Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 965: Light up the darkness

This place was originally a dark wilderness.

As the sky gradually darkens, everyone even needs to hold a flashlight to see the surrounding roads clearly.

But when they climbed to the top of the mountain to take a short rest and look into the distance, the darkness in their field of vision suddenly lit up a little far away.

Then, as if being infected, the vast darkness in the distance was quickly lit up. Soon, in the distance of everyone's field of vision, a small but brilliant and beautiful "candlelight" became the only light in their eyes.

And everyone knows that the beautiful "candlelight" is composed of the city called Tokyo lighting up.

That light is the heart of the city. Without it, the entire city will lose its vitality.

Because of this, the moment when the whole city was lit up still filled everyone's hearts with shock.

"Why did it suddenly light up..."

Bai Niao looked at the brightly lit city in the distance and murmured in a low voice, with a look of confusion on his face.

"Let's go quickly!" Chiba said excitedly: "Somehow, when I saw that light, I suddenly felt strong. I want to go back quickly."

"Are you okay?" Miwako Sato looked at Tachibana and asked, "Can you still hold on?"

"It's okay, no need to rest." Tachibana looked at the brightly lit city in the distance and couldn't help but want to cry: "I just want to go home quickly now."

After confirming Tachibana Nozomi's physical condition, everyone was filled with motivation to return home.

After descending the hill and walking about a kilometer, they successfully reunited with the corresponding search team.

And this intense twenty-four-hour search and rescue operation finally came to an end at this moment.

The moment Miwako Sato escorted Tachibana Mochi to the ambulance, countless people seemed to have lost their strength and collapsed on the ground.

The twenty-four-hour search and rescue operation only took a few hours of rest. The rest of the time was spent on a carpet-like search and rescue operation, which was a huge test for physical and mental strength.

But at this moment, everything finally came to an end!

Officer Megure did not restrain them, but only informed them of the closing of the team and a holiday break, and then asked Takagi and others about the situation.

"Are you sure you arrived late, but still managed to save Tachibana Mochi?"

After hearing everyone's descriptions, Officer Memu felt incredulous: "Are you sure it's not because of arrogance?"

"Police Department, we were in constant contact using walkie-talkies at that time."

Chiba on the side reminded: "You also listened when I counted the seconds. Obviously the time will not be wrong."

"In other words, the prisoner's timing device did not work?" Officer Megure looked puzzled when he heard this: "But how is this possible..."

"Could it be that Togawa Kotono didn't build the electric shock chair at all?"

Shiratiao on the side guessed: "After all, she is just an ordinary food processing factory worker, and it is normal for her to have no technical skills.

And it's true that she kidnapped hostages, and her purpose was just to extort money. In fact, it doesn't matter whether she has an electric shock chair or not.

But with this, it can add a layer of insurance to her actions. "Shiratori said: "Isn't her arrogant attitude after she was caught just caused by the timing device of the electric shock chair? "

"In other words, her purpose in making the electric shock chair was to shock us if she was caught?"

Officer Takagi on the side felt that there was some truth in what he said: "If it is just for deterrence, there is not much difference between what is true and what is false."

"Okay, let's talk about these side details later."

Officer Mumu looked at everyone and said, "Thank you for your hard work today. Have a good rest tomorrow and come back to deal with the follow-up matters the day after tomorrow."

After saying these words, all the criminals relaxed completely, and with panda eyes, they packed up their equipment and began to evacuate.

"Yeah, it's solved."

After making a phone call with Uye Naoki and learning about the case, Karasawa smiled and said, "That's good, go and have a rest after hard work."

"Senior, is that the reason why your plan B worked?" Naoki Uyei couldn't help but ask: "It's because the timing device of the electric shock chair did not take effect."

"That's right." Tang Ze chuckled and said, "Just in case, I made two preparations.

But obviously they didn't rescue the "princess" at the critical moment, so I had no choice but to help save my life. "

"Senior, how did you do it?" Uekai Naoki heard this and said in disbelief: "Obviously I haven't even seen you..."

