Walk over and pick it up,

More than 100 yuan was instantly received.

"This guy has a lot of money."

With money in my pocket, my back is worth it.

The silly little girl driving around the city inevitably earned a lot of extra money during this period.

With more than 800 yuan in her pocket, she

Rush towards the location of a pistol icon on the map.

"There should be a gun store over here. Let's go in and take a look and see if we can buy some weapons."

The silly little girl chuckled,

Manipulating Tommy into the weapons store.

Looking at the various weapons displayed on the wall,

All the weapon enthusiasts in the live broadcast room suddenly burst into exclamations.

To them,

What a feast for the eyes.

The appearance of the weapons is exactly the same as real guns.

But for the clueless little girl,

All that matters is the price of the weapon.

After looking around,

The cheapest small pistols start at one thousand.

This still requires robbery... No, how long does it take to make money?

Looking at the weapons store owner sitting in front of the counter.

The little girl suddenly had a bold idea.

"Put your hands up, don't move, hand over the gun!!!"

She has become accustomed to robbery,

Subconsciously, he punched the weapon shop owner.


He was yelled at by his boss on the spot and sent to the hospital.

Watching myself appear at the door of the hospital,

The little girl’s brain is buzzing, is she going to die now?

The few hundred dollars I just had in my pocket disappeared.

All fools know,

This is such a rebirth.

Seeing the silly little girl looking like she was about to cry without tears, the live broadcast room burst into laughter.

"Hahaha, I'm laughing so hard. You robbed the owner of the weapons store. You can imagine it."

"This operation is beyond description. It makes me laugh to death."

"Can we do some personnel work? You can do this kind of operation. As expected of you."

The silly little girl's cheeks bulged with anger.

Who knew the other party was so decisive in shooting?

Everything is cleared,

Get back on the road.

But for GTA players,

I'm afraid it's all commonplace.


Dai Xiaomei discovered the essence of this game.

Under the reminder of countless passing barrages,

Only then did she know,

This game also has a function called code.

And it is officially released,

On the official website, you can see a series of cheats for the game.

As long as 900 is entered, you can obtain some items or activate certain functions.


When the little girl entered her first code,

A new world opened directly.

A tank fell from the sky.

The little girl sat down while exclaiming.

Then the scene just happened.


Whenever she clicked the mouse button, a cannonball would shoot out from the muzzle, and the air around the cannonball would be burned.

The reinforced concrete walls of the building were as fragile as pieces of paper in front of tank shells.


In games reset by the system,

Players can destroy any building.

Just like the building in front of Dai Xiaomei, it was directly blown into a pile of ruins.

The silly girl who drives a tank,

Completely immersed in the game.

Experience an open game world that you have never imagined.


Give Him Love Five, can be said to be one of the greatest games in the history of games.



This "Grand Theft Auto: Vice City", which has been completely reset by the system, is also a masterpiece that is not inferior to Gai He Ai Wu.

Of course, this is apart from the three-protagonist narrative and online games.

In this sinful city,

Players can control the protagonist Tommy Vercetti and experience a truly open game.

Free to do whatever you can.

Complete and in-depth details, coupled with the rules of world operation, give every player a real world full of surprises.

This groundbreaking gameplay,

As Han An said before, it is enough to subvert the entire gaming industry and is an epoch-making design.

"I cried. I never dreamed that the game could be played like this."

"I saw Vice City today, and I feel like the games I played before were a piece of shit. Oh, by the way... I have to put aside Resident Evil."

"Damn, this game is so awesome. I feel like I wasted my life playing CrossFire in the past few years!"

"It's so real and exciting. Watching the scenes of buildings being destroyed, people who didn't know it thought they were watching a movie."

"Made, I don't have any money in my pocket now. I have to borrow an online loan to buy this game."

"Brother, be careful!"

“Don’t stop me, even if Jesus comes today, he can’t stop me from playing this game.™

"By the way, what's going on at the goose factory next door?"

