Developing Pokemon, Sister Zhou Was Bitten By A Dog And Got Out Of The Circle

Chapter 86 Radio Interview, Mama, I'm Going On Tv

"I'm not a dedicated Trainer after all!"

"This accidental secret skill Machamp's skill machine is a bit of a waste in my hands!"

"So, just accept it!"

"Not to mention, this skill machine is far from enough to express our gratitude to you!"

Seeing that Zhou Shu also hesitated a little, she didn't immediately accept the secret skill Machamp's skill machine.

Long Er immediately comforted him.

"Shuyi, just accept it!"

"The Present sent by Long Er will never be taken back!"

Xiao Liang at the side also comforted him.

"Then I won't be polite!"

"Thank you!"

I heard Long Er and Xiao Liang say that.

Zhou Shuyi, who was a little hesitant a second ago, wanted to refuse and welcome, and immediately accepted Long Er's kindness.

Seeing that Zhou Shu also accepted the thank you gift!

Long Er and Xiao Liang looked at each other and smiled.

Even Dawn, who saw this scene, laughed happily.

"Long Er, let's go to my house to rest first!"

"Mom and Dad, they haven't seen you for a long time!"

"If you go to see them now, they will be very surprised and very pleasantly surprised!"

Zhou Shu also accepted the secret skill Machamp's skills and later!

Xiao Liang said to Long Er.

She was about to bring her fiancé to meet her parents after a long absence.

"Should I go back and take a shower and change clothes!"

Long Er hesitated a little.

My current self is a little messy.

I also sweated a lot because of work, but I didn't have time to take care of it.

Seeing you like this is a bit too rude!

"It's not meeting outsiders!"

"Besides, it's not like Mom and Dad don't know your job!"

"They'll understand!"

"And they are more than happy to see you!"

Xiao Liang didn't take it seriously.

After finishing speaking, she was going to take Long Er to meet her parents.

"Dawn, let's go back together!"

“We have family gatherings in the evening and have some good food!”

Xiao Liang didn't forget Dawn, and couldn't get together.


Dawn nodded.

"Shu Yi, do you want to come together?"

Dawn invited Zhou Shuyi.

If Zhou Shuyi is willing to be together, then he is naturally very happy.

He still has a lot of things he hasn't said to Zhou Shuyi, and there are some Pokémon problems that he hasn't asked Zhou Shuyi for advice!


"Shu Yi, you come too!"

Xiao Liang also invited Zhou Shuyi.

Although they were holding a family gathering, Zhou Shuyi was their benefactor, so naturally they had to be invited.

"I still have something to do, so don't bother me!"

"Next, I'm going to Rustboro City!"

Zhou Shu also shook his head.

"Is that so?"

Dawn felt slightly regretful.

Zhou Shu also nodded.

"Dawn, let's part here!"

"Now the Rusturf Tunnel is also available, you can also come to Rustboro City to challenge the Gym!"

"Afterwards, when you go on the road and start challenging various gymnasiums, we should be able to meet again!"

Zhou Shu also laughed.

"That's right!"

The regret on Dawn's face quickly disappeared.

Instead, there is excitement and anticipation.

As long as their goals are the same, they will meet again one day.

"Be careful on the road, Shuyi!"

After bidding farewell to Zhou Shuyi.

Dawn left Rusturf Tunnel with Xiaoliang and Long Er, and went back to his Uncle's house.

Also after the three of Dawn left.

Along the Rusturf Tunnel, Zhou Shu went to Rustboro City.

"It's you?"

Just leave the Tunnel exit on the Rustboro City side.

Zhou Shu also saw an acquaintance near the tunnel.

That is the employee of Devon who I have helped twice.

Unexpectedly, he would be near this Rusturf Tunnel.

"haven't seen you for a long time!"

Zhou Shu also greeted each other with a smile.

"The core parts you entrusted to me have arrived!"

"Even the letter that President Zvoki entrusted me to send to Steven, I have successfully sent it!"

Zhou Shu also said.


"Thanks for your hard work!"

"Curator Kusnoji and Deputy Director Steven have already called us to explain!"

"Thank you so much, you helped us regain the core parts, and helped us deliver the core parts and letters!"

The employees of Devon Company looked grateful.

"This is my personal thank you, please accept it!"

After speaking, he took out a Poké Ball with a somewhat peculiar appearance and handed it to Zhou Shuyi.

"Is this Poké Ball `.?"

This unfamiliar Poké Ball aroused Zhou Shuyi's interest.

As for the Great Ball, she did see a store selling it in Mauville City.

But this kind of Poké Ball, she doesn't seem to have seen it in the store.

"This is one of the two new Poké Balls developed by Devon, called Repeat Ball!"

