Developing Pokemon, Sister Zhou Was Bitten By A Dog And Got Out Of The Circle

Chapter 74 Shuyi, Why Did You Become So Strong? Is It Because Of Love?

"If you want to know, then fight with me!"

"As long as you win, I'll tell you!"

Xiao Qi got straight to the point.

A raging fighting spirit ignited from him.

Last time, he wanted to avenge his shame, but failed to avenge his shame.

Now, since I met Zhou Shuji again here.

This time, he must be ashamed again.

And this time, he will succeed.

He must also avenge his success!

"A fight?"

Hearing Xiaoqi's request, Zhou Shushi was slightly taken aback.

Immediately, she laughed out loud.

"Just what I want!"

"Then let's have a long-lost fight!"

"Let me see your current strength!"

Zhou Shu also laughed.

A raging fighting spirit was also ignited on her body.

The last victory was considered to be her gaining the upper hand in moves.

This time, she has to crush Xiao Qi upright!

"very good!"

"As expected of you!"

“Worthy of the Rival I recognize!”

Zhou Shuyi's challenge made Xiaoqi very satisfied.

Immediately, he took out his Poké Ball and was about to start a duel with Zhou Shuyi.

"Come out, Wingull!"

"It's up to you!"

Xiaoqi released his first Pokémon.


"The level is not low!"

"However, it is still far away!"

After searching the level of Xiao Qi's Wingull with Pokédex.

Zhou Shu also smiled confidently.

It's better to say!

She is more confident!

With this level, how can Xiao Qi compete with her!

Her weakest Pokémon is only two or three levels lower than the little Wingull!

If Xiaoqi's main force, Marshtomp, is two or three levels higher than Wingull.

That's not even as good as her second-in-command, Kirlia.

She will win this battle!

"Come out, Kirlia!"

Zhou Shuyi directly released her second in command, Lian, Qilu 250.

Call out Makuhita who is also LV20 or Wingull from Aron and Xiaoqi?

She is not so 'fair'!

Not to mention, both Makuhita and Aron are restrained by Wingull's Flying and Water systems.

She doesn't want to fight against the Attribute and get beaten!


Seeing that Zhou Shuyi's first Pokémon was Kirlia, Xiao Qi was slightly surprised.

"Have your Ralts evolved?"

Xiao Qi was surprised.

"Of course!"

"Back in Dewford Town, the Ralts turned into Kirlia!

Zhou Shu is also a little complacent.

"That's pretty fast!"

Xiao Qi smiled when he heard this.

However, after the Pokédex in his hand subconsciously retrieved Zhou Shuyi's Kirlia.

His face froze, and he couldn't smile anymore!

This Kirlia is...V25?

This is higher than the level of his strongest Pokémon, the current LV24 Marshtomp.

If Combusken's level is higher than this, is he sure he will continue to challenge Zhou Shuyi?

Otherwise, just like last time, just admit defeat!

Xiao Qi thought to himself.

No, how can I admit defeat!

As soon as this idea came to mind, Xiao Qi dismissed it.

The last time it was because there was no way, he knew he had lost.

And this time, if you directly admit defeat, you will lose without a fight!

That's too embarrassing!

If you don't lose the battle, you will lose again at worst!


It is not certain that Zhou Shuyi's Combusken level is similar to Kirlia's.

Even, not as high as Kirlia?

Xiao Qi had fantasies in his heart.

He felt that there should be a great possibility for Zhou Shuyi to focus on Kirlia's recent training.

That's why Kirlia has made such progress!

"This should be!"

Thinking about it this way, Xiao Qi felt more and more possible.

"What are you in a daze for!"

"Do you want to fight again?"

Seeing Xiaoqi's distracted look, Zhou Shu also reminded him aloud.


After being called out by Zhou Shuyi, Xiao Qi came back to his senses.

He immediately replied to Zhou Shuyi, ready to fight.

"Wingull, Water Pulse!"

Xiao Qi said.

"Miss -"

The energy of the water system began to condense in the mouth of Wingull who received the order.

The next moment, a water polo appeared in its mouth.

Wait until the water polo condensation is complete!

Wingull spit it out quickly and came towards Zhou Shuyi.


Facing Wingull's attack.

Zhou Shu also lightly ordered Kirlia to evade.


With Teleport force.

Kirlia's figure disappeared directly in place.


Also after Kirlia's body disappeared in place.

Wingull's attack Smack Down where Kirlia was just now.

I saw the water polo burst open, turning into waves and sweeping towards the surroundings.

This move is quite powerful at first glance.

