After completing the Rustboro Gym Challenge!

Zhou Shu, who has gained a lot, has also left the Rustboro Gym!

She is going to the Pokémon center to treat her Pokémon.

However, when passing the Devon Company in Rustboro City.

I saw something strange coming from the door of Dewen Company.

A figure with Blue Scarf hurried out of the Devon Company, heading towards the direction of Rustboro City Beili.

"that is not.....…"

Seeing the figure in the blue turban, Zhou Shu also recognized it immediately.

Immediately, she immediately said to the fans watching the live broadcast: "Brothers, it is him. The villain I met in Petalburg Woods that I told you before is him! He seems to be a member of an organization called Water Fleet!"

Don't wait for fans to post barrage to respond!

The next moment, another figure appeared in front of Zhou Shuyi.

That's a guy in a Devon outfit!

After running out of the Devon company, he immediately chased after the members of the water fleet.


"And who is that!"

"The one who just ran over!"

"That person is the one I mentioned earlier who was rescued from the Water Fleet in Petalburg Woods, and it belongs to the Devon Company!"

Seeing the staff of Dewen Company, Zhou Shuyi was surprised again.

"When I was in Petalburg Woods, I just helped him fight back the water fleet and keep his things from being robbed!"

"Looking at the situation, he was robbed in the end!"

"And, it was robbed in my own company!"

"It's unlucky enough!"

Zhou Shuyi was both funny and helpless.

This Dewen company is not a small company!

Its status seems to be one of the best in the Hoenn Region.

Security is so poor for such a big company?

Let alone the people from the Water Fleet get involved easily, and now they are taking things away?

What a shame!

"Wrong billion!"

"Judging from Sister Zhou's explanation, it's a pity that I didn't see this part of the content!"


"However, is Devon's company so miserable?"

"I'm dying of laughter! If you are going to be robbed outside, you will also be robbed inside your own company?"

Fans said they were laughed at again.

However, when they finished laughing, each of them became thoughtful.

"Couldn't it be, this is also part of the plot of 08!"

"The plot after the Rustboro Gym? Makes sense!"

"What are you waiting for, hurry up and help that person, defeat the water fleet again, and get back the corresponding things!"

Fans started guessing one by one.

Immediately, Zhou Shuyi was urged even more.


"I'm going to punish rape and eliminate evil, and teach that water fleet man a lesson again!"

Zhou Shu also nodded.

Although her Combusken has no fighting ability at the moment, after fighting against Petalburg Woods, she knows the strength of this water fleet member.

Not strong!

Even, a little weak.

With the Ralts in his hands, it is enough to clean him up.

Not to mention, she has other Pokémon in her hands.

It is also enough to deal with that weak Chicken Water Fleet member!

Thinking of this, Zhou Shu also set off immediately.

She chased after the members of the Water Fleet and the Devon Company in the direction they left.

"Where are they running?"

Go to a fork.

Zhou Shu also stopped in her tracks, feeling a little troubled.

One of them leads down a steep hill to a beach.

The road in another place seems to lead to wild forests and mountains.

"It should be here!"

Zhou Shu also ran towards the direction of the forest.

The beach and steep slopes are not a suitable escape route.

On the contrary, forests and mountains are hidden enough and easy to escape.

Zhou Shuyi's choice was right.

After running for a while!

She soon saw the man from Devon.

It may be due to lack of energy.

At this moment, the other party was sitting slumped on the ground, panting heavily.

"It's you?"

Seeing Zhou Shuyi's arrival.

The people of Devon Company were surprised at first, and then they were overjoyed.

Unexpectedly, I would meet someone who helped me in Petalburg Woods here.

If the other party can help himself again.

Then, wouldn't it be possible to find the people of the Water Fleet and snatch back their own things?

Thinking of this, the people from Dewen Company struggled to get up and walked to Zhou Shuyi.

"do you remember me?"

"You helped me in Petalburg Woods!"

"Now I'm in trouble again, it's the same person who took my stuff!

"Can I ask you to help me get it back?"

"I'll pay you back!"

Devon's humanity.

"no problem!"

Zhou Shuyi's eyes lit up.

Not to mention that she was there to help.

Now there is still a reward, of course it is flattering.

Back in Petalburg Woods.

When I helped the other party, the other party also gave me a reward.

As for the reward, it is still a Great Ball.

Although there is only one, it is not cheap in itself.

The probability of being able to capture Pokémon is much higher than that of Normal Poké Ball.

Presumably, for helping the other party this time, the reward given by the other party is still the Great Ball.

Another great ball for nothing, that's not bad!

"Then thank you!"

"As soon as possible!"

