"Is it over there?"

"Thank you!"

Follow Steven's finger.

Zhou Shu also secretly noted down the location with Bagon.

However, she didn't leave right away.

After all, besides looking for Bagon, she also came to look for Stevenpk.

"Anything else?"

Seeing that Zhou Shuyi didn't intend to go to Bagon, Steven asked curiously.

He suddenly had a bad feeling.

It was as if Normal was being targeted.

It made him shiver.

"We've met each other!"

"Or, let's have a game!"

"Speaking of which, I haven't played against you Steven yet!"

Zhou Shu also got straight to the point, looked at Steven with a kind face, and made her own request.


Zhou Shuyi's words surprised Steven.

This time, he knew the source of his bad feeling just now.

Daring is in this area.

"Or, forget it!"

"Wallace was defeated by Shuyi, how can I be your Rival!"

Steven smiled mischievously, and went straight to the fight.

It's not that he's afraid!

It's that he...counseled! Losing in 2008 is shameless, and winning is no good.

What a fight!

Not to mention, the current him may not be able to beat Zhou Shuyi!

"You have to fight to know!"

"Don't push!"

"Come out and play a game with me!"

Zhou Shu also said.

After she finished speaking, she was unambiguous at all!

After grabbing Steven's hand directly.

She headed towards the open space around the platform suitable for battle, and she was about to have a full battle with the building!

"This time, it's a 6v6 all-hands battle!"

"Don't put water in it!"

"Otherwise, I will look for you next time!"

After finding a good venue.

Zhou Shu, who was getting ready on the other side of the field, also reminded Steven.

It's not interesting to ask Steven to put water and get beaten.

"I see!"

Facing this unavoidable confrontation, Steven smiled wryly and nodded helplessly.

If so, let's fight!

Take out your own strength and fight Zhou Shuyi to your heart's content.

Even if he loses, he can still send Zhou Shuyi away, right?

He didn't want to be challenged by Zhou Shuyi again!

"The first one will be you!"

Also after Zhou Shuyi and Steven got ready.

Together, they released their first Pokémon.

With Zhou Shuyi's words, she directly dispatched her strongest Pokémon Blaziken.

As for Steven, he sent an LV67 Skarmory!

Judging by the level of the first Pokémon!

Steven is indeed weaker than Wallace by a little bit.

"Is this Shuyi your Blaziken?"

"The strength is really incomparably powerful!"

"I suddenly understand why Wallace lost to Shuyi!"

After taking a deep look at Zhou Shuyi's Blaziken in front of him, Steven was amazed.

Zhou Shuyi's Blaziken has already crushed his Pokémon more than a chip in terms of momentum.


With only one Blaziken, Zhou Shuyi can at least beat him with 3-4 Pokémon.

As for Blaziken itself, it is very likely that it will not lose its combat ability.


Zhou Shu also smiled slightly.

Immediately, she fixed her eyes and directly ordered the fire to attack Skarmory.

"Thunder Punch!"

Zhou Shu also ordered.


Blaziken immediately stepped forward.

Almost the next moment, its figure had already arrived in front of Skarmory.

Then, he threw a Spark-wide fist at Skarmory.

"So fast!"

Blaziken's speed surprised Steven and Skarmory.

This blow almost made them unable to react.

"Iron Defense!"

In a hurry, Steven had to order defense!

I really want to say something.

The best defense is naturally Protect!

However, Skarmory doesn't have the time to use Protect.

And Blaziken, wouldn't give Skarmory the chance either.


On Skarmory's body, a sharp metal light flashed through the depths immediately.

After using Iron Defense.

Its own defense has been greatly improved.

Also after Skarmory greatly improved its own defense.

Blaziken's Thunder Punch arrives.

Then, it smashed viciously on Skarmory's body.


Take this hit!

Immediately, a terrible scream came from Skarmory's mouth.

Even its body was sent flying straight away, and hit the ground heavily.

Although its defense has been greatly improved, the gap in level and strength between it and Blaziken is too large.

What's more, this time it's Thunder Punch, an electric system that restrains its own Attribute.

It can be said that it is simply irresistible.

"Is it spiked?"

"No, it seems not!"

Looking at Skarmory who was lying on the ground, Zhou Shu also analyzed it.

However, she soon saw Skarmory's fluttering wings.


Skarmory is not yet out of combat.

next moment!

Skarmory, who was seriously injured, stood up from the ground with difficulty.


"My Skarmory is the Strong Ability!"

"Otherwise, I will be instantly killed by Shuyi's Blaziken's Thunder Punch!"

Steven breathed a sigh of relief.

If it weren't for Skarmory's Ability is strong.

This battle has just begun, and he lost his first Pokémon.

That would be such a shame!

However, this also made him incomparably horrified.

Skarmory has been cleared. Iron Defense has greatly improved the defense of 723. It is not even the enemy of Blaziken!

This is too strong!

"Strong Ability?"

"No wonder!"

Zhou Shu also nodded slightly.

She didn't take out the Pokédex to identify it.

So, I don't know what Skarmory's Ability is.

Now hearing Steven say that Skarmory's Ability is strong, she understands why Skarmory still has the power to fight.

This is the ability to prevent being killed in one hit!

"However, that's just an extra blow!"

"Quick Attack!"

Zhou Shu also ordered.

She made Blaziken use a Normal move that has a Normal effect on steel.

However, it doesn't matter.

Who put the current Skarmory at the end of the Contest Condition, with only the last bit of physical strength left!

Not to mention the Normal-type moves that deal with the Steel-type Effect Normal.

But any move that is useful and lethal to Skarmory is straight enough for Skarmory!


Steven hurriedly ordered to Skarmory.

This time, he had already made preparations.

Therefore, there is room for fighting back.

This is also true for Skarmory.


Skarmory hissed.

Immediately, a mask appeared around it, blocking the incoming Blaziken for it.

"It's just pointless desperate struggle!"

"Fire Punch!"

Zhou Shu also ordered. .

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