Developing A 3A Game With A Buyout System, Goose Factory Exploded

067. The Thief Is Punished And A New Game Is Released.

This announcement,

Less than ten minutes after Han An posted,

It has already been rushed to the top of the hot search list.

It is really

Its name is too shocking and worldly.

The name is not long, only four short words.

"Begging Thieves to Pay Documents"

“Hello everyone, I am Han An, the owner of Starry Sky Studio and the developer of Resident Evil.

Thank you for your support, which makes the game bloom with different colors.

Regarding the process of Resident Evil 3, I know that it is very short, and we have lowered the price a lot because of this.

I know that this result may not live up to the expectations of many players.

it's here,

I sincerely apologize to all players.

in addition,

During this time, what happened,

I think everyone knows something about it.

The day after Resident Evil 2 was released, a company shamelessly promoted it.


The new game they promoted plagiarized Resident Evil in all aspects, and in the end they shamelessly claimed that it was self-developed.

In the face of many questions, he actually said it was slandering it!

I just want to ask,

Isn’t this extremely shameless!

And such a game company actually monopolizes the entire game industry.

Dear players, please take a look,

What games were you playing ten years ago and what games are you playing now?

In ten years, Richeng has not changed.

What is the reason for this?

It is because he shamelessly plagiarized and then used the copied games to persecute the creators of the games.

causing the entire game to stagnate.

Are there no good game developers in the world?


But as long as he appears, he will be maliciously plagiarized.

I think everyone knows who the company I'm talking about is aware of, and they all know what their reputation has been.


I, Han An.

Here, we officially declare war on this company!

You say that miracles cannot be copied, and you say that every disruptive game comes with a mission.

Today I

I’m going to copy it for you to see!

Let me show you what the ninth art is.

Please don’t call your shamelessly copied junk products a game.

The game is for players to play, not a tool for you to make money.

Do so-called free games deserve the word free25?

From the moment they enter the game, they have been inducing players to make money.

No recharge,

Not to mention the BOSS, even the mobs can't be defeated.

In this way, we know that companies that make money and plagiarize are a shame to the entire gaming industry!

This announcement,

When Han An was editing,

Li Yiding watched the whole process.


After seeing, Han An made all kinds of sarcastic remarks about Goose Factory throughout the whole article, and finally declared war.

I think Han An is crazy.

Is this something a normal person can do?

And that so-called new game.

She didn't see a shadow at all.

even though,

She just joined the company not long ago, but she is a personal assistant.

Since this time,

Han An is either watching TV shows or watching movies at home, or scrolling through Douyin and reading novels.

It doesn't look like developing a game at all.

As for that so-called studio...


It’s just an empty shell until now,

There are only four people in the entire studio.

The other two are still at home waiting for notification to go to work.

Under such circumstances,

How dare Han An.

When she saw this article on the Internet, she really wanted to cry.

She is thinking,

Should I consider running away with a bucket?


This idea came out less than a second ago,

Li Yiding shook his head and gave up the idea.


This month’s salary hasn’t been paid yet.

How can I leave?

the other side,

On the originally calm network,

Many players are waiting for the new games from Starry Sky Studio and Goose Factory.


Before the game was released.

A nuclear bomb was dropped by Han An.

the entire network,

Directly entering a state of madness.

So exciting,

Directly declare war on the goose factory.

Although Han An did not mention these two words in the whole article,

But everyone knows,

I'm talking about the Goose Factory.

Everyone knows all about the dark history of the Goose Factory.

It's just that they didn't expect,

It already smells like gunpowder smoke, Han An can come in and add fuel to the fire.

"Is it interesting to point at Sang and scold Kui? The whole article is pointing at Goose Factory and scolding him."

"It's so exciting. I'm scolding Goose Factory to pieces."

"To be fair, there is nothing wrong with the scolding. This is what Goose Factory has done in the first place."

"That sentence of shame is really great. Goose Factory is a repeat offender of plagiarism! It is really a shame to our gaming industry!"

"Come on, big brother who develops games! Defeat the big devil of Goose Factory!"

"Mr. Han: If even I shrink back, the gaming world will be trapped in darkness forever."

"That's great. It's true that these games were made ten years ago, and they are still these games now. Now I seem to see a glimmer of light in the future gaming industry.


Announcement below,

Comment section.

Countless players are filled with outrage.

