Developing Pokemon, Sister Zhou Was Bitten By A Dog And Got Out Of The Circle

Chapter 98 Fighting With Xiao Qi's Father? Professor Birch Is Green?

"Water-type Pokémon and Flying-type Pokémon that can be ridden?"

Zhou Shu was also taken aback.

"Next, if you want to go to the other half of the map, you can only take the water Pokémon and let the Pokémon use the secret skill Surf to advance."

"Although it can't Surf, and the water Pokémon that is enough to ride can also move forward in the water, but it will consume more physical strength~"

"The result at that time, think about it - you know it too!"

"As for Pokémon that are not water-type, although some can learn the secret skill Surf, they can't be as easy as water-type Pokémon, and the distance they can advance is limited!"

Qi Yang said.

"As for the Flying Pokémon, it's the same!"

"Only Pokémon that can ride can carry people Flying with less effort after learning the secret technique of Flying.

"Then, freely travel to various cities."

"If there is no Flying Pokémon that can be ridden, it will definitely consume a lot of time to go back and forth in many towns!"

Qi Yang added.

"That's it!"

Zhou Shu was also thoughtful.

When Qi Yang said this, she could understand.

From this point of view, it is imminent to conquer the water-type Pokémon and the flying-type Pokémon that can be ridden.

She also knew about it from Qi Yang!

Otherwise, I am afraid that I will be trapped in this half of the map in the future, and I will not be able to continue to 'push the map'.

It will take a lot of time to understand this.

Thinking that other uninformed people will be limited by this in the future, Zhou Shuyi laughed for a while.

However, after watching her live broadcast, it is estimated that most of them will follow suit after watching her do this.

Not many people will be trapped like this!

Then again!

Speaking of water-type Pokémon and Flying-type Pokémon that can be ridden.

Apparently, isn't Pelipper?

With just one Pelipper, you can directly master the two secret skills of Zhonglang and Fly”!

Kill two birds with one stone!

She's not even Pelipper, though.

Who told her that Wingull hasn't evolved yet!

As for Wingull, it is still in Professor Birch's Laboratory.

This is for her to get Wingull back, level it up, and let it evolve into the rhythm of Pelipper:

So, what level does Wingull evolve?

I don't know the level, it's a disadvantage!

It can't be like Aron, it's LV30 and still can't evolve, right?

Strange tossing people!

never mind!

Spend some time helping Wingull level up then!

Zhou Shu also thought to herself.

" did you come to my place?"

"Could it be possible for this game to travel to other people's 'stand-alone world'?"

Zhou Shu also asked.

Regarding the secret technique and moves, she has figured it out!

However, she still doesn't understand how Qi Yang came to find her.

"I didn't say Pet Pokémon Emerald was stand-alone!"

Qi Yang said.


Zhou Shu also let out a sound of surprise when she heard the words.

"Pet Pokémon Emerald" is not a stand-alone?

Isn't this a stand-alone?

Can't connect to the Internet!

Moreover, other players did not appear in front of him!

"Are you sure you're right?"

Zhou Shu also raised her eyebrows.


"I'm the author of the game. If I can say this wrong, I might as well go home and raise pigs!"

Qi Yang has a black line.


Hearing what Qi Yang said, Zhou Shuyi couldn't help laughing immediately.

So, Qi Yang's family raises pigs?

"You seem to be thinking something very rude!"

Zhou Shuyi's obvious expression made Qi Yang detect Zhou Shuyi's evil thoughts for a second.


"Absolutely not!"

Zhou Shu also repeatedly denied.

This matter cannot be admitted to death.

Otherwise, wouldn’t it be offending the boss’.

She also expects the boss to give her money in the future!

When she got off the plane yesterday, she saw an extra tens of millions of money in her bank card.

Not to mention how fragrant it is!

"So, how do you connect to this game?"

Zhou Shu also changed the subject.

Or in other words, back to the topic.

She is very curious about this point.

If it can be online, then the fun will naturally be even better.

After clearing the level of a stand-alone game, it is inevitable that you will feel a little boring.

"First, have Pokémon hubs in the same town as each other!"

"Then, come to the communication area on the second floor of the Pokémon Center!"

"In the communication area, you can search for other players' IDs and add them as friends!"

"Once you have friends, you will be eligible to enter the 'communication room' in the communication area!"

"Enter the person you want to invite on the computer at the door of the room, and you can enter the communication room together!"

"In this way, you can 'connect' and communicate face-to-face!"

"Not just communication, in this communication room, you can also conduct Pokémon battles and Pokémon exchanges with each other!"

Qi Yang explained.

He told Zhou Shuyi the process.

"In addition, after clearing the game, a special area will be unlocked!"

