Developing Pokemon, Sister Zhou Was Bitten By A Dog And Got Out Of The Circle

Chapter 76 See Dawn Again! You Want To Use My Sister Zhou As A Testing Stone, Don't You?

On the way to explore!


Zhou Shu also came to Mauville City.


"I'm finally in Mauville City!"

Zhou Shu also said excitedly.

It's not about being excited about coming to a new city.

It's not that I'm excited about coming to a city with a gym.

but because.....

After coming to Mauville City!

The bicycle she has been longing for is now available!

"Are you happy to be in Mauville City?"

"Yes, you are not!"

"You're that free-for-all bicycle, you're a scumbag!"

The fans obviously also saw Zhou Shuyi's "heart and heart".

And, it was exposed mercilessly.


"so what!"

"If it were you, wouldn't you be excited?"

Facing the contempt of fans, Zhou Shu expressed her dissatisfaction.

"Now that everyone knows my goal!"

"Then, let's go straight to Funo Bicycle Shop!"

After entering Mauville City!

Zhou Shu also headed directly towards Funo bicycle.

back on the road.

She had already checked out the map and knew the approximate direction of Funo Bicycle Shop.

Even if you don't open the map now, you can go directly to find Funo Bicycle Shop.

Zhou Shuyi soon came to the front of Funo bicycle shop.

Looking at the dazzling array of bicycles in front of the Funo bicycle line.

Zhou Shuyi was almost blinded.

In reality, she drives a nice luxury car.

But I didn't expect that one day I would drool over the bicycle.

"I don't know how many years I haven't ridden a bike!"

"I didn't expect to be able to ride a long-lost bicycle in the game world!"

"Also, it's more than the expected guest in reality!"

Zhou Shu also complained.

She complained about herself.

"That's not—"

"It's a game after all!"

"Having a car and a house in reality, and having a car and a house in the game are two different feelings!"

"Sometimes having a car and a house in the game world is much more exciting than in reality!"

"Maybe, this is the sense of substitution?"

Fans agree.

"Then I'll go in!"

After suppressing his restless mood.

Zhou Shu also walked into Fuye Bicycle Shop full of excitement.

At this moment, there are only two people in the Funo bicycle shop.

One is the cashier at the front desk!

There is another person who is overhauling the bicycle.

It seems that this person should be the owner of Funo Bicycle Shop... Funo!


"I was introduced by Xiao Qi!"

"He said that as long as he is willing to ride a bicycle here to help advertise, he can get a bicycle for free!"

Zhou Shu also walked directly to Funo, straight to the point.

"Did Xiao Qi introduce someone?"

"Then you must be a very good Trainer!"

Hearing Zhou Shuyi's self-report, Funo's eyes lit up.


"I am Xiaoqi's designated Rival!"

"And, the strength is stronger than him!"

"Just now outside Mauville City, I had a fight with Xiaoqi and defeated him again!"

Zhou Shu also touched her nose, feeling a little complacent.

"So it's you!"

Hearing what Zhou Shuyi said, Okano was slightly surprised.

"Xiao Qi vaguely mentioned his 'Rival' when he was picking up his bicycle from me!"

"I didn't expect it to be you!"

"If it's you, of course you can pick up a bike from my bike shop for free!"

Funo slightly surprised Road.

He found another excellent Trainer to help him 'indirectly' promote his own bicycles, which made him very happy.

"Then thank you very much!"

Get Funo's affirmation.

Zhou Shuyi's eyes lit up, she was very excited.

"plz follow me!"

"I'll show you your bike!"

Funo Road.

After speaking, he led Zhou Shuyi to the outside of the bicycle shop, and came to a row of bicycles.

"These are the free bikes for good Trainers!"

"You can pick any one!"

Funo Road.


"Let me see!"

Zhou Shu also looked at the bicycle in front of her.

Compared with the bicycles in other positions, the bicycles in this corner are a bit 'fancy'.

Because of the top and bottom of the body, there are various advertisements for Funo Bicycles.

It gives people a feeling of excessive advertising.

This also makes!

In appearance, the bicycle may be a little ugly!

Or rather... ugly!

However, Zhou Shushi didn't mind.

After all, it is a free bicycle.

Some rides are good, why care so much!

If you really care!

Later, when I have money, I will buy a good car again!

"Or, let's not do it!"

Just when Zhou Shu also took a fancy to a bicycle and was about to propose it to Funo.

Funo only heard suddenly speak.

"Almost forgot to tell you!"

"The bicycles in our store are divided into two types according to their functions!"

"One of them is a mach bike and the other is a leap bike

"The Mach bicycle is designed for the cyclists who follow the wind!"