It's a pity, after all, it didn't hit Kirlia, and didn't cause any damage to Kirlia.

"Have you mastered the Teleport?"

Xiao Qi's complexion was slightly dignified.

In battle!

Teleport is undoubtedly a tricky move.


Also at this time.

Zhou Shu also issued new orders to Kirlia.

At this moment, Kirlia, who used Teleport to teleport, has appeared beside Wingull.


Strange rays of light emanated from Kirlia's eyes, turned into circles of light and shot out, heading towards Wingull.


Being hit directly by Kirlia's Psybeam, Wingull immediately screamed.

Although it wasn't taken away by Kirlia's blow, it was seriously injured at the moment, and its physical strength was only in single digits.

"Final blow, Disarming Voice!"

Zhou Shu also took advantage of the victory to pursue and continue to issue orders.


Growl, which is full of charm and excitement, was sent by Kirlia, heading towards Wingull.

"Miss -"

Wingull, who had just been hit hard, was attacked by Kirlia almost the next moment.

After another scream.

Its body fell straight from its mouth and fell to the ground.

Then... rolled his eyes.


Seeing that Wingull was easily dealt with by Kirlia, Xiao Qi was slightly silent.

The difference in level and strength between Wingull and Kirlia is still too big.

Otherwise, how could his Wingull be defeated so embarrassingly.

"Come back, Wingull!"

Xiaoqi took out Wingull's Poké Ball and took Wingull back.

Immediately, he took out another Poké Ball with a serious face.

"Although it's a bit early, I can only let you play directly!"

"Come out, my strongest Pokémon, Zuzu!"

Xiao Qi said.

After speaking, he released the Pokémon in the Poké Ball in his hand.


"That's it!"

Zhou Shu was also slightly surprised.

And some... excited!

It seems that the crush brought by Kirlia directly forced Xiaoqi's Trump Card out.

Let her take a good look at how Xiaoqi's Trump Card Mudkip is now!


"Not bad!"

Zhou Shu also glanced at Xiao Qi's Marshtomp with admiration.

LV24, quite high!

No, it's already higher than her Makuhita and Aron levels.

puff one

Zhou Shuyi couldn't hold back in her heart, and laughed out loud.

Mudkip of LV24, Xiao Qi, what are you going to fight me with!

Even if I don't get my LV29 Combusken, you're definitely gone.

Zhou Shu also drew a 'stop' in her heart for this battle with Xiao Qi.

She is sure to win!

Xiao Qi fell into her hands again.

"Although it's not as good as your Kirlia, it's enough to defeat Kirlia!"

Xiao Qi snorted softly.

Although he didn't know what Zhou Shuyi was thinking, the 'disrespect' on Zhou Shuyi's face was already clearly in his eyes.

Zhou Shuyi must have felt that his Marshtomp was not Kirlia's Rival.

That being the case!

Then, he will defeat Kirlia to show Zhou Shuyi, and slap Zhou Shuyi in the face.

Zu, Mud Bomb!"

With enthusiasm, Xiaoqi gave orders to Marshtomp.


The next moment, a huge mud bomb was spit out from Marshtomp's mouth, heading towards Kirlia.


Zhou Shu also asked Kirlia to use Teleport to evade as usual.

After Kirlia has mastered Teleport, she has become accustomed to using Teleport to dodge skills.

Compared to Double Team with 'flaws', Teleport is much easier to use.


Kirlia's body disappeared in place.

And Marshtomp's Mud Bomb, like Wingull's Water Pulse just now, failed to hit.


At this time, Zhou Shu also gave orders to Kirlia who moved behind Marshtomp.


Kirlia was about to attack Marshtomp just as she had done with Wingull.

"Don't think about it!"

"Zuzu, directly hit the ground with a poached egg!"

Xiao Qi hurriedly ordered.


Get instructions!

Mudkip immediately casts Water Pulse on Ground.

A water balloon was spit on the Ground at its feet.

The water polo burst, turning into waves and sweeping towards the surroundings.

And the area swept by the waves happened to be where Kirlia was.


Under the sweeping waves, Kirlia's body, which hadn't released Psybeam, was directly swept up into the air.

At this moment, Kirlia was no longer as relaxed and freehand as before, and looked a little embarrassed.

"Quick response!"

Seeing this scene, Zhou Shuyi's eyes widened.

The development of this scene surprised her a little.

It seems that she is too confident, and she underestimates Xiao Qi.

This same tactic is very difficult to work against powerful people.

And Xiao Qi is naturally one of them.


Xiao Qi ignored Zhou Shuyi's surprise.

He has no time to be amazed either!

