If it's just to save people, it's actually not particularly difficult.

But if you need to defuse the bomb and save people at the same time, it will be very troublesome and even tricky.

Judging from the current situation, the prisoner must have certain surveillance capabilities for Kogoro Mori. Karasawa guessed that it was probably the prisoner who installed cameras on the car for real-time monitoring.

In this way, every move in the car is under the surveillance of the other party. If the person is rescued rashly, it will be bad.

Because judging from the prisoner's series of elaborate actions and the special call to find Officer Megure, the other party was obviously targeting both Kogoro Mori and Officer Megure.

The other party's purpose is revenge, and what they are doing now is just an act to vent their hatred.

From the beginning, the other party probably had no intention of letting them successfully rescue the person.

If you rescue someone rashly, you may not only be unable to save them, but you may even get the name of the rescuer involved.

The other party will definitely not watch the rescue operation succeed, and will definitely detonate the bomb at the moment when the person is about to be rescued.

So if we want to solve this matter in a foolproof way, we must dismantle the bomb and arrest the prisoner at the same time.

Otherwise, the prisoners would not notice that they had rescued the person.

Only in this way can the search and arrest operations be carried out with confidence.

Otherwise, even if the person can be successfully rescued and a bomber is allowed to roam around Tokyo, who can guarantee that the other party will not do anything bloody or crazy?

"By the way, Officer Megure, do you have any information about the identity of the prisoner who planted the bomb?"

Mouri Kogoro's inquiry came over the phone, and Officer Megure heard the words: "Okay, let me tell you from the beginning.

Not long ago, a man who called himself "Sugiyama" asked me to call me by name. I guess most of the names were fake.

He told me on the phone that he had installed a bomb in the car that Moori Kogoro rented from Mihua Car Rental Company, so I called you quickly.

I wonder if you have any impression of the surname "Suyama"? "


Mouri Kogoro was shocked when he heard this, and immediately took the magazine at hand, which had a business card pinned with a paper clip: "This is the name of the employee of Mihua Car Rental Company.

His full name on the business card is "Sugiyama Jiro", and it was he who recommended us the half-price hot springs. "

"I understand. I will immediately contact someone to go to Mihua Car Rental to investigate." Officer Megu immediately made arrangements after hearing this.

After Officer Megure finished making arrangements, Mouri Kogoro continued: "But why me?"

"He said that if he kills you as a "famous detective", maybe you can become famous or something."

Officer Memu looked at the water tower with black smoke outside the car window with an ugly face and said: "I originally thought that Knowledge was playing a prank, but judging from the fact that he knew your whereabouts and the explosion of the water tower behind you, the other party was obviously not playing a prank.

It would be better for us to act according to his instructions now. "

"Instructions? What instructions?" Conan asked quickly.

"Suiyama asks you to drive onto the highway." Officer Megure said.

"Don't know where to go on the highway?" Mouri Kogoro heard this.

"I don't know. Anyway, let's follow his instructions first." Officer Megure said.

"I have an idea about this."

After hearing Officer Megure's words, Karasawa said: "If the prisoner's request is only for a highway, then I don't know if I can choose a section with a tunnel."

‘It seems there’s no problem. ’

After hearing Karasawa's words, Conan, who was still thinking about countermeasures, felt relieved.

Because the response strategy he was thinking about coincided with Karasawa's.

But seeing himself who was still busy in the car, it was obviously easier for Karasawa to control the overall situation and formulate countermeasures.

"A section with a tunnel?"

But compared to Conan who understood Karasawa's countermeasures instantly, Officer Megure was completely unaware of what Karasawa was planning to do. He was a little confused and asked: "Brother Karasawa, what are you planning to do?"

"Then we will naturally prepare for the rescue operation." Tang Ze smiled and said, "Next, Officer Megure, please prepare as I told you."

"I know." Officer Memu's expression perked up when he heard this and he quickly asked, "Are you sure?"


Karasawa nodded, and then whispered his plan to Officer Megure.

"That's a good idea!" Officer Megure's eyes lit up after hearing Karasawa's plan. He was about to say something to Mouri Kogoro, but Karasawa immediately stopped him.

