Developing Pokemon, Sister Zhou Was Bitten By A Dog And Got Out Of The Circle

Chapter 81 The Final Game, I, Zhou Shuyi, Bet My Hopes On Makuhita




Manectric under the chaotic Contest Condition failed to listen to Tie Xuan's instructions.

With the consciousness being confused, it launched an attack by instinct.

However, its attack target is Ground, and Kirlia.


There was a loud bang.

Manectric's whole body slammed into Ground.

Under great impact and tackle.

It has been quite retaliated, and it has suffered a lot of damage.


See Manectric 'self-mutilation', beat yourself up.

Tie Xuan cried out with a little worry.

He tried to get Manectric to restore the Smelling Salts by calling.

Even though it's unlikely!

Ultimately, though, there is some hope.

It's better than doing nothing!


Manectric called out.

It may be that the call of Tie Xuan had an effect.

Or, this wave of self-mutilation made Manectric feel a lot of pain, and thus received a lot of stimulation.

This also makes it gradually recover from the chaotic Contest Condition.

"Manectric, are you recovered?"

"This is really good!"


See Manectric come back to life.

Tie Xuan laughed out loud.

He is relieved!

If Manectric continues to be chaotic, continue to self-mutilate.

It is estimated that this battle may not continue.

Say it!

Now that Manectric has recovered, it may not be easy to fight now.

After all, at this moment, Zhou Shuyi's Kirlia's Calm Mind has been used up.

And, during Manectric's self-injury, it was used one more time.

At this moment, Kirlia's special attack and special defense have been upgraded by two levels.

This is not a small threat to Manectric.


Can't care about anything else.

Tie Xuan immediately gave the order to let Manectric attack first.


Manectric growled.

With his own wounded Rage.

It launched a fierce attack on Kirlia in front of it.

Thick thunder burst out from its body, directly chopping down towards Kirlia's position.

The thunder and lightning are menacing, just like the gun of Thor!

Such a sight!

It's as if this thunderbolt didn't originate from Manectric itself, but the normal thunderbolt that fell from the sky.

It looks very ferocious.

It gives people a feeling of being hopeless and invincible!

"Use Teleport to dodge!"

Zhou Shuyi immediately ordered Kirlia to hide.

Although Kirlia's special defense has been upgraded by two levels now, facing such a terrifying attack, she will not let Kirlia forcefully fight.


In the face of this lightning that could threaten her, Kirlia naturally did not dare to be careless.

After receiving Zhou Shuyi's order!

Its figure disappeared in place immediately.

"You can't escape!"

"Manectric, cover the whole field with Thunder!"

Tie Xuan said loudly.

He was about to have Manectric rain down lightning all over the field.


Manectric complied immediately.

It split the thunder and lightning that it sent out, turning into thunderbolts that fell all over the field.

Although the power has been greatly weakened, it is not as good as the whole one just now, but the advantage lies in the large coverage.

Can achieve the effect of Lock On the whole field, making Rival unable to dodge.

Iron Spin and Manectric's tactics work!

Almost the next moment!

Kirlia's figure just appeared.

Above it, a bolt of lightning had already fallen, splitting it squarely.


Kirlia let out a cry of pain.

If it weren't for the fact that Manectric's Thunder has reduced its power due to dispersion, and it has increased the special defense by two levels.

Under this blow, maybe it will be defeated directly.

"Now, Thunder Fang!"

I saw Kirlia appearing, and a Manectric's Thunder was born.

Tie Xuan is about to take advantage of the victory to pursue and launch an uninterrupted onslaught against Kirlia.


Upon hearing this, Manectric immediately charged towards Kirlia.

Its bloody mouth opened suddenly, revealing its incomparably sharp teeth.

At this moment, electric current is spreading over its teeth.

Even, under its control.

The electric current on its teeth has a faint tendency to turn into a pair of huge thunder teeth, about to bite down on Kirlia.

"Double Team々"!"

Zhou Shu also hurriedly gave orders to Kirlia.

She'd rather have Kirlia dodge with Teleport.

However, Teleport is not good for continuous use in a short period of time.

And, it takes a fraction of the time to brew.

Kirlia and Manectric are too close at the moment.

With Manectric's speed, Kirlia hasn't used the Teleport yet, and she is afraid that she will be attacked by Manectric.

Therefore, we can only use Double Team for flashing.

You don't want to be discovered by Manectric, as long as you can make Kirlia hide and find a chance to fight back.

Zhou Shuyi's idea took effect!

