Developing Pokemon, Sister Zhou Was Bitten By A Dog And Got Out Of The Circle

Chapter 53 See You Onix Again! Sister Zhou Has Everything Under Control?

After the referee announces the winner of this round!

Kenin took out the Poké Ball and retrieved his incapacitated Geodude.

"Fire attack!"

"I really want to understand your fighting style!"

Kenin smiled slightly.

Zhou Shu did not respond to Kenin's remarks.

Is this young lady seriously ill?

Like fire Normal?

Her Combusken is fire!

As for other meanings, she just ignored them!

Hit as much as you want, why are you talking so much useless nonsense!

Kenin didn't notice Zhou Shuyi's slightly 'disrespectful' eyes.

After recovering Geodude and putting away Geodude's Poké Ball!

She took out another Poké Ball instead!


"Let me continue to appreciate your offensive!"

"I hope that your fire of battle can still burn like it was just now!"

Kenin said.

After speaking, she released her second Pokémon.

"Come out, Onix!"

With a huge red light flashed.

I saw an Onix appearing on the battlefield.

"Is it really Onix?"

Looking at Onix in front of her, Zhou Shuyi felt slightly happy.

It seemed that her guess was right.

Of the two Pokémon used by Kenin, one is Geodude and the other is Onix.

I just don't know what Kenin's third Pokémon is.

But, then again!

Is the size of this Onix bigger than the Onix in the hands of the young man in the mountaineering suit?

This is more than ten meters, right?

After noticing this.

Zhou Shuyi's face was full of shock.

Onix, who was eight or nine meters tall, was enough to surprise her, even a little horrified.

Now, a ten-meter-long Onix appeared?

It is said that there may be Onix with a height of more than 100 meters in the world, she would not think it impossible.

After turning back from the shock!

Zhou Shu also immediately retrieved the Onix level.


"The level is one level higher!"

"It's kind of scary!"

Zhou Shu also clicked her tongue a little.

Fortunately, although Onix's level is as high as LV15, after defeating Geodude.

Her Combusken level has also ushered in an increase, from LV16 just now to LV17 now.

A two-level level advantage is a good lead for her!

"In terms of level..."

After retrieving the level, Zhou Shuyi went on to retrieve Onix's moves.

She didn't want to lose out on moves anymore and be 'schemed' by Kenin.

"Don't take the initiative to launch an attack?"

"Then I'm coming!"

"After the first round, you no longer have the right to strike first!"

Seeing that Zhou Shuyi hadn't launched an attack for a long time, Kenin acted first.

"Rock Polish!"

Kenin snorted lightly.

The next moment, Onix's huge body began to rub against itself.

Almost instantly, Onix's body became extremely smooth.

In a trance, it seems to have become a huge irregularly shaped mirror.

"Have you increased your speed?"

Zhou Shu also complexion changed slightly.

She already knows the ability of this move, which can increase her own speed.

Possibly Onix moves fast underground.

But on the Ground, Onix's bulky body made his movements a bit sluggish.

This is part of the reason she was able to defeat Onix in the climbing suit youth earlier.

But now, Kenin is upping his speed with Rock Polish.

In terms of speed, the Combusken may not have such a good deal!

However, the Combusken is much more than that.

"Combusken, a flash of light!"

Zhou Shu also ordered.

This move is also mastered by Combusken after evolution.

Its power lies in its ability to explode at extremely fast speeds, just like Spark Normal.

Moreover, it is an absolute pre-emptive attack!

As long as the opponent has not mastered the more powerful preemptive attack of Quick Attack or Extrreme Speed.

Then, the first to attack the other party will definitely be Combusken.


Zhou Shu also didn't intend to use this trick to attack Onix.

Because, Quick Attack is a move of the Normal type.

For the Rock-type Onix, this doesn't have a very good effect, and the damage it can cause is really negligible.

All she wanted was the speed of the Quick Attack move.

That's right!

She used Quick Attack as a 'light skill'!

With a flash of afterimages!

Combusken exploded with extreme speed, disappeared in place, and quickly moved towards Onix.

Almost the next moment, it appeared on the side of Onix's body.

"Double Kick."!"

After Combusken successfully approached Onix, Zhou Shu also issued her own order.


Combusken took off and flew away.

It kicked directly at Onix's huge head with both feet.

As for the reason for choosing the head?