Han An's declaration of war spoke directly to their hearts.

Many people went directly to the official scarf of Goose Factory to question and insult him.

Of course, there are also some reasonable customers or die-hard supporters of the Goose Factory.

In Han An's comment area, tap the keyboard.

"It's just based on your words. What do you mean?"

"Don't worry about whether Goose Factory has plagiarized or not. Since its game can be successful, the quality naturally exceeds the original work. The fittest will survive. This is the law of survival.

"That's right, what you said is so outrageous. The game with your surname Han is better than the one from Goose Factory, right?"

"The reason why free games are called free is that they can be played without paying any money. Although they are not as good as those with krypton gold players, ordinary players can have the fun of ordinary players. At least they do not need to pay more than 300 yuan for tickets!"

"I advise some people to just play games well. Don't think about gaining popularity all day long. If you go to the Porcelain Goose Factory every day, I don't know where you got your face."

"To tell you a joke, after clearing Resident Evil 3, you can still apply for knowledge questions."


All over the web.

Because of Han An’s declaration of war,

Once again a strong wind arose.

also makes,

Two games that are already very popular,

It directly attracted the attention of netizens across the country.

Even many foreign players,

I also set my sights here.

at this moment,

More than 10 million players,

They are all waiting in front of the computer, waiting for the game to be released.

two games,

The release date is exactly the same.

This was also arranged deliberately by Han An.

I want to use Vice City to slap Goose Factory in the face.

In the eyes of all the people,

When focusing on the two games of Han An and Goose Factory,

The release time of the game has also quietly arrived.

For this moment,

It can be said that Goose Factory has not hesitated to promote its own games.

In addition to the most basic publicity and marketing, there is also the need to find celebrity endorsements.

And spent a lot of money,

Invite some game anchors with high traffic and ask them to live broadcast to promote the game as soon as it is released.

This is not,

An anchor named Shizi Xin was bribed to come over.

Originally, he was just a tepid little anchor who brought goods.


Since catching up with the Resident Evil crisis,

Through live broadcast of games and takeaway commentary and analysis,

Now every time it is broadcast, it has more than two million hits.

Putting this in its original form,

He is also a great anchor.


As a game anchor, he naturally started the live broadcast immediately, waiting for the release of the game.

But he became popular thanks to Resident Evil,

at the first time of sale.

I didn’t open the Starry Sky Game Platform.

Instead, WeGame was opened.

"Family members, today is a blessing for our gaming community."

"Starry Sky and Goose Factory, two masterpieces are on sale at the same time."

"But to be honest, after what happened with Resident Evil 3, I'm not very interested in Starry Sky's new game."

"Today we will see what happens after this apocalypse in the factory."

"To be honest, although Goose Factory's reputation is not very good, it is still the largest game company after all. This time it has invested so many resources in development, so the quality is definitely guaranteed.

While talking,

Lion Xin has scanned the code to purchase and started downloading the game.

After waiting for a short time,

The game download is complete.

An icon with a strong apocalyptic style appeared on the desktop.

But this operation of his.

Naturally, it caused a lot of abuse from players.

"The person who became famous thanks to Resident Evil is now broadcasting Goose Factory games. Does the anchor get paid?"

"You will know by looking at the operation that you will receive money."

"Don't the anchors know that this is a game copied from Resident Evil?"

"Fuck, unblock it, you trash anchor."

In the barrage,

Full of curses.


The anchor became popular because of Resident Evil. Naturally, most of the fans here are fans of Resident Evil.

Where can I let you play the game of Goose Factory?


After all, Resident Evil 3 happened not long ago.

Many people have turned from fans to fans because of this incident.

Naturally, this group of people stood in the camp of Goose Factory, plus the fans of Goose Factory.

Both sides started yelling at each other.

There were even some who simply quit the live broadcast room in an instant.

However, the number of people in the live broadcast room,

In fact, not much less.

After all, before,

Goose Factory is boasting about this game all over the world.

The promotional animations are also a cool bunch.

Many players, especially those who are reluctant to spend money and want to see the quality first, decide to wait and see first.

See what this game is like.


With a double click on the game icon.

Enter the opening scene.

After receiving the money, Lion Xin naturally started to play without sparing any effort.

It doesn’t matter if it’s fun or not, just blow it anyway.

