Developing Pokemon, Sister Zhou Was Bitten By A Dog And Got Out Of The Circle

Chapter 93 Found The Huoyan Team Headquarters? Challenge Lavaridge Gym

"Blaziken, is this Blaziken? Kind of handsome!"

"My Earl Dervish Pokémon is also Torchic, now I'm more motivated!"

"Damn it! If it wasn't for Sister Zhou being an 'internal player' with lossless equipment, how could Sister Zhou have snatched the title of 'the first person to complete the evolution of Earl Dervish Pokémon'!"

"I'm so envious!"

See Zhou Shuyi's Blaziken completed the final evolution.

The fans are also very excited.

And.....envy envy!

Today is another sour and smelly day!


Looking at the excited face in front of him - Zhou Shuyi.

Blaziken was also very happy.

once Upon a time!

It is the first one to evolve in the team, and the scenery is infinite!

Later, it was preempted by Gardevoir and became the first person to complete the three stages of final evolution.

Now that he can catch up, he can be regarded as having regained his status.


Haven't been happy for long.

I saw Blaziken pointing to somewhere behind Zhou Shuyi, looking a little anxious.

"What's wrong?"

Zhou Shuyi didn't understand what Blaziken meant.

However, after turning around and looking in the direction Blaziken pointed.

She understood immediately.

Where did the Fire Rock team member go?

It seems that the other party took advantage of the time when Combusken evolved into Blaziken and slipped away quietly.

I don't know how the other party slipped away, so quietly.

Not even a single figure could be seen.

Could it be that there is a space opened up by the other party using Secret Power nearby, so he hid in it?

Zhou Shu was also surprised and suspicious.

Or, shake people and ask?

Thinking of this, Zhou Shushi directly asked the fans who watched the live broadcast.

"Did anyone see when the members of the Fire Rock team slipped away, and where did they slip away?"

Zhou Shu also asked.

"Team Fire Rock?"

"Ah this—"

"Painting at watching Blaziken evolve, don't you pay attention to a member of Team Fire Rock?"

"I really didn't see this!"

The fans are also bewildered one by one.

Presumably, if Zhou Shu didn't mention it.

They all forgot that Blaziken was after defeating a Pokémon from Team Fire Rock.

Once again promoted to a level of Combusken, the evolution begins.

Also at this time!

I saw a different barrage from a fan!

"I think I saw it!"

"Although the angle is not very good, the Fire Rock team member seems to have disappeared from the mountain wall he was standing on before!"

"Perhaps there is something hidden in that place?"

See these bullet screens!

Zhou Shu also looked slightly surprised.

If so, then her guess just now was right.

There is indeed a space opened up by Secret Power nearby, or a secret base opened up by other methods.

Thinking of this, Zhou Shu also came to the mountain wall where the Huoyan team was just now, and was about to conduct some investigation.

However, let her investigate.

But I couldn't find the entrance or the mechanism to enter it.

"Will you need any special props to get in?"

"Or, there are people inside to respond, and you have to be from the Huoyan team to fall asleep?"

Zhou Shu was also a little helpless.

If so, then she probably has to give up.

No need to waste time!

"never mind!"

"In the future, if you meet someone from the Huoyan team, just ask them and you'll know!"

Zhou Shu also shook his head.

At that time, she will know how to enter this secret base.

"I have a hunch, this shouldn't be Normal's Fire Rock team base!"

"Very likely, it will be the headquarters of the Huoyan team!"

"After all, Maxie and the others are going to wake up some Pokémon on Mt. Chimney."

"It's all done now, will definitely stay at Mt. Chimney to see if I get the results!"

Zhou Shu also expressed her guess.

"It really makes sense!"

"However, if this is really the headquarters of the Huoyan team, wouldn't it be very dangerous to go in!"

"Indeed, we will face it at that time, but Maxie's petty hatred!"

"Not only Maxie, but also the three Executives from the Fire Rock team!"

Fans are buzzing!

"That's right!"

"Then let's talk about the level after training!"

Zhou Shu also reacted to this matter belatedly.

If she went to something rashly, she was afraid that she would be directly killed in this base of Huoyan team.

It seems that leveling is imperative!

Leave the dodge where Team Fire Rock's HQ is!

Zhou Shu also continued to travel south, all the way down the mountain!

All the way through the mountains and mountains, and after defeating many NPC Trainers.


After passing through the last forest, she arrived outside Lavaridge Town!

"It's finally here!"

"I said that the Lavaridge Gym is the most twisted Gym. I don't think many people have any objections?"

Zhou Shu also felt a little bit overwhelmed.

Other gyms!

Often go directly to the local town, and the challenge can begin.