"We don't yet know what form prisoner monitoring will take, so it's best to err on the side of caution."

Hearing Tangze's words, Officer Memu nodded and said to his cell phone: "We are now preparing for a rescue operation. Brother Maori, please maintain the status quo first, and then cooperate with us!"

"I understand." Mouri Kogoro said solemnly.

"That's it, keep in touch anytime from now on."

After seeing Karasawa motioning for him to take the phone further away, Officer Megure put the phone aside after saying something. He looked at Karasawa who turned his head and looked back and asked softly: "What do you have to say?"

"The rescue plan should be fine, but the top priority now is to find the bomber named Suiyama."

Karasawa said: "Otherwise, even if we save Mouri Kogoro and others, we will still have to face a dangerous person who may cause a big explosion anywhere at any time."

"It's like there's something stuck in your throat..."

Officer Memu nodded when he heard this, frowning and said: "But we don't have any news about the prisoner now. The name reported by the other party is most likely false..."

"The prisoner called and wanted to see Officer Megure by name, and the person he targeted was Kogoro Mori. In addition, he asked to go on the highway. It is difficult to imagine that the prisoner was just seeking fame."

Tang Ze touched the bar and analyzed in a deep voice: "The other party's rhetoric seems to be that of a scheduled prisoner with antisocial personality, but his series of actions have a strong sense of purpose.

I guess the prisoner's purpose is actually revenge, and even choosing today's date has a special meaning.

So as long as someone investigates the cases that you and Detective Mouri handled today, and then screen out situations that are similar to today's situation, there is a high probability that they will be the relevant persons in this case. "

"I'll contact the Metropolitan Police Department immediately for verification!"

After speaking, Officer Megure picked up the intercom and asked the people at the headquarters to step up verification. Soon after, he came to the street near the 801 Capital Expressway leading to Mihua Gaogang.

Here, cavalrymen have already implemented traffic control in the surrounding area, clearing a road for Mouri Kogoro's vehicle.

"Please report the traffic control situation near the Gaogang entrance of the expressway."

Seeing that Mouri Kogoro's vehicle could be seen ahead, Officer Megure held the intercom and ordered.

"At present, we have blocked Gangchang Street, Gaogang Interchange and all roads in the direction of Xingjing."

"Report, the direction of Takaoka Town is also completed!"

"The direction of the Gaogang entrance of Line 8 has been completely blocked!"

"Make sure the turnaround is smooth!"

"The sidewalks connecting various roads have also been completely blocked."

Following Officer Megure's inquiries, colleagues at various intersections began to report on the progress of the evacuation.

"The interchange onto the expressway has also been determined to be OK."


Following Shiratori's final report on the helicopter, Officer Megure picked up the phone again and contacted Mouri Kogoro: "We can already see your car here.

From now on, your car will have a police car clearing the way. "

As he finished speaking, two iron motorcycles passed them and drove in front of them. At the same time, a car followed them on the side.

"Xiaolan, Conan, Officer Megure and Criminal Police Officer Karasawa are already here."

Mouri Kogoro's expression was more serious than ever before, "I think they must be formulating a rescue strategy, and they will definitely find a way to solve it! Don't worry!"

"Hum hum..."

Looking at the police cars on the screen, the little black man laughed proudly: "I'll watch it as a good show, and then I'll send you to the West!"

As if to confirm his pride, the next moment Mouri Kogoro's expression on the other screen changed in vain.

"Haha...Have you discovered it?" The little black man showed a happy smile on his face: "Just feel the despair and hit the road!!"

"Brother Maori, what happened!!?"

After hearing Kogoro Mouri's exclamation on the other side, Officer Megure quickly asked.

"The car's fuel...is already less than half full!"

Mouri Kogoro said in disbelief: "The car was indeed full when it was handed over to us!"

"Don't be afraid, Sister Xiaolan, you see Takagi Criminal has already started preparing for a rescue operation."

Just when Xiaolan was panicking after hearing the news, Conan on the side comforted her calmly.

"Keep the speed and open the door."