"There, all players can come here and challenge some facilities in this area!"

"In some facilities, players can also form a team to challenge!"

Qi Yang added.

The area he was talking about was, of course, the Battle Frontier.

He turned this Battle Frontier into a 'common area' so that all players can communicate freely!

This can also be regarded as a communication platform for "Pet Pokémon Emerald".

Although it is said that only those who have cleared the customs can unlock it.

"Can you play online and exchange Pokémon?"

"Even a team challenge?"

Zhou Shuyi's eyes lit up.

This is really great!

No matter which one of them, they are all so attractive!

In this way, even if you clear the game later, you won't feel bored!

It's more...competitive!

"However, this way!"

"If someone in the front directly gave a high-level Pokémon to someone who just started playing!"

"Then, wouldn't it be possible to crush all the way?"

"This seems a bit unfair and ungamed!"

Zhou Shuyi suddenly discovered a 'blind spot'.

"Do you think I missed that?"

"At this point, I set it up on the Badge!"

"After obtaining the corresponding Gym Badge, you can command the high-level Pokémon exchanged from other people!"

"A Pokémon with a super high level, it is estimated that the last two Pokémon must be defeated to be able to command!"

"Otherwise, you will not obey orders and lose without a fight!"

Qi Yang rolled his eyes at Zhou Shuyi.

"These words, I put them all in the school library in Cana City!"

"As long as you have been to that school and learned from the library, you probably wouldn't ask that question!"

Qi Yang said.

" in Rustboro City?"

“There are schools in Rustboro City?”

Zhou Shu also looked confused.

How could she not know!

"Yes, I have!"

"Just some distance south of Rustboro Gym!"

"There is also a prop that can be used for free!"

"You don't know, it's just that you haven't explored all the local buildings.

"There are props in many places, and you don't get them!"

Qi Yang said.

When watching Zhou Shuyi's live broadcast, he felt it was a pity.

In this way, I missed the props that can be prostituted for nothing!

"I rely on!"

When Qi Yang said that, Zhou Shuyi suddenly felt a pain in the ass.

Although she doesn't have eggs, it doesn't prevent her from hurting.

So, how many things she must have missed!

This is the disadvantage of patronizing the plot!

She really didn't explore the buildings in various towns too much.

Especially some houses!

Most of the things she focused on had street signs, and the buildings themselves were quite special, giving people the feeling that a wave of exploration was inevitable.

"never mind!"

"Isn't it just a prop!"

"I do not want it!"

Heartache is heartache!

But things have come to this, Zhou Shuyi is still very 'tough'

But in her heart, she kept complaining.

It's all because Qi Yang, that bastard, hides so deeply.

Even private houses and other buildings have to be placed in various props

This is not intentional to make it impossible to find it!


"what ever!"

Qi Yang shook his shoulders.

Based on his understanding of Zhou Shuyi.

Don't look at how stubborn Zhou Shuyi is now!

Sooner or later, it will be 'really fragrant'!


"After finishing the Fortree Gym at night, I will go to your town!"

"Of course, I will let you know in advance!!"

"When the time comes, you'll know what my Pokémon are!"

Qi Yang said.

"At that time, if you want to fight with me, it's not impossible!"

Qi Yang glanced at Zhou Shuyi with a smile.

"Fuck you!"

"I'm not into masochism!"

Zhou Shuyin Qi Yang.

Although she has practiced the level a few times, she doesn't think Qi Yang has not practiced it!

Qi Yang's Pokémon, especially the main Pokémon.

Now even if there is no LV50, there should still be an LV45.

Doesn't this crush her?

"Don't worry!"

"To be fair, if the battle is in the communication room!"

"The Pokémon of both sides are all based on the one with the highest level!"

"For example, the highest level of my Pokémon is LV50, then the level of our Pokémon will be temporarily raised to LV50!"

Qi Yang said.

"Is that so?"

"That's not impossible!"

Zhou Shu was also moved.

In this way, wouldn’t it be possible to not only know Qi Yang’s Pokémon, but also know Yang’s ability to fight?

This is not the most important thing!

The most important thing is that the online battle with Qi Yang is super gimmick and interesting!

Absolutely stunned fans!

Whether it is the fact that "Pet Pokémon Emerald" can be connected online, or the fact that she is fighting against "Xiao Qi" and his father "Da Qi".

Absolutely eye-catching!

"That's it!"

"Let's hang out with each other at night, let's PK!"

Seeing that Zhou Shu was also moved, Qi Yang directly settled the matter.


"I'll see if I don't take care of you when the time comes!"

Zhou Shu also let out harsh words directly.

In the case of the same level, who is afraid of whom!

"That's not necessarily true!"

Qi Yang smiled slightly.