"Have no brothers ever played After the End of the World? Can you tell me what you think?"

"Is this necessary? No matter what Goose Factory develops, it will be crushed into slag."

The excited little girl,

I have also been paying attention to the barrage situation.

After seeing someone mention the end of the world,

Dai Xiaomei asked: "Yeah, I forgot about it. Goose Factory also released a game today. Can anyone tell me what's going on there?"

"Made, don't buy it, it's another rubbish money-making game."

"Buyout system plus charge for props, just say you really know how to play."

"Forget it for money, the games are just rubbish and can't be compared to this place."

"What's the point of comparison? The gap is visible to the naked eye!"

The little girl Dai simply asked about the situation next door.

Who can realize it?

Just keep asking.

The screen was filled with abuse and ridicule.


These barrages are definitely not about her.

The little girl was speechless: "Is it really that bad?"

She who does not believe in evil,

On the homepage of the seafood live broadcast platform, I found a live broadcast room whose cover was after the apocalypse and clicked on it.


After five seconds, she backed out.

I thought water friends were deliberately trying to smear the goose factory.

But after seeing it myself...

It seems like it's really that bad.

There is no way to compare, because the two games are not in the same dimension at all.

If I insist on saying it,

Probably after the apocalypse, there will be a game with a strong Goose Factory style, Garbage Gold.

I won’t talk about the screen or anything like that.

Just talking about consumption patterns,

It’s hard to see a company of this caliber,

Dai Xiaomei said,

I have never seen such a big thing in my life.

And Grand Theft Auto: Vice City is like a masterpiece from the future!

There is absolutely no comparison.

Back to the game.

After driving a tank for a while,

Dai Xiaomei tried other ways to play.


Naturally, various secrets are also indispensable.

Bring a gun to kill wantonly on the streets, and experience the popularity of a five-star citizen.

Ride a motorcycle and rush around the city.

There are some stunts on the slopes.


Take the water friends in the live broadcast room to enjoy the sexy young ladies on the street.

Or, go to the beach and play a game of beach volleyball.

Anyway, the whole game,

There is no need to worry about the main plot at all.

in the city,

Doing what you want to do.

"This game really doesn't have any shortcomings."

"It's just perfect."

"Really, it's not an exaggeration at all. You will know after you buy it and play it. 399 is really expensive. With the quality of this game, isn't it much better than buying Fire Qilin for 648 in CF?"

While playing games,

The little girl never stopped bragging about the game.


I'm afraid I thought the little girl was just in luck.


As long as I watch her play for a while,

No one would have such an idea.

Because this game is really worthy of such praise.

The game is on sale from noon,

The little girl kept doing it until about five o'clock in the afternoon, and she still felt that she still had some unfinished content. (cffb)

There is something wrong with this game,

It's so fascinating.

She was so fascinated that she didn't even have time to finish her meal.

Completely immersed in it.

This is not,

After another resurrection in the hospital,

Dai Xiaomei drove an ambulance and drove in the city.

at last,

Follow the map,

Came to a bridge.

In fact, she had already discovered it here.

But it never got over.

On the mini map, it can be clearly seen that there is a road extending from here to the opposite side.

on the coast,

You can also see a city on the other side.


There's always a roadblock here,

Make it impossible for her to pass.

Ever since,

She thought of a way and drove over directly.

Then climb along the roof of the car.

The little girl was amazed by her genius idea.

Hehehe, as expected of me.

"Do you really think this little roadblock can make it difficult for you to reach me?"


"Just watch me jump from the roof of this car..."

"What the hell is going on here? It's unscientific!!!"

The smile on the girl's face froze on the spot, and her eyes stared in disbelief.

Because Tommy at this time,

Already standing on the roof of the car.

There is nothing in front of me,

But she couldn't jump over it at all.

Glancing at the barrage,

Only then did she learn that there was something called an air wall.

