Developing Pokemon, Sister Zhou Was Bitten By A Dog And Got Out Of The Circle

Chapter 50 Everything Is Ready! Preparations Before Facing Kenin


Hear Zhou Shuyi's last order!

Combusken, who managed to break free, directly used Onix's body as a springboard.

Soon, it jumped high and came in front of Onix.

Then, he kicked his swift kick with all his strength.

This kick, thirty years of skill, can you stop it?

Between Spark!

Combusken's Double Kick landed on Onix's massive head.

The next moment, a terrifying scene happened.

I saw Onix's huge head, which was extremely heavy and bigger than Combusken's body, was kicked out by Combusken.

Even with Onix's huge body, it also flew out backwards.


Then came a mournful growl.

Onix's huge body hit the ground directly, creating a huge deep hole.

After a few convulsive Struggles.

Onix's eyes finally rolled around.

"Onix fights can't!"

"The winner of this battle is Zhou Shuyi!"

Also after Onix loses his ability to fight.

The referee pronounced the result.


"Invincible Combusken!"

"Wow, shit, shit—"

"I won, I'll go!"

"I was shocked to see it!"


Unsurprisingly, the bullet screen was full of cheers for Combusken's victory.

So fierce, this chicken!

Can't help it, among the fans who have already started playing "Pet Pokémon Emerald".

Many people who also chose Torchic as the Earl Dervish Pokémon suddenly became happy.

Zhou Shuyi's Combusken is so fierce, after their Torchic evolves, how bad can it be!

They picked the right Pokémon!

As for those fans who didn't choose Torchic as their Earl Dervish Pokémon, they are naturally regretful at the moment.

This wave, I chose the wrong one!

Annoyance is annoyance!

However, many people still think so.

After the evolution of your own Mudkip or Treecko, the performance should not be worse than that of Combusken.

This is their last 'stubbornness'!

"Is this the end?"

Seeing that Combusken successfully defeated Onix, Zhou Shuyi was of course very happy.

However, the referee's decision surprised her.

This is only one Pokémon!

The cap boy has two Pokémon in his hand!

Are there any youths in mountaineering suits?

Could it be that this guy has only one Pokémon in his hand!

Thinking of Onix itself, Zhou Shu also thinks it is possible.

With the tonnage of Onix, one is worth two.

It is not surprising that there is only such a Pokémon in the hands of young people in mountaineering suits.

"What a formidable enemy!"

After recovering the disabled Onix.

I saw the young man in the mountaineering suit sigh with emotion.

I don't know whether he is lamenting Zhou Shuyi or Combusken.


After congratulating Zhou Shuyi.

He also 'sadly' left!

"That's the level!"

Looking at another Rustboro Gym disciple who sadly left.

Zhou Shu also felt that she was inflated again.

This is a two-game winning streak!

"Is there another one?"

Immediately, Zhou Shuyi looked to the referee at the side.

"Enough is enough!"

"Beating the two disciples of the Rustboro Gym is enough to prove your strength!"

"You have the qualifications to challenge Master Kenin!"

The referee shook his head.

"Do you want to challenge Lord Kenin now!"

"If so, I'll get in touch!"

The referee asked Zhou Shuyi.

"I'd better go to the Pokémon Center and heal Combusken first!"

"After the treatment, let's fight immediately!"

"So, you can let your host Kenin get ready first!"

Zhou Shu also thought about it.

Although she was indeed a little 'inflated', but it was not so inflated that Combusken continued to fight with his injured body.

Especially, just now Combusken was tightly bound by Onix.

It made her a little worried that something might go wrong with Combusken.

Just in case, it's better to go to the Pokémon center for treatment.

"I understand!"

"I will inform Lord Kenin!"

The referee nodded.

After speaking, he left the battlefield.

After the referee leaves!

Zhou Shu also took back the Combusken and left the battlefield.

She's going to the Pokémon Center to heal Combusken and prepare for the next "Final Battle".

She wants to see how much better Rustboro Gym Master Kenin can do than her disciple.


Combusken's injury is not serious!

Moreover, there was no internal injury that Zhou Shuyi was worried about.

Wait until Combusken is healed!

She went straight to the door again and came to the Rustboro Gym!


"Look hard and study hard!"

"Today, I, Zhou Shu, will take you through the Rustboro Gym!"

"I'll be the first to take down the Badge!"


Before entering the Rustboro gymnasium, Zhou Shu also boasted first.

However, her self-promotion did not get much recognition, but was rejected by many fans.

"It's still open, you can talk about it first!"

"that is!"

"If you don't go in directly, what are you doing here!"

"If it wasn't for you being the first to play, and this vr device with no side effects, I'm afraid it wouldn't be your first time to play gymnasium!"


Zhou Shuyi was not angry looking at the fans who were disgusted.

She snorted lightly, with a look of indifference.

"You guys!"

"Let it be sour!"

Zhou Shu also hummed.

After finishing speaking, she stopped talking nonsense and stepped into the Rustboro Gym.

Come to Rustboro Gym!

The referee was already waiting at the door.

"You came!"

"Master Kenin has been waiting for a long time!"

The referee stood up and greeted him with a smile.

"Long wait!"

Zhou Shu also nodded slightly.

"Come with me!"

The referee didn't say much.

He took Zhou Shuyi directly to the battlefield.

However, the place he went to was not the battlefield where Zhou Shuyi and the two disciples of the gymnasium confronted before.

"Isn't that just now?"

Zhou Shu also asked curiously.

"The previous venue was only for trials!"

"If you challenge Lord Kenin, you will face off in another venue!"

The referee stopped slightly and turned around to explain.

"I see!"

Zhou Shu also nodded.

Under the leadership of the referee!

Soon, they came to a battle field in the center of the dojo.

This site, the location is deeper, and the area is larger.

Plus, something is different.

In the area around the edge of the battlefield, there are still seats.

These seats don't look like they're just for watching the battle.

Otherwise, it will not match the writing table.

If there is no battlefield in the middle, it is not an exaggeration to say that this is a place for classes or exams.

"Our concern is that Mr. Kenin is not only the Gym Leader of Rustboro City, but also the teacher of the Rustboro City Pokémon School!"

"Sometimes, students will come to the gymnasium to watch the battle and learn!"

"By the way, test the theoretical knowledge of the students and the disciples in the gymnasium!"

Seeing Zhou Shuyi looking around the seats in surprise, the referee explained aloud.

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