On the contrary, it is Lavaridge Town, going around and going around, and spared a big circle.

Only then can we get here and start challenging the Lavaridge Gym in Lavaridge Town!

"It really is!"

"This time, we are mentally prepared!"

Fans agree!

Shouldn't, start with the Lavaridge Gym.

If you want to challenge the gymnasium behind, you need to go through a lot of twists and turns, right?


It should be said that it started from the Petalburg gymnasium.

After all, the Petalburg Gym after the Lavaridge Gym can go directly to Petalburg City to challenge.

It should be the sixth gymnasium that continues to suffer.

"Old rules!"

"Go to the Pokémon center first!"

Zhou Shuyi rode a Mach bicycle straight to the Pokémon Center.


Her Pokémon became full of Contest Condition one by one.

You can go to the Lavaridge Gym at any time to fight with the owner Asha.


"What a pity!"

"If it's not live broadcasting right now, Mama Yuan will go soak in a hot spring!"

After leaving the Pokémon Center!

I saw Zhou Shuyi looked regretful.

Waiting for the Pokémon to finish healing.

She was chatting casually with Miss Joey.

Then, I was recommended to go to the hot springs in Buitiyan Town.

Only then did she know that Lavaridge Town is actually the hometown of hot springs.

This surprised her!

Soak in the hot springs!

This is a hot spring!

How long has it been since she experienced it in reality!

As a result, it can be experienced in the game?

This is really beautiful!

Eating and drinking, running, swimming, cycling, horseback riding, fishing, soaking in hot springs

There are so many real-life activities that you can experience in Pet Pokémon Emerald!

You can experience it with just 399!

It's the price of cabbage!

"Damn it, we won't let you have sex!"

"that is!"

"Go to the hot springs, go now!"

"Soak enough!"

"By the way, let's see how the hot springs in Lavaridge Town are like and how to experience them!"

I heard Zhou Shuyi say that.

The fans are not happy one by one.

After that, Zhou Shuji was instigated one by one.

Could it be that they didn't let Zhou Shuyi take a hot spring?

Obviously Zhou Shuyi didn't want to!


"piss off!"

"Why don't I soak now, don't you know?"

"A bunch of LSPs!"

"If it wasn't for the live broadcast, I would be spied on by many LSPs!"

"As early as when I came to the Napru Gym, I went to the Pokémon Center to open a room and take a shower!"

Zhou Shu also rolled her eyes.

These little bastards don't even have a heart!

Or, you know what you're doing, but you're pretending to be serious here.

"Where is the LSP?"

"that is!"

"We helped Sister Zhou get out of the live broadcast room so that Sister Zhou could soak in the hot spring!"

"Type the words 'hot spring' on the public screen!"

Fans started acting cute and pretending to be stupid.

'Torment' to fans

Zhou Shuyi just ignored it!

"All right!"

"I won't push you too much!"

"Go and beat the Lavaridge Gym first, and then download it directly!"

"Calculate the time, it's almost time!"

"It's past twelve o'clock!"

Zhou Shu also glanced at the real time displayed on the VR device.

Now, she is a little tired.

It's not brought by the VR equipment, but I feel a little sleepy when the time comes.


Zhou Shu also found the Lavaridge Gymnasium, and went to the Lavaridge Gymnasium to start her own challenge.

Enter the Lavaridge Gym!

Zhou Shu can also feel that it is different from all previous gymnasiums.

First of's stuffy!

There is a feeling of entering a sauna.

However, it is not as hot as the sauna room.

And that's it!

In front of and even the entire gymnasium, there are bursts of water vapor, which seems to interfere with the vision.

In this kind of environment!

It is bound to consume more physical strength and energy.

As far as willpower is concerned, it is also a big test!

"Is it the challenger?"

While Zhou Shuyi was observing her surroundings.

I saw the referee from the Lavaridge gymnasium appear.


Zhou Shu also nodded.

"You should be visiting Lavaridge Gym for the first time!"

"Next, let me explain to you the challenge rules of the Lavaridge Gym!"

the referee said.

Immediately, he explained to Zhou Shuyi the challenge rules of the Lavaridge Gym.

"Master Asha, the owner of our Lavaridge gymnasium, is on the high platform above!"

"As long as you can defeat the disciples you meet in the gymnasium, and find the elevator spring to the high platform, and come in front of Lord Yasha, you will be eligible to challenge the owner of the gymnasium, Master Yasha!"

"The above are the challenge rules of the Lavaridge Gym!"

"If you are ready, you can start to challenge now!"

the referee said.

"Another new way of doing things differently than the Mauville Gym's electrical trap?"

"It's interesting!"

Zhou Shu also nodded slightly.