"The Mach bike has the speed of normal wind, even some steep slopes and sandy slopes can be rushed directly."

"As for the Feiyue bicycle, it is prepared for those who love cycling skills!"

"If you encounter a narrow road with obstacles, you can jump directly by bicycle and come to the foothold on the side!"

Funo patted his head and said.

"Mach Bike and Leap Bike?"

Zhou Shu was also slightly surprised.


"You can choose the bike you want according to your needs!"

"Of course, if you want to change to other types of bicycles in the future, you can also come to me for replacement!"

"I'll still give it to you for free!"

Funo nodded.

"Then Mach Bike!"

After thinking for a while.

Zhou Shu also chose the Mach bicycle without hesitation.

Young people, naturally pursue speed!

She wants to be a 'wind chasing girl'!

"A Mach bike, huh?"

"all these are!"

Funo pointed to one side of the bicycle.

"it is good!"

Zhou Shu also nodded slightly.

Immediately, she pushed one of the bicycles out.


This bicycle happened to be the two she had fancy just now.

"This Mach bike is yours!"

"If you need it, you can come back to me anytime!"

"in addition----"

"If you can, please enjoy riding it in various cities!"

Funo Road.

"I will!"

"I will advertise Funo Bicycle Shop well!"

Zhou Shu also said.

Of course she didn't forget about the 'advertisement'.

If you take someone else's bicycle, of course you will advertise it well.

Fortunately, she doesn't need to type this ad herself, just ride a bike everywhere.

Farewell to Funo Hou!

Riding a free-for-all Mach bike!

Zhou Shu also sped up on the road.

"With wind speed shoes first, I already have a rough guess about this Mach bike!"

"But I didn't expect that the speed of this Mach bicycle is so fast!"

"I'm a little afraid of going too fast and hitting someone or hitting the curb!"

After riding for a while.

Zhou Shu also stopped with lingering fear.

The speed of Mach's bicycle is much faster than the speed of her wind speed shoes.

Especially after accelerating.

That speed is more than twice the running speed of wind speed shoes.

For a moment, she almost panicked and bumped into the side of the road.

However, it has to be said.

This speed is really cool.


"Another day to envy Miss Zhou!"

"I suspect that sister Zhou is in Versailles, deliberately provoking us!"

"This time, sister Zhou is really a car owner!"

“I really want to go to Mauville City soon!”

Facing Zhou Shuyi's 'new equipment', other than bitterness, how will the fans feel!

Today is another day to envy Zhou Shuyi!

"Got the bike too!"

"Next, it's time to go to the Pokémon Center!"

"After treating the Pokémon, we can start the topic!"

After another ride.

Zhou Shuyi is going to the Mauville City Pokémon Center.

Bicycles, Wai is a bonus.

Her main topic has always been gymnasiums.

Her third gymnasium battle is about to start!

Just when Zhou Shuyi was going to the Pokémon Center.

I saw a little Stephanie on the side of the road looking enviously at her slightly 'exaggerated' bicycle.

"Big sister, I'm so envious of you!"

"If I had a bike, I could ride from Cycling Road to the store in Slateport City and buy whatever Harbor stationery I want!"

Little Stephanie envied.

"Harbor stationery?"

Hearing what Little Stephanie said, Zhou Shuyi was taken aback for a moment.

Then, I thought of something more.

"Is it this one?"

Immediately, she took out a stationery from her bag and handed it to Little Stephanie.

It's a Wingull letterhead!

Words of origin!

She picked it up in one of the rooms when she was challenging Master Trick's Trick Room.

Although I don't know what it is useful for, but in the spirit of not wanting nothing, I finally received it in the bag.

Unexpectedly, it will come in handy now.

This little Stephanie, shouldn't it be related to the plot?

Or, can you benefit from the opponent?

Thinking of Little Stephanie's initiative to talk, Zhou Shushi suddenly thought of this possibility.

Not without this possibility!

"it is this!"

Seeing the Harbor stationery that Zhou Shuyi handed over, Little Stephanie seemed very happy.

Immediately, she looked at Zhou Shuyi expectantly.

"Big sister, can I exchange my tokens with you?"

Little Stephanie took out a Coin Case and showed it to Zhou Shuyi.

"Coin Case?"

Zhou Shu was also slightly surprised.

This is called Coin Case, why is it so similar to the kind of box in the game hall that contains game coins.

So, why does the game world have game halls?

What a great news!


Zhou Shu also chose to exchange without hesitation.

Anyway, the Harbor stationery is useless to her, and it doesn't seem to be worth much.

If she needs it, she can come back to Slateport City to buy it later.


