Back to the inn,

I found Aunt Li looking pale and holding her hands on the bed.

Doctor Hong next to him also frowned.

Li Xiaoyao said anxiously: "My aunt is only forty years old, how could she suddenly fall ill? She was still fine when I went out..."

Doctor Hong said in a deep voice: "Your aunt's illness has actually been delayed for a long time, but she has been hiding it from you..."

Li Xiaoyao begged: "Is it serious? Please, Doctor doesn't matter how much you spend, please cure her."

even though

The screen performance of the game and the expressions of the characters,

Almost exactly like real people.

But as a player,

It's not really brought into it.

I saw Li Xiaoyao begging Doctor Hong.

Some water friends couldn't help laughing.

"Just now, I was in the medical clinic and stole the doctor's personal money. Now I'm turning around and asking for help from him."

"Li Xiaoyao: It doesn't matter how much you spend. Doctor Hong: What you spent is my money, right?"

"Doctor Hong: Good guy, you're taking my money, are you shouting?"

"The doctor said that I have earned a lot of loneliness."


Faced with Li Xiaoyao’s plea,

Doctor Hong let out a long sigh and said, "Sigh~ I have been ill for a long time and have not been treated for a long time. Coupled with overwork, I am afraid there is no hope."

What the other party said,

Li Xiaoyao was like a bolt from the blue,

The whole person stood blankly on the spot, his mind went blank.

"No, please! Doctor, you must save my aunt."

Li Xiaoyao couldn't believe his ears, hugged Doctor Hong and begged bitterly.

at this moment,

The sadness on Li Xiaoyao's face, including the embarrassment revealed by Doctor Hong beside him,

All come alive.

It doesn't feel like a game,

It's more like a movie starring two movie stars.

This display of realism has led some players to get involved and worry about Aunt Li's safety.

Doctor Hong thought for a long time and sighed: "I'll give you some medicine to try. You can go to my pharmacy tomorrow to get some medicine."

After saying that,

Doctor Hong turned and left.

Li Xiaoyao gritted his teeth, knelt and sat in front of Aunt Li's window, and remained silent for a long time. 25

After a while,

Li Xiaoyao murmured to himself: "I lost my parents when I was a child, and it was all thanks to my aunt who raised me up. My aunt only has me as her only relative, so I must find a way to find someone to cure her!"

After saying that,

Looking behind him, he looked at a child named Wang Xiaohu.

"Xiao Huzi, was it you who invited Doctor Hong to come over?"

Wang Xiaohu nodded and said: "Yes, brother Xiaoyao, I came to your house and saw Aunt Li passed out in the kitchen, so I ran to call Doctor Hong.

"Thank you, little tiger."

"Look, will Aunt Li be okay?"

At this time, Li Xiaoyao seemed to have remembered something, so he did not answer, but asked: "Little Huzi, did you really ask the gods for elixir on the island and cure your father's illness?"

Mention this.

Wang Xiaohu's face flashed with joy: "Yes! Brother Xiaoyao, you can also go to Fairy Island to ask for medicine. The pills given by Sister Fairy are really effective."


Hearing this, Li Xiaoyao raised his eyebrows.

Wang Xiaohu replied with a childish voice: "I didn't lie to you, that fairy sister is so beautiful and has a good heart..."

Li Xiaoyao said gratefully: "Thank you for telling me this. I want to go to Fairy Island, but I can't trouble you to take care of my aunt.

Wang Xiaohu patted his chest: "Okay! No problem!"

The plot ends,

regained control,

Mozi chuckled, "It seems like the next mission is to go to that island. By the way..."

Mozi originally wanted to say something.

on the screen,

But a barrage of not-so-serious messages passed by.

Mozi didn't know why: "Is there anything on the island?"


"You mean there's something wrong with that fairy?"

"In fact, she became a witch and gave the protagonist a fake elixir?"

"No, can you please make it clearer?"

"This is not a matter of spoilers. You have aroused my curiosity and now you just won't tell me?"

looking at the screen,

The barrages kept passing by.

Anyway, I kept reminding myself that there was a big problem on the island, but I couldn't tell what the problem was.

Mozi's heart was scratching.

"Do you think I can't do anything if I don't tell you?"

"This game has been out for several days, I can find it by searching online!"


She opened the browser directly.

However, after entering Legend of Sword and Fairy, I hesitated for a moment.

Or close the browser,

"Forget it~~Forget it."

Mozi waved his hand. After the spoilers of this thing, it would be meaningless to play.

"You guys too, don't spoil it on the barrage!"

While talking,

She had already controlled Li Xiaoyao to go down the stairs.