"If you want to subdue the Pokémon you have subdued before, the chances of successfully subdue it with Repeat Ball will be higher!"

Devon staff explained.

"Repeat Ball?"

"It looks really good!"

Zhou Shu also became interested.

Although it is said that she may not subdue the Pokémon she has subdued now, but she will not know in the future.

After all, Yomo can make Pokémon of the same species and different genders perform Soft Boiled or something.

If she is interested in the future, she will still subdue Pokémon of the same sex.


"Once the two Poké Balls were launched, they were well received!"

"Shops in Rustboro City are already on sale!"

"I came this time to see how the Rusturf Tunnel is doing!"

"If it has been opened, it can be transported and sold to other towns along Verdanturf Town!"

Devon staff said.

He already knew about Rusturf Tunnel.

After all, Zhou Shuyi seems to have come out of the Rusturf Tunnel.

Apparently, the Rusturf Tunnel has been opened.

Even if only one person can pass, it is enough to transport Poké Balls and other products.

"Before, the Rusturf Tunnel was still blocked by two boulders!"

"Just now I let Pokémon smash them with gravel!"

"Clean up the gravel, and it will be smooth!"

Zhou Shu also said.


"That would be great!"

With Zhou Shuyi's affirmation, the employees of Dewen Company were overjoyed again.

Because of the strong sense of trust Zhou Shuyi brought to them, he did not have any doubts about Zhou Shuyi's words.

"The president knows, Riding will be very happy!"

"I'll go back and tell the president!"

The employees of Devon Company were about to leave excitedly.

"Take me with you!"

"Exactly, I'm going to find President Zvoki too!"

Zhou Shu also said.

With the staff of Devon company leading the way, she could go all the way to the president's office.

Otherwise, after coming to Devon Company, you have to contact Zvqi first.

"no problem!"

"My car is nearby, I'll take you into it!"

Devon staff said without hesitation.

Take Zhou Shuyi to your parking place!

He drove Zhou Shuyi to Dewen Company.

Then, take Zhou Shuyi directly to see President Zifuqi.

Devon Company!

President's room!

Zhou Shu also came here again with the staff of Devon Company.

Still the old rules!

The staff of Devon went in first and reported to Zvokki.

Then, the group came in with her.

"Maybe I've figured it out!"

"Thank you so much for getting us through the Rusturf Tunnel!"

"Also, Steven has received the letter, thank you for your help!"

"This is the reward we agreed upon!"

Zvokki took out a machine with a somewhat strange shape.

"This is the new generation of Exp. Share newly developed by our Devon company!"

"No need to let Pokémon carry directly!"

"As long as it is turned on during the battle, in addition to the Pokémon participating in the battle can gain combat experience, even the Pokémon not participating in the battle can directly obtain 50% of the combat experience of the battle!"

"And, the all-round Attribute improvement brought by Pokémon's level-up will not be equally distributed to Pokémon who have not participated in the battle."

Zvokic said.

"Exp. Share?"

"Good stuff!"

After listening to Zifuqi's introduction, Zhou Shuyi's eyes were more than just 'bright'.

Simply sparkling!

Pokémon can share battle experience without fighting, so as to improve the level.

This is undoubtedly a leveling artifact!

Even if the share of experience is less, as long as the number increases, is it still not enough?

As long as you level up the Pokémon, you will have the ability to "spawn monsters" alone, and you don't need to be brought.

After that, you can play directly without using Exp. Share.

All in all, all sorts of bullshit!

"Then thank you!"

No embarrassment whatsoever.

Zhou Shu also accepted Zivqi's presentation directly and generously.

She accepts it with peace of mind!

"Damn it——"

"There is such a good thing!"

"I'm envious!"

"I can't train a single Pokémon, let alone have more. If there is Exp. Share, it will be fine!"

"Unfortunately, you can only get this Exp. Share after arriving in Verdanturf Town!"

"Whoever is with you in Verdanturf Town, just run away after delivering the letter, and go back the same way to Rustboro City to find Zvokki, or you will be there!"

"Oh yes, indeed!"

"In this way, when we play Verdanturf Town, isn't it possible that Pokémon's level will be higher than that of Zhou Jie?"

While the fans were sour with envy, their eyes lit up one by one.

It would be fine if they didn't know about Zvokki's thank you gift.

Now that you know it, it is absolutely impossible to miss it.

Don't waste your time!

When leaving Rustboro City, you can also use Exp. Share in Petalburg Woods to level up other Pokémon.

Simply the best of both worlds!

After accepting Exp. Share!

Zhou Shuyi was naturally fine.

After making an excuse, she left Devon directly.

Then, go back the same way and return to Verdanturf Town along the Rusturf Tunnel.