Now she likes this kind of "warm-up activity" before challenging the gymnasium owner every time

At least, it's fun!

The next moment, Zhou Shushi started her own challenge.

Before taking a few steps, she saw a 'trap' on the ground.

0……… Ask for flowers…………………

Guess it's what the referee said just now

The elevator springs up.

Thinking of this, Zhou Shuyi stepped directly into it, and was about to experience this elevator spring.

However, at the moment when the whole person stepped on it, she didn't feel the feeling of 'rising'.

Instead, the whole person fell down and came to the lower floor.

"Scare me so much shit!"

"The referee didn't say that this thing has a drop!"

Zhou Shu also complained.


After such a fall, she was fine.

An elevator-style fountain below spewed out part of the water, and caught her firmly.

By the way... gave her a bath!

Although it was a little uncomfortable to be wet, but being hit by the water flow made her feel much more comfortable.

"Could this spring water be hot spring water?"

After smelling part of the sulfur smell brought by the spring, Zhou Shu also guessed.

It's hot and smells like hot spring water.

She wouldn't believe it if it wasn't a hot spring!

"never mind!"


Zhou Shuyi soon ignored this point.

It's all down, and it's time to explore around.

In the north, it is a high platform that cannot be climbed up.

To the west and south is a wall.

Then, we can only go east!

Although it is possible for Gardevoir to use Confusion to send himself up, since finding the elevator spring leading to Asha is one of the challenges of the Lavaridge gymnasium.

Then, of course, this cannot be done.

If you do that, it's probably...cheating?

After a walk to the east!

Soon, Zhou Shu also discovered the second elevator spring.

She's going to Stomp up and see where it leads.

However, don't wait for her to step on it.

A figure emerged from the spring and appeared in front of her.

"A new challenger?"

"Let me see your strength!"

The man who emerged from the spring said.

"Is it a gym disciple?"

"This Lavaridge Gym really doesn't do any personnel work at all!"

"It doesn't matter if the elevator spring is scary, even the disciples of the gymnasium appearing out of nowhere are scary!"

Zhou Shu also complained.

She felt a lot of malice from the Lavaridge Gym.

Simply inappropriate!

When Zhou Shuyi complained!

Gym disciples have released their first Pokémon.

A LV22 Slugma!

Compared with the disciples of the gymnasium in Mauville, the disciples of the gymnasium in Lavaridge Town are at least 5 levels stronger.

In this wave, it was the vines from Dewford Town who came to challenge the Lavaridge gymnasium, and they all had to be defeated by the disciples of the Lavaridge Town gymnasium?

However, if there is only such a level, it is not enough for her to sweep away!

"Come out, Blaziken!"

Zhou Shu also sent out her own Trump Card directly.

She was too lazy to waste time on these little guys, and planned to crush them directly.

As for sending other Pokémon with relatively low levels to fight and level up?

With Exp. Share, a bug-level upgrade artifact, she didn't need to do this.

Anyway, my other Pokémon can share half of the combat experience to complete the upgrade.

It's better to keep the strongest Pokémon on.

In this way, the level of Blaziken can be pulled up as much as possible!

Otherwise, just the Blaziken of LV36.

After meeting Maxie, Archie and the others, if they fight, she is not Rival.

One trick one!

Soon, Zhou Shuyi defeated the gym disciple in front of him.

"I lost!"

"If it's you, you should defeat Yada Celestial Man!"

The gymnasium disciple looked frustrated.

After finishing speaking, he came to the spring where he appeared just now, and jumped directly.

Go ahead and Dive into hiding!

By the way, sad spit bubbles!

One move at a time, he was depressed by Zhou Shu's beating!

See gym disciples continue to Dive to scare others.

Zhou Shuyi also stopped talking to the other party!

Judging from this situation, the Yongquan where the disciples of the gymnasium is located is probably useless!

She continued eastward and began to explore the nearby roads to see if there was an elevator spring.

However, after inspecting it once!

She came away disappointed!

On the road behind, there is only a high platform in the north.

Other, nothing!

She had to go back the same way.

Go back to the elevator spring you fell from in the first place!

After trying to kick Stomp up!

As the spring under her feet began to exert strength, she was successfully sent to the first floor.

By the way, I was showered again.

"continue searching!"

After returning to this floor!

Zhou Shu also started her own exploration.

This time, only the northern road can be explored.

At the apex of the north road, she saw an elevator spring.

Presumably, this elevator fountain can take her to new areas and floors.

As Zhou Shuyi thought!

After she stepped on it!

She came to another area!

It's just that this elevator spring, like the one just now, is also downward.

This almost didn't startle her again!

However, that wasn't what bothered her the most.

Because, after walking for a while, she saw many elevator springs.


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