"Go down first!"

Ahida ignored all the surprised reception ladies.

He waved his hand to Solaceon, signaling to the reception ladies to perform their duties one by one.


The reception ladies returned to their posts one by one.

Before leaving, he did not forget to take another look at Zhou Shuyi, an unknown 'big guy', with curious eyes.

Also after the reception lady left!

Yashida looked at Zhou Shuyi excitedly.

"Shuyi, great to see you at Battle Frontier!"

"Although I really want to take you around the battle facilities in person, I think it might be better for you to explore it yourself!"

"So, feel free to take a good look and wander around in every corner of Battle Frontier!"

"Of course, I also hope that you can experience the fun of different battles here!"

Ahida said.

"in addition---"

"I also have a private residence on the Battle Frontier side!"

"If you encounter any problems, or if you are tired, you can come to my house to rest at any time!

Ahida continued.


Looking at the excited Yashida, Zhou Shuyi smiled and agreed.

Also after she promised Ahida!

Ahida, who had something important to leave first, left in a hurry.

Just like his previous behavior Normal! 007 "Then—"

"Let me see what this so-called Battle Frontier looks like!"

After picking up a map from the side.

Zhou Shuyi moved forward all the way, came to the rear of the reception venue, and officially started exploring in the Battle Frontier.

"Does the Battle facility include Battle Tower, Battle Dome, Battle Palace, Battle Stadium, Battle Factory, Battle Pike, and Battle Pyramid?"

"It's quite a lot!"

"It has the taste of the gymnasium!"

"It looks like a challenge!"

Look at the introduction of each battle facility on the map.

Zhou Shu is also very interested.

However, her eyes widened immediately after seeing a single area in the far north of the map.

Although this place seems to have a building, the sign on it is not a battle facility.

It's the World Championships!

Look at the introduction, it is used to compete with each other and rank each player!

Here, be the first to decide who is the pet Pokémon Emerald!

"Oh ho-"

"I'm on fire, brothers!

"Hurry up and play here!"

"I will beat you to the top of the World Championships!"

Zhou Shu also looked excited.

Although seeing this building made her very excited.

But not enough Rivals to fight and rank, it's boring, isn't it?

"I guess it will take two or three days!"


"However, the title of the World Championship is fine!"

"It's like ranking in other games!"

"It's like a decisive battle on the top of the Forbidden City!"

"I'm on fire too!"

"This is a quick pass!"

"Clear customs quickly, don't say it's too early!"

"Let's talk about the level first!"



The fans talked one by one.

Their emotions at the moment are also very excited and excited.

Quite a bit, I want to come to the Battle Frontier World Championship earlier, and pk with other players.

"Let me see!"

"The World Championship seems to have to defeat at least three battle facilities, and you can only enter it with a specified number of battle symbols!"

"It seems that I can't challenge the world championship for the first time!"

"From this point of view, that guy should be challenging the battle facility!"

Look at the description of the World Championship facility on the map.

Zhou Shu was also thoughtful.

The guy she was talking about was naturally Qi Yang.

Since the Battle Frontier is the area where all players can meet, Qi Yang must have been there!

Think about it!

Zhou Shuyi's eyes lit up immediately!

She was going to find the Pokémon Center immediately, and contact Yiboyang by borrowing the computer in the communication area of ​​the Pokémon Center.

However, as soon as this idea appeared, Zhou Shuyi gave up.

"never mind!"

"No rush!"

"It's not too late to contact after defeating three battle facilities and (aidd) getting three battle symbols!"

"At that time, we will meet directly at the World Championships!"

"See if I don't come back viciously, and take revenge from last time!"

Zhou Shu also thought to herself.

Thinking of this, Zhou Shuyi immediately made a decision.

Moreover, it also looks full of fighting spirit.

"Next, let's find a battle facility to test the waters!"

"I'd like to see how the challenge of the combat facility created by Ahida is like!"

Zhou Shu also said.


Following the route on the map, she headed directly to the nearest Battle Factory.

Battle Factory is not far away!

Almost on the lot to the left after coming out of the reception venue.

The distance is about a hundred meters or so.

After trotting for a few seconds with the addition of wind speed shoes!

Zhou Shu also came directly in front of Battle Factory.

"This Battle Factory is really big!"

"Almost as tall as Pokémon Alliance!"

After coming to the Battle Factory!

Zhou Shu also carefully looked at the tall building in front of her eyes, looking amazed.

Although the name is a factory, this Battle Factory gives people the feeling of a high-tech venue.

This made her look forward to the next challenge.

Quite a bit back to the beginning, when I first came into contact with gymnasium warfare.


Zhou Shu also officially entered the Battle Factory!

After stepping into the Battle Factory!

Soon, a reception staff came forward and consulted Zhou Shushi.


"Excuse me, are you here to challenge or visit the Battle Factory?"

asked the receptionist.

"I'm here to challenge!"

"Please tell me about your challenge rules here!"

Zhou Shu also said.


Hearing what Zhou Shuyi said, the receptionist smiled and nodded.

Immediately, she introduced Zhou Shushi.

"For Battle Factory, there are two challenge modes!"

"One is a single-player swap tournament!"

"The other is the two-player exchange battle championship exhibition!"

"Each tournament is divided into LV50 challenges and free-level challenges!"

"For LV50, the highest Pokémon used can only be LV50!"

"For free class, it's LV51-LV100!"

"After choosing the mode and challenge level you want to challenge, you can borrow three Pokémon provided by our Battle Factory for 3v3 battles!"

"If you succeed in challenging all the way, and defeat all six Trainers!"

"Then, successfully complete a round of battle!"

"Only by successfully challenging the six rounds, can we challenge the leader of our Battle Factory, the pioneering leader Dara, in the final match of the seventh round!"

"In addition, if there is a challenge failure during the period, then you need to start the challenge from the beginning!"

The reception staff gave an introduction to Zhou Shuyi. .

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