"Ah ah ah, this dog author, did he do it on purpose!!"

Angrily, he got off the roof of the car,

The little girl looked at the opposite side, with a yearning for freedom in her eyes.

"By the way, this thing shouldn't appear here for no reason, right? Or does it mean that the map opposite doesn't exist at all?"

Faced with such questions,

Water friends can’t answer it either.

When they were playing, the little sister had not grown up yet.


It doesn't take long for someone to come up with a bad idea.

"I see there are several bridges on the map. Why don't you look elsewhere? Maybe there is construction in front of this bridge."

"This is really construction, do you want to put up a warning sign?"

"Don't go there, I've looked over at PDD and they're all blocked.

"We can't do it on the road, how about we get there by water?"

"The protagonist can't swim and will die if he falls down. How about you fly over?"

"Don't Samsung citizens have planes? Try to grab one."

Come down.

"This is a real punishment for you. It's so cuffing."

"Isn't there a secret code for driving a car on water? Why don't you just drive there?"

Saw the last barrage,

The little girl patted her thigh and said, "Yes, it will be over immediately."

"Hahaha, New World, here I come!!!"

After losing the secrets,

The young girl drove her car and ran into the water.

After entering the water,

Four wheels lay across the water, spraying water and spinning at extremely fast speeds.

The little girl was driving excitedly and was about to say something.

At this time,

A barrage floated over and poured cold water on her head.

"Don't laugh. You can't get up. There is no place on the shore where you can drive up directly. If you get off the car, you will fall directly into the water. Other anchors have already tried it."

The stupid girl blinked, her expression a little frozen.

"Is it such a bitch?"

"It's still the bastard developer who deliberately disgusts people."

The stupid girl pulled her crotch and made a face, but she still drove her car and drifted past in disbelief.

and then discovered,

This is really the case,

There was absolutely no place to go ashore.

Seeing a new island right in front of me, I can't get to it no matter what method I use.

That kind of feeling really makes me anxious to death.

Anyway, the stupid girl is jumping up and down in a hurry now.

At this time,

Another barrage, a bad idea.

Take a boat ride!

Since you use cheats, you can't get through by car.

Because as soon as you get off the car, the character will automatically fall into the water.

In that case,

It won't be long before the boat sails over.

The silly little girl regained her confidence and headed straight to the dock.

Then we encountered an insurmountable fence on the road to the dock.

Dai Xiaomei has been playing until now, and her mentality has really exploded.

Can you die if you let yourself go to the opposite island?

Not even a boat is allowed to sail,

What a rubbish game.

The angry little girl suddenly glanced at him.

I saw many ships driving on the water.


An idea flashed in his mind.

"Brothers, do you think there is a possibility that if I jump off the bridge and just put it on, wouldn't it be possible to go up?"

"Just ask, can this method work?"

"There is no way, being too smart is also a worry."

"I'm so damn smart."

Once this method comes out,

The entire barrage seemed to be getting excited.

"Damn it, she tricked me again."

"Damn it, why didn't I think of this method before?

"Um...have you considered whether you will fall to your death if you jump off the bridge?"

"That shouldn't happen, right? Or maybe there will be a little bit of blood left."

"Nima, this idea, how did the old woman come up with this idea?"

"Actually, I have known for a long time that the old woman is smart. After all, she has big breasts and no brains."

The previous barrage is pretty normal.

But this latter one.

The little girl broke the defense on the spot.

What do you mean? You!

Are you saying that I am smart, or that I am......

You're mocking me in a roundabout way, right?

The little girl bit her teeth secretly, suppressed her anger, and drove her car to the bridge.


a vessel,

Going back and forth, boats would pass through the bridge from time to time.


As long as you seize the opportunity and jump from the bridge, you can jump to the boat.

But this probability......

That's another story.

(Today I am so tired that my fingers are about to break. I have coded more than 20,000 words. Whether I live or die depends on tomorrow.)

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