After Kirlia used Double Team to spread her clones around.

It was too late to distinguish the Manectric, its Thunder Fang bit the air.

It bit on a clone, preventing its attack from working.

"Find out where Kirlia is!"

"Encore, use Thunder Fang!"

Tie Xuan ordered.

He is going to let Manectric sniff out Kirlia's location, so as to attack Kirlia.

With Manectric's strong sense of smell, he is not afraid that Manectric will not find them all.

After all, Manectric's sense of smell is so good that it can also be used as a police dog.

Finding Kirlia is relatively easy!

"Draining Kiss!"

Don't wait for Manectric to find Kirlia.

Zhou Shuyi has already launched a counterattack.

Since Tie Xuan failed to directly find out where Kirlia's real body is.

Well, now is undoubtedly her best chance to attack.

In particular, Kirlia's real body location is near Manectric.

Hear this command!

Kirlia was a little disgusted.

The reason!

As the name suggests!

The move of Draining Kiss can only be effective if he kisses Rival himself.

Kissing someone else's Pokémon or something, it doesn't want to!

Even if the other party is not the opposite sex, but the same sex as himself.

This also makes!

Under its will, Zhou Shuyi seldom makes it use this move.

Do not use unless absolutely necessary!

Right now it is necessary to use this move, so naturally it has a little resistance.

However, since Zhou Shuyi gave the order, of course it will obey.

Not to mention, using this move is more beneficial to it now.


With a look of disgust.

According to Zhou Shuyi's instruction, Kirlia came to the Manectric side in front of her.

Then it was, kissing Manectric's face.

Countless little hearts appear!

After kissing Manectric on the cheek.

With the burst of Fairy energy, Kirlia did a lot of damage to Manectric.

Half of the damage, with the effect of Fairy's kiss, turned into physical strength and flowed into its body.

In this wave, it not only caused damage to Manectric, but also restored a lot of strength to the severely injured self.

Instead, Manectric!

It was already seriously injured, but with the loss of a lot of physical strength, it suddenly became more seriously injured.

At this moment, he was even more out of breath.


Seeing the extremely tired Manectric, Tie Xuan thought something was wrong.

Unexpectedly, Kirlia would do such a trick suddenly.

However, this is also an opportunity for him.

After all, Kirlia, who used Draining Kiss on Manectric, is at Manectric's side at this moment.

This is the province of Manectric to find Kirlia again, and can directly attack Kirlia next to him.

Not to mention, Kirlia, who used Draining Kiss on Manectric, also started to feel bad.


I saw an exclamation coming from Kirlia's mouth.

Then I saw that an electric current emerged from its body, bringing it a feeling of paralysis.


"Static electricity has taken effect!"

"I didn't expect that Manectric's Ability would have the chance to work on Kirlia!"

Tie Xuan laughed.

The effect of Static Ability is: When using a contact move to attack a Pokémon with this Ability, there will be a 30% chance of being paralyzed.


Kirlia's luck was not very good, she happened to be hit by the 20% chance.

I originally thought that Manectric's Ability would be "nullified" in this battle.

After all, Kirlia is better at special attacks.

In particular, special attacks of the ranged type.

Now that Kirlia uses Draining Kiss, it gives Manectric's Ability a chance not to be invalidated.

And, it worked successfully.


He looked at Kirlia who was paralyzed by the Contest Condition.

Zhou Shu also immediately understood the reason.

This inevitably made her a little annoyed by her command just now.

However, now is not the time to regret.

Now when Kirlia is paralyzed.

Tiexuan is already preparing for the final offensive!

"Manectric, Thunder Fang!"

Iron Spin ordered to Manectric.


Facing Kirlia in front of him, Manectric opened his bloody mouth again.

Its sharp teeth, full of sparks, were about to bite Kirlia's body.

"Life Dew!"

Zhou Shu also ordered.

Now when Kirlia is paralyzed.

Whether it's Teleport, Double Team, or other attacking skills.

The probability of using it may not be very high.

She can't bet on this tiny probability.

Then, she could only do her best to keep Kirlia under Manectric's attack.


A watery blue light emerged from Kirlia's body.

The next moment, I saw a large piece of water dripping from it, covering it.

Under the power of water drops!

Its physical strength and injuries are recovering rapidly.

In the blink of an eye, a quarter of it had recovered.

Also at this time!

Manectric's attack has arrived.

Manectric's Thunder Fang bit Kirlia's shoulder directly.