Maybe it was just kicking the head of Onix, the young man in the mountaineering suit, to make him feel refreshed?


Kenin immediately gave his order.

The distance between Combusken and Onix at this moment makes it difficult for Onix to launch a proper counterattack.

Right now, he could only improve his own defense to withstand Combusken's attack.


Onix Roar.

Its body exerted a little force.

Immediately, its body that became smooth after using Rock Polish suddenly became stiff.

Intangible, giving people an indestructible feeling!

After Onix completed his physical transformation and improved his defense.

Combusken's Double Kick arrives, on its head.



There were two loud bangs.

That was the sound of Combusken kicking Onix's head.

It may be the reason why Onix uses Harden to increase the hardness and defense of the body.

At this moment, even the sound from Tackle has changed slightly.

So much so that Combusken felt like kicking hurt.


Also after the head was heavy.

A howl of pain came from Onix's mouth.

Although the increase in defense reduced it a lot of damage, it was still somewhat injured in the face of this brutally restrained blow.

In addition, it was its own head that was kicked, so it still felt like its head was buzzing.

"Stick to it!"

"Take your chance and take down Combusken with Smack Down!"

Kenin hurriedly ordered Onix to launch a counterattack.

Although Combusken did a lot of damage to Onix, after this wave of attacks, Yinji's body stayed in the air.

This definitely makes Combusken a target!

It would be a shame not to seize this opportunity!

Hearing Kenin's command, Onix immediately suppressed the dizziness in his head, and was about to attack Combusken!


An energy bomb spits out of Onix's mouth.

As the energy bomb is spit out.

The energy bomb immediately turned into a huge stone in the air, heading towards Combusken in the air.

Just in sight, it's about to hit Combusken, Smack Down him to the ground.

Facing the huge boulder coming straight towards him, Combusken shuddered in his heart and was very flustered.

Fortunately, it got support in time

When it is helpless and fearful.

In its ears, Zhou Shuyi's words sounded.

"Combusken, use Flamethrower!"

This is Zhou Shuyi's countermeasure!

She wants to use the Flamethrower against the boulder to see if she can burn it down.

How to put it, it is also a boulder formed by Onix with energy, not a real stone.

Presumably, there is still a certain possibility that it will be burned.

At least, Zhou Shu also thought so.


With Zhou Shuyi's order, Yinji immediately regained his confidence.

Although it doesn't know whether its Flamethrower can burn the boulder, but right now it can only take one step at a time.

Fight and it's over!


The next moment, I saw flame waves roaring past.

Combusken breathed flames and headed towards the oncoming boulder.

All of a sudden!

Combusken's Flamethrower meets Onix's Smack Down.

As Combusken's Flamethrower collided with the boulder, something that disappointed Zhou Jie happened.

The boulder that Onix condensed was not burned by Combusken.


Under Combusken's Flamethrower, the boulder suffered considerable resistance and failed to hit Combusken immediately.

But at a slow speed, continue to come towards Combusken.

It's just that the boulder probably won't be able to touch Combusken.

Combusken in the air, after using Flamethrower with all his might.

It itself has also received a lot of thrust.

This posture, like Normal with its own rocket propeller, swishes Combusken backwards quickly.

Almost the next moment!

Combusken's body is already on the Ground.

After staggering on the ground for several steps.

Combusken found his footing and landed safely.

The boulder formed by Onix, with Combusken's landing and Flamethrower's disappearance, fell directly to the side outside the battle field.

The boulder made a huge pothole, and there was a loud noise.

So much so that the entire Rustboro gymnasium faintly vibrated.


"This is 'True Fighting Chicken'!"

"Flamethrower can also be used as an engine? Awesome!"

"It's over, this sister Zhou and the sister Zhou I don't know, actually came up with this method?"

"Look, the owner Kenin is stunned, and there is this move?"

"Die laughing.jpg!"

No surprises!

Zhou Shuyi's wonderful counterattack caused another burst of cheers from the fans watching the live broadcast.

This time, they all felt that sister Zhou would not be able to play Tailwind rounds, but would only play headwind rounds.

This Pidgey turned against the sky, it is simply terrible!

If it were them, I am afraid that they would have lost many times.

"Your tactics are terrible!"

"All these unique tricks have completely exceeded my expectations!"

Turning around, Kenin said slowly.

As the barrage says!

Seeing that Zhou Shu also let Combusken evade Onix's attack in this way, and landed safely.

