Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 959 Conversation in the hot spring

In the hot spring pool filled with white mist, Tangze, who had washed his body, entered the hot spring wrapped in a bath towel.

" feels so good."

Feeling the scalding hot spring water, Tang Ze took a long, comfortable breath.

At this moment, the group of people had arrived at a chain hot spring hotel owned by the Karasawa family near Tokyo.

Because his young master was coming, the hot spring hotel directly reserved the largest hot spring pool for the use of a few people.

In the men's bath, because Karasawa and others abandoned Mouri Kogoro, currently only Karasawa and Conan are there.

"Hey, this water is too hot." Conan sat on the table and tried the water, only daring to put his legs in it.

"Really? I feel just right."

Seeing Conan's fear of entering the water, Tangze joked: "Is it possible that he has become smaller and his skin has become tender?"

"I guess so." Conan smiled helplessly: "Even now, I still find it incredible that I have become smaller."

"You should be lucky to be able to become smaller." Tang Ze on the side said heartily: "Otherwise, you, a reckless man, would have been poisoned by gin that day."

"Uh... can you speak?" Conan said with a dark look on his face, "What do you mean by a reckless man?"

"Isn't what I said the truth?"

When Tangze heard Conan's dissatisfaction, he continued to tell the complaints about his previous life and said heartbrokenly: "If it weren't for the "aptx4869" medicine, which is only a semi-finished product, you would have turned into a ball of ashes at this moment, let alone bathing in the hot springs here. .”

"That's what I should do as a detective. I won't regret it. I think even if Heiji were replaced, he would definitely make the same choice." Conan retorted with a dark face after hearing this.

"But if it was Heiji or someone else, obviously the outcome would not be like this."

Hearing Conan's retort, Karasawa suddenly smiled and said meaningfully: "He will definitely be able to arrest Gin and the others directly."

"How is that possible?" Conan said unconvinced: "If Gin could find me then, he could also find him."

"No, because it was dark at the time, Hattori Heiji's skin color would most likely blend in perfectly with the night colors."

Karasawa raised the corner of his mouth and said, "So with the "invisibility bonus", if he escapes Gin's detection, there is a high chance that he will be able to arrest Gin and the two."

Protruding! !

"I thought you had some wise words, but I didn't expect that it was just a bad joke from you."

Conan's face darkened after hearing Tangze's words, he rolled his eyes angrily and then stopped talking.

Obviously, Conan feels that this topic is really unfavorable to him, and the other party will carry out mental attacks on him no matter what.

But that's what Conan thinks, and Tang Ze is unwilling to let him go. He finally managed to tell those "Ze Jue Zi" jokes in his previous life in front of the protagonist. How could he let him go so easily.

"If you find it unconvincing, Heiji, how about I try someone else?"

Karasawa said with a smile: "If Kyogoku is real, I think Gin's sneak attack is simply impossible.

With his skill and acumen, he was 100% able to avoid this sneak attack.

No, even before Gin got close to him, he might have already noticed his footsteps.

As for the remaining vodka, it's still possible to catch the opponent by surprise.

These are all familiar people around you, so I have nothing to say. "

屮艸芔茻! !

Hearing Tangze's words, Conan was full of words for "grass", obviously his defense was broken by the other party's words.

"What you mentioned is just an example. How can Kyogoku be considered an ordinary person." Conan continued to resist with a dark face: "That's just an example. Normal people don't have the skills like him."

"But you are not a normal person, Mr. Detective."

Tangze smiled and said: "If they are really ordinary people, then their lives and what they come into contact with are not the same thing at all."


After hearing Tangze's words, Conan fell silent, not because his words were too heartbreaking, but because his words were too true.

It is precisely because they are not ordinary people that they encounter these things.

After admitting this, all topics returned to their original point.

That is, as Tang Ze said, he is a reckless man.

"It's okay if you win."