"As long as it's at the 'heart'." Tangze chuckled and said, "If I turn off the 'heart' of the power supply, then I can turn off the branch circuit even if I don't know the location."

"So..." Naoki Kamei was shocked when he heard this: "Senior, you are..."

"Yes, at the Tokyo Electric Power Company headquarters."

Tang Ze smiled and said: "Okay, let's talk about these trivial matters later. Have a good rest and see you the day after tomorrow."


Uye Naoki nodded hard, the admiration in his eyes was beyond words.

He didn't expect that the other party would actually use such a method to make backup preparations, cut off the power to the entire Tokyo, and let the city "die" for a short time.

This is not something that ordinary people have the courage to do.

More importantly, most people may not even think of this.

The method that is far beyond common sense is the method that makes people admire.

Of course, this method is normal for Tang Ze. Regarding the surprise of others, Tang Ze can only say that their vision and thinking limit them.

When you look far enough and broad enough, you won't feel that the various rules of this world are constraining you, but that these rules can be used by you.

Of course, for Kaito Kidd and his group of lawless monster thieves, they have even more methods.

However, that kind of lawless life is cool, but it is not the life Tang Ze likes. Moreover, he also has his own bottom line, and there are some things he will not do.

"Thank you for your cooperation."

After hanging up the phone, Karasawa looked at the person in charge of the power company and thanked him: "Although the power outage is only in the northern area of ​​Miwa Town, please pay attention to the subsequent losses.

I have reported this to the leaders of the Metropolitan Police Department. If it is verified that there is indeed a loss, the Metropolitan Police Department will pay for the loss. "

"Please rest assured on this point. Before the power outage, we had urgently contacted hospitals and other important public institutions at your reminder, Tang Ze Criminal."

The middle-aged person in charge on the side smiled and said: "And it was only interrupted for a short two or three minutes. There shouldn't be any big losses. After all, most of the outside is in the suburbs."

“This is all thanks to the designers of urban circuit planning at that time.”

The young male secretary standing behind him smiled and said, "I'm afraid he didn't expect that his designs would actually be put to use after so many years."

Everyone laughed when they heard this, and they were obviously in a good mood.

But this is natural. After all, they had participated in a rescue case before and saved the life of a girl. Everyone looked proud.

Even if they are really just tools and can't make any decisions and can only obey the arrangements of their superiors, it doesn't hinder this sense of participation, right?

After bidding farewell to the person in charge of the power company, Tangze stretched his body.

Looking at the bright lights in the city, Tangze also had the idea of ​​returning home.

"I didn't take a shower for a whole day and a night, and I felt like I was stinking from all the running back and forth."

Because Karasawa's sense of smell is far beyond that of ordinary people, he is still very sensitive to smells.

Before when I was working on the case, I didn't feel it because I was focused on the case. Now that my whole body is relaxed, Tangze's "germophobia" has started to show up.

"Go back and fill your stomach with whatever you want, then take a bath and have a good sleep." Tang Ze yawned and drove back home.

"You're back?"

As soon as she parked her car in the courtyard at home, Ayako walked out of the room: "I saw the news about the case. It said that the hostages were successfully rescued?"

"Well, although there were some twists and turns, it finally went smoothly." Tang Ze smiled and said, "Have you eaten yet? I will cook it for you now."

"No need to go to so much trouble, just eat whatever you want." Karasawa stopped Ayako and said, "I think we still have some bread for breakfast at home, so just fill your stomach."

"How can that be done?"

Ayako smiled and said: "You must want to eat some hot meals after a tiring day.

I feel like you are coming back today, so I specially made oden so that you can have hot food whenever you come back. "

"I'm determined."

Karasawa reached out and took Ayako's hand and walked towards the house, his heart filled with warmth.

Perhaps this is the reason why countless people like to live a plain life.

After a tiring day, there is someone who can be thinking about you and waiting for you to come back.

This feels so good.

After returning home, he first took a hot bath, and then ate the oden and rice balls made by Ayako. Karasawa felt that his whole body came to life.

The feeling of being completely swept away from all the mental fatigue is really incredible.