"Otherwise, I'm afraid he's already fled now!"

The people from Devon said anxiously.

"I'm going right now!"

Zhou Shu also nodded.

After speaking, she headed directly towards the forest.

Although the forest is not small, it is nothing compared to Petalburg Woods.

After spending some time!

Zhou Shu also passed through this forest.

During the period, I also swiped a few NPCs and made a small amount of money.

After walking through the forest!

Zhou Shu also saw a house near the tunnel at a glance.

Outside the house, there was a man dressed as a construction worker.

"Brother, did you see a man wearing a headscarf just now?"

Zhou Shu also stepped forward to ask a wave.

It is different from the slightly clumsy NPC who guided the plot at the beginning!

She found that as the game deepened.

The NPCs behind are all able to take the initiative to ask questions.

Moreover, it can also give corresponding answers according to your questions.

In this regard, quite intelligent.

I don't know how many streets away from other games.

It is not an exaggeration to say that this is the prototype of real artificial intelligence!

"There is!"

"There was a hooded guy who ran over bluffing and almost knocked me over!"

"He seems to be going in the direction of the Tunnel!"

The construction worker said.

When he said this, there was still a little dissatisfaction on his face.

That's dissatisfaction with the members of the Water Fleet!

"However, if he wants to go through the tunnel, his idea may come to nothing!"

The construction worker continued.


Zhou Shu also asked subconsciously, a little curious.

"Because the tunnel leading to Verdanturf Town has not been completed, and the middle section has not been opened yet!"

The construction worker said.

"Verdanturf Town?"

Hearing this place name, Zhou Shu also subconsciously felt a little familiar.

Then, she quickly remembered.

It seems that the place where Dawn moved, isn't Verdanturf Town?

In other words, you can see Dawn directly through the Tunnel?

However, this is unrealistic.

The construction worker said everything, but the tunnel has not been opened yet.

By the time the tunnel was opened, it was estimated that she had already seen Dawn again.

"Thank you brother!"

Zhou Shu also hurriedly expressed his thanks.

She's going to the Tunnel to catch up with the Water Fleet members.

"Just call me Long Er!"

The construction worker said.

Just, when he said his name.

Zhou Shuyi also left in a hurry.

I don't know if Zhou Shu has heard it.

Tunnel is not far from Ryuji's house.

Not long!

Zhou Shu also came outside the tunnel.

At this time, an old man was at the entrance of the tunnel, looking annoyed.

"Master, what happened here?"

Zhou Shu also asked subconsciously.

Who knows if this old man will be part of the plot!

In short, the last question is correct.

Maybe we can learn more about the whereabouts of the members of the water fleet.

Hearing Zhou Shuyi's inquiry, the old man seemed to have found a savior.

"Some guy in a hood stole my skin and ran into the Tunnel!"

"Pip is my Wingull, I can't live without him!"

"Little girl, if you are a Trainer, help me get Xiaopi back!"

"I don't have a Pokémon in my hand after the skin is taken, not against the guy in the hood!"

The old man pleaded.


Zhou Shu also nodded.

Apparently, Water Fleet members actually ran into the Tunnel.

Anyway, she was here for the members of the Water Fleet, so let's help the old man.

As for remuneration?

Seeing the old man's appearance of 'nothing to hide', she didn't force it anymore.

"Hold on!"

"I'm going to help you rescue Xiaopi!"

Zhou Shu also said.

With that said, she went straight to Tunnel.

Although it is a tunnel, it may be due to construction. There are circuits and lights hanging on the top of the interior.

Therefore, there is no problem with lighting.

After entering the Tunnel!

Along the direction of the tunnel, Zhou Shushi went all the way forward.

She clutches her Poké Ball tightly in her hand.

In order for the members of the water fleet to appear, Pokémon can be released in time to fight back.

After walking for about a few hundred meters!

Finally, Zhou Shu also found her target object.

That is... the members of the Water Fleet!

At this moment, the other party was annoyed in front of the unbroken rock wall, regretting his wrong escape route.

"Got you!"

Seeing the members of the Water Fleet, Zhou Shuyi was delighted.

Later, he released his own Pokémon without hesitation.

A red light flickered.

The next moment, I saw the figure of Ralts appearing.

"It's you!"

Hear movement behind him.

The members of the water fleet turned around and took a look.

Then, he saw Zhou Shu's face, which was quite hateful and hateful to him.

If it weren't for Zhou Shuyi's obstruction, he would have successfully grabbed what he wanted as early as Petalburg Woods.

And, we ran away and returned to the headquarters of the water fleet.

How can there be no way to find a way like now.