When they met, they saw the Miao leader wearing strange clothes walking over.

He looked at Li Xiaoyao and said with a smile: "There is a saying in your Han books, which says that a tree wants to be quiet but the wind does not stop; a child wants to be raised but cannot be kissed by relatives. It is really a wise saying."

Li Xiaoyao said categorically: "I will never let my aunt die! For my aunt, even if it means mountains of swords and seas of fire, I will bring Yaoqiu!"

The leader of the Miao people laughed: "It's rare for you to have such filial piety. The great and compassionate Bodhisattva will definitely be moved by you..."

"Bodhisattva?" Li Xiaoyao was slightly startled.

The Miao leader knew there was an answer, but continued: "Don't you want to go to Fairy Island to seek the fairy medicine? But people without fairy fate cannot pass the fairy magic restrictions on the island.

Hearing this,

Li Xiaoyao didn't care: "Little Huzi once asked for fairy medicine, so he must have immortality."

The Miao leader shook his head: "He has little luck and little luck. It is rare to see a Bodhisattva, let alone seek elixir."

Li Xiaoyao was a little panicked: "What should we do now?"

The Miao leader replied: "There is a Shuiyue Palace in the center of Fairy Island. There is a group of fairy girls who are good at refining elixirs living in the palace. In order to prevent outsiders from invading, they have set up a maze outside Changwai using fairy magic." ....”

"If a mortal does not have evil magic, he will not be hurt by the mechanisms within it, but if you cannot break the formation eye, you will not be able to find the location of Shuiyue Palace even if you spend your whole life.

Listen to what the other general says clearly,

Li Xiaoyao immediately requested: "Please give me some advice!"

The Miao leader continued to answer: "There are six Asura statues in the formation. After you use this sky-breaking cone to smash these stone statues one by one, the passage will naturally appear."

Seeing what the other person said is clear and logical,

The front was fine,

Mozi will use it as a guide for subsequent clearance, and watch it yourself.

But as you get to the back,

The more I feel like there is something wrong with this person.

Mozi pointed at the screen and shouted: "Let me ask, is there something wrong with this product?"

"How does he know the situation on the island so well, and this guy looks like he has the word villain written on his face."

"And my aunt suddenly fainted. I don't believe it has anything to do with this guy."

Mozi can be considered an old player of the game.

After playing so many games,

Although in terms of expressiveness, it cannot compare with Legend of Sword and Fairy.

But this kind of cliche plot,

Basically, I can guess pretty well.

Looking at the game,

Li Xiaoyao raised suspicions, but was immediately stopped by the other party with the sentence "Don't you want to save your aunt?"

Later, I completely believed in the other party.

Mozi sighed: "You silly boy, this guy in front of you is the culprit!"

"But this game is good in every aspect, but it doesn't have much freedom. If it were Vice City, I would have taken out my gun and killed this guy by now!"

He knew clearly that the person in front of him was the villain.

But I just can't draw the weapon.

It's very depressing.

But depression is depression,

The game continues.

After Li Xiaoyao obtained the Barrier-Breaking Pill,

Mozi felt the dock all the way,

Take a boat and arrive at Fairy Island.

After chatting with the rowing guy,

Controlling Li Xiaoyao, he walked towards the depths of Fairy Island.

By this time,

Finally there are no restraints.

along the way,

Mozi controlled Li Xiaoyao and jumped back and forth. His face was full of curiosity wherever he went.

Came to a narrow passage,

Mozi was still admiring the beautiful scenery on the island,

at this time,

Sudden changes occur.

A green black shadow jumped out from nowhere.

He followed Li Xiaoyao and pounced on him.

Before Mozi could react, his blood volume had already dropped a lot.

This is not the most important thing,

the most important is,

When Mozi saw the monster attacking him clearly, he was stunned.

"What the hell is this?"

"A bush spirit?"

"These days, even a handful of grass can become a spirit!"

"And just gave me a drop of blood..."

The Mozi people were stupid.

Look at what kind of monster this is in front of you.

A pinch of grass.......

The grass is still moving, jumping left and right on the ground.

Other people's monsters always want to be as ferocious as they are, for fear of being too cute and making players feel less oppressive.

So what is this?

Not only Mozi,

Even the water friends in the live broadcast room burst into laughter after a brief period of astonishment.

"No, I'm laughing so hard. What kind of monster is this bunch of grass?"

"Even if it's painted blue, I can call it Blue Silver Grass, but it turns out it's nothing."

"I seriously doubt that this monster is out to act cute."

"Although according to the timeline, it should be Novice Village now, but this monster can be done in a perfunctory way!"