Conan admitted with a dark face: "I was indeed careless at the time. I didn't expect that I would encounter an opponent as troublesome as Gin."

"I say this not for the sake of winning or losing, but for you to have a clear positioning of yourself."

When Karasawa said this, he looked at Conan, who was sitting on the edge of the hot spring and dared not come down, with a smirk on his face.

While Conan wasn't paying attention, he said these words while grabbing Conan's calf and pulling him directly from the edge into the hot spring.

Conan, who was reflecting on himself because of Karasawa's words, was caught off guard and was pulled directly into the hot spring by Karasawa.

For a moment, Conan felt as if he was a lobster cooked in hot water. Every part of his body was not surrounded by that burning pain.


Faced with this burning pain, Conan couldn't help shouting: "It's so hot!!"

"Hey, just bear with it, it'll be fine later."

Seeing that Conan was about to run out, Karasawa held down Conan's head like a hawk catching a chicken and fixed it in place.

"Let me go!" Conan shouted, "It's too hot!!"

"It's really lively over there."

There is a female hot spring separated from Karasawa and others by a wall. Ayako and the others are already soaking in the hot spring and enjoying the comfort brought by the hot spring.

Hearing Conan's shouting next door, Sonoko, who was half lying on the edge of the hot spring, took a sip of coffee and milk and said with a smile: "Listening to the noise over there, it seems like that brat Conan is at a disadvantage."

"Really, Xianyi is usually such a calm person, why did he do such a childish thing when he saw Conan."

Just by listening to the shouting over there, Ayako and the other three could almost imagine what was going on.

"It always feels like they are like brothers." Xiaolan on the side smiled and said: "Although there is a big age gap, it just gives people this feeling."

It is said that three women make a drama, but the three of Ayako are in perfect harmony, while the male soup side seems to be a little confused.

"You bastard…"

While soaking in the hot spring, Conan looked at Tangze with drooping eyes and an unkind expression: "That's too much!"

"Just like you, you can come down anytime."

Facing Conan's murderous eyes, Karasawa smiled nonchalantly and said, "I just want you to enjoy the hot springs as soon as possible."

"I now seriously suspect that what you said before was just a ploy to divert my attention to facilitate your attacks." Conan said unhappily.

"Ah? Have you been discovered?"

Tang Ze raised his eyebrows: "You're quite keen."

"You evil guy!" After Conan saw Tangze's nonchalant admission, he gritted his teeth but could do nothing about it.

There is no way, so far he really has no countermeasures, so he knows that Tang Ze is pranking him, but he can only do nothing.

Looking at Conan's gritted teeth expression, Karasawa smiled and continued to add: "But, after I discovered that the topic was interesting while diverting my attention, I think we can split it into half and half now.

No, it should be twice as happy. "

"Who wants to hear how you feel about your evil tactics?"

After Conan listened to Tangze's words, his little face became even more disgusting.

During the prank, I found that the topic I started was also very interesting, and then I experienced double the pleasure.

Listen, is this human language?

It's too much, it's simply too much! Open the door for too much, it's too much!

"I will tell him what you teased about Heiji later!"

After thinking about it, Conan felt that he had nothing harsh to say, and finally chose something that was quite threatening and said it: "When the time comes, just wait for Heiji to settle the score with you."

"It doesn't matter if you have one more."

After hearing this, Karasawa mocked him, and then naturally tried to say: "It's been a long time since I last saw Heiji. That guy has been very honest recently."

"I guess he is busy solving the case in Osaka." Conan said seriously: "By the way, I have something to tell you."


Seeing Conan's suddenly serious expression, Tang Ze also became more serious, "What's the matter?"

"That's right. After Reina Mizuno was arrested by us, I have been investigating to confirm the identity of the other party."

Although he knew that the other party could not hear their normal conversation, Conan still lowered his voice subconsciously, "The other party is also a beautiful anchor on the TV station, and she is still very popular.

