Ninja World

"Naruto, Sasuke, Isshiki, who are they related to?"

"This video has nothing to do with us, right? It's just for us to see how Konoha was humiliated and didn't resist?"

"Tsk tsk tsk, people can come and go freely in the Hokage's office, Konoha's defense is not good enough"

"Haha, put more, I like it, let Konoha brag about being the leader of the five major ninja villages every day, that's it? That's it?"

"That's right! Why do you always go to Konoha when you have a mission?"

"Are you sure this is a joke? Didn't you see the opening scene? Just ask which of the major ninja villages can compare to this?"

"At least it's a joke now!"

Although I don't know what this sky curtain is for, it doesn't prevent the major ninja villages from watching Konoha's joke.

"Sasuke......."Uchiha Itachi, who was returning to the Akatsuki base, stopped.

Samsara Eye, the power of the Six Paths Sage, the power of God that Pain often talked about, will Sasuke get Samsara Eye in the future? Uchiha Itachi thought about the video shared by Crow before, who is the Otsutsuki Isshiki who injured Sasuke?

The Land of Waves

"real���It's me." After getting the confirmation, Sasuke became confused again.

Why is it such a strange code name, Samsara Eye? Naruto is called a fox because of the Nine-Tails, so Samsara Eye should be my eyes, but my eyes are obviously Sharingan, is it called wrong?

"Ahhh! Teacher Kakashi, why did you just let him go? Beat up that rude bastard!"Naruto grabbed his hair and looked at the white-haired, horned man who kept barking like a fox on the screen. He was so angry.

"Naruto, be quiet!" Sakura punched the noisy Naruto on the head.

Kakashi looked at Otsutsuki Momoshiki. He knew very well that he was not a good-tempered person. The fact that he could tolerate Otsutsuki Momoshiki on the light screen only showed that he was really strong and Konoha could not afford to provoke him. He obviously valued Naruto and Sasuke very much. What would the future of these two students be like?

【"Wait!" Kakashi stopped him.

"You ran to the Hokage's office in the middle of the night to look for Naruto because the matter was urgent and needed to be kept secret. What were you afraid of?........That Isshiki. Tell me, I will send a message to Naruto and Sasuke, asking them to come back as soon as possible. Kakashi looked at Momoshiki, hoping he could tell him his purpose.

Momoshiki stopped and looked at Kakashi indifferently.

‘Just a lowly creature, if it weren't for the pressure from Yishi........’

Momoshiki thought angrily.

"You are an inferior creature. You think that you can be kicked out of the human race just because you have two horns on your head."

"What about the Anbu? Will there be no one left in Konoha in the future? Just watching the Hokage being bullied"

"He can't really be a non-human, right? Then what kind of person with horns is a monster?"

"What's wrong with having horns? There are people who look like sharks. What a trick!"

"Haha, I thought he was so powerful, but he is still afraid of that move."

"This Otsutsuki Momoshiki seems to be very afraid of Naruto and Sasuke. Kakashi even threatened him with Naruto and Sasuke.

"It seems that Naruto and Sasuke will be very powerful in the future!" Sarutobi Hiruzen said with relief


Amazing? One is sealed and the other is seriously injured. Amazing?" Shimura Danzo taunted.

"Is Hatake Kakashi threatening him with that Naruto and Sasuke?"

"If you don't tell me what you are here for, why don't you ask Naruto and Sasuke to come back?"

"Who are Naruto and Sasuke? They are so arrogant that they don't even take the Hokage seriously, but they are so afraid of this Naruto and Sasuke."

"Hey, did he think at first that the person in the Hokage's office was the one called Naruto?"

"The one called Naruto is also the Hokage?"

"How many Hokage do they have in Konoha?"

"In the beginning scene, there are seven Hokages on the rock. This Hatake Kakashi is the sixth Hokage........The one called Naruto is the Seventh Hokage?"

"I know Hatake Kakashi, but who is that Naruto?"

"Has Konoha reached the point where a nobody becomes Hokage?"

"Anyway, Konoha has lost all its dignity now."

"Hey, Hokage is an inferior creature."

Everyone in the Ninja World: Although I don't understand this, it doesn't stop me from diss Konoha (laughs).

Wave Country

"It seems that Otsutsuki Momoshiki is here to find you to deal with Otsutsuki Isshiki."Kakashi looked at Naruto and Sasuke and said

""Eh? Who is Otsutsuki Isshiki?" Naruto asked stupidly.

"The last one, are you the memory of a fish? Isshiki Otsutsuki is the one who sealed you."Sasuke wants to pry open Naruto's head to see what's inside?

