Developing A 3A Game With A Buyout System, Goose Factory Exploded

207. Helicopters And Split Operations In Horror Games

One after another, huge and ferocious leeches pounced on the car window.

In the center of the leech's body, there was a huge mouth full of tough fangs. When the man with the eyes saw this, he screamed on the spot.

Immediately afterwards,

Accompanied by the sound of broken car windows,

Densely packed leeches rushed into the car.

Panic spread within the train instantly.

Dense leeches rushed to the passengers in the carriage, using their sharp fangs to suck human blood.

Screams, cries, and calls for help came and went.

Just a minute ago, the carriage was filled with a quiet and peaceful atmosphere.

As employees of umbrella companies, they also have expectations for the next work.

but now,

The entire carriage was like a purgatory on earth.

From the rear of the car to the front, even the train conductor is not immune.

Under the miserable scream, the screen switched again and returned to the mysterious man on the top of the mountain.

The other party stretched his arms and faced the forest. His lips moved slightly, as if he was chanting something.


The angle of view turned towards the face of the mysterious man.

But against the dark background, the face of the mysterious man was completely unclear.

After zooming in, the scene switches,

With the sound of helicopter propellers, the helicopter with the logo of the Raccoon City S.T.A.R.S. team hovered over the Arklay Mountains.

And the subtitles below show,

It's already 2 hours later.

The scene next moved to the interior of the helicopter.

A member wearing a police uniform looked serious.

Although their faces were all unfamiliar, the water friends in the live broadcast room could still tell at a glance that this was the S.T.A.R.S. Brava team that had been reduced to the background in the previous Resident Evil games.


Among the members in the helicopter, they also found a familiar friend.

That's Rebecca in the drawer of Wesker's desk in the Raccoon City Police Department in Resident Evil 2.

This girl, whom no one knew at the time, now appears in the helicopter.

Countless players said that this easter egg was hidden too deeply.

And after the screen was cut,

A gentle and delicate female voice narrated then,

"Initially, it was just a simple investigation into the bizarre murders that occurred in the suburbs of Raccoon City,"

"We never imagined this would turn into a nightmare."

'Our hope is slim'

With the narration,

The scene inside the helicopter finally settled on a petite and cute protagonist with short brown hair, Rebecca.

And just the next second,

The tail of the helicopter that was hovering in the air suddenly exploded.

The unbalanced helicopter looked like a drunken man, twisting and turning in the air, completely out of control.

"what happened?"

"Engine failure!"

"Must make an emergency landing!"

"Damn it!"

After a brief conversation, the helicopter crashed in the forest in the Aklay Mountains.

Seeing this scene,

Countless water friends are happy.

It's not that I gloated about seeing the helicopter crash, but in Resident Evil, it seems that except for the ones that appear in the finale, all other helicopters have to crash.

"Nima, I knew this helicopter was destined to crash."

"Everyone knows about the helicopter in Resident Evil, hahaha.

"Without Li Sanguang, why didn't this helicopter crash?"

"From the first moment I saw this helicopter, I already predicted its ending."

"By the way, who is this girl? She is so cute, I announce that she will be my new wife from now on.

"Fart, it's obviously my wife!"

"You didn't even know who they were, so you just started robbing them, right?"

"This girl looks very familiar, as if I've seen her before somewhere."

A reminder, before snatching a girl, be prepared for Wesker's revenge. "

"What's wrong? What does this have to do with Wesker?"

"When you were playing Resident Evil 2, didn't you collect any of them? In the Raccoon City Police Department, in the drawer of Wesker's desk, this girl came out of the film that was developed.

"I'll go, why do you look so familiar?"

"It turns out that Wesker likes this, hahaha, everyone agrees.

This is not the first time this group of water friends have been exposed to biohazard.

It’s not that I was scared by the opening animation.

On the contrary, because of the ending of the helicopter and the appearance of Rebecca, there was some talking and laughing in the barrage.

And animation,

It didn't end with the helicopter crash.

Leaving the pilot to repair the plane, other members of Brava walked out.

Captain Enrique said loudly: "Quickly confirm the current location and investigate the surrounding area.


Members of the team were spread out in groups of two.


Rebecca investigates with captain Enrique.

Didn't go far,

Rebecca's eyes narrowed, thinking about what was not far away: "Captain, look!"

Enrique held up a flashlight and walked over cautiously.

After walking in,

It was found to be an overturned escort vehicle.

In the carriage, there are several entities.

The death is so horrific.

Enrique's face looked a little ugly. After walking in, he started to investigate. This was the 80th time Rebecca shouted: "Captain!"

"What's wrong?" Enrique turned his head.

Rebecca handed over a document.

The document shows the information of the criminals escorted this time.

Billy Cohen.

On the document, there is not only his photo, but also a series of information below.

Including the escort transfer order and the final trial result.

A member of the Brava team took the document and said with a gloomy face: "These poor gendarmes, they were just performing official duties, but this scum killed them and escaped!"

The overturned vehicle, the tragic death of the military policeman, and the leftover execution documents of the prisoners.

Anyone who saw these scenes would subconsciously think that it was this criminal who killed the escorting military police and escaped.

Enrique, as the captain, took the document and said solemnly: "We will split up and investigate this area. The suspect's methods are very brutal. Be sure to stay alert!"

After the order is issued,

Team members began to spread out to investigate the surrounding area.

Seeing this scene, Han An couldn't help laughing, and laughed out loud: "All kinds of audiences, although it is very cliché, but...horror game, you also know that if you don't split up, he will feeling bad."

(Please give me flowers~Please give me reviews~Please give me monthly tickets~Please give me rewards~Please ask for updates, I ask for them all.).

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