Feeling the huge pain from her shoulder, Kirlia directly crushed Growl.

Although it boosts its special defense, Thunder Fang is a physical attack move.

Plus it's much smaller than the Manectric.

This time, almost half of the shoulder was bitten by Manectric


As a result, it was seriously injured.

If he hadn't used Draining Kiss to restore some of his physical strength, he would have recovered a considerable amount of physical strength and injuries with Yimiao's Life Dew on Assist.

I'm afraid that if this Thunder Fang comes down, it will directly lose its fighting ability and be defeated by Manectric.


Looking at Kirlia who kept screaming, half of her body was covered by Manectric Bite.

Zhou Shu also felt distressed.

She was so anxious that her eyes were almost red.

"That's it, don't let it go!"

"Keep using Thunder Fang!"

Compared to Zhou Shuyi's worry and anxiety!

Tie Xuan, who hit a hit, was very excited.

Immediately, it was time for Manectric to unleash Thunder Fang again to finish off a badly injured Kirlia.

"Kirlia, fight!"


Zhou Shu also said.

She was prepared for Kirlia's possible defeat!

However, Manectric has to be ruthless at the end!

In this way, when you change into other Pokémon, you can also deal with Manectric.

at the moment!

Manectric is very close to Kirlia, even in sight.

Kirlia's Hypnosis has a high probability of hitting and will take effect.


Hear Zhou Shuyi's instructions.

Kirlia endured the pain on her body and resorted to Hypnosis.

In its eyes, a blue light flickered past, moving towards Manectric.

"not good!"

"Manectric, close your eyes!"

Tie Xuan was a little anxious.

He's about to make Manectric close his eyes and hide from Kirlia's Hypnosis.

However, his order was a bit too late.

I was using the last Thunder Fang's Manectric on Kirlia, and it was too late to close my eyes to avoid Kirlia's Hypnosis.

Under Kirlia's Hypnosis, Manectric was successfully hypnotized.

Also after Manectric was successfully hypnotized!


Another scream came from Kirlia's mouth.

Although Manectric has fainted, the lightning in its mouth still affects itself.

This powerful lightning was like the last straw that broke the camel's back.

It took away the last trace of its physical strength like a candle in the wind, and let it fall down.

"Kirlia can't fight!"

"The winner of this round is... Manectric!"

After Kirlia fell, the referee called out the victory for Manectric.

"Come back, Kirlia!"

A little helpless, Zhou Shuyi immediately took out the Poké Ball and took back her Kirlia.

Then, he quickly took out the next Poké Ball and released his other Pokémon to challenge.

Time is ticking!

She also didn't know when Manectric, who was hypnotized by Kirlia, would wake up.

She must seize the limited time to deal Manectric a 'fatal blow'.

"Come out, Makuhita!"

Zhou Shu also released Makuhita.

Of the two Pokémon Makuhita and Aron [she chose Makuhita.

Compared with Aron of LV21, there is no doubt that Makuhita of LV23 can cause more damage in a shorter time.


Makuhita, who appeared again, was full of fighting spirit.

It's just that the electric current that accompanied it appeared suddenly reduced its charm.


Tie Xuan's familiar laughter came.

At this moment of life and death, his mentality is still very good, and he can still laugh.


"It seems that its paralysis Contest Condition is still there!"

"Will Makuhita succeed in attacking Manectric first, or will Raiden wake up first!"

Tie Xuan laughed loudly.

He also noticed something strange about Makuhita.

It can be said that this is his hope!


"I forgot that Makuhita was paralyzed by Magnemite before!"

Looking at Makuhita who was paralyzed by the electric current.

Zhou Shu also frowned slightly.

It seems that I was a little anxious and not calm enough to make a mistake again.

It's too late to replace Pokémon now!

When she changes Pokémon, Manectric will most likely wake up.

Now, it's just a gamble!

She bet on the possibility of Makuhita!

"Makuhita, Force Palm!"

Zhou Shu also said.

She didn't choose the Arm Thrust upper dog, which is expected to be more powerful than Force Palm.

She plays it safe and lets Makuhita use Force Palm.

Otherwise, in case Makuhita only uses Arm Thrust twice in a row.

It's not good to let the Smelling Salts who beat Manectric come over instead of solving Manectric.


Makuhita braced his paralyzed body and attacked Manectric.


It swung its right fist and smashed it viciously on Manectric's head.

Under Makuhita's powerful blow, Manectric's body was directly sent flying and hit the ground heavily.

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