"Oh, that's the one who will kill Sasuke and make him run away."Naruto is very good at grasping the key points.


""Ah! Sasuke, what are you doing!" Naruto held his head and shouted

"Ha! I'll teach you a lesson." Sasuke removed the hand that had just hit Naruto on the head and sneered.

【"Isshiki is going to plant the sacred tree. After a moment of silence, Momoshiki answered Kakashi's question.

"He wants to feed you to the Ten-Tails as a living sacrifice."Kakashi thought of the young Ten-Tails he saw in the base of the Kara Organization mentioned in Sasuke's scroll, and frowned and said solemnly

"You know a lot. Tao Shiki snorted.

"After all, Sasuke has collected a lot of information about the Otsutsuki." Kakashi said.】

Konoha Village

"Uh, what is the sacred tree?"

"Kakashi's expression is very solemn. Is planting the sacred tree a serious matter?"

"What is the Ten Tails? Aren't there only the One to Nine Tails?"

"Why did Uchiha Sasuke collect information about Otsutsuki?"

"Haha, it turns out that this arrogant guy is just fodder."

"Do you know what the Ten-Tails is?"

"I don't know! But it should be the tailed beast."

"It seems like he is here to ask for help, but he is so arrogant even when asking for help!"

The people of Konoha have been frustrated for so long, and now they have finally regained 10% of their strength.

"The sacred tree? The Ten Tails?" Sarutobi Hiruzen cast a puzzled look at everyone. The information in the sky was becoming more and more incomprehensible.

"this.......Aren't there only one to nine tailed beasts?" Everyone was also very puzzled.

All over the ninja world.

The ninja world who were just watching the show were also confused. As we all know, there are nine tailed beasts, so where did the ten tails come from?

The tailed beasts who were also watching the show were much more horrified than the ninja world who didn't understand: Huh? We are still here, where did the ten tails come from!

"Yo~, stupid brother, Hachi said the Ten-Tails is scary, scary, scary~, be careful, Yeah~"Killer Bee said to the Raikage Ai

"Hmm? What exactly is the Ten-Tails?"Raikage Ai asked

"Xiao Ba didn't say, Yeah~"Kirabi Road

‘Really are.......It's really him, Isshiki Otsutsuki, why hasn't he died yet, and he wants to plant the sacred tree! 'Black Zetsu's mind was in a mess.

Uchiha Obito looked at Black Zetsu, whose mood was obviously wrong, and became more and more suspicious. Is he really the will of the old man? And isn't the Ten Tails used to realize the Eye of the Moon? Why did the sky curtain say that a living sacrifice was needed to plant the sacred tree.

If the Eye of the Moon plan went wrong, Uchiha Obito felt as if his chest was tied tightly and he couldn't breathe. 'Rin, Minato teacher, Master's wife, and.......

Kakashi. He lowered his head, the feeling of suffocation surged towards him like a tide, and his chest was filled with a fishy and sweet nausea.

""Ugh!" Naruto held his stomach and cried out

""Naruto, what's wrong with you?" Sakura looked over with some concern.

Sasuke and Kakashi also looked over at Naruto.

"Kurama, the big fox, seems very excited?" Naruto was also a little confused."It seems that when Kakashi teacher on the light screen mentioned the Ten Tails, Kurama was particularly excited!"

"The Nine-Tails knows what the Ten-Tails is? That's right, after all, they are all tailed beasts."Sasuke was a little confused, but he was relieved after thinking it through.

"Naruto, can you communicate with the Nine-Tails?"Sasuke said

"It seems impossible."Naruto thought for a moment and replied

"Naruto has the Eight Trigrams Seal on him, which can extract the Nine-Tails' chakra as Naruto's own chakra, and can also protect Naruto from the Nine-Tails. The seal is now very tight, unless Naruto's emotions fluctuate too much, he should not be able to sense the Nine-Tails."Kakashi checked Naruto's seal and explained to the three little ones.

What exactly is the Ten-Tails? It can make the Nine-Tails so excited that it can break through the seal and pass its emotions to Naruto. Kakashi thought of his solemn look on the light screen, this must be very important.

‘If I extract the chakra of the tailed beast as my own chakra, will I have strong power?' Sasuke's eyes lit up slightly. He was really tired of feeling powerless. He needed power, power to kill that man and avenge him, power to protect him.......

‘Protection? Protection.......Who? Sasuke was a little stunned.

""Sasuke, what's wrong with you?" Naruto pulled the dazed Sasuke and asked

"Nothing." Sasuke returned to his usual indifferent self.

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