Her heart was quite shocked!

As a result, I was stunned for a while.

This was the first time she encountered this coping method.

Start now too!

In her opinion, Zhou Shuyi is already a

An extremely tricky Rival.

"Thanks for the compliment!"

Hearing Kenin's seemingly praiseworthy words, Zhou Shuyi replied subconsciously.

As everyone knows!

At this moment, she is also a little confused.

She didn't expect such a chain reaction after Combusken used the Flamethrower in the air.

Her intention was to burn the boulder with the Flamethrower.

As a result, Combusken turned the Flamethrower into a 'propeller' and dodged it directly?

Good guy!

"`"Let me see, what tricks you haven't used yet!"

There was a trace of seriousness on Kenin's face.

She plans to use some of her strength.

Being beaten passively like this, and watching Zhou Shuyi's performance constantly, is not her style of a "high-achieving rock student".


Kenin ordered.

The next moment, Onix's huge body began to move rapidly.

In the blink of an eye, he appeared in front of Combusken across a distance of nearly ten meters.

"not good!"

"Combusken, dodge with Quick Attack!"

Seeing this scene, Zhou Shuyi wanted Combusken to use Quick Attack to accelerate and dodge.

It's just because of the reason for the previous hair trough.

After all, her instructions were a step too late.

Without waiting for Combusken to perform a Quick Attack on her command.

Combusken's body had been tightly wound and bound within Onix's massive body.


Feeling the sense of restraint and oppression coming from around the body, Liwang chicken immediately sent it from the mouth.

Also Bind!

Kenin's Onix's Bind is much stronger than the previous mountaineering youth.

At least, in terms of power and the 'tonnage' of the Onix, that is the case.

This also makes it suffer even more pain.

"Blame me!"

Hearing Kawasaki Saki's tragic Growl from Combusken's mouth, Zhou Shu also blamed herself secretly,

Combusken shouldn't be like this!

But because of her distraction, she suffered an indiscriminate disaster.


With previous experience first, she is not helpless at this moment!

"Combusken, Flamethrower!"

Zhou Shuyi wants to 'replay the old trick'

Just like last time, have Combusken burn the Onix with the Flamethrower.

Whenever Onix feels pain and releases the Combusken, he has a chance to escape.


Obtaining Zhou Shuyi's instruction, Combusken obviously also understood Zhou Shuyi's intention.

Enduring the pain on its body, it spit up flames at Onix in front of it.

Also when Eruption burns Onix, it is ready.

As soon as Onix loosened its body a little, it immediately ran away and broke away from Onix's shackles.

However, Zhou Shusu and Combusken miscalculated this time.

No matter how Combusken's Flamethrower burns, Onix has no tendency to let go of Combusken at all.

Even faintly tied Combusken (Li Hao) tighter.

In great pain and in bondage to Onix.

Even the Flamethrower in Combusken's mouth was interrupted, unable to continue burning Onix.

"Too small for my Onix!"

"If you can't even bear this damage, how can you count as my Pokémon!"

"Also, it's not like I don't know that you used this trick to deal with my disciple's Onix!"

Kenin's mouth curled up in a smug arc.


Hearing what Kenin said, Zhou Shuchi stared at the sky.

Kenin knew she was going to do this!

This wave, she did something useless?

Damn it!

Say it!

The main reason is probably not that the level of Kenin's Onix is ​​much higher than that of the mountaineering youth's Onix.

This also makes Kenin's Onix have higher defense and thicker blood volume, so the damage received is relatively small.

"It's time for us to fight back!"

"Onix, just use Tackle!"

Kenin's eyes froze, and he continued to let Onix launch a fierce attack.

Choose this move instead of a more powerful attack move.

The reason for this is naturally because they want to attack at the same time.

Keep Combusken bound and hard to escape.

Now, she was not giving Combusken the slightest chance.

Combusken can hit this part, it is already very good!

This time, it's time to play!


Get Kenin's order.

Onix immediately raised his head high.

Then it was a quick buckle at Combusken.

Even Tackle isn't particularly powerful.

But under the blessing of Onix's own tonnage.

Smashing on a Combusken that is only as big as its own head can definitely injure Combusken severely.

Even, knock down Combusken with a single blow.



Onix's Tackle fell on Combusken.

Only a loud Tackle sound was heard.

Then I heard, Growl came from Combusken's mouth. .

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