After the call with Steven!

Zhou Shu also continued on her way!

However, not long after, she received a call again.

This time, it's Yaxitian!


After answering the call.

Zhou Shu also greeted Yashida on the other end of the phone curiously.


"it's me!"

Ahida's hearty laughter came.

"Shuyi, you really didn't disappoint me!-"

"Unexpectedly, in such a short period of time, you have defeated the Pokémon Alliance and become the new champion of the Hoenn Region!"

"It seems that my vision is quite good!"

Ahida said to herself.


"Having said so much, I still haven't congratulated Shushi for becoming the new champion of Lao Yuan Region!"


Immediately, Ahida expressed her congratulations.


Zhou Shu also replied slightly perfunctorily.

"Ha ha ha ha--"

Yashida didn't care about Zhou Shuyi's 'perfunctory'.

Hearing what Zhou Shuyi said, he smiled heartily again.

"Speaking of which, I'm on the Breaker now!"

"Sookie, you should have received the S.S Ticket from the Breaker, right?

"I heard old man Hatch say that he knows you!"

Ahida talked about the S.S Ticket and the Breaker.

"That's true!"

"I'm on my way to Slateport City right now!"

"It is estimated that it will arrive soon!"

Zhou Shu also said.

Slateport City is not too far from Littleroot Town.

Moreover, it is still on a parallel line, which is very convenient.

"Is that so?"

"Then I'll wait for you on the Breaker!"

"Just right, I have something I want to tell you later!"

"Let's talk about this first!"


Yashida hung up the phone and ended the call this time.

"This Yashida is still so windy!"

Seeing that Yashida hung up the phone directly, without finishing the matter.

Zhou Shu was also quite speechless.

However, she was just curious about what Ahida wanted to tell her.

five minutes later!

Zhou Shu also came to Slateport City.

Finally, let the Flygon land in front of Harbor in Slateport City.

Also after coming to Harbor!

She took back her Flygon.

Then, get into it.

"Isn't this Shuyi?"

"haven't seen you for a long time!"

Just walked into it.

Zhou Shu also heard a familiar voice.

That seemed to be the voice of Curator Kusnogi.

"Director Kusnogi?"

Zhou Shuyi was slightly taken aback for a moment.

Immediately, she greeted him.

"I heard that Shuyi, you have become the new champion of Hoenn Region!"


Regarding Zhou Shuyi becoming the new champion of Hoenn Region.

Curator Kusnogi also expressed his congratulations.


Zhou Shu also expressed his thanks.

It's not as 'perfunctory' as it was to Ahida just now

"Speaking of which, I'm a little embarrassed!"

"Last time, I clearly said that I must help Director Kusnoji to recover the Dive boat!"

"As a result, after the Dive boat was driven from the bottom of the sea to the surface by Archie, it sank into the bottom of the sea again in the Hurricane rain caused by Kyogre and disappeared!"

Zhou Shu also talked about the submarine Explorer 1.

"This one!"

"I've heard it!"

"However, this is something that can't be helped, it's not your responsibility, Shuyi!"

Curator Kusnogi shook his head.

Although Zhou Shuyi had sworn at the beginning, he would not insist on Zhou Shuyi recovering the submarine.

After all, this is not Zhou Shuyi's responsibility.

It's better to say!

Zhou Shuyi has helped them so much, and they are very grateful.


"The current submarine Explorer II is already under construction!"

"With the experience brought by Explorer One!"

"It is estimated that after a while, it will be completed!"

Curator Kusnoji said.

"That's it, that's good!"

Hearing what curator Kusnoji said, Zhou Shuyi breathed a sigh of relief.

"By the way, Shuyi, you came here specially this time, shouldn't you come here specially to see me?"

After finishing off topic.

Curator Kusnoji joked about Zhou Shuyi.

"Ha ha---"

"That's true!"

"I got Old Man Hatch's S.S Ticket!"

"This time, I'm here to take the cruise ship Breaker!"

Zhou Shu also laughed.

"That's it!"

"I guess so!"

Curator Kusnogi nodded with a smile.

"However, I didn't expect you, Shuyi, to know the old man Hutch."

"He was a famous captain and sailor in the past!"

"It is also because of Old Man Hatch's ability that the post of captain of the Breaking Waves is placed on Old Man Hatch."

"Fortunately, old man Hatch is willing to promise us to take over the post of captain!"

Curator Kusnogi laughed.

"I really don't know that!"

Zhou Shu was also slightly surprised.

She didn't know about old man Hatch's past, or that old man Hatch was the captain.

Knowing this now, she was very surprised.

Unexpectedly, the old man Hatch had such a glorious past and such extraordinary abilities.

Should it be said that people cannot be judged by their appearance?

Old man Hatch is not just an ordinary fisherman!


While Zhou Shuyi was chatting with curator Kusnoji.


Only a heavy beating sound could be heard.

"It seems almost time!"

"The Breaker is about to leave!"

"Shuyi, hurry up and get on the boat!"

Listen to this loud noise.

Curator Kusnoji said to Zhou Shu.


Zhou Shu also nodded.

Immediately, she looked at Curator Kusnoji with some curiosity.

"Curator Kusnogi, aren't you going on board?"

Zhou Shu also asked curiously.

As the research and development personnel of the Breaker, the curator Kusnogi should also experience the first trip of the Breaker.

Regardless, looking at the appearance of the curator Kusnoji, he has no intention of boarding the ship.

"I won't go up!"

"I have already participated in the launching ceremony of the Breaker before!"

"And, I have also experienced it!"

"This time, I will not board the ship again!"

"I'd better go back to the shipyard first, and get Explorer II out sooner!"

Curator Kusnoji shook his head and smiled.

"I see!"

Zhou Shu also nodded.

It seems that this is not the first launch of the Breaker.

In the previous internal test, Curator Kusano had already participated.

This time, it is the first batch of development experience or something.

"Then I'll go there first!"

After bidding farewell to Curator Kusnoji.

Zhou Shu also headed directly to where the Breaker was docked.

Wait until you come to the place where the boat stops.

Take out the S.S Ticket at the entrance and let the staff check the ticket!

She boarded this very huge and luxurious cruise ship Breaking Waves. .

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