"I heard that the Miao leader said there was a ban on the island. I thought it was very powerful at the time, but in the end...that's it?"

"To be honest, who can stop this monster? No wonder Wang Xiaohu can even run over."

"Has the studio spent all its funds on improving the picture quality? Can this monster be treated to something tasty?"


Although, Mozi also felt that this grass was responsible for making fun of people.

But what should be done has to be done.

took out the knife,

He hit the grass spirit and struck it.

As a mob from Novice Village,

I don’t expect much health and defense, either.

Two swish knives went down,

was directly split apart,

Tufts of grass were scattered on the ground.

at the same time,

A prompt box appears on the screen.

[Gain experience value +2]

In the character's experience column, a few heads also popped up.

on the road behind,

From time to time, grass spirits appear.

Mozi was extremely speechless.

She doesn't even understand,

What is the meaning of this weird life?

However, the speed of solving it is not slow. Basically, one can be solved with two swords.

After passing through the outer part of Fairy Island,

A stone bridge appears ahead.

Underneath the stone bridge,

It is a lake.

On the water surface, there are lotus leaves floating in clusters,

A road was formed across the lake.

Standing on the stone bridge and looking ahead,

The outline of a statue can be vaguely seen.

Mozi pointed at the statue and said: "This should be the statue that the villain was talking about. Although that guy doesn't look like a good person, and what he asked the protagonist to do is probably not a good thing, there is no way to avoid this kind of plot."

While talking,

Mozi pressed the jump button.

Li Xiaoyao jumped up and stepped firmly on the lotus leaves.

I don’t know if it was blessed by the formation,

The lotus leaf, which cannot support the weight of a human being, is as stable as the ground when walking on it.

Mozi didn’t delay either,

Run straight towards the first statue.

In the original Legend of Sword and Fairy 1,

As a game released in 1995,

Let’s not mention the graphics for now, it’s just complicated terrain, and there’s no concept of a mini-map.

I don’t know how many players have suffered a lot.

But now,

Games reset by the system,

Let some complex terrain no longer become so difficult.

Mozi also successfully smashed those statues.

As the last statue is shattered,

On the lake ahead,

Suddenly, a road formed by lotus flowers appeared, connecting to a stone bridge.

On the side of the stone bridge,

There stood a huge stone.

Carved on the stone are four characters: Fairy Spirit Cave Heaven.

Mozi controlled Li Xiaoyao and jumped across the stone bridge,

The scenery ahead,

Looking around,

Yu Yu Ran Ran, crisp and warm.

The rain of flowers falls with the breeze,

The surrounding peach blossom trees sway quietly in the wind, the sun shines on the ground, and the green trees and breeze set off the place, making it look particularly simple and beautiful.

Going deeper and deeper into the island,

The number of barrages in the live broadcast room suddenly increased, as if on steroids.

Most of the barrages,

They are all saying "High energy ahead!", "Famous scenes ahead!", "Racing warning!" and other barrages.

Mozi looked confused.

what's the situation,

Is there something scary ahead?

Mozi carefully controlled Li Xiaoyao and slowly went deeper.

But the beautiful scenery all around and the warm background music.

No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like you are going to be high-energy.


Her eyes caught a glimpse of a stone on the edge of the lake in front of her.

It seems like there is something placed there,

It is particularly conspicuous when placed on the stone.

Driven by curiosity, Mozi jumped over without thinking.

The barrage at this time,

It was already densely packed and filled the entire live broadcast room.

Different barrages overlapped and it was impossible to tell what they were talking about.

Fortunately, Mozi ignored it.

Just play by yourself.

When she got closer, she realized...

The things on that stone turned out to be clothes.

And depending on the style,

More like women's clothes.

And now...

These clothes are still lying by the lake,

This kind of scene,

Mozi instantly understood what was ahead.

She was about to say something,

The plot has already begun.

The game is no longer under her control,

In plot animation,

I saw Li Xiaoyao showing a lewd smile, picking up the clothes on the stone and looking at it.

He was curious,

Looking ahead, into the sparkling lake.

Except for the peach blossom petals blown by the wind and falling lightly on the water one by one, hurting,

In the middle of the lake,

There is a pink and white lotus-like flower, standing in the mist.

I saw only that snow-white figure,

He raised his arms as gentle as flower stems, tilted his head slightly, gathered his black hair, and combed it carefully.

Every movement of the girl is so graceful, like a slowly blooming lotus.

Li Xiaoyao in the drama animation,

I was completely obsessed with it.

(I misremembered earlier. Heavenly Demon King belongs to Xian San. It’s been so long that I forgot about it. I played it when I was in junior high school around 10 years ago.)

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