Developing Pokemon, Sister Zhou Was Bitten By A Dog And Got Out Of The Circle

Chapter 22 Attribute Is Restrained, I Hit The Fucking Hammer

"Torchic, catch!"

Zhou Shu also gave Torchic an order to make Xiao Qi look good.

If the tiger doesn't show its power, you think I'm a sick cat?

Receiving Zhou Shuyi's order, Torchic, who was also somewhat annoyed, took steps and quickly charged towards Mudkip.

"So fast!"

Seeing Torchic's speed, Xiao Qi was slightly startled.

"Zuzu, get out of here!"

Xiao Qi hurriedly made a sound, letting Mudkip dodge Torchic's blow.

However, before Mudkip could dodge, Torchic had already come in front of Mudkip.

After a sharp grab!

I saw Mudkip's body was directly caught and flew out.

Three clear red marks appeared on Mudkip's body.

"This power is definitely not the level of Earl Dervish Pokémon!"

Looking at the wound on Mudkip's body, Xiao Qi's face became a little dignified.

He took out the Pokédex and subconsciously detected Torchic's information to verify his guess.


When he saw the LV8 displayed on the Pokédex, he was stunned.

The level of Zhou Shuyi's Torchic is directly three levels higher than that of Earl Dervish Pokémon.

It can be seen from this!

Before fighting him, Zhou Shuyi and Torchic had already gone through quite a battle.

In other words, Torchic is no longer what it used to be!

On the contrary, his Mudkip Zuzu, since he didn't start a series of battles, was mostly doing research and observation.

Now his Mudkip Zuzu is only at LV6.

The distance from LV7 is still short of half-pipe experience.

After discovering this, Xiao Qi's face became even more solemn.

This will be a tough battle where the situation is not in his favor!

Even so, he was completely unafraid.

Because, he still has an absolute advantage.

That is... Attribute!

Mudkip is a water-type Pokémon, and Torchic is a fire-type Pokémon.

And the water element can restrain the fire element!

Thinking of this, Xiao Qi officially launched his own counterattack.

"Zuzu, use the Water Gun!"

Xiao Qi shouted loudly.


Zuzu, who just got up from the ground, showed a serious look.

After getting the order!

From its mouth, a jet of water immediately spewed out, heading towards Torchic.

"Spit water?"

"Does Mudkip still spit water?"

"Why wouldn't the previous Mudkip!"

"Is it because, like Torchic, the 'potential' is stimulated?"

Seeing this scene, Zhou Shu was also amazed.

She thought it was Torchic's 'talent'.

It now appears that this is not necessarily the case.

Among them, there are secrets that she does not know.

Water Gun is fast!

Plus, Torchic didn't expect Mudkip to launch such a counterattack.

Inadvertently, it was directly hit by Mudkip.


Also after being attacked by the Water Gun.

From Torchic's mouth, came a miserable Growl.

It takes double damage from moves that Attribute restrains it.

"how so!"

"Could it have been hit?"

Zhou Shu also saw abnormalities from Torchic's miserable Growl and Contest Condition.

The same is hurt!

The appearance of Torchic this time is more painful than any previous one!

Unaware of the restraint of Attribute, she thought it was the reason for what Professor Birch said before being hit.

"Ha ha--"

"You really don't know!"

Seeing Zhou Shuyi's dazed look.

Xiao Qi snapped his fingers, which attracted Zhou Shuyi's attention.

"what do you know?"

Although Xiao Qi's 'stinky fart' appearance made Zhou Shuyi feel uncomfortable again.

But out of curiosity, she still asked.

Hearing what Xiao Qi said, there is another reason why Torchic will be injured like this this time.

Not to be shot!

"There is an Attribute restraint relationship between Pokémon!"

"It's like my Mudkip is the Pokémon of the water system!"

"And your Torchic is a Fire Pokémon!"

"Water-type Pokémon can counteract Fire-type Pokémon!"

"Especially the water-type Pokémon's unique move, which can cause double damage to the fire-type Pokémon!"

"On the contrary, the fire-type Pokémon can only deal half the damage to the water-type Pokémon!"

Xiao Qi turned into the "Godfather" and spoke eloquently, revealing the secrets for Zhou Shuyi.

"In other words, in this battle, I was at a disadvantage from the beginning?"

While Zhou Shuyi was stunned, she was also a little dazed.

She doesn't know this!

Therefore, Xiaoqi's confidence at the beginning is also because she knows that her Pokémon is Torchic.

And his Pokémon is related to Mudkip?

What a great hammer!

She wanted to call Xiao Qi mean!

Can you fight fairly and not use Attribute restraint?


"Is there any Attribute in this game to restrain this?"

"It's a bit particular!"

"Then be careful when cultivating Pokémon!"

"If the Pokémon I cultivated are all Attributes that are restrained by the opponent, wouldn't it be cool!"

"I don't know what Attribute is Poochyena, Treecko, and other Pokémon I met before."


Unlike Zhou Shuyi's indignation!

After knowing that Pokémon has an Attribute restraint relationship.

The fans talked about it one by one with great interest.

"Do not!"

"It was me who was at a disadvantage at the beginning of this battle!"

Xiao Qi shook his head.

"Because my Zuzu hasn't fought too much!"

"In terms of level and ability in all aspects, it is not as good as your Torchic!"

"It's just that I seized the restraint relationship of Attribute and turned it around!"

Xiao Qi clenched his fist, with a little complacency on his face.

"In other words, I still have an advantage!"

I heard Xiao Qi say that.

Although Zhou Shuyi was still a little angry, her complexion improved a little.

It's not like there's no chance at all!

"Torchic, breathe fire!"

Zhou Shu also made a decisive decision and let Torchic, who had improved a lot, launch an attack.


Torchic Fiery Wrath.

In the next moment, flames spewed out from its mouth, heading towards Mudkip.

"Spit fire?"

Hearing Zhou Shuyi's order, Xiao Qi was stunned.

What kind of move is this!

However, after he saw Torchic's attack, he suddenly understood.

Isn't this just Ember?

You call this 'breathing fire'?

You want to confuse me!

Good plan!

"Zuzu, block it with the Water Gun!"

Although a little startled, Xiaoqi calmly let Mudkip resist Torchic's attack.

"Catch it now!"

While Mudkip 'puts out the fire'.

Zhou Shu also changed the order to let Torchic change the offensive.

Torchic stopped immediately and continued to breathe flames!

It quickly approached Mudkip with nimble steps, and then grabbed it with one kick.

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