He ran directly to the unopened tunnel, feeling sorry for himself!

"Since you delivered it yourself, don't blame me for being rude!"

In anger!

water fleet into

The members are about to release their own Pokémon to fight Zhou Shuyi.

Although he had lost to Zhou Shuyi before, it was also because Zhou Shuyi was young, so he underestimated Zhou Shuyi.

In the end, he was defeated by his own carelessness.

Now, he doesn't think Zhou Shuyi can still beat him.

"Go, Poochyena!"

The Water Fleet members unleash their own Pokémon Poochyena.

"Yo, it's not bad!"

"Levels are good!"

After searching Poochyena a bit with Pokédex.

Zhou Shu was also slightly surprised.

When they met each other in Petalburg Woods.

The Poochyena level of the water fleet members is also LV8.

Now, it's all LV12!

That's a lot of levels!

But that's it!

After playing the Nosepass, and swiping a few NPC Trainers in the forest just now.

Her Ralts are now LV14.

Against the members of the Shangshui Fleet, she still has a level advantage.

Despite the rank, Zhou Shu also has contempt for the members of the Water Fleet.

However, in terms of 'strategy', Zhou Shuyi still attaches great importance to the members of the water fleet.

If it turns over, I will lose face!

"Stop looking down on people!"

Being underestimated by Zhou Shuyi.

The members of the Water Fleet lost their temper.

He immediately let Poochyena attack.

"Poochyena, Bite!"

Said the member of the water fleet.


Poochyena howled.

Immediately, it rushed towards Ralts with strides.

Then, he opened his bloody mouth fiercely to Ralts.

"Disarming Voice!"

Zhou Shu also ordered the Ralts to launch a counterattack.


Only the charming Growl came from Ralts' mouth, heading towards Poochyena.


Hearing Ralts' charm Growl, Poochyena immediately sent a miserable Growl190.

Its spirit is attacked by Ralts.

Moreover, it was quite an effective attack.

The evil Attribute it has is severely restrained by the Fairy attack of Ralts.

The damage caused is double!

"Damn it!"

"You actually have a Fairy Pokémon!"

The members of the water fleet were shocked and angry.

"Poochyena, Sand Attack!"

He immediately changed his offensive, intending to blind Ralts and Zhou Shuyi's vision first, and then launch a sneak attack secretly.


Facing the Sand Attack of the water fleet members, Zhou Shuyi and Ralts did not care.

"Keep using Disarming Voice!"

Zhou Shu also said.

Although Poochyena tried to intervene with her and the Ralts with Sand Attack, everything was useless.

Because, Disarming Voice is a 'must hit' skill.

In this tunnel, Poochyena is unavoidable, and will be hurt by the Disarming Voice constantly echoing in the tunnel.


The charming and dangerous voice came from Ralts again.

Almost instantly!

Poochyena has been hit hard again!

And this time, it failed to survive the Ralts attack.

He fell to the ground, turned his eyes in circles, and lost his fighting ability.


"Come back, Tianlangtian!"

The members of the water fleet gritted their teeth and used the Poké Ball to retrieve their Poochyena.

"You bastard, give it to me!"

Immediately, the member of the Water Fleet threw out a Wingull from his waist.

This is the Pokémon he snatched from an old man outside the Tunnel just now.

However, the level of this Pokémon is surprisingly low.

In terms of combat effectiveness and combat awareness, it is also quite weak.

But now, he has nothing to do.

Who made Poochyena such a Pokémon in his hands?

Now, I can only use this snatched Wingull to recharge.

"Water Gun!"

The members of the water fleet ordered Wingull to let Wingull attack Ralts and Zhou Shuyi.

It may be the members of the water fleet who are afraid of 'evil'.

Faced with the instructions of the members of the water fleet, Wingull dare not disobey.

It can only launch Water Gun attacks towards Ralts at the request of Water Fleet members.

Immediately, a stream of water spewed out from its mouth, heading towards Zhou Shushi.


Seeing the Water Gun used by Wingull, Zhou Shuyi was speechless!

Moreover, there are still some who want to complain.

Same goes for the Water Gun.

The power of this Wingull's Water Gun is more than twice as powerful as his own Wingull's Water Gun.

Even the thickness of the water flow is less than half that of Wingull's Water Gun.


Although they all didn't want to fight back, Zhou Shuyi let Ralts control Wingull's actions.

With Wingull under control, there is really no Pokémon in the hands of the members of the water fleet.


"Hand over what you snatched!"

"In this way, it's not that I can't consider letting you go!"

Zhou Shuyi said to the members of the water fleet with a fierce look on his face.

At this moment, their identities seem to usher in an exchange. .

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