Finally, return to Mauville City from Verdanturf Town.

This wave of rushing took more than half an hour, and it was still relatively far away.

If there is no Mach bicycle, it will be slower with wind speed shoes alone.

Meanwhile, when returning near the exit of Verdanturf Town Rusturf Tunnel.

Zhou Shuyi also found other exits of the tunnel.

Also, a Black Glasses was found with the Treasure Hunting Machine.

However, this Black Glasses is of no use to her for the time being.

Because Black Glasses enhance the power of Dark Type skills.

There are no evil Pokémon on her body.

Not even a Pokémon that has mastered evil moves.

She simply used the Black Glasses as sunglasses and temporarily put them on her face.

Back in Mauville City!

Follow Route 111.

Zhou Shu also headed north and came to the boulder that blocked her way before.

Now that she has the secret skill gravel, she naturally doesn't have to worry about getting through.

"Come out, Combusken!"

Zhou Shu also released Combusken.

This time, she didn't release all four Pokémon with Rock Smash.

In fact, a Pokémon who knows Rock Smash is enough.

On this point, Combusken told her.

At most, it is a question of efficiency.

If the Rock is not too big, it is enough.

If it is too big, it will take a few more punches, which is not too slow.

"`" Rock Smash, crush the rock in front of you!"

Zhou Shu also said.


With a soft shout, Combusken punched Rock hard.


Only the sound of cracking was heard.

This Rock, which was not as big as the Rusturf Tunnel boulder, was immediately punched through by Combusken.

Then, it was beaten to pieces.

"Beautifully done, Yin Chicken!"

Zhou Shu also praised.

Ask Combusken to help clear the rubble.

She reclaimed Combusken and continued on her way north.

Riding a Mahe bicycle, Zhou Shuyi has not ridden very far!

At a corner, only a man and a woman appeared.

Most of them seem to be photographers and reporters.

After seeing Zhou Shuyi who came here, they walked forward enthusiastically, as if they wanted to interview Zhou Shuyi.

"Hello, we are Reporter from Hoenn Region TV Station!"

"I'm Marie, and he's Dai!"

"We are recording a fighting show where we meet Trainer on the street, do you have time to fight with us?"

I saw the female Reporter Marie speak.


"It's interesting, then let the horse come over!"

Zhou Shu also became interested immediately.

Does this count as being on TV?

Although it is said that it is in the game world, it is worth looking forward to.

Going on TV or something, this is two different things from being seen by others.

In contrast, naturally the former is more meaningful.


"Then let's get started!"

Seeing that Zhou Shuyi agreed, Marie was very happy.

With that said, she dispatched her own Pokémon.

That's a LV17 Whismur!

After Marie sent out her own Pokémon, the photographer on the side also released her own Pokémon.

It is also a Pokémon of level LV17.

Only not Whismur, but Magnemite,

"Whismur and Magnemite?"

(The money is good) "Then leave it to you!"

"Come out, Vigoroth, Aron!"

Zhou Shu also sent her own Pokémon.

If it is not a very important battle, or if there is no Pokémon on the verge of evolution.

Most of the time she will give it to lower-level or unevolved Pokémon to level them up.

Thanks to the help of Exp. Share.

The current Vigoroth is already at LV20.

Even Aron is LV23.

All have made more or less progress.

"Vigoroth and Aron?"

"Two Pokémon stronger than Whismur and Magnemite!"

"However, we will not admit defeat!"

After seeing Zhou Shuyi's two Pokémon.

Marie and Xiao Dai secretly swallowed.

"I am looking forward!"

Zhou Shu also smiled slightly.

Immediately, she gave orders to Vigoroth and Aron.

"Vigoroth, Aron, attack Magnemite with Rock Smash!"

Zhou Shu also said.

She was going to let Vigoroth and Aron finish off Magnemite first.

Although it is a two-player battle, a 2V2 battle, there is no requirement to fight in twos and ones.

It is a common thing to fight two against one, and it is also a tactic.


Zhou Shu also chose to deal with Magnemite first, in order to prevent Magnemite from using moves like Thunder Wave or Supersonic.

In this way, there will be more or less troubles.

"Caroo to-"


Get Zhou Shuyi's instructions.

Vigoroth and Aron looked at each other.

Immediately, a charge was launched to Magnemite at the same time.

Quickly approach the Magnemite aftermix.

Vigoroth's claws glowed, and the veins on his arms popped faintly.

Then, the Japanese fist hit Magnemite's body heavily.


After receiving such a heavy blow, Magnemite immediately let out a cry of pain.

Its body, crumbling, is about to fall.

It's just, don't wait for it to finish crying out in pain.

Aron appeared and bumped into it behind.

It's like a ball that gets hit around. .

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