Her news was also discussed among online fan groups after she suddenly resigned and disappeared.

When I was surfing the Internet, I found a photo posted on a website a while ago that happened to be taken at least 10 years ago.

The owner of the photo was taking pictures on the roadside and accidentally took Rena Mizuna as the background.

Moreover, the background is at Tsutenkaku Tower. Mizu, who was 10 years younger at the time, was holding bags from a convenience store, as well as bought bread and daily necessities. "

"That is to say, Rena Mizuna once lived in Osaka?" Karasawa understood what Conan meant after hearing this: "Would you like me to help you investigate?"

"No, I'm just telling you this to let you know the information. As for the candidates for investigation, I have other ideas."

Conan shook his head and said: "Actually, after seeing this photo, I sent a letter to the TV station, hoping to confirm this information through them.

But what I didn't expect was that the website was shut down within a few days.

Don't you think this is a bit strange? "

"Indeed, after Reina Mizuno disappeared, a photo from more than 10 years ago suddenly appeared and spread on the Internet. It is indeed a bit strange."

Tangze touched his chin and said in deep thought: "It seems a bit deliberate, is it fishing?"

"I also feel that way."

Conan nodded seriously and said, "So I don't want you to help me investigate.

First of all, it is in Tokyo instead of Osaka. If you conduct an off-site investigation, you have to go through too many people. We cannot guarantee whether any one person will leak the news.

And you are too conspicuous, and your every move may be noticed by some people. If there are people from the police and you ask someone to investigate Shui Wu Liannai, the risk of exposure will be great.

So I want Hattori Heiji to help with the investigation, which should be more secure.

He is the only son of the chief of the Osaka Prefectural Police Headquarters. It is obviously more convenient for you to investigate a person in Osaka.

Through Officer Otaki's words, the other party probably just thought that Heiji was investigating the case normally and would not arouse any suspicion, so he investigated the matter quietly and clearly. "

"fair enough."

After hearing Conan's plan, although it was useless for Karasawa, who knew the plot, to investigate it, he could not directly spoil it, so he nodded and agreed.

After all, judging from the current situation, although they have some guesses about the identity of Rena Mizuna, they still cannot confirm the identity of the other party, so it is natural that they will conduct an investigation.

In addition, Conan's actions are also surprising and even tearful.

There was no way, the other party finally changed from a reckless man who only knew how to work alone to Conan who learned to work as a team.

It can be said that Conan at this moment is the complete Conan. He has learned to rely on his teammates and no longer fights alone, which is undoubtedly a more difficult existence.

Of course, as a teammate, he is undoubtedly trustworthy.

"But in this case, you have to be more careful when getting along with me, Yingyou."

Tang Ze deliberately gave some "wrong" reminders to cover up his "prediction of the future": "In terms of appearance, the two people do look very similar, and they are probably related by blood.

If that's the case, it would be troublesome. It is very likely that Eiyu Hondo is also a member of the black organization. "

"No, not necessarily an accomplice."

Conan didn't know that Karasawa was pretending to be confused. After hearing his words, he shook his head and muttered: "I always feel that something is not quite right when I am getting along with my friend Eyou."

"Tell me more specifically." Tangze nodded to Conan to express his speculation.

"First of all, there is no substantive evidence that our Eiyou is related to Mizuno Reina, but judging from the appearance of the two people and our actions in looking for each other, it is basically certain."

Conan said with a solemn expression: "But it remains to be confirmed whether the Sui Wu Reina he is looking for and the Sui Wu Reina we know are the same person.

It would be better to say that I suddenly had such an idea after he appeared.

After all, the other party is a member of the black organization. If they want to kill the family members of Eiyu Hondo and then go through plastic surgery to disguise themselves as that person, it sounds unbelievable, but to them..."

"It really couldn't be simpler." Tangze on the side took over Conan's unfinished words and said the second half of the other person's unspoken words.

Afterwards, Tangchi fell into silence.

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