Once this decisive evidence is destroyed, it will be difficult to convict him. "

"Go and let the forensics department personnel take a look at the rubber gloves in the kitchen!" Officer Megure perked up after hearing this and quickly urged Takagi to get the key evidence.

"No need, Tang Ze Criminal has already put it away."

Conan's hands, which had been behind his back before, were now placed in front of him: "Tang Ze Criminal said that he has smelled the smoke of gunpowder, but it still needs to be identified to create a chain of evidence."

Looking at the evidence bag handed over by Conan, Takagi quickly took over the decisive evidence.

"Sir... this is not true!" After listening to Tang Ze's reasoning, Shigeno Takami hurriedly looked at Shigeno Takami and said, "Tell them quickly, this reasoning is wrong."

" discovered..."

Tatsuhito Funamoto said with a dry voice: "It's amazing. I just revealed that I wanted to eat Takami's cooking, and you actually saw the clues."

What makes Shigeno Takami despair is that Funamoto Tatsuhito's words clearly admitted the fact that he was a prisoner.


After Shigeno Takami heard Funamoto Tatsuhito's words, she couldn't help but take two steps back and looked at him in disbelief: "Sir, why are you doing this? That's your wife..."

"Have you ever heard of a mental illness called party compulsive disorder?"

Funamoto Tatsuhito closed his eyes in pain: "During the time when I was injured and asking for help at home, I discovered that Kense would hold a party hosted by her every week.

And the money she spent has actually caused her to owe several debts. I really didn't expect that she would go so far..."

Funamoto Tatsuhito opened his eyes, and everyone could see the despair and collapse in the eyes of the man in front of them.

In his narration, everyone also understood why he, who was obviously the winner in life in the eyes of others, would take such a dead end.

After being injured, Funamoto Tatsuhito was recuperating at home with nothing to do, and his life was as peaceful as ever.

But until one day, he saw his wife looking for money at home like crazy.

Because she couldn't find the money, she actually found the property certificate of the house and planned to use it as collateral in exchange for money.

And it was in front of him, without any consideration at all, and it seemed that he, the male master, was not taken seriously at all.

He was very angry, but he just said the word "you" and was interrupted by the other party.

Funamoto Kanese seemed to be a different person, with a strange and malicious smile on his face.

She told him straightforwardly that he could get a divorce if he wanted to, and bluntly said that he had no money for her to squander to make her shine.

After showing that he was useless, she confidently said that she could easily find a "sponsor" who could spend money for her.

Even Touji didn't want the child anymore. She bluntly said that she was tired of raising children, and she was divorced and still had children. This would affect her "star" image and delay her finding the next "sponsor."

There was no emotion in those words, as if being with him was just a business.

He never thought that his wife would be that kind of person. It seemed that everything before was just her disguise, but now she is her true nature.

As a wife and mother, her attitude made Funamoto Tatsuhito collapse.

Unable to bear the betrayal of the other party, he finally chose to kill him.

After listening to what the other party said, everyone fell silent, and their hearts were filled with confusion, but in the end they could only sigh that they were not treated kindly.

Funamoto Tatsuhito was originally a happy man, with a beautiful wife and lovely son, and he was also a rich man. Such a person would have a life that many people would envy.

But his wife had such a temperament that eventually led to his explosion.

But the reasoning is understandable, but the behavior is unforgivable.

This is not a personal pardon, it is a legal one.

Because "law" is the boundary for maintaining peace, it is so just and ruthless. No matter what happens to you, don't try to cross the boundary.

Funamoto Tatsuhito's case was the most sympathetic, but he was eventually arrested.

Touji Funomoto was temporarily left in the care of Shigeno Takami. Although she was just a housekeeper, she had been working in Funomoto's family for many years. She also liked Touji as a child, so there was no need to worry if she was left to him temporarily.

As for the future, he will ask his parents to come and pick him up. Later, he will also have some fixed assets, which will be enough for his children to grow up healthily and for his retirement life after he is released from prison.

The case was over. Officer Megure escorted Funamoto Tatsuhito to the car and said goodbye before leaving. However, Karasawa did not leave with them. Anyway, the case was solved and he could get off work early to fish.

On the other side, Conan was talking to Xiaolan about the details of the case. After all, she went to take care of Touji's child at the time and didn't know the truth of the matter.

As for the court Yingyou, after the case was over, he said he had something to do and left in a hurry.

Karasawa knew that the other party had attracted his attention because he heard what Touji Funamoto said about the car accident, so he had no intention of continuing to entangle with Mouri Kogoro and the others.

Tang Ze took Conan and the other three along for a while, then dropped him at the intersection. It was lunch time, and the three of them had no intention of going home for dinner, so they decided to find a restaurant nearby.

As for Tangze, he had no idea of ​​having a meal together. It wouldn't matter if they had a meal together as usual. After all, it was a way to relax after the case was solved, but today was different.

Because after solving this case, he got the last three hundred destiny points!

The ten consecutive draws I had been dreaming of finally got it!

Tang Ze was also filled with emotions about this.

It is really not easy to save this destiny point. I had worked so hard to hoard the goods like a hamster before and finally bought the [Lie Detection Needle] as a back-up.

Just this one thing cost Tang Ze a lot of points and caused his draw to be delayed again.

Until now, I have finally accumulated enough points!

After returning home, Tangze ordered a takeaway, took a shower and changed clothes, then sat on the sofa and clicked on the system panel.

With expectant eyes, Tang Ze directly chose the lottery with a thought.

Ten draws in a row, let’s begin!

The next moment a carousel appeared on the system panel, and system messages began to refresh crazily.

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the learning card: Aircraft Piloting (4 years)]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the prop card: Xingshen Cigarette (1 stick)]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the learning card: Jeet Kune Do (4 years)]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the item card: Angel Tears (1 bottle)]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the study card: French (3 years)]

The first five draws appeared quickly, and Tang Ze felt extremely complicated after watching the first five draws, just like the results of this draw.

The first item is airplane piloting, a skill that has never been used for ten thousand years, but once used, it is a life-and-death crisis. Tangze's mood is really complicated.

I always feel like the system is implying something...

Of course, four years can be considered a good harvest. His aircraft piloting skills went from 2 years to C level in 6 years.

Jumping directly across the D-level to the C-level, it is a good start.

Let’s not talk about the second prop and the third skill, they are earned through blood.

Whether it's the "Cheating Cigarette" or the subsequent Jeet Kune Do, they are all very useful, and Tang Ze's close combat has also been further improved.

Up to this point, Tang Ze was actually considered a European Emperor.

But compared with the first three, the last two rewards seemed a bit too high, and directly changed Tangze's "European Emperor's temperament" into "ordinary".

Not to mention the last one, the language department is basically the icing on the cake for Karasawa now.

With his current brain and memory, it is actually very simple to learn a language. Naturally, these skills that can be mastered quickly will be a loss for Tang Ze.

As for the fourth Angel's Tears, judging from the name, it seems to be a very awesome prop...

But when you open it, it’s just a bottle of wine! !

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