"Family members, just by looking at this opening animation, you know that the game is definitely not bad. It is indeed a game that Goose Factory has invested so much money into."

"And this is an online game, unlike Resident Evil, which can only be played by one person."

“If you have family members who want to play, you can buy it now and come up and form a team with the host.

As the animation flashes,

Enter the selection interface,

Lion Xin chose District 1 without hesitation.



Just clicked to enter the game,

A dialog box pops up directly above,

[Sorry, the server you selected is full, please choose another server. 】

"Did you see my family?

"The popular servers of this game are full. I heard that there are 30 to 40 million people who have made reservations. This is not comparable to games like Resident Evil."

For people like Lion Xin,

A few sentences that disparage Resident Evil,

I can only say that the ingredients should not be too obvious.


The first half after the end of the world,

It's exactly what he said.

Looks like a great game.

As long as the graphics and gameplay are good after entering the game, it will definitely be a hit.

Choose a regional service.

The game enters the character interface.

After Lion Xin pinched his face three times, five times five times two times, he entered the character name.

Click to enter the game.


He originally wanted to continue to praise him,

After officially entering the game,

The expression on his face froze immediately.

I only saw the screen after entering the game,

Compared with Resident Evil, I cannot say that the difference is not big, I can only say that it is a world of difference.

There is absolutely no comparison.

After a system reset, the quality of the Resident Evil graphics released by Han An, the graphics of each character are as detailed as the pores.

And their faces have rich dynamic expressions.

When encountering different things, the expression on your face will change accordingly.

The picture is so detailed that even the bloodshot eyes and hair are clearly visible.

Not to mention resolution, frame rate, model, aliasing, shadows, light and shadow 657, texture accuracy, each of them is a technical level far beyond the current era.


What about Goose Factory’s new game?

The characters are flat and dull.

His eyes were dull, like a doll.

The background texture is extremely rough.

A little further away and it becomes blurry.

The difference is completely visible to the naked eye.

It doesn't seem to be a game like what is shown in the CG animation.

Water friends in front of the live broadcast room,

After a brief moment of astonishment,

Immediately he started to ridicule.

"Did an intern do this? I feel like Starry Sky Studio and Waifei are better than this."

“There are huge differences in details, and it’s really just a matter of imitation!”

“After months of bragging, this is the result??”

"This character has a dull expression on his face and doesn't look very smart."

“I can’t even copy it, the difference is visible to the naked eye!”

"This technology has been around for at least a century!"

"Where did you get the nerve to brag about this rubbish game before?"

"You seem to have forgotten that this rubbish game actually dares to sell for more than Resident Evil."

"As expected of you, Goose Factory."

"I laughed so hard that Gouchang showed off his shit and thought it was a treasure."

"What's ridiculous is that a group of people think that Goose Factory can't make a good game because they don't want to make it, but they don't know that it's not that they don't want to, but that they can't."

"I don't have the skills to make it look so shameless. The pupils, blood vessels, hair, and lifelike expressions of the Resident Evil characters... Look at you, you can't even put butter on them to make them come out."

"RNM! Refund!"

Faced with a lot of abuse and ridicule,

The corners of Lion Xin's mouth also twitched.

Now he,

It was so embarrassing that I could dig out a three-bedroom apartment with my feet.

Goose Factory, can you use some snacks?

What kind of garbage picture is this?

How can you let me brag?

Let me pour shit on him and then tell him how delicious he is?

do not know why.

He suddenly regretted that this was the meal.

But the meal is already ready,

Even with tears in his eyes, he still has to calm down.

"That what..."

"The graphics of this game are indeed somewhat different from Resident Evil."

"But it is an online game after all. It is normal that it cannot compare with stand-alone games.

"And Goose Factory is right. The quality of a game should not be determined solely by the expressiveness of the picture, but by the gameplay and creativity. Otherwise, just go watch the movie."

While talking.

He also completed the novice tutorial,

Start doing the main quest.


As he was playing, he discovered that the scene in this game seemed familiar.

Until a task,

It was to go to the police station to look for weapons.

Only then did he discover,

Isn't this the police station in Raccoon City?

It's just a new skin on the outside.

Damn it!

How the hell can this be called plagiarism?

So what is plagiarism?

It has to be copied and pasted to be called plagiarism, right?

Lion Xin forced a smile, thinking about how to defend Goose Factory.

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