Karasawa saw that Takagi's vehicle was already parallel to Mouri Kogoro's vehicle, and immediately reminded: "We will meet you here!"

Hearing this, Xiaolan quickly reached for the car door, but found that the button on the car door had completely failed, "No, it can't be opened."

"Damn it, that guy must have broken it on purpose!" Mouri Kogoro tried the button next to him and hit the steering wheel in anger.

"Don't worry, we will use hammers to violently break it open."

After Tangze comforted him, Takagi had already taken out the window-breaking hammer.

Xiaolan protected Conan, and Takagi quickly broke all the car window glass.

"Sister Xiaolan, come over quickly!"

Because he had guessed Tangze Criminal's plan, Conan did not need to leave in a hurry to control the situation, so he quickly urged Xiaolan to leave first and leave the danger to himself.

"But..." Xiaolan hesitated after hearing Conan's words.

"Stop giving in, hurry up!"

Conan immediately interrupted Xiaolan and urged: "Your position is the closest, hurry up!"

"I see..."

Xiaolan nodded upon hearing this, then leaned forward and stretched out the window to grab Takagi's hand.

The distance between the two cars was kept very stable, and the police car that Takagi was riding in was like a minivan with its doors pulled horizontally. In addition, Xiaolan was very skilled, and Takagi managed to escape quickly.

"Huh..." Mouri Kogoro couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief when he saw his daughter escaping smoothly, and then quickly urged: "Conan, hurry up!"

"That's too late."

Conan's glasses had already turned on the far-sighted function, "On the road ahead there is only one person left to pass. It is too dangerous for two cars to go parallel now."


Mouri Kogoro cursed when he heard this, and immediately looked at Conan and said: "Conan, wait a minute, take my coat and wrap your head.

Although you will inevitably suffer some injuries, you can definitely save your life! "

"Don't look back, uncle, we can't guarantee whether the speed of the car is bugged."

Conan's heart warmed up after hearing Kogoro Mouri's words, but he didn't panic at all. Instead, he leaned into the other person's ear and whispered: "The tunnel will be here soon, and it's time for Karasawa's criminal arrangements to come."


Mouri Kogoro was startled when he heard this: "How do you know?"

"I just got a text message."

Conan did receive a text message from Karasawa, and the other party's plan was the same as what he thought, so he didn't panic at the moment, "Tangze Criminal said that we can cooperate with them according to the instructions above."

"Really?" Mouri Kogoro's face showed hope when he heard this. He smiled and said, "Then I will leave it to you to command later."

"Ah, don't worry." A smile appeared on Conan's lips: "It's very simple."

As the car drove towards the high-speed tunnel ahead, Officers Karasawa, Megure and others finally found out the true identity of the suspected suspect.

Just as Tang Ze guessed, the prisoner's goal was not to become famous at all, but to seek revenge.

Ichiro Matsunomiya, this person is the origin of today's case.

A criminal who lost his mind in anger and committed murder because his girlfriend changed his mind.

The facts of this case are not complicated. It can even be said to be simple and clear. There is no wrong case.

But the key lies in the subsequent pursuit.

At that time, under the pursuit of police officer Megure and Mouri Kogoro who were in charge of the case, Ichiro Matsugiya was desperate and even rode a motorcycle on the highway.

It is easy to imagine how dangerous this is. Afterwards, Ichiro Matsugiya hit the lane dividing fence of the highway and died on the spot.

The day the other party died was exactly three years ago today!

But at that time, Ichiro Matsunomiya's death was not an accident or any other reason at all. He took the initiative to hit the lane separation fence and chose to commit suicide.

Ichiro Matsunomiya has a younger brother who is studying in Meilikan.

If he didn't know the truth and mistakenly believed that Kogoro Mouri and Officer Megure pushed his brother too hard during the pursuit, causing an accident, then revenge would be entirely possible.

After tracking down this information, the people from the Metropolitan Police Department immediately launched operations and have now successfully located the opponent's location.

At the same time, Mouri Kogoro's car could already see the entrance to the tunnel.

The pitch-black tunnel was like an endless dark hell waiting for the two of them to arrive.

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