After speaking, he continued to cook.

How can a woman be delicious!

might have!

But... it shouldn't be Zhou Shuyi!

0......seeking flowers......


Night is coming soon!

Soon, Zhou Shuyi once again ushered in her daily live broadcast time.

After a wave of usual and old-fashioned greetings!

She put on the VR device directly and was ready to board the machine.

Just continue your game.

After returning home in the afternoon!

Although she didn't continue to promote the plot, she also practiced a wave of levels nearby.

Practicing, of course, is Wingull.

After several hours of leveling, Wingull evolved into Pelipper as he wished.

This surprised her very much!

Unexpectedly, Wingull needs LV25 to evolve into Pelipper Song.

Also because of her leveling all afternoon!

In the end, Aron, who relied on Exp. Share's crazy looting experience, finally evolved unexpectedly.

And the evolution level of Aron is LV32.

This made Zhou Shu realize later!

It turns out that Aron is so close to evolution!

"Before continuing the plot, I will let everyone know!"

After entering the game world!

Zhou Shuyi also didn't push the plot right away.

There are some things that should be said, especially things that the water friends haven't seen, she still needs to be informed.

"Although I didn't push the plot this afternoon, I went to level up!"

"The final result is that the brought back Wingull evolved into Pelipper when it was promoted to LV25!"

"Aron evolved into Lairon when promoted to LV32!"

Zhou Shu also said.

She talked about the evolution of the two Pokémon on her body.

Otherwise, when fans saw that their Pokémon had suddenly evolved again, they would think that they did not start the live broadcast again and secretly played.


"Wingull and Aron evolved?"

"Wrong billion! I didn't see it!"

"Damn sister Zhou, can't you start leveling?"

"That's right, let us see the process of evolution!"

Zhou Shuyi's notification was not 'understood'.

Instead, it attracted the fans' abuse!

However, this is just casual talk!

It's really a pity that I didn't see the evolution!

However, as long as the plot does not push too much, they can be seamlessly connected.

Facing the 'abuse' of fans!

Zhou Shuyi didn't care either!

Then, she's going to jump spiders and there's another reason.

She hasn't said anything about tonight's big 'gimmick'.

Originally, she wanted to directly change the name of the live broadcast room to announce a gimmick.

Because I forgot about it for a while, I just announced it online in the live broadcast room.

"At night, it may be ten o'clock in the evening, or it may be eleven o'clock or twelve o'clock!"

"At that time, I will fight against Xiaobu's father!"

"stay tuned!"

Zhou Shu also said.

As soon as this statement comes out!

The bullet screen exploded directly.

"Fight against Xiaoqi's 'father'?"


"Isn't Xiaoqi's father Professor Birch?"

"Sister Zhou is going to fight Professor Birch?"

"What's the reason?"

"It turns out that Professor Birch can be challenged?"

"Dog woman, are you sneaking around again!"

Zhou Shuyi was very satisfied with the 'sensation' from the fans.

This effect is what I want!

"In short, you will know when the time comes!"

"I can speak prophetically!"

"Xiaoqi's 'father' I'm talking about is not Professor Birch!"

Zhou Shu also said.

She did not reveal that she was fighting Qi Yang.

Not to mention the fact that "Pet Pokémon Emerald" is not actually a stand-alone game.

This big news, stay at the corresponding time point in the future!

In this way, the effect will be better, and it will be more sensational!

"Xiao Qi's father is not Professor Birch?"

"What the fuck? Professor Birch got cuckolded?"

"What a Masami Aunt, what a Oda circle heaven and man!"


"I feel sorry for Xiaoqi!"

The barrage was fried again.

I also saw the barrage of another fryer.

Zhou Shu also has black hair!

That's not what she meant!

Why did it suddenly become more environmentally friendly?

She never said anything about it!

"that is not what I meant!"

"I don't mean Professor Birch cuckolded!"

"Anyway, you'll know when the time comes!"

"Say it early now, there is no sense of expectation!"

Zhou Shu also explained.

"Is there no sense of expectation?"

"You're going to kill us, sister Zhou!"

"that is!"

"Sister Zhou, I beg you to take away your supernatural powers and tell them straight to the point!"

"Don't talk about it, cancel it!"

The fans shouted one by one.

They were almost terrified by Zhou Shuyi!

It never occurred to them that they would be rushed to this position by Zhou Shuyi one day!

"Don't listen, don't listen!"

"The bastard chant the scriptures!"

Facing many barrages full of impatience.

Zhou Shu also simply turned a deaf ear to it.


It should be said.....turn a blind eye!

Leave the room you opened in the Pokémon Center and close the door.

She took the key card and went to the Pokémon center to find Miss Joey's check-out worker. .

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