He was about to launch fierce attacks one after another, not giving Kirlia and Zhou Shuyi a chance.


A special and weird sound wave comes out from Marshtomp's mouth 0......

Instantly, the sound waves

In the shape of a circle, it turned into waves of sound and headed towards Kirlia in midair.

"Defend with Disarming Voice!"

Zhou Shuyi naturally couldn't just watch Kirlia being beaten.

She immediately gave orders to Kirlia as well.


Kirlia called out, and a charming voice came out of her mouth.

The double sound waves collided in the air, directly offsetting each other.

Kirlia was not hit by Marshtomp's Supersonic and fell into chaos Contest Condition.

And Marshtomp was not affected by Kirlia's Disarming Voice, so he was mentally stimulated.

"Frozen Light!"

Seeing that Supersonic didn't work, Xiaoqi immediately issued another order.


A powerful Ice Beam was spit out by Marshtomp, heading towards Kirlia.

The freezing light is coming menacingly!

For a while, Zhou Shuyi had no time to give Kirlia an order.

Kirlia, who was hit by the freezing light, was directly frozen into an ice sculpture.

"I go!"

Seeing this scene, Zhou Shu also exclaimed directly.

She hadn't seen many ice-type moves, but this was the first time she saw such a scene.

My own Kirlia was actually frozen into an ice cube?

Then again!

It seems that among the moves that Marshtomp can master, there is no ice-type freezing light!

Xiao Qi, the sixth son, must have spent a lot of money or dragged Professor Birch to get such a skill machine that freezes light, right?

Zhou Shu also thought to herself!

"Rock Smash!"

Xiao Qi's offensive was like fire.

When Zhou Shuyi was distracted by him, his offensive came again.


I saw Marshtomp's right hand lit up with a white light, exuding a powerful force.

Jump in front of and behind the ice that Kirlia has turned into!

It swung its right fist violently, and smashed heavily on the ice that Kirlia had melted.


Marshtomp's Rock Smash blasts the ice with a bang.


Then came the sound of cracking one after another.

It was the ice that had frozen Kirlia broken.

This wave, is Marshtomp saving Kirlia?

Not really!

Marshtomp's Rock Smash, of course, shattered the ice that was freezing Kirlia.

However, when Marshtomp shatters the ice.

Kirlia not only received the impact and damage from Rock Smash, but also received damage and pressure from the Ice Smash.

In other words!

The damage Kirlia suffered may not be just ''!



Under Marshtomp's blow, Jon Lulian was seriously injured.

If it wasn't for the Fighting-type moves themselves being severely restrained by Kirlia's Attribute, they would only be able to cause 1/4 of the damage to Kirlia.

This time, it is possible to directly beat Kirlia to lose the ability to fight.


Freed from the ice, Kirlia flew upside down on the ground.

It stood up with difficulty and was about to continue to fight.

"I was careless!"

"Kirlia, you come back first!"

Zhou Shu also took out the Poké Ball and took Kirlia back.

After collecting Kirlia's Poké Ball!

Zhou Shuyi took out another Poké Ball with a serious face. 3.1

"As an apology for underestimating you!"

"Next, I'll send out my Trump Card too!"

Zhou Shu also said.

"Come out, Combusken!"

Immediately, she released her second Pokémon.

Trump Card Combusken, here we come!


Once showed up.

After seeing this old Rival with Marshtomp in front of him.

Combusken immediately called out menacingly.

The voice is full of fighting spirit.

And some... Rage!

It saw it through the Poké Ball just now.

My 'best friend' Kirlia was beaten up by Marshtomp.

This hatred, it must be repaid!


Facing Combusken's belligerent and furious growl.

Not to be outdone, Marshtomp also shouted.

However, I don't know if it's because of the strong power of Combusken.

Its Growl, some lack of confidence!


Also at this time!

Xiaoqi used Pokédex to complete the search for Combusken.

Seeing Combusken's level displayed on the screen, he was slightly silent.

He also guessed before that Zhou Shu definitely focused on cultivating Kirlia.

That's why Kirlia's level is so high.

So much so, taller than his Trump Card Marshtomp.

It now appears that he was wrong.

And, dead wrong.

Zhou Shuyi not only cultivated Kirlia very well, but also cultivated Combusken very well.

Or rather, better!

"It seems that you have experienced quite a battle and exercise!"

After a sigh!

Xiao Qi looked at Combusken and Zhou Shuyi with complicated eyes.

What is it that made Zhou Shu so experienced.

Is it because of love?


Zhou Shuyi has become such a 'supermodel', it seems that he is very lazy and weak!.

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