Little Stephanie said Cycling Road, the

Wouldn't it be the one above her on the way to Mauville City?

Think about it!

Zhou Shuyi decided to try after challenging the gym!

Is it normal to try a bike on Cycling Road?

"Thank you big sister!"

"With Coin Case, you can go to the game and rather play the game!

"I think, big sister, you will definitely like it very much!"

Little Stephanie said.

After speaking, she took the Harbor stationery she had exchanged and left directly.

"Game hall?"

"It turns out that there is a game hall!"

"Why don't you go to the game hall after finishing the gymnasium!"

Zhou Shu also became interested.

What does it feel like to play games in the game hall of the game world?

*་"I go--"

"A game hall in the game world?"

"Is that possible?"

"No wonder the game console at home can't play, so I have to go to the game hall! [Manual funny.jpg]

"You may have!"

Hear little Stephanie say that.

The fans were also very surprised.

So, this is one more reason to play Pet Pokémon Emerald.

The game arcade that you can't go to in the real world, go again in "Pokémon Emerald Pet"!

After collecting the Coin Case!

Ride a Mach Bike!

Zhou Shu also came to the Pokémon Center.

Park your bike behind the bike field outside the Pokémon Center.

She took the Pokémon and entered the Pokémon Center to find Miss Joey for treatment.

Wait until all Pokémon are recovered.

Zhou Shuyi directly left the Pokémon Center and rode a Mach bicycle to the Mauville Gym.

Just, just outside the Mauville Gym.

Zhou Shuyi was stunned.

She actually saw an acquaintance outside the Mauville Gym.

And this acquaintance was obviously the one she helped.

That's... Dawn!

After discovering this.

Zhou Shuyi, who was a little surprised, was about to come forward to say hello to Dawn after a long absence.

However, without waiting for her to say hello to Dawn.

Instead, he heard the conversation between Dawn and the person beside him who seemed to be Dawn Uncle.

"Uncle, please!"

"I want to challenge the Mauville Gym!"

"In this way, I also know how strong I am now!"

"Can you? Please!"

Dawn made a request to his Uncle.

Facing Dawn's request, Dawn's Uncle shook his head.

"Dawn, I know you have grown a lot after getting Pokémon!"

"But it's too early for you to challenge the gym now!"

Dawn's Uncle Road.

"I do not think so!"

"As long as the Ralts and I work together, we can beat anyone!"

Dawn said confidently.

"Dawn actually wants to challenge the gym?"

Hearing the conversation between Dawn and Dawn Uncle, Zhou Shu also subconsciously made a sound of surprise.

Unexpectedly, not long after getting Pokémon, Dawn also started to challenge the gym.

Is this almost in good health?

Hearing Zhou Shuyi's voice, Dawn and Dawn Uncle were taken aback for a moment.

They stopped communicating and looked at Zhou (Qian's Zhao) Shuyi.

"Shu Yi?

After seeing that it was Zhou Shuyi, Dawn was also very pleasantly surprised.

He walked up directly and greeted Zhou Shuyi.

"Shu Yi, the last time we said goodbye, we haven't seen each other for a long time!"

"Thank you so much for helping me subdue the Ralts last time!"

Dawn said excitedly.


"Seeing that your health is getting better and better, I am also very happy for you!"

Zhou Shu also smiled.

Immediately, she asked about Dawn in a little surprise.

"Dawn, are you going to start challenging gyms?"

Zhou Shu also asked.


"I want to prove my strength to the Uncle!"

Dawn nodded.

After thinking of something.

He looked at Zhou Shuyi's eyes, with a little more expression.

The expression on his face was also a little more serious.

"Shuyi, fight with me!"

"If it were you, you should be able to see my progress!"

"Afterwards, Uncle should be able to recognize my strength!"

Dawn said seriously.

"Fight with you?"

"If you want to fight, I don't mind!"

Zhou Shu was also slightly surprised.

Afterwards, even more interest came.

She is also a little curious about Dawn's current strength.

Whether Dawn has the strength to challenge the gym, let her have a good experience!

"Shu Yi, thank you!"

"Then, let's have a fight!"

"While I want to prove my strength to Uncle, I also want to see your current strength!"

Dawn said.

After coming to the open space on the side!

He pulls out his Poké Ball.

And, released their own Pokémon.

It is the Ralts!

"Lalu - bet"

With a call came.

The figure of Ralts appeared.

After seeing Zhou Shuyi in front of him, it even called out in a friendly manner.

Obviously, it recognized Zhou Shuyi!

"Ralts, long time no see!"

Zhou Shu also greeted Ralts.

Ralts was able to recognize her, which made her feel very happy. .

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