But maybe this is the meaning of "home".

After dinner, Karasawa told Ayako about what happened that day and night, and Ayako urged Karasawa to go to bed.

After all, no matter how energetic the other party seems, he still needs to rest as soon as possible after staying up all day and night.

However, Tangze is really not that sleepy. Of course, he is definitely tired, but after being strengthened, his energy is much stronger than that of ordinary people.

However, he would not refute Ayako's kindness, so he held Ayako's hand and lay on the bed, quietly closing his eyes and planning to sleep peacefully.

Of course, you still need to check the rewards regularly beforehand.

Tangze likes to check the rewards leisurely after everything is settled, which gives him a sense of ritual and comfortable relaxation.

With a thought, the panel appeared and began to continuously beat and refresh information. Tang Ze glanced down at the reward column, looking forward to it.

【Hostage in desperate situation】

Completion: perfect

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining Psychology (3 years)]

Evaluation: This kidnapping case reached a dead end when the host took over it. The death of the kidnapper turned the originally good case into a desperate situation.

You relied on your own judgment and science to narrow down the search and rescue scope step by step, and successfully locked the location at the correct location.

But at the same time, you were not careless, and it was your carefulness and comprehensive planning that successfully saved a girl's life. Your performance is trustworthy.

Somehow you have been favored by fate!

Seeing this, Tang Ze felt happy.

Obviously, the side rewards for reaching the perfect level are pretty good, at least the skills won’t stretch your hips.

Even though the skills are still random, the scope is definitely limited to the detective profession or the phantom thief profession.

This time the skill is pretty good and I’ve earned it.

Moreover, it has also won the favor of fate, and this wave has been quite fruitful.

In addition, Tangze looked at the prompts on the system panel and found that his profile had also improved over the past year.

This skill is probably an improvement from Karasawa's profiling of the prisoner's inner thoughts.

At that time, he relied on this to discover the other party's motive for committing the crime, and used this to cooperate with the other party's family background to lock down the significance of the swamp to her and further narrow the scope of the search. It is normal for it to improve.

All in all, this harvest was worth it, and it was worth running around so exhaustingly that he could use both his brain and his legs.

Although Tangze will still try his best to handle the case even if the reward is not good, it is still very good to feel that such efforts will be rewarded.

After this promotion, Tang Ze's psychology was directly upgraded from B level to psychology (A level) [17/20], and as for the profile of independent improvement, it came to (C level) [7/20].

This wave of improvement can be said to be huge, and the detective professional skill of psychology will most likely become his second fully-leveled main professional skill.

With a happy and good mood, Tangze quickly fell asleep.

The next morning, Tangze woke up quite early, and slept until eight o'clock, an hour longer than usual.

When she saw him getting up and washing up, Ayako was surprised and said, "Why don't you sleep more?"

"That's enough." Tang Ze smiled and said, "I've had enough sleep."

"Then I'll make you breakfast." Ayako said as she got up from the sofa and walked to the kitchen: "What do you want to eat?"

"Hmm... let's make Ochazuke rice." Karasawa thought for a moment and said, "Put in a few more plums to whet your appetite in the morning."

"Okay, I got it." Ayako made an "OK" gesture and said with a smile.

"By the way, aren't you going to the company today?" Tang Ze asked, "Aren't you busy lately?"

"The busy period before has passed." Ayako said with a smile: "Now we just need to develop according to the plan. There is not so much to be busy with.

Even if you really need me to make the decision, most things can be solved over the phone.

Why don't you go to work today? We all happen to be at home. "

"Then do you want to go out for a walk later?" Tangze said and walked towards the kitchen: "Let's have a daily date."

"Okay, today happens to be a working day, and there aren't many people around, so it's a good time to go out." Ayako agreed readily after hearing this.

"Oh, by the way, are you free this week?"

Karasawa patted his forehead: "I almost forgot, Conan said he planned to invite Heiji and Kazuha to Tokyo this week.

Didn't you say before that you would find an opportunity to entertain